When you towel-dry their hair - Part I

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[ I have so many cute scenarios I've been wanting to write and now I'm almost on holidays!! I'm so excited !! c': ]

Part I - Diavolo, Barbatos, Lucifer, Mammon

You're sitting opposite him in his bed, Diavolo's hair is still wet from taking a bath, his towel around his shoulders making his nightshirt slightly damp too. "What's wrong?" Diavolo looks genuinely concerned as he notices you staring. When you ask if he's going to go to sleep with wet hair, Diavolo blinks and tries not to look touched, he can understand well enough that you're looking out for him. "Ah... I was." He laughs a little as you frown, bowing his head and finding it very sweet that you care. He looks even more endeared as you tug the towel from his shoulders and sit up on your knees, he keeps gazing at you like this is the softest thing anyone's ever done for him, then squinting and loudly laughing as you gently ruffle the towel through his hair. He keeps leaning into your touch, he's completely charmed by your attention and makes himself quite pliant and obedient for your task. He beams at you when you're done, looking at his mess of hair and sincerely thanking you for looking after him, saying that felt really nice.


While he's making a hot drink for you, you notice a towel folded over his chair, and you take it into your arms. Barbatos has momentarily turned away, his nose crumpling as water drips from his fringe. You want to do something to look after him too, and even if he says no, that's okay too. When you gently spread the towel in both your hands, Barbatos looks at you with such a surprised, heartfelt expression that you wonder why you were ever shy to ask. Barbatos sits in front of you while you squeeze and comb out his hair, he keeps peeking open his eyes to look up at you, then laughing softly, his smile warm and silly as he lets you make this fuss. Just for fun, you comb his hair into as many different partings as you can think of, and Barbatos just keeps squinting in amusement and apology when it keeps falling back into the same style (he gently leans his head against you when you say you like it this way).


He stiffens as you approach him with a towel, you'd expect a similar reaction if you were trying to sneak up on him with some sort of net. Then, even though he holds still to allow it, the moment the towel falls over his eyes, his hand leaps up to abruptly seize your wrist, causing you to immediately yelp "Lucifer!" He releases your wrist, snapping "I'm sorry!" at the same moment. You move the towel aside and see his cheeks have heated uncomfortably, he isn't pleased with himself for his reaction. You're about to tell him it's okay, you don't have to dry his hair, but then his expression darkens further, his gaze somehow pleading with you not to say it. He lowers his head to ask you to continue, and for a few tense moments you hesitate. But then when Lucifer closes his eyes, feeling that he's not going to get another chance, you tentatively squeeze the towel through the back of his hair. You keep going, then gently move round to his front as Lucifer slowly lets out the breath he'd been holding. He raises his hand to loosely grasp the hem of your nightshirt instead, for no other reason than to know that you're there.


He beams at you like this is all he's ever wanted, curling up and nudging his head into your lap even though that doesn't exactly make it easy for you to get the towel around his hair. But he looks so blissful and content that you laugh and manage anyway, watching Mammon helplessly smile as you muss his hair. He doesn't even begin to pretend that this isn't his favourite night ever to have his hair constantly petted by you, he ends up looking incredibly tousled and disheveled with his hair in every direction. He gets really sleepy as soon as you're done, mumbling thank you and that was really soothing, before he wraps his arms around your waist and drifts into a heavy sleep, forgetting that he's still using you as a pillow.

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