You see them in their demon form (and it terrifies you) - Part I

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[ I actually love all the canon moments when you first see the demons in their true form!;; <3 but in this chapter, that obviously hasn't happened- you're about to attend an evening ball when you suddenly see their true form for the first time. ]

Part I - Mammon, Levi, Lucifer

You're waiting in Mammon's bedroom while he puts the finishing touches on his evening outfit. When he emerges from his closet area beaming happily at you in his true form, you give a yelp of shock, he didn't give you any warning whatsoever. Your reaction gives Mammon such a fright that he starts yelling too, far louder than your initial yell, then stumbles backward, looking wildly at himself as if he must be covered in spiders or something.

You try to explain as he keeps yelling "wha?? what, what is it??" before his wing crashes into a shelf of belongings and sends them flying, Mammon tripping and landing on the seat of his trousers on the ground. As soon as he realises what shocked you, Mammon immediately bellows something to the effect of "ya do know that I'm a demon right?!"

His cheeks are burning with embarrassment, he put way more thought and effort into looking nice for you tonight than he'll ever admit, and your reaction was the complete opposite of what he was aiming for.

You kneel on the floor next to him, not caring one bit if your outfit gets messed-up, and pull him into a gentle hug while he keeps grumbling and sulking in your arms (but he doesn't pull away from you either). You're genuinely sorry though, and after a while he feels comforted enough to stop trying to fold his wings as far into his back as possible.

"It's still just me, got it?" he mutters, looking purposefully away as you sit back a little to look at his demon form. Now that he's not giving you a heart attack, you actually think he looks incredibly sweet, and you tell him that.

"T-t-that's right! I look super cute when I'm dressed up! Say that first next time why dontcha!" Mammon blurts, then abruptly gets up and drags you to your feet, determined to show you a great night out after all.


You and Levi are in high spirits while getting ready in his bedroom, Levi keeps telling you about a surprise he's ordered for you. You find it adorable how he's trying not to give too many hints, but at the same time wanting you to be really excited about it. And so the last thing you're expecting when you turn back around, is for Levi to still be beaming and giggling at you, but meanwhile a dangerous-looking tail whips behind him, all dark satin scales like some sort of creature of the deep.

Your mouth drops open and you can barely make any sound. Before you've even had time to think, you bolt toward Levi's bathroom, quickly shutting the door and locking yourself inside. There's a small silence, before you hear Levi's voice sounding slightly wobbly as he calls your name and tentatively asks if you're joking around with him. It hits you a second later that this must be Levi's true form. At the same time, Levi's heart sinks as he realises he had been so comfortable that he completely forgot to warn you.

"Ohhhh, I- I'm sorry!" Levi wails from the other side of the door, and you can hear him fidgeting in discomfort, not quite knowing what to do with himself. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... ah, I should've thought about this, I'm such an idiot! Don't come out yet, I'll fix it-"

You manage to catch your breath in time to tell him it's okay, you just had a moment of panic and he definitely doesn't have to change back. But when you open the door, Levi is so nervous that his serpentine tail is hovering even more forebodingly than before, and he hides his face behind both hands, looking mortified.

"I'm sorry I'msorry I'msorry, I knew you would hate me when y-y-ou saw-"

"No, no, Levi, I promise it's okay, it's really okay, it's me who's sorry-" you say quickly, and Levi lets out a shaky breath of air as you carefully step over his piles of manga to give him the tightest hug.

You reassure him for as long as he needs, you wonder how you could ever have found him scary when he only ever looks at you like he adores you.


Lucifer arrives at your bedroom door to escort you to the ball. When you see him in the splendor of his demon form, a loud gasp escapes you before you can help it, and, in a moment of shock, you slam the door just as quickly as you opened it, inwardly cursing for completely humiliating yourself. There's a long moment of silence before Lucifer knocks again, gentler than before. You peek open the door, feeling ridiculous, but Lucifer is simply still standing there with his arms crossed, apparently trying not to look too amused.

"I hope I haven't put you off joining me," Lucifer says, his tone warm and dark, as if this were merely a personal joke between you rather than something that might cause offense.

He dips his head to one side as he offers you his elbow, you can't read whether he expects you to refuse or accept him. He looks mildly pleased when you do take his elbow though, and though he maintains an inscrutable expression for most of the walk to the ballroom, Lucifer lets out a rare laugh when he catches you shooting yet another glance at his true form.

"Alright, alright, I regret giving you such a shock. It wasn't my intention," Lucifer says, his tone sincere but his smile slightly smug as he stops you both before the entrance. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

His gaze follows yours as you stare at his wings somewhat in awe. You very nearly raise your fingertips toward them, but catch yourself just in time. Lucifer's expression softens, if only for a split-second, and you have the entirely strange and unfamiliar feeling that he wouldn't have stopped you.

"Let me have the first dance?" you joke, glad when you see another of Lucifer's smiles, contented and nearly entirely relaxed when he's with you.

"Ah. I always do, though," he murmurs back, enjoying your shared recollection of the dance at Diavolo's castle so many months ago. You both turn and sweep into the ballroom, Lucifer's hand resting over yours.

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