Spin The Bottle

By Ebby_writes

384K 12.8K 4K

It all started with a kiss during the game of spin the bottle. * When Stephanie Valentine - a wallflower who... More

01 | Senior Year
02 | It's Just a Party
03 | The Party
04 | Spin the Bottle
05 | Hair Cut
06 | Hazel
07 | Poison Ivy
08 | Emily
09 | What Party?
10 | Distraction
11 | It's Her
12 | Cute Dog
13 | Soon-to-be Boyfriend
14 | A Date?
15 | Those Bitches
16 | Brody!
17 | Detention
18 | Twenty Questions
19 | Frozen
20 | Babysitting
21 | I Like Her
22 | Shrek
23 | Debbie Downers
24 | Threat
25 | Dump Her Ass
26 | Acting Strange
27 | Old Lady
28 | La Vida Loca
29 | First Time?
30 | Truth or Dare
31 | Makeover
32 | Psychotic Ex
33 | The Deal
34 | Suspended
35 | Lie
36 | Truth
37 | I Love You
38 | Apologies
39 | She's Pretty
40 | Feelings
42 | I Like You
43 | We're Dating
44 | Out of Her Head
45 | I Miss Him
46 | Master of Kisses
Not an Update
47 | Anxious
48 | Happy Birthday
49 | Boyfriend?
50 | Yes
51 | Barbie Girl
52 | Promise

41 | Tell Her

5K 303 73
By Ebby_writes

Chapter Forty One: Tell Her

“You have some explaining to do, young lady.” Brooke says in a chiding tone the moment Steph opens the door.

“Well, hello to you too, mum. Come on in,” Steph says with a simper.

Brooke glares at her as she walks in because of the silly smile on her face. Steph rolls her eyes as she shuts the door and then proceeds to follow her to the living room.

“Anybody home?” Brooke asks as settles on a couch.

“Just my dad. He's busy in his study. Mum’s out,” Steph replies.

Brooke narrows her eyes at her with a serious -- very serious look on her face.
“Can you tell me where the hell you were last night?”

“Straight to the point, huh?”

“If you don’t start talking --”

Steph cuts her off. “Chill, B. You’re such a drama queen sometimes. I saw all your voicemails and text messages.”

“And you didn’t deem it fit to freaking call me back?” Brooke bellows.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, okay? We went to the movies and my phone was on silence. I only saw your messages when I got home and I was tired so I decided I’d call you today. Which I haven’t.” Steph explains.

“But I did send you a message saying I was fine,” Steph adds.

“Wait. We went to the movies? You and who exactly ‘cause I’m pretty sure Luke was at the party and we were looking all over for you.” Brooke gives her a questioning look.

“He was?” Steph inquires, trying to avoid answering the question because she knows the crazy things her best friend will start saying.

“Yes, he was looking for you and stop trying to evade answering my question.” Brooke glowers at her. “Who did you go to the movies with?”

Steph lets out an exasperated sigh and looks away. “It was Christopher, okay? We went to a movie theater showing Halloween marathon.”

Brooke raises an eyebrow incredulously. “Wait. Let me get this straight. So you ditched Luke to hang out with Chris?”

With the look on Brooke’s face, Steph already knows what’s coming next.

“No, I didn’t necessarily ditch Luke. After you and Cole left to ‘dance’ --” She does air quotes, “Ivy came and asked to speak to Luke privately and I gave them the privacy they needed. I found myself in the backyard and Chris came. The next thing I know, we’re heading to the movies.”

“Wow.” Brooke mutters with burgeoning excitement. She looks like she’s trying to contain her excitement and there’s a glint in her eyes. 

Steph rolls her eyes. “Get on with it already.”

“With what?”

“The teasing. Go ahead. I know you want too,” Steph urges her.

“Of course not. Why would I want to do that?” Brooke huffs.

Steph stares at her skeptically before she starts inspecting her nails nonchalantly.
"1, 2, 3...."

"So you guys went on a date, eh? I knew my ship would eventually sail."

"We did NOT go on a date," Steph says.

"Oh really?"

Steph glares at her. "Yes, really. We just went to the movies together. We were hanging out as friends."

"That's not how I see it and I doubt that's how Chris saw it too but I'm going to drop it."

Steph sighs in relief. "Thank you."

"But I never would have thought you'd leave Luke to hang out with Chris, of all people?" Brooke says the last three words in a falsetto tone, trying to mimick her friend.

"I do not sound like that," Steph deadpans.

"Did you see Ivy at the party?"

A frown appears on Brooke's face.
"Yeah, I did. She was dressed as an Angel. I felt like ripping the costume off her body or getting costume police to arrest her or something."

"Costume police?" Steph asks in amusement.

"Yeah," Brooke nods. "They're guys that'll arrest people like Ivy that wear costumes they should never even think of. It should be illegal."

Steph shakes her head, a smile tugging her lips. "Oh Brooke."

"You're just jealous I thought of it before you," Brooke sticks out her tongue at Steph.

Steph chuckles. "You're something."

"I'm one of a kind."

"Yeah," Steph agrees.

"I'm wondering what Ivy and Luke talked about."

Brooke stares at Steph who has a thoughtful look on her face.
"Don't bother yourself about it. She was probably grovelling or ordering Luke to take her back. And I believe Luke is wiser than falling into her claws again."


"So what are your plans for today?"

"I'm going to visit Emily today," Steph answers with a smile.

"Chris's little sister?"


"You sure are spending a lot of time with him," Brooke avers with a pointed look.

Steph rolls her eyes. "I'm going to spend time with Emily, not Chris. She's been asking to see me since I haven't babysat her in two weeks."

"Aww. Your sister-in-law," Brooke mutters to herself.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing," Brooke smiles.

"Since you're already here, you'll drive me to Chris' house?" Steph says, sounding more like a statement than a question.

"Sure. In the meantime, let's watch a movie."

Steph grins. "Something scary."

"No way!" Brooke disagrees. "Let's pick a random movie. One both of us haven't seen."

"I'm down for that. Let me get us some snacks."

"And drinks." Brooke adds as Steph walks away.


Brooke pulls over in front of Chris' house later.

"Thanks for the ride. I'll see you in school tomorrow," Steph says as she gets out of the car.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm awesome, I know." Brooke rolls her eyes. "Give Chris a kiss on his cheek for me. Tell him it's for taking you to the movies last night," she smirks.

"You're crazy. There's no way I'm going to that."

"Hmmm. Maybe I should do it myself. I'm here after all."

"Bye B." Steph slams the door shut and waves Brooke. Brooke laughs and takes her cue to drive away.

Steph walks up the porch and knocks. After a few seconds, the door opens to reveal Chris' mother.

"Stephanie," she beams. "You actually came. Emily would be so happy. Come on in."

Steph smiles as she crosses the threshold into the house. Kate shuts the door and pulls her close for a hug.

"It's been a while since I've seen you. How have you been?"

"I've been great. What about you?"

"Same, same." Kate turns her back to Steph and yells. "Emily!"

Then she faces Steph again. "She's upstairs with her brother. She'll be down in a sec."

Steph smiles as they hear light footsteps running down the stairs.

On sighting Stephanie, Emily sports a grin that would give the Cheshire cat's a run for it's money.

"Steph," Emily says quietly as she almost tackles her to the ground as she hugs her. "I've missed you."

Steph laughs. "So I've heard. And for the record, I've missed you too."

"Thanks for coming," Emily says as she pulls away to stare up at her.

"It's a pleasure, darling." Steph grins at her, touching her cheeks.

Kate smiles at the sight of both of them grinning at each other. They seem to be in a world of their own.

"So I'm gonna leave you two. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. Thanks for coming, Stephanie."

"It's no big deal, really. I'm glad to be here." Steph answers.

Kate walks away as Emily pulls Steph to a couch so they can both sit.

"So how's school?"

"Normal," Emily shrugs.

"Oh, what about that annoying boy that always disturbs you? Your friends? Tell me everything." Steph says in a excitedly curious tone.

"School is normal. The boy's --"
Emily cuts herself off as they both hear Chris' voice from up the staircase.


Then they hear him coming down the staircase. Chris is surprised to see Steph when he enters the living room.

"Oh. Hazel, you're here." He moves close and stands at the back on the couch they're currently sitting on.
After yesterday's realisation, he has been feeling kinda weird around her. He feels like he's supposed to act differently or something. He's happy, really elated that she's here right now but somehow still kinda terrified.

Does that make sense?

He feels like spending time with her, laughing with her but at the same time, he feels like running away. He's really conflicted. He doesn't know whether it's a good or a bad thing he realised his feelings. He feels like there is a certain way he'll act that will expose him and he isn't ready for that. He needs advice because it's driving him slightly crazy.

"Hi Chris," Steph smiles at him. The smile that makes his heart flutter. That makes him want to sit with her and forget everything else.

"Thanks for yesterday night. I had a great time."

He smiles because he had a great time too. "It was nothing."

What if he's smiling too wide? He asks himself.

"Um, I'm gonna leave you two to do your thing," Chris says, taking two steps backwards. "Thanks for this, Hazel."

And then he's off before Steph can say anything as a reply.

Steph turns to look at Emily who has been quiet all this while.
"What's up with him?"

Emily giggles with a shrug and Steph gives her a suspicious look.

"What do you know?"

Emily giggles yet again, this time shaking her head negatively in reply.

"Okay." Steph drawls. "What do you want us to do today?"

"Let's play basketball," Emily suggests enthusiastically.

"You like basketball?"

"Yeah. Chris teaches me how to play sometimes."

"Okay. Basketball it is. But first, tell me about school first."



"I'm going over to Jason's, mum." Chris informs his mother the moment he joins her in the kitchen.

His Mum stares at him bemusedly. "Why? Didn't you tell me you weren't going anywhere today?"

"I'm meeting up with the guys. Something came up. I have to go," Chris replies.

Kate eyes him suspiciously. He had told her he has no where to be today but all of a sudden, now that Steph's here -- he has to go.

Something's wrong, Kate decides.

"Do you know that Stephanie's here?"

"Yes mum." Chris sighs.

"Did something happen between you two?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"Nothing happened, mum. I just have to go. I'll see you soon."

He quickly pecks his mum's cheek before heading out.

Once Emily -- who sights him first when he returns to the living room -- sees him, she frowns.

"Where are you going?"

"Don't worry, Em. I'm just going to see J and M. I'll be back before you know it," he tells her softly.

He kisses her forehead before walking towards the front door.

"Bye Hazel," he quickly glances at her before going out.

Okay, he's acting weird, Steph muses.


"Whatever it is that made you call me here on a Sunday afternoon, it better be really important for your sake," Max says as he walks into Jason's living room.

"According to Chris here, it is." Jason comments as Max settles on a couch.
They both watch Chris pace in front of them as he thinks.

Chris had texted them once he got back to his room after finding out that Hazel is at his house. He told them it was important so they agreed to meet at Jason's and here they are.

Chris finally stops pacing and stands in front of them with a serious look on his face.

"You guys were right."

"About what?" Both guys ask Chris in unison.

"I like Hazel. Like I really like Hazel. I have feelings for her." The tone he uses is odd. He sounds like he's trying to make his flummoxed self sink the information in.


"Hallelujah!" Max exclaims.

Max and Jason bump fists which results to Chris' eye roll.
"Go ahead and say you told me so."

"We did tell you so but we're really glad you've finally admitted it to yourself," Jason grins.

"Even though it took you forever."

"So what's the plan now?" Max inquires.

"What plan?" Chris blinks.

Max and Jason share a look.
"Dude! When are you going to tell her?" Jason asks.

Chris lets out a sigh. He has been doing that a lot today. He runs a hand through his brown locks and sits on a couch.

"I don't know, man. I don't even think I should tell her."

"What? Why?"

"Dude, are you alright?" Jason says in askance, really doubting that his friend is okay.

Chris scoffs. "Of course I'm alright. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Okay..... Okay. Tell us why you think you shouldn't tell Stephanie how you feel," Max urges Chris in an encouraging tone.

Chris sucks air into his mouth and blows it out. With the way he's slouched on the couch, he looks like all life has been drained out of him.

"I don't think it'd make a difference if I tell her."


"We're two different people. She sees me as a player that goes around breaking girls' heart. Telling her would only ruin the friendship I've managed to build with her. And I enjoy spending time with her too much to allow that to happen. I'm feeling weird around her now and confessing my feelings would just make things awkward," Chris explains with a frustrated look on his face.

"How do you know she doesn't feel the same way, Chris?" Jason questions.

"I just know it." Chris mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I've seen you two together. I know there's a connection between you two. There's this attraction. You guys are like opposite poles of a magnet," Jason asserts, trying to reassure his friend.

"Jason's right. You should tell her how you feel. She might feel the same way but you'll never know unless you tell her. If she doesn't feel the same then it's her loss."

"Yeah, there are many dolphins in the sea," Jason smiles.

"Okay, what if she actually likes me -- which I highly doubt -- but doesn't want to be with me because of my Playboy history, huh? What if she doesn't want to get her heart broken?"

"Will you break her heart?"

"Of course not," Chris falters. "I don't know....."

"You're scared, we get it. You've broken some girls' heart and you're scared you'll do that to her but there's a difference. You didn't have feelings for those girls. I'm not saying what you did was right but they all knew what they were getting into when they hooked up with you."

"So forget about all that and man up. You have to tell her how you feel. Life's short, Chris. Make the best out of it while you can." Jason says.

"I was scared I'd break Hayley's heart but look at what happened -- she broke mine instead."

Max glares at Jason for his statement that isn't helping.

"Okay, that's not helping," Jason says when he realises what he just said.

Chris groans. "This is so frustrating."

"What is? The way you feel or telling her how you feel?"

"Everything. I didn't think I'd like someone in high school after her and now that it has happened, it feels like drinking from a fire hose."

Max and Jason laughs.

"It has happened and there's nothing you can do to change that," Max states.

"Yeah, yeah."

"How about tomorrow? Tell her tomorrow."

"Yes." Jason agrees.

"Okay. I'll try," Chris tells them.

He honestly doesn't want to do it. He just realised his feelings for her less than 24 hours ago. He doesn't think she'll like him and he doesn't know exactly how he'll feel if she blatantly rejects him.

How did things get so complicated?

"Okay. Enough of the serious talk. What should we use to celebrate?" Jason asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Celebrate what?" Chris questions.

"The beginning of your love story," Jason answers.

"Dude!" Chris exclaims. "I haven't even told her yet."

"Doesn't matter. You guys are a match made in heaven."

"You know, sometimes I ask myself why I'm still friends with you," Max says.

"Same here, bro. I wonder the same thing about you." Jason retorts and then they all burst into laughter.

A/N: Click on the 🌟 at the bottom of your screen :).

A new chapter of 'His Marshmallow' will be updated this week. If you haven't checked it out, please do. It'd mean a lot.

Teaser for the next chapter:
Chris may or may not, or may tell her how he feels.

Thanks for reading <3.

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