Love Is A Battlefield (A Stra...

By HFFLPFF082300

724K 18.1K 3.1K

Riley Hopper's life wasn't exactly 'normal' to begin with. The cancer diagnosis, eventually leading to the tr... More

Chapter One: You Wouldn't Believe Me If I Told You
Chapter Two: One Year Later
Chapter Three: What Happened To Will?
Chapter Four: El, Short For Eleven
Chapter Five: I Liked You Better
Chapter Six: Hiding
Chapter Seven: Hawkins National Labratory
Chapter Eight: Will
Chapter Nine: What For?
Chapter Ten: Here Goes Nothing
Chapter Eleven: Good Idea
Chapter Twelve: Deer in Distress
Chapter Thirteen: Over And Out
Chapter Fourteen: Monster Hunting
Chapter Fifteen: Very Bad
Chapter Sixteen: Gone
Chapter Seventeen: The Demogorgan
Chapter Eighteen: Promise
Chapter Nineteen: Merry Christmas
Chapter Twenty: What The Heck Just Happened?
Chapter Twenty-One: Don't Call Me Blondie
Chapter Twenty-Two: All The Best People Are
Chapter Twenty-Three: A Hack and a Con Artist
Chapter Twenty-Four: Stupid
Chapter Twenty-Five: Like We're In Love
Chapter Twenty-Six: Beautiful
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Something Wrong With Me
Chapter Twenty-Nine: I Need Steve Harrington
Chapter Thirty: Popcorn and Showers
Chapter Thirty-One: Goodnight, Barbie
Chapter Thirty-Two: His Face Opened Up
Chapter Thirty-Three: Lion or Ninja
Chapter Thirty-Four: Something Alive
Chapter Thirty-Five: Long Story
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Mind Flayer
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Not Giving Up Yet
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Close Gate
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Billy
Chapter Forty: Say You Understand
Chapter Forty-One: Trust Me
Chapter Forty-Two: I Hate You
Chapter Forty-Three: Prom Night
Chapter Forty-Four: I Can't Say It Yet
Chapter Forty-Five: I Love You
Chapter Forty-Six: You Suck
Chapter Forty-Seven: Stupid Idea
Chapter Forty-Eight: Henderson
Chapter Forty-Nine: There's More To Life Than Stupid Boys
Chapter Fifty: The Week Is Long
Chapter Fifty-One: We Make Our Own Rules
Chapter Fifty-Two: Tread Lightly
Chapter Fifty-Three: Some Kind of Game
Chapter Fifty-Four: We're Good
Chapter Fifty-Five: Operation Child Endangerment
Chapter Fifty-Six: You Won A Fight
Chapter Fifty-Seven: I Liked Being Your Schmuck
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Morons
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Did You Just OD In There?
Chapter Sixty: The Gang's All Here
Chapter Sixty-One: Big-Time
Chapter Sixty-Two: Do It Together
Chapter Sixty-Three: Planck's Constant
Chapter Sixty-Four: Isn't That What Life Is All About?
Chapter Sixty-Five: Right Now
Chapter Sixty-Six: Happy
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Jealous Steve
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Whatever Happens Next
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Bullcrap
Chapter Seventy: Given Up On Assuming
Chapter Seventy-One: Tammy Thompson and Chrissy Cunningham
Chapter Seventy-Two: Definitely Not Nothing
Chapter Seventy-Three: Is This A Dream?
Chapter Seventy-Four: Base of Operations
Chapter Seventy-Five: What You Need
Chapter Seventy-Six: What No One Else Can
Chapter Seventy-Seven: Ready For Anything
Chapter Seventy-Eight: Victor, Vecna, and Vengeful Demons
Chapter Seventy-Nine: Its Going To Be Max
Chapter Eighty: Cry-Baby Petey Mchew
Chapter Eighty-One: Angels, Demons, and Ella Fitzgerarld
Chapter Eighty-Two: Runnin' Up That Hill
Chapter Eighty-Three: Professor X
Chapter Eighty-Four: No Questions Asked
Chapter Eighty-Five: Something is Here
Chapter Eighty-Six: Fears and Vows
Chapter Eighty-Seven: The Shire Is Burning
Chapter Eighty-Eight: Home Sweet Home
Chapter Eighty-Nine: Upside Down Riley
Chapter Ninety: Steve Harrington Saves The Day
Chapter Ninety-One: See You On The Other Side
Chapter Ninety-Two: We Are The Same
Chapter Ninety-Three: Vecna/Henry/One
Chapter Ninety-Four: Dream Come True
Chapter Ninety-Five: Work Through It
Chapter Ninety-Six: She Needs You
Chapter Ninety-Seven: You Will Break
Chapter Ninety-Eight: Always You
Chapter Ninety-Nine: Because of Me
Chapter One-Hundred: Let Me
Chapter One Hundred-One: Brother-In-Laws
Chapter One Hundred-Two: You're Not Real
Bonus Chapter: Family Dinner
Bonus Chapter: Steve's Glasses
Bonus Chapter: First Date
Bonus Chapter: Dreams Of The Future
Bonus Chapter: Sweet Amber
Bonus Chapter: Just Me
Bonus Chapter: Your Parents and Ours

Chapter Twenty-Eight: It Got Me, Mom

8.1K 200 13
By HFFLPFF082300

After school, and spending the entire day avoiding Steve, and everyone else for that matter, I called Mrs. Wheeler and asked if Mike was home. She informed me that he had AV club after school, so I headed to the middle school to check up on him.

When I got to the AV room there was a red-headed girl sitting on the floor beside the door. I recognized her as the girl that usually rides to school with Billy. She looked up at me.

"Aren't you Billy Hargrove's sister?" I asked.

"Step sister." She clarified. "Who are you?"

"I'm Riley Hopper. I'm looking for Mike Wheeler, have you seen him?"

"He's in there," She nodded at the door, "But whatever they're doing is apparently top secret, and they won't let me in." I furrowed my eyebrows, walking over and knocking on the door. There was no answer, and the next thing I knew, the girl was on her knees in front of the door, picking the lock. We pulled it open just as an ugly, grotesque slime ball with legs ran past us out the door, taking off down the hall. The boys ran out after it, taking out the girl in the process.

"Where'd he go?!" Lucas asked.

"What was that?!" The girl asked.



"You let him escape!"

"HEY!" I shouted, causing them all to be quiet and look at me.

"Riley?" Lucas asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question." I said, crossing my arms. "You mind telling me what that was that we just let loose in the school?"

"That was Dart." Dustin told me. "I found him in my trash can-"

"Yeah, no offence, but I don't really care about that part. What is he?" I looked at Mike, and clearly he knew what I was referring to. That thing did not look like anything from our world, which made me think it had to be something Upside Down related. He nodded. "You have got to be kidding me!"

"Come on!" We all split up in different directions to go and track down whatever that thing was.

"Don't hurt him!" Dustin screamed at us. "Don't you hurt him!" 


Despite the fact that I came here to check on Mike, I ended up scouring the school with Will.

"East is clear. No sign of Dart." Mike said through the radio.

"West is clear too," Dustin said, "Will and Riley?"

We came out of the last classroom on our list.

"South is clear. Lucas?" Will reported. "Anything?"

"Nothing here, man."

"Why don't you go ahead and check the boy's bathroom. I'll hit the girls." I suggested. He nodded and we split up, going to each bathroom. I walked through, opening the stalls and checking under the sink but so far nothing. We have to find this thing, we can't set a creature from the Upside Down loose in the Middle School of all places. Who knows what that thing is capable of?

I walked out of the bathroom at the same time Will did, a terrified look on his face.

"Will, ok?" I asked. Suddenly the lights began to flicker and we both looked up as the hallway transformed into the Upside Down. "No, no, no, not again."

Suddenly there was a loud growl sound and black fog came barreling around the corner. Yet again, I could feel the creatures desire to kill, as well as to get to Will and I, and it was overpowering.  I grabbed Will's shoulder, pushing him ahead of me.

"Run!"  We turned the corner, booking it down the hallway and out one of the doors until we were outside. The feelings that the smoke was exhibiting seemed to only grow and get stronger the closer to us it got. We took off running across the recces field, making a break for the forrest. If we could just get there, we'd at least have the cover of trees and maybe we could find somewhere to hide, if that's even possible. I looked over at Will to tell him what I was thinking when  I realized that Will was no longer beside me. I stopped running, whirling around to see Will standing there, facing the giant shadow spider as at appeared in the sky. "WILL! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? RUN!"

"Go away!" He shouted. "GO AWAY!"

"WILL!" I took off running across the field towards him again. What is he doing?!

"GO AWAY!" The smoke monster extended a giant arm, a claw forming at the end of it that he extended towards Will, who just stood there staring at it and screaming. I started to run faster. 



Suddenly a tornado of black smoke surrounded him and I stopped, unable to see him anymore.

"Will?!" I called. "WILL!" 

Another hand formed and began coming towards me, the satisfaction of finally catching Will seeping from the monster. I had no idea what it was doing to him, or what it wanted to do to me and I didn't what to do. I couldn't just stand there and let it get me, because I knew whatever it wanted with us had to be anything but good, but I couldn't just leave Will there either.

So I did the only thing I could think to do in that moment, which was run into the tornado of shadow and tackle Will to the ground, wrapping my arms around his head and hiding my face in the grass, attempting to shield us both from the monster.

The second I did, I felt hands on my arms and I opened my eyes, sitting up and crawling away from Will to see the kids, now joined by Joyce Byers, standing in front of me. Joyce crouched down beside Will and I brought my knees to my chest, pushing my hair back with shaking hands.

"Riley, what happened?" Joyce asked. I shook my head, unable to get myself to speak. She wrapped her arms around her son, pulling him into her lap, and Lucas and Mike were dropping to their knees beside me as I attempted to will myself to stop shaking or to say something, anything at all. But I couldn't. It was just like before, my heard was beating so fast and so hard that I was worried if I opened my mouth and tried to speak, I wouldn't be able to stop the panic attack from overwhelming me. So I just sat there in silence for a long time before allowing the boys to pull me to my feet and lead me back towards the Middle School parking lot. 

"Are you ok to drive?" Joyce asked. I nodded. "Follow me to our house. I want to talk to both of you." I nodded again, walking to my truck and getting inside, starting it up and letting the tears begin to stream down my face as I pulled out of the parking lot.


I got there at the same time as Joyce and Will did, and we went inside and sat at the kitchen table. I looked at my still shaking hands, which were folded in front of me, still trying to find the courage to speak again, but thus far having no such luck.

"What happened?" Joyce asked.

"I can't remember." Will answered, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

"I need you to try."

"We...we were on the field and...and then all just went blank, and...and then you were there."

"Will, I need you to tell me the truth." She whispered, seeing right through his story. The kid was trying to put on a brave face to avoid scaring his mother. 

"I am." She sighed, standing up and walking into the kitchen, grabbing a piece of wax paper and putting it on the table in front of us. My eyes widened as I saw a rough crayon drawing of the creature.

"This shape, I saw it on the video tape from Halloween night. Its the same shape your drawing. These episodes that you two are having, I think Dr. Owens is wrong. I think they're real." I shook my head, standing up and abruptly pushing my chair back, walking away from the table. "Riley..."

"I...I can't do this." I forced out. "I...they were bad enough when we thought they were just flashbacks, but knowing that they're real? I..."

"We can figure this out, ok?" She told me. "But...but I can't help you, either of you, if I don't know what's going on. So you have to talk to me, please." She turned her attention back to Will. "No more secrets, ok?" He nodded. "Ok. Did...did you see this thing again on the field?" She looked up at me.

"Yeah." I said, running a hand over my mouth.

"What...what is it?"

"We don't know." Will answered, his voice shaking. "Its almost more like a feeling."

"Like the one you had that night at the arcade?"


"Well, what does it want?"

"We don't know that either," I stated, "But I think it wants us. I don't know why, or how, or for what purpose but its coming after us for a reason."

"It came for us...and I tried. I tried to make it go away." Will began crying, and Joyce put a hand over her mouth. I walked over, sitting down again and putting a hand on his shoulder. "But it got me, Mom."

"Well, what does that mean?"

"I felt it...everywhere. Everywhere." He told us.  "I-I still feel it. I just want this to be over." He broke down and his Mom hugged, him, looking at me over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, "I turned around and he was gone. I was across the field by that point, and I couldn't get to him in time-"

"This was not your fault, Riley." Joyce said, reaching across the table and putting a hand over mine. "Hey, listen, look at me, both of you." She pulled away, putting one hand on Will's face and keeping her other pressed over mine. "I will never, ever let anything bad happen to you two ever again, and I know your dad won't either." She turned to Will. "Whatever's going on in you, we're gonna fix it. I will fix it. I promise, I'm here." She hugged him again and I stood up once more.

"I gotta get home, but if you guys need anything, ok?" I said.

"What about you, honey? Are you ok?" I nodded.

"I don't think I was affected the same way he was, I'm just...I'm freaked out, is all." She nodded.

"Talk to someone, ok? Don't try to deal with this all on your own." She told me. 

"I won't. Bye, guys." I left the house, and found that my anxiety was coursing through me stronger than ever. My eyes were searching every corner as I walked to my truck, and then even once I was inside I didn't feel safe. 

I don't know if I'm ever going to feel safe ever again.

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