Obey Me: x reader scenarios

By knightfelix

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Fluff and sickfic scenarios for Obey Me! ♡ all the demon brothers + Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, Simeon! ♡ gen... More

You see them in their demon form (and it terrifies you) - Part I
You see them in their demon form (and it terrifies you) - Part II
When you say 'bless you' when they sneeze
If you experience period pain - Part I
If you experience period pain - Part II
When you're trying not to act sick (but you obviously are)
When they eat something too spicy at a restaurant
When they're sick with a cold - Part I
When they're sick with a cold - Part II
When they see you walking home in the rain
Things they'll let you do and no one else - Part I
Things they'll let you do and no one else - Part II
When they need a hug but can't ask
You're in danger and they come to you - Part I
You're in danger and they come to you - Part II
When you can't stop crying
When you towel-dry their hair - Part I
When you towel-dry their hair - Part II
He needs aftercare after you control him with the pact
When you start working at the school Host Club
They have allergies/hayfever- Diavolo, Barbatos
They have allergies/hayfever- Simeon, Solomon
They make up with you after a fight - Lucifer
They make up with you after a fight - Satan
He blames himself for you getting hurt - Barbatos
When they accidentally call you a pet name
If they get the hiccups
You see them in cute/silly pajamas - Part I
You see them in cute/silly pajamas - Part II
You lose your memories- Diavolo/you/Lucifer- I
You lose your memories- Diavolo/you/Lucifer- II
When they're clingy with you- Dia, Barb, Solo, Simeon!
But you're not actually sick (are you?)- Solomon- I
But you're not actually sick (are you?)- Solomon- II
When you kiss their forehead
When you ask to do their makeup - Part I
When you ask to do their makeup - Part II
You open up about past trauma - Diavolo, Solomon
You are sensitive to kindness - Barbatos, Simeon
When you fall asleep on them - Part I
When you fall asleep on them - Part II
When you turn into a cat - Part I
When you turn into a cat - Part II
Soft domestic fluff- Simeon/Barbatos/you
Soft domestic fluff- Solomon/Asmo/you
You get lost and they're worried sick- Diavolo/you/Lucifer - I
You get lost and they're worried sick- Diavolo/you/Lucifer - II
When you accidentally tickle them
If you cover their mouth to hush them
Sleepy cuddles with them in bed
Would you rather: hurt/comfort edition
When you call them cute

When you see them cry

20.4K 398 158
By knightfelix


He can cry if he reflects on an occasion that was very sad or solemn, though he'll also feel grateful for the happy memories he has of that time too. If he does need to cry though, Diavolo doesn't mind letting you see something like that. His expression tends to remain unchanged, so you've gotten a surprise in the past when a couple of tears splashed down his cheeks and you didn't realise it was coming. He likes and appreciates it if you hold his face or wipe his tears with your thumbs, but he would never ask or impose on you, he's grateful to have your presence and support no matter how you react.


You've only ever seen him cry once. You, Diavolo and Barbatos were standing at the lake of Diavolo's castle one evening, and Diavolo was reminiscing about the last time he saw his father many hundreds of years ago. Diavolo didn't even mean for this to be a sad story, but when he gets to the part where he hadn't actually known that would be the last time, you notice subtle tears welling in Barbatos's eyes (you understand, your eyes are clouding too).

Diavolo immediately stops, astonished as he looks at you both, and Barbatos bows as he sincerely apologises, asking Diavolo to please excuse his behaviour. Diavolo says there's absolutely no need, trying to joke and cheer you both up by saying now he's truly a terrible host, reducing his companions to tears with his poor company.

Diavolo tells you both that he's genuinely grateful to have his closest companions care about him so much, and asks if you could please humour him one last time and allow him to apologise for upsetting you (then laughs when Barbatos jokingly accuses him of making you both cry all over again).


Will stare very hard into the distance, his expression grave and untouchable. A single tear will slip from one eye and he won't bring himself to fix it, even if he notices you've seen. Lucifer won't reach for you or make any sign that he wants your comfort, he won't lean down either if you try to hug him.

If you make him sit down and draw his face against your shoulder, his expression will look a bit more stricken as he presses his face into you, but he'll only do that if he's hidden in your shirt and knows you can't see. You can feel his shoulders twitch, but he won't cry for too long. He doesn't act ashamed or reluctant with you afterwards, he'll quietly sit with you for a while after he's done, silently thanking you for holding him.


Mammon is the last to admit he cries easily, usually quite loudly and messily even if it's happy-tears. His nose usually starts running immediately and he'll use his sleeve to mop it up, which earns him criticism to no end if the others see. But he'll put up just as much protest in return and say everyone else is hard-hearted if they're not cryin' at the same thing.

Even if he tries to use a tissue to blow his nose, he'll get yelled at for being gross, so Mammon is actually completely caught off-guard the first time you see him cry and just pull him into a gentle cuddle instead. He sniffles, then accusingly tells you that you know he's messing-up your shirt right? He'll lean his face softly into your neck if you rub his back, not used to feeling so comforted and not wanting to say anything yet in case he messes it up and you let go (you wouldn't, you don't).


Makes a lot of sobby-hiccupy noises, will constantly wipe his face on his knuckles and the back of his hand, his frame usually gives a little jump with each sob or sound he makes. Levi tends to keep crying for a long time, as if he can't stand being like this and is therefore holding most of it back. He'll also keep commenting that he must look incredibly gross and that you must be so yucked-out and disappointed to have someone like him close to you.

You make sure he knows how much you care about him and that isn't the case (if you remind him of something sweet or funny he's done that meant the world to you, Levi will keep saying '...r-r-really?? it did?' as if he can't believe you even remember something like that and you have his loyalty for all eternity). He's also incredibly grateful if you remind him to breathe, or help calm him down with slow breathing exercises until he can stop trembling.


He'll keep angrily talking through his tears, as if he has to explain himself and his behaviour and he's not stopping until he's done. His pale cheeks flush quite a bit when he cries, which is something Satan definitely doesn't like but can't do much to help. His expression is mostly a glare afterwards, he won't acknowledge his tears or make any move to dry his face. If you get out a handkerchief for him, he'll thank you and stiffly take it, but he'll leave the room to fix himself up. He'll apologise when he returns, trying to express that he appreciates your kindness in moments like this (you tell him you're here for him and there's nothing to be sorry for).


You've seen him cry when he's tipsy, and then once when he was furious at his brothers and stormed from the room. There aren't many arguments that can make Asmo teary rather than snarky, and when you find him later he sighs and admits he probably needed a good cry. He asks somewhat hopefully if you found it a little bit sweet to see him like that. You know he's in need of comfort and validation, and you tell him gently that you probably would have found it sweet if you weren't worried to see him so upset. You say that you definitely would have dried his tears if you'd found him a bit earlier, and Asmo seems so charmed and touched by this idea that he tries to look into his bedroom light for at least a minute, hoping to make his eyes water again so that you can.


He wakes up from a nightmare in the middle of the night, his cheeks are wet. He gingerly touches his face, as if confused to find that he must've been crying. He's quiet and solemn and as you hold his face in your hands and smooth away the tears, then gives a low sniffle as he smiles at you. Beel will softly tell you what the nightmare was about if you ask, but he won't go into too much detail, not wanting to upset you too. You make him a hot drink and midnight snack, making sure he feels better before he goes back to sleep.


He'd like to be held in your lap when he's in tears. Instead, what more often happens is that the tears come when he's alone, and he's not exactly going to wander around looking for you just so he can make you miserable. He also knows he has to be careful, he's more likely to be too honest or make a snappish remark when he's upset, and he doesn't want his frustration to be taken out on you. The most he can bring himself to do is text you something sweet or funny when he's crying, because then you'll text something sweet or funny back, and he'll be able to look at your text and smile, as if you were right there.

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