When you kiss their forehead

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[ is anyone else listening to Levi's otaku FM podcast? it's really adorable and funny, the last episode (#2) was like nonstop giggling from Satoshi and Hirotaka (Levi & Mammon), it was the best :_)) ]


He gives you the most touched and adoring smile like you're his whole world, then cutely leans down or rests his head on his arm, softly mumbling "..what did I do?" as he tries to figure out how he could have possibly done something cute enough to warrant such an adorable reaction from you. He very much hopes that you might do it again.


He goes bright red before he can do anything to help it, he can't even meet your eyes because looking at you will only make matters worse. He wants to express that he found what you did quite sweet, even if it was unwarranted as he hasn't done anything particularly special that he's aware of. What he actually manages to say is "..v-very well then?"


He'll scrunch his nose and give a small, surprised laugh, as if kissing him on the forehead somehow tickled. Then he'll give you a stranger, more inscrutable look like you're sharing some sort of secret that you have no idea about, before he has to break the mysterious mood by rubbing the bridge of his nose, laughing again and confirming your suspicions that for some reason that really did tickle.


He makes a happy 'awwwe...' sound, you just brightened his whole day. He beams and then kisses your hand to say thanks, he needed that.


His first reaction is to twitch his head and glare, finding himself ill-prepared to react a little more serenely. You find his affronted manner a bit cute, but you're not about to rile him up even further by mentioning it. In truth, Lucifer's not surprised that he was so prickly toward this gesture, which he feels is far below him, but he is surprised that he feels a little regretful afterwards. He knows it would be fair of you to assume he didn't like it, but for some reason he wishes you (and only you) might do that again.


"Wh...wha-? Do I look like a baby to you, is that it??" Mammon's eyes go wide as he stumbles backward, absurdly flustered. What he desperately wants is to know why you just did that, because some people might see it as a sign of affection. If you say sure, Mammon is your baby, Mammon will splutter and cross his arms and avert his gaze, muttering "r-right. Well, ya better not forget it! 'Cause... 'cause I won't.."


Levi blinks, then he giggles as he tells you that in the Devildom, kissing someone on the forehead generally means that you care about them, or want to protect them, or that you feel soft toward them or like them. Then he goes very still as you tell him that it means the same thing in the human world. There's a moment of silence before Levi starts wailing like he's been stung by a bee, he keeps babbling your name and telling you that you have to warn him next time, a homebody like him wasn't ready for you to do something so sweet and adorable and melt his stupid heart in one second.


He quietly mutters your name, feeling quite embarrassed that all it took was for you to kiss him on the forehead and he's completely brought to heel, he's literally on the verge of reminding you that he'll always be your demon, he'd do anything for you and do it gladly. Then he swallows and looks quite annoyed, hoping that gesture meant as much to you as it did him.


He gives an adoring giggle like you've touched the very depths of his affection-loving soul, then tilts his head upwards, wanting more surprise kisses on his cheeks and nose too. He'll flail and cuddle you if you oblige, beaming at you like you're his bright star in the darkness and saying that he feels very spoiled and loved.


He'll stare at you blankly, then ask if he had something on his forehead. If you say "nooooo.." and start laughing, he'll still politely wipe his mouth with a napkin, still wondering if this was some cute way you have for telling him he has something on his face. If you keep laughing and assuring him that was just meant to be a way of saying "I love you", Beel will look surprised, saying "really?", before opening his arms for a big hug and saying "I love you too."


"Heh. You're gonna make me sleepy." Belphegor half-nuzzles your cheek with his face as soon as you kiss his forehead, curling into you from wherever he's sitting and then tucking his head into your shoulder. "Can you do it again?" He sounds so happily content, as if snuggling up to you is all he could ever ask for. If you kiss him in the same spot again, Belphie will smile and give a pleased little hum, saying that he didn't deserve you but please never leave.

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