Youngblood {Year 3, Book 1}

By CaptSwanWorld

901 64 30

"Hmm... You're very smart... I see, not bad. Ambitious, determined, and cunning too. I know just where to put... More

= Chapter 1 =
= Chapter 2 =
= Chapter 3 =
= Chapter 4 {Part 1} =
= Chapter 5 =
= Chapter 6 =
= Chapter 7 {Part 1} =
= Chapter 7 {Part 2} *Hogsmeade Special* =
= Chapter 8 =
= Chapter 9 *Winter Break Bonus* =
= Chapter 10 *Winter Break Bonus Continued* =
= Chapter 11 =
= Chapter 12 =
= Chapter 13 =
= Chapter 14 =
= Chapter 15 =
= Chapter 16 =
= Chapter 17: *Summer Solstice Preparation* =
= Chapter 18 *Summer Solstice Part 1* =
= Chapter 18 *Summer Solstice Part 2* =
= Chapter 19 =
= Chapter 20 =

= Chapter 4 {Part 2} *Quidditch Special* =

33 2 1
By CaptSwanWorld


"Oh my gosh! I've got to go get ready!" Aspen said as the ran past the vast sea of Hufflepuffs and Slytherins. "I'll meet you at the Great Hall for lunch!"

Aspen ran back down to the dormitories, seeing the Slytherin team waiting in the Common Room, waiting on her. She ran up to her dresser, quickly getting changed, first in a forest green top with the Slytherin logo and khaki pants, then in her quidditch robes - a long, pine green robe with the Slytherin logo on the top left of the her chest. In the back, a small snake symbol underneath the number - 2 with her last name, Hale, on it. a black lace strung the front together, so that it didn't fall down when she was flying. She also put a matching pair of dark brown gloves and knee length boots with dark green socks.

Finally... she was ready.


"Keep those broomsticks going in a tight circle!" Marcus Flint, the captain of the quidditch team said as his team flew around him in a tight circle on their Nimbus 2001's, a gift from Draco's father when he joined the team as a seeker last year.

"Ugh! Flint, we've been at this for hours!" Ember McClain said as the only female beater. Marcus gave her a stern look that shut her up, then glanced at all of us.

"This is just to make sure that we're all focused for the game ahead of us." He said.

The Slytherin quidditch team consisted of its seeker, Draco Malfoy, its keeper, Miles Bletchley, the beaters, Gregory Goyle and Ember McClain, and its chasers, Marcus Flint, Graham Montague, and Aspen Hale. Then there were the understudies... they didn't really have one, except for Vivid Chapman as the keeper understudy.

"Hale! Stay alert, we need you awake at all times." Marcus snapped her out of her daze as she spun her broom around to face him.

"Can't we run through the positions and tactics again?" She said.

"Who else could use some practice in that department?" He asked and watched as almost everyone nodded and raised their hand.

"Okay, then, positions, everyone."


"Now... I want a clean game from all of you." Madam Hooch said, directing her glare towards the Slytherin team, who were known to play dirty. "Slytherin, none of your shenanigans."

The opposing team, Gryffindor, giggled, remembering last time they played against Slytherin. The Gryffindor quidditch team had its members: the beaters, Fred and George Weasley, the chasers, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, and Alicia Spinnet. Then its keeper, Oliver Wood, and it's understudy seeker, Dove Copper. Dove was filling in for Harry Potter, who had sprained his wrist badly and couldn't play very well 

Before Marcus could say a word in protest, Hooch nodded towards Lillian Rose, who was filling in the part of announcer and threw the quaffle in the air, beginning the game.

The chasers zipped after the quaffle, Gryffindor maintaining the catch, then passed it in between  the Slytherins and to each other.

"And Angelina passes the quaffle to Alicia, who passes to Katie, then back to Angelina who takes the shot... Oooh, and a great defend from Miles, the Slytherin keeper." Lillian said amusingly through the speaker.

Miles passed the caught quaffle to Aspen, who immediately caught it in her hands, freezing. As soon as the Gryffindor chasers caught sight of Aspen with the quaffle, they gave chase. Aspen ducked as one of them lost control and fell through the Slytherin hoop, landing hardly on the sandy ground.

"Oh! A tragic accident for Alicia, who will immedietly be taken to the hospital wing to have her injuries treated." Lillian said, slightly smirking that Gryffindor was down a chaser. 

Aspen zoomed off with the quaffle in her arms, looking back to see Angelina and Katie on her tail.

"Aspen!" Marcus shouted on her left. She quickly passed the quaffle to him, pulling back on her broomstick and staying above Marcus, careful not to interfere and loose the ball.

"And it looks like Marcus is going for the shoot... Then he passes to Graham and scores! One point for Slytherin! Woohoo!" Lillian tried to hide her excitement for her team, but obviously failed.

Graham, Marcus, and Aspen gave each other a nod as if to say, 'great job, keep it up', then sped off towards the Gryffindors, who had just received the quaffle to continue the game.

"And Katie is traveling fast the quaffle, heading for the rings."

Aspen easily caught up with the Gryffindors, flying upside-down, then snatched the ball from Katie's hands.

"Thanks." Aspen said with a wink, slowing her broomstick down and heading towards the Gryffindor rings with pride.

"Aspen nears the rings, looking like she's gonna shoot... Oh, she jukes Oliver Wood and scores! Winning another point for Slytherin! WOOHOO! You go girl! That's my besti-" Lillian stopped when all the students in the stands stared up at her as she flushed in embarrassment. 

"Yes!" Aspen whispered under her breath, earning some high fives from her fellow chasers and beater, Goyle. Also, included, was a precious wink from the seeker, Draco Malfoy, who was always on Dove's tail.

The Gryffindors were already heading towards opposing team's rings with the quaffle when Slytherin caught up with them, but it was too late... Gryffindor had already scored a goal.

"And that's one point for Gryffindor." Lillian said blandly.

The quaffle was handed up to Graham, who tossed it to Aspen, who tossed it to Marcus, repeating in the same pattern until a chase occurred. Katie and Angelina stayed in the between the gap. One in between Aspen and Graham, the other in between Aspen and Marcus.

"Aspen, take it, score." Marcus said before zipping off, dragging Angelina with him, same with Graham.

Aspen sighed, then got into the perfect speed position and zipped off, looking back to see if a Gryffindor chaser was on her tail... nothing. She turned back around to... WHAM 

Aspen crashed right into Ember's broomstick, sending her own plummeting downwards. A bitter scowl replaced the smirk on Ember's face as she watched her broomstick begin to sink to the ground, overweighed.

"You'll pay for this, Hale." Ember snarled.

"Not likely." Aspen replied, letting go of the broomstick, plummeting downwards towards her own broomstick.

One swift motion and she was in the arms of the seeker... Draco. She smiled up at him as he helped her down towards her broomstick.

"Nice catch." She winked.


Aspen grabbed her falling broom by the handle and leaptt off of Draco's, putting her full weight on her own broomstick, still falling.

"Up... up, c'mon." She pleaded as her broomstick refused to fly.

Suddenly, it jolted to life, hovering over the ground, only about a foot above. Aspen nodded her head towards Madam Pomfrey, signaling to continue the game.

"Mock my words, Hale." Ember passed by, whispering into Aspen's ear.

Aspen shook her head from her thoughts and sped off to help the chasers with the quaffle.

"And it looks like Angeli- now its Graham... and now Marcus, who passes to Aspen, who shoots... AND SCORES!"


A golden burr zips past Aspen's face as she moves her hand to swat it away, thinking its a bug. Though, it keeps in her face, no matter how fast she goes.

'The snitch!' she gasps, realizing what it was. 'if we catch it, we win!'

"Hey little guy." Aspen whispers, still speeding around the quaffle. "Wanna take a little trip with me?"

'whizz whirr'

"Follow me!" Aspen says, leading the snitch towards the seekers, hoping that Draco would spot it before Dove does.

'blur blurg' A bludger zooms past her face narrowly missing it. The snitch still retained its spot next to Aspen's face.

Once, again Aspen resumed flying towards the seekers, but it was too late, Dove spotted the snitch and was headed towards Aspen, although her Comet 290 was no match for Aspen's Nimbus 2001.

"C'mon little guy, what about an obstacle course?" Aspen said, flying past Draco, who was now giving chase of the snitch and chaser, followed closely by Dove as Aspen dove under the stands, weaving in and out of the wooden beams. 

"Scary, huh?" She whispered to the small, winged, golden ball.

'whirr, whizz, whirz'

Aspen flew up, out of the stands, then pulled back sharply, almost knocking Dove off her broom stick, but froze, just for a second so that Draco could have a grab at the snitch, which he missed, chasing back after it as it zoomed off away from Aspen.

Aspen was out of breath and panting as she resumed her chase for the quaffle, only to be disturbed moments later by the golden snitch, who had lost the seekers somewhere in the stadium.

"You just never want to leave my side, eh?" Aspen asked the small ball, who had a tendency to listen to her.

"Could you do me a favor? See that cute boy up there with the blonde hair? Let him catch you please. You would be helping me." Aspen said sarcastically, growing tired of the snitch's pesky visits.

'whirz whizz'

The snitch was gone in an instant, off to do... flying ball stuff. 

"The seekers have, once again, caught sight of the snitch and are giving chase! Meanwhile, the quaffle has been stolen back by Gryffindor's Katie." Lillian's peppy voice rang in the stadium.

Aspen, once again, zoomed off in the direction of the quaffle to help her fellow chasers, who wondered where she'd been.

All of a sudden, a large amount of cheering and shouting streamed from the Slytherin's side of the stadium.

'WHOO! Seem's Slytherin's seeker, Draco Malfoy, has caught the snitch, and has won the game, 200 to 30!"

The Slytherin Quidditch team huddled up together on the ground, panting and tired from all the hard playing.

"Great work guys!" Marcus said, patting Graham and Draco on the back.

"That was awesome!" Aspen said, slowing down her breathing a bit, relaxing. 

"It sure was! Amazing job!" Graham panted, giving Aspen a high five.

"Hey, Aspen! Head's up!" An angry, sour tone came from above her. Then there was pain and the taste of blood in her mouth, then darkness.


"Screw you, McClain!" Lillian shouted through the microphone, meeting with Vivid and angrily stomping down onto the field.

"What was that for, Ember?" Marcus yelled.

"Oops, my bad. It was an accident." Ember looked down at the unconscious Aspen lying limp in Draco's arms. 

"That bludger must've hurt her, huh?" Ember said innocently as Lillian stormed up to her.

"Yeah, it must've. Let's see how well you do when I'm finished with you," Lillian said, pulling out her wand. "And trust me, I hit much harder than a bludger."

"Elembria!" Lillian screamed, hexing Ember as a violet light zapped out of her wand.

Ember's broomstick jolted around, then ran at full speed towards the stadium wall, crashing into it and injuring Ember. Blood poured out of a decent sized cut on her cheek as she flew away, whimpering.

Turning back to Draco holding Aspen, Lillian said, "Is she alright."

"Yeah, just unconscious. We need to get her to the hospital wing right away."

Lillian nodded, watching as Draco carried Aspen bridal-style towards the bleachers.

"Oh and... nice hexing, Lillian." Draco winked.

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