Remember our song

By finchelstories

10K 185 13

{sequel to our song} Santana and Rachel are back for their senior year but with a brand new personality. Wil... More

We're back
The old rachel
Star records
Court day preparations
The trial
Nick garcia
The verdict
Dream house
Slut shaming
Nationals part 1
The game
Nationals part 2
Nationals part 3
Part 3


219 3 1
By finchelstories

It's been a couple hours and the movie just ended, it was pretty late when we got back anyway so I assume that the guys are both asleep. Kurt retuned halfway through the movie and when we informed him of our plan causing him to get all excited.

Santana gets up and she silently walks towards the door of our joining rooms whilst Kurt and I lay down on our beds. I hear the small click of the opening door and pray that they didn't hear. Luckily, it sounds like my prayers were answered because after a minute of making sure they were soundly asleep, she headed into the room.

I head inside and the room is filled with snores, I tiptoe to Finn's bed and see his phone charging on his bedside table. I sit on the floor and reach up to get it, because if he did wake up at this moment the odds are he won't see me.

As my hand is centimetres away, it makes a loud vibrating noise and I drop my hand and cover my mouth, I stay completely silent for a couple of minutes until I'm confident that he didn't wake up. I make a swift grab of the phone and crawl back into my room before silently closing the door.

I go over to Rachel and Kurt and whisper "I'm back" and they shoot up. They both sit cross legged over the covers on Rachel's bed and I do the same. Time to see what this bitch has been saying.

Santana turns the phone on and I'm firstly greeted with two things. The first being a picture of me at my modelling shoot, I smile at the fact that every time he opens his phone he's greeted by me. However my smile fades when I see a message from a few minutes ago from no other then 'Delilah'. We all share a look and I quickly type In the password; the date we got together, the same as mine.

Santana takes charge as she can see my hesitance, I feel really guilty about invading his privacy and Santana can definitely tell.

"Look B, If you're this uncomfortable I can take it back and we can pretend this never happened. I know you feel like you're invading his privacy but just think that we wouldn't have to do this if he didn't give you a reason to" she says and I nod whilst Kurt agreed, I know she's right so she clicks the messages app and clicks her name.

First we look at her most recent message that she sent not long ago, which according to santana nearly woke up finn.

Hey Finn, it was great to see you again tonight I've missed you! Give me a call before you head back I'd love to get together again- Delilah

"What does she mean again?" I voice my opinions.

"She probably means when we were all the bar" kurt shrugs and we begin to scroll to the top of their messages. We scroll past what seems like a couple of hundred messages, to my relief the majority come from her. We stop at the first conversation.

Hey Finn, it's me Delilah. I had a really great time with you tonight ;) -Delilah

Me too, it was fun :) -Finn

It's reassuring to see that his texts are completely innocent, Santana starts to quickly scan some messages and stops at one that she thinks I should see.

Hey Finn, I miss you :( how's Ohio -Delilah

It's good, pretty cold though, nothing like LA -Finn

Maybe I could come and warm you up ;) -Delilah

Thank god finn didn't reply to that text because wow. Santana looked furious like me whilst kurt looked disgusted. We bring our attention to another exchange between the two on the screen.

Hey Finn, I need your opinion on something -Delilah

Um sure what's up? -Finn

I've been on a recent shopping spree but I'm not sure about this particular buy -Delilah

I won't lie you to, I'm not good with fashion advice -Finn

Oh finny, you're so funny. I'll send you a pic -Delilah

All of our jaws dropped as she sent a picture in her underwear. That's right you heard correctly, her freaking underwear.

Um does that really matter, I mean it goes under the clothes anyway? -Finn

Oh come on finny, I just need your help -Delilah

They're nice -Finn

Just nice? Ugh I'll return them :( -Delilah

Ummm no I mean they look really good Delilah -Finn

Are you sure? I feel kind of fat -Delilah

U look good seriously you're not fat -Finn

I felt a mixture of pain and fury, Santana looked the same except she was filled with pure fury and Kurt was filled with shock.

I mean yeah I get he kind of just felt bad, but the minute she sent a picture in her underwear he should have told her that it wasn't acceptable and when I explained that to Kurt and San they completely agreed.

I mean this was 1 week ago and I wouldn't be as mad if he had told me that he was put in an awkward position but he didn't say anything.

"You guys feel free to keep looking but I don't want to see that anymore. Just make sure to return the phone when you're done" i sigh as I lay down and try to sleep. I hear Santana and Kurt muttering in the distance before they leave the room.

We move to the living room so that Rachel can't hear us. "This is cheating Kurt" she whispers and I sigh.

"I don't know, I mean yeah there's a few flirty exchanges but it's not cheating" I say and she shrugs.

We continue to read more texts between the two, some are similar to the ones we saw with Rachel whilst others are from Delilah that finn just ignored.

When we've seen them all, I pull out my own phone and I add her number to my contacts. Kurt immediately knows what I'm doing and he gets all excited.

"I feel like I'm in pretty little liars" he squeals and claps whilst I roll my eyes playfully.

Stay away from Finn -?

I look at the message I typed out and I'm somewhat satisfied, I hit send and I'm surprised to get and immediate reply because of how late it is.

Who's this? -Delilah

I'll be your worst nightmare if you carry on to throw yourself at him slut -?

Kurt and I giggled as we crafted that message, we sound scary yet somehow amusing.

And who's this? His girlfriend with the big beak? -Delilah

Oh no she didn't, she did not just go there.

Actually little miss fake boobs, it's not. I'm someone who can make your life a living hell, so don't test me. Also you look disgusting in your underwear -?

We giggle and she doesn't reply, I quickly return Finn's phone to where I found it and me and Kurt go to bed, Rachel is already asleep with a sad expression on her face. Me and Kurt decided not to tell her about the texts with her on my phone, she would just worry even more.

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