When you start working at the school Host Club

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[ thank you so much to everyone reading any of these, it's honestly makes me so happy reading your reactions or about who you liked and so on, it makes my whole day!! ^_^ :_)) ]


Diavolo is really pleased and excited for you, he thinks the RAD school host club is a really fun way to make new friends and get involved in Devildom culture! He's enthused to hear all about your first shift and laughs all night over all your funny stories, he tells you it sounds so entertaining that he'd love to be a host too. When you tell him why not, he looks at you in surprise and agrees, he never considered that before. The next afternoon Diavolo is having the time of his life working right alongside you, he wears the waitstaff uniform and writes 'Lord Diavolo' on his name badge, he's the loudest person in the tea-service and is completely oblivious to all the stunned looks he's getting from every demon he happily pours tea for.


Barbatos is one of the founding members of the host club, so he can't help a warm smile when you say tea service is something you've taken an interest in. He usually maintains a professional manner during shifts, but whenever you're working he'll be beaming across the room at how well you're doing. He'll be at your side in an instant if you ever need help though, and if you ever make a mistake (even what you consider to be a disastrous one), he'll be endlessly encouraging and easily resolve the problem. If any customers are rude to you however, Barbatos will be sending a very different message without even saying a word, you've seen demons halting mid-sentence as Barbatos pleasantly raises an eyebrow, and the next moment those customers are bowing and apologising and backing out of the room like their life depends on it.


He would never presume to tell you what you can or cannot do, but this doesn't sit well with him at all. Lucifer will take the most inconvenient routes to class so that he can happen to walk past the host club, he doesn't want to see any low-level demons giving you trouble as a new staff member. He also visits the host club a disproportionately high number of times as a customer himself, taking up all your shifts with pouring tea for him and making it clear to any other visiting demons that you're his. Even though you're more than a match when it comes to handling Lucifer, eventually you have to tell him that while he's being awfully cute acting all jealous and overprotective like this, he's going to have to settle down because he's scaring away the entire clientele. Lucifer looks aloof and entirely unmoved when he answers "hmph. that sounds just fine."


He yells "what?!" as soon as you mention you're working at the host club, then immediately declares that he's going to join too. Mammon soon finds out that he needs a passing-grade average to to enrol in more extra-curricular though, and no amount of begging or bribery is going to get him in. This results in a lot of sulking, Mammon thoroughly hates the idea of other demons at school having your attention. He keeps inviting you to events that just happen to be during your shifts (if you say you have to work, he'll go to the event anyway to try and distract himself, but end up feeling miserable and missing you).

Eventually Mammon makes up his mind to apologise to you for being unhappy about your new hobby, he's sure he deserves you being mad at him for all this. But his heart lifts when you aren't upset at him, instead you ask if he could maybe please pick you up from work. Mammon slowly brims to a smile, nodding with a "right, oh, you got it! Dontcha worry, the great Mammon's gonna be waiting right outside for when ya finish! Want me to bring ya anything? Takeout? No, no, we'll get somethin' special on the way home, my treat!"


He already serves at the club sometimes, so his mouth drops open when you turn up for work and see Levi in an adorable maid outfit, he's actually one of the most popular hosts. You both stare at each other as Levi goes bright red, but then you break the silence with "wow, Levi you look so cute and amazing!" Levi starts stuttering, then quickly hugs you, you saying he looks cute is a compliment he never thought he'd get to hear. Levi is your senpai as you work side by side, he always reassures you (no matter how busy it gets), and he offers to swap if you get given any of the difficult customers. Later when you're both closing-up, Levi shyly pours you a cup of tea too, saying he's wanted to do that for ages and he only ever thinks of himself as your host and no one else's.


He's heard of the host club but he's a bit wary of it, pointing out that customers can be demanding and that if you want more activities in your schedule, why not help him run his new study club? You assure him you definitely want help with the study club as well as being a host, but Satan just frowns, this isn't something he can get behind. After reflecting on it though, Satan feels disappointed with himself, he wants to quietly admit to you that he was feeling possessive but he doesn't think he could bear it if you told him off.

During your first shift he turns up as a customer, his expression sincere as he asks if you'd still consider serving him tea, because he'd really love to try that. Afterwards you're surprised when you see a heartfelt review in the RAD student newsletter, encouraging other students to visit and support RAD's own school host club. While Satan never admits he wrote it, his face looks quite flushed if you kiss his cheek and say it meant a lot to you.


Asmo's birthday, Christmas and Halloween have all come at once when you announce you're joining the school host club. He'll help you get fitted in your waitstaff outfit and sew any additional trims on himself, gushing about how stunning and gorgeous and handsome you look and how the other hosts are certainly going to have stiff competition for customers now that you're a new server. Then he books the first spot in your tea schedule immediately, saying he can't wait and he'll be terribly jealous otherwise. Then Asmo giggles and says who is he kidding, he'll still be terribly jealous anyway, but also incredibly proud that he's yours.


At first Beel looks glum as he thinks about all the other demon boys you'll be pouring tea for, but he doesn't want to say anything disheartening and spoil your excitement. He just nods and says "okay", and asks if you want him to walk you to work. When he realises all the cakes you'll be serving are made from Barbatos's recipes however, he perks up a little, nothing involving Barbatos's cakes could possibly be that bad. You sneak him into the host club room after your shift is over, and Beel happily sits on one of the counters and waits for you to pop little leftover sweets into his mouth in-between your closing duties. He listens to all your stories and keeps laughing with his mouth full, he feels a lot better about the whole thing because it sounds like you had a really good time.


Belphie shrugs and answers you with "right, sure," when you tell him the news, so you figure he's not that interested. After dinner though, he'll randomly mention- "so you must be pretty bored after school to want to join that club, huh? We could always hang out more." Even later, when he's trying to snuggle in your lap, he'll ask "do you think working as a host would be tiring? I mean, I think it probably would..." You smile and assure him that if you get exhausted after work it just means you'll get to nap with him sooner, and Belphie laughs and says sure, that's one good thing. Then he shakes his head and says sorry for being weird and trying to keep you for himself. He jokes that now he'll have more motivation to actually attend school so he can walk past and wave to you, seeing you happy is always the one thing that cheers him up.

Obey Me: x reader scenariosUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum