= Chapter 4 {Part 2} *Quidditch Special* =

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"Oh my gosh! I've got to go get ready!" Aspen said as the ran past the vast sea of Hufflepuffs and Slytherins. "I'll meet you at the Great Hall for lunch!"

Aspen ran back down to the dormitories, seeing the Slytherin team waiting in the Common Room, waiting on her. She ran up to her dresser, quickly getting changed, first in a forest green top with the Slytherin logo and khaki pants, then in her quidditch robes - a long, pine green robe with the Slytherin logo on the top left of the her chest. In the back, a small snake symbol underneath the number - 2 with her last name, Hale, on it. a black lace strung the front together, so that it didn't fall down when she was flying. She also put a matching pair of dark brown gloves and knee length boots with dark green socks.

Finally... she was ready.


"Keep those broomsticks going in a tight circle!" Marcus Flint, the captain of the quidditch team said as his team flew around him in a tight circle on their Nimbus 2001's, a gift from Draco's father when he joined the team as a seeker last year.

"Ugh! Flint, we've been at this for hours!" Ember McClain said as the only female beater. Marcus gave her a stern look that shut her up, then glanced at all of us.

"This is just to make sure that we're all focused for the game ahead of us." He said.

The Slytherin quidditch team consisted of its seeker, Draco Malfoy, its keeper, Miles Bletchley, the beaters, Gregory Goyle and Ember McClain, and its chasers, Marcus Flint, Graham Montague, and Aspen Hale. Then there were the understudies... they didn't really have one, except for Vivid Chapman as the keeper understudy.

"Hale! Stay alert, we need you awake at all times." Marcus snapped her out of her daze as she spun her broom around to face him.

"Can't we run through the positions and tactics again?" She said.

"Who else could use some practice in that department?" He asked and watched as almost everyone nodded and raised their hand.

"Okay, then, positions, everyone."


"Now... I want a clean game from all of you." Madam Hooch said, directing her glare towards the Slytherin team, who were known to play dirty. "Slytherin, none of your shenanigans."

The opposing team, Gryffindor, giggled, remembering last time they played against Slytherin. The Gryffindor quidditch team had its members: the beaters, Fred and George Weasley, the chasers, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, and Alicia Spinnet. Then its keeper, Oliver Wood, and it's understudy seeker, Dove Copper. Dove was filling in for Harry Potter, who had sprained his wrist badly and couldn't play very well 

Before Marcus could say a word in protest, Hooch nodded towards Lillian Rose, who was filling in the part of announcer and threw the quaffle in the air, beginning the game.

The chasers zipped after the quaffle, Gryffindor maintaining the catch, then passed it in between  the Slytherins and to each other.

"And Angelina passes the quaffle to Alicia, who passes to Katie, then back to Angelina who takes the shot... Oooh, and a great defend from Miles, the Slytherin keeper." Lillian said amusingly through the speaker.

Miles passed the caught quaffle to Aspen, who immediately caught it in her hands, freezing. As soon as the Gryffindor chasers caught sight of Aspen with the quaffle, they gave chase. Aspen ducked as one of them lost control and fell through the Slytherin hoop, landing hardly on the sandy ground.

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