Estranged • Harry Potter {1}

By WritersArtist

1.8K 49 59

Cora Malfoy has always hidden behind her family. Being sent to Beauxbatons for the first four years of her sc... More



68 2 3
By WritersArtist

Christmas at the Malfoy's. It was always the girl's job and this year was no exception. Narcissa waited for her daughter to get home before buying decorations so they could do it together. Cora helped the house elves pull out their old decorations and she made sure to spread the holiday joy everywhere. The only thing Cora hated about Christmas was that she couldn't give the elves santa hats. They would be freed and her family would surely kill her, especially after they lost Dobby.

Cora put on some music and with everything on the dining room table, her and Narcissa got to work. They drank hot chocolate and dressed the house so much, nobody would know it's usual drab colours were its design year round.

"This is so stupid." Draco said, coming down to get food.

"Oh you love it." Cora put a hat on him and laughed. "Don't forget to add to the stockings."

"A big lump of coal for you. Already got it." He smirked.

Cora gasped. "I got you the same thing!"

"Mum!" Draco called.

"Alright my sweets, not today. Just enjoy being home please." Narcissa kissed both her kids on the cheek and Draco accepted it with rolling eyes. He took off his hat and walk to the kitchens.

"So has he been taking care of you?" Narcissa asked Cora.

"Yeah. He's a good brother." Cora lied.


"Cora Elizabeth Malfoy!"

Cora's skin suddenly turned cold as her father swept into the main room. Suddenly the tree and all the lights felt dimmer as Cora knew trouble was coming.

"You, missy need to learn to keep your lips closed!" Lucius snapped.

"Lucius." Narcissa warned.

"Why can't you be more like Draco? Obedient! Necessary!" Lucius screamed.

"You mean a robot and stupid? Didn't think you wanted two children like that." Cora bit back.

"You watch your mouth young lady. You could learn something from that boy."

"I rather not."

Cora heard the smack almost before she felt it. Her father had good aim and he had hit her hard. Her eyes welled up as her chest tightened. Her cheek and her lip stung. Cora felt her bottom lip and pulled her hand away to see blood.

"Do better." Lucius said.

Cora nodded, unable to stop the tears. "Merry Christmas to you too, father."

Cora took the stairs two at a time back to her room. Slamming her door closed, she gazed into her mirror and saw her cut lip.

Cora knew her father wasn't the loving type. He had proven that time and time again. He was smitten with their mother but not much with anything else in their life. Still, sometimes he would sit with them at Christmas and have some hot chocolate. He would give Draco advice. He would call Cora his delicate little flower, sarcasm of course.

Now their family was being divided. Cora wiped away the blood and swore allegiance to the Order. She knew right from wrong and this was most definitely wrong.


Later that night, Cora laid in her bed, her finished book pile growing. She had spent the rest of the day and most of the evening reading everything she hadn't gotten a chance to since she left them all at home for school.

Cora welcomed the soft knock at her door, knowing her mother or the eles were the only ones in the house to be that respectful. She didn't grant entrance but she didn't deny it either. When Narcissa walked in, Cora was beyond grateful it wasn't an elf.

"I brought you supper." She said softly.

"Not hungry." Cora replied.

Narcissa sat the food on her daughter's desk and sat on her bed. Cora closed her book and sat up, pulling her knees into her chest.


"Yes, dear."

"I have some questions I need answered. With the whole truth." Cora said.


"Voldemort... he's really back?" Cora asked.


"And dad... he's a Deatheater."



"I'm sure you knew the answers to those. Ask what you really want to my dear." Narcissa said gently.

Cora hesitated. She pulled her knees in tighter and took a deep breath. "I'm not like Draco. I can't just... hold my tongue and go with it. It's wrong. People are missing. People are dying all because they don't think people like us are more superior."

"Draco does it to survive my love."

"I don't want to just survive. I want to live. Hogwarts has given me something Beauxbatons never could. I realize where my loyalties lie and I won't back down from it. Does that mean I'll lose my family?" Cora couldn't stop the tears once again and she didn't want to. It hurt to think about and ever since she was sorted into Gryffindor, it had been on her mind.

Narcissa's eyes welled up and she shook her head. "You listen to me young lady. You will never lose me. Draco does it to survive. I do it to survive. But if you have to run from the family, baby you run. The Order is good so you stay with them and you stay away from this life. Am I clear?"

Cora nodded. "Yes mum."

"Good. Eat up alright?" Narcissa gave her daughter a soft kiss on the forehead and then she was gone.

Cora pushed her books to the side and laid down again, cuddling up to her pillows. The door opened again but Cora didn't wonder who it was. She didn't care. The bed dipped next to her and Cora knew that the only person who would ever lay with her was Draco. Still, she kept her back to him.

"Don't listen to him C." He said. "Don't do better."

Cora let a stray tear fall onto her pillow. She was grateful to have Draco's blessing because that wasn't even a question. Cora wasn't going to change a thing.

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