= Chapter 1 =

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Tap tap tap

"Oh... just five more minutes." Aspen groaned, giving a small look at her alarm clock, then shoving her face further in her pillow.

11:30 pm 

Tap tap tap

"Bloody hell! Wha- Liberty!What are you doing?" Aspen glared at the beautiful silvery white barn owl that her father gave her for her eleventh birthday.

Liberty stared down at Aspen's face, balancing on Aspen's shoulder and nibbling at her ear affectionately. Aspen's furious glare turned to a soft smile. 

"I cant stay mad at you for long with that face, now can I Libby?"

Liberty cocked her head to the side, then flew over to Aspen's closet mirror, snatched a sticky note off of it, then flew back to her shoulder dropping it in front of her face. Aspen sighed and sat up as Liberty hopped down in her lap. 

Reminder: School shopping w/ friends in Diagon Alley at 12:00 pm

"OH MY GOSH! I'm gonna be late!" Aspen yelped, hurriedly scurrying out of bed, grabbing a change of clothes for the day and rushed into the bathroom to take a morning shower. 

Liberty hooted on the bathroom counters, grooming herself with her beak.

"Libby! Why didn't you wake me up sooner." Aspen said as she snatched her towel from the nearby rack.

'Hoo- hoot' Liberty replied rustling her feathers. 

"Yeah? Really? Were you asleep too?" Aspen replied, slipping into an emerald and silver sweater and tight black jeans. 

'Hoo-hoot hoo'

"Well, thanks, I guess, for waking me up when you did. We could've completely skipped it altogether." She tied a cute Slytherin themed scarf around Liberty's neck, allowing her to perch on Aspen's shoulder.

"Hey dad." Aspen said, grabbing some of the floo powder out of a jar by the fireplace. "Aspen! You have to eat something before you go," said Aspen's father, Hyperion Hale, from the elegant sofa. Aspen grabbed a green apple from the fruit bowl and took a big bite. "There," she said. "Now may I go?"

Her father nodded and picked the Daily Prophet back up, beginning to read again. Aspen grabbed Liberty off of her shoulder and held her in one hand, dropping the floo powder into the chimney. 

"Diagon Alley." She said, closing her eyes and being precise and slow when she said the words, being careful not to mutter, or it might send her to her grandmother's house, like last time. 

There was a large flash of green light and Liberty's screeching, then the sounds of people muttering and talking to each other. She stepped out of the floo landing and into the Diagon alleyway, shaking the ash and charcoal out of her sweater. 

Aspen brushed all the ash off her sweater and to the floor. Liberty swiftly flapped up to Aspen's shoulder, careful not to rip a hole in her sweater.

"Aspen?" She heard her name called and spun around. 

"Vivi! Lilli!" Aspen said happily as she hugged two of her closest friends.

"We're so glad you could make it!" Vivid said as Lillian nodded. 

"Oh my gosh! Liberty! You look so cute in your scarf!" Lillian added, giving the owl a playful pat on her head. 

"Yeah, speaking of which, how's Thistle?" Aspen asked, giving a Lillian a playful nudge. 

"He's alright, still a bit shaken from when Fawkes tried to snatch him though." Lillian answered with a hint of laughter, pulling the small, mint-colored pygmy puff out of her bag. 

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