= Chapter 2 =

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"Miss McClain! Would you like to demonstrate how to cast the levitation charm, since I've seen you paying attention quite well." Professor Flitwick said, pointing to Ember, who was now smiling brightly, ready to prove herself to her class. 

"Wingardium Leviosar," She said, almost welling up in tears when the charm failed to work.

"Ahem, well, that's okay. Miss Hale, would you like to give it a try as well?" Flitwick said, gesturing to the confident Slytherin as she pulled out her wand. 

"Wingardium Leviosa," Aspen calmly said, while using the swish-and-flick motion that the charms professor taught. 

At her command, the feather quill levitated in the air for a few seconds, waiting for Flitwick's command to levitate it back down. 

"Good job! I'm very pleased with you, Miss Hale." He said, giving her a nod to levitate the quill back down, which she did. 

"Okay, well, class, dismissed. Everyone, please remember to keep practicing the levitating charm. Swish and flick!" He said, while the sea of first years hustled out of the classroom.

"Great job, Aspen." Ember heard Draco Malfoy and some other students say to her arch-nemesis, making her blood boil.

'Why am I never good enough,' she mumbled in between tears. 'Why am I always forgotten?'

*End of Flashback - Sponsored by the Hogwarts Express*

"Ember? Wake up!" Pansy Parkinson said, shaking her best friend, Ember McClain violently. 

"Ugh! What do you want Pansy?" She said, groaning and sitting up on the long, uncomfortable wooden bench. 

"We're about to board. And you're welcome, I could've left you here to miss it." Pansy grumbled. 

"Don't you dare talk to me like that, Pug Face!" Ember shot, sending her friend into tears as she shuffled away.

Ember just rolled her eyes and picked up the beautiful black cat next to her, setting her in her lap and staring deeply into her glorious blue eyes. She sighed and gave the cat a hug. 

"At least I'll always have you, right Eleanor?" Ember whispered to the cat.

'Mreow!' Eleanor purred, rubbing her face against her owner's. 

Ember tucked Eleanor back into her carrier, stood up, and wheeled her luggage onto the long red train that led to Hogwarts. 

"C'mon Lilli, we're gonna be late! Vivi's probably already taken a seat!" Ember heard her beloved enemy say from across the boarding station.

"Ugh! That brat has everything, doesn't she, Eleanor?" Ember whispered to her cat, only to receive a faint 'meow'.


"C'mon Lilli, we're gonna be late! Vivi's probably already taken a seat!" Aspen said to her best friend, Lillian.

"I'm coming! Not my fault that someone tripped me during our passage over here." Lillian shot back with an annoyed tone. 

"It was an accident!" Aspen said, rolling her eyes in a joking manner.

The two friends boarded the train near the back, where most of the Slytherins sat, most likely because it was more of the secluded section and Slytherins weren't the most 'social' people.

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