Remember our song

By finchelstories

10.1K 185 15

{sequel to our song} Santana and Rachel are back for their senior year but with a brand new personality. Wil... More

We're back
The old rachel
Star records
Court day preparations
The trial
Nick garcia
The verdict
Dream house
Slut shaming
Nationals part 1
The game
Nationals part 2
Nationals part 3
Part 3


244 5 0
By finchelstories

I really wanted to talk to Rachel but I didn't know what to say. I've been an ass and I've just made things worse by not talking to her today, I'm the in the bed that we were supposed to share but she's with Santana.

As we've already found our new home and tomorrow is our last night here, we're going to spend the day looking around and Kurt, Blaine and Sam want to look for colleges. I know that tomorrow I need to make it up to her, whilst thinking about how I'm going to make her happy again I fall asleep.

I wake up pretty early today but that's good because in an hour we're supposed to go looking at UCLA for the other guys. I run to my room and pray that Finn is still asleep so I can get my clothes without any drama.

I open the wardrobe quietly as I pull out an outfit. I grab a short white denim skirt and an orange bandeau, I quickly throw them on and do my makeup and hair. I see Finn sit up and I freeze. It's like he doesn't even see me though so he just walks to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror, trying not to let the tears fall so I don't have to redo my face.

Today we're looking at colleges and other places around here. I haven't told the guys yet, but what I really want to do is modelling. It's something that I've always been interested in and would always practise poses as a kid. I'll talk to Rachel about it later, she seems to know everything.

I sigh as I see Rachel sat on the couch in Santana's room on her phone. I can tell she's upset so I sit and comfort her.

"What did I do wrong Blaine?" She asks softly and I sigh. "I have no idea cupcake" I say. She giggles at my nickname for her and I smile knowing that I made her laugh.

After a while, everyone else walks in ready to go. "Wow rach, you look smokin'"puck says wiggling his eyebrows at her.

"Shut it puckerman" she laughs whilst giving him a playful punch on the shoulder. I put my arm around her and we all head out.

We spend the day looking at colleges and other places around LA and it's been great. But now I know that college isn't for me, we're heading to a bar so I'm going to ask Rachel to help me out.

I get the first round so I head to the bar and order the drinks. I see a blonde girl staring at me so I give her a small smile to which she returns. She then walks over to me.

"Hi handsome, what's your name?" she asks twirling her hair. "Finn, what about you?" I ask. "I'm Delilah".

Now don't get me wrong, I love Rachel with every ounce of my body and I know that this girl is flirting with me but she's harmless, it doesn't mean I can't be friendly.

The bartender places all 7 drinks in front of me and I pay him. "Thirsty?" She asks and I chuckle. "No, I'm just here with my friends" I reply.

"Mind if I join?" She asks. "Sure" I smile and she helps me carry the drinks over.

Finn walks back over from the bar and I see that he isn't alone. I figure she's just helping him carry the drinks but then she sits down next to Finn. "Guys this is Delilah" he says. She smiles and waves and I just down my drink.

"Hey rach, can I have some help?" Sam asks. "Sure what's up?" I ask, turning my attention away from Finn and Delilah who are in deep conversation and to my goofy blonde friend.

"Well, for as long as I can remember I've always wanted to pursue a career in modelling. I figured I'd look around colleges today and see if this is something I'm serious about and I was right. And I know you're really smart and everything so I wondered if you'd help me?" He asks hopefully and I smile.

"Sam that's amazing, of course I'll help you" I squeal. "I'm fact I'm pretty sure that mr star has some ties to the modelling industry so I'll send him a text" I say and then I do so.

"Thanks Rach, you're the best" he smiles and we clink our glasses.

I look at Santana and Kurt amused to see that they look angrier then me at Delilah who now has her hand on my boyfriend's arm whilst they are laughing.

Ok where did this bitch come from? And what the hell is frankenteen playing at? Her and Finn come out of their conversation as she starts to talk to all of us.

"So, where are you guys from? I haven't seen you around here before" she asks innocently, making me despise her even more.

"Actually, we just bought a house down here after signing a deal with star records" puck says and she squeals.

"Oh my god, that's amazing" she says excitedly. "Hey Finn, give me your number so we can meet up when you guys move here" she says.

I didn't think he would, but he gave her his number! Oh no he didn't. I can see Rachel with an empty glass and I speak up.

"Me and Rachel are going to get more drinks" I say quickly and she looks at me with a face full of gratitude before following me.

"I need some fresh air" I say and we head outside. I see a guy smoking and ask for a cigarette, he's nice so he hands it me and lights it up. I thank him before leaning against the wall. It's not a habit I'm proud of, and I sure as hell don't do it a lot. I just do it when I'm stressed and only Santana knows.

"What is he playing at?" She asks, taking an offered drag. "I have no idea" I sigh. This whole Finn drama was really getting to me, especially because it seems to be about nothing.

Santana and Rachel left about five minutes ago and it's clear that they didn't go to the bar. I just glare at Finn and this Delilah who is all over him and he's doing nothing about it. He's got another thing coming if  he thinks that I'm going to hang out with her when we move here. I wish he wasn't so stubborn and would just apologise already.

I sigh. Puck, Sam and Blaine are in deep conversation about whatever it is they talk about and Finn is clearly cozy with Delilah so I sigh and look for Rachel and Santana.

Rachel and I are still stood outside talking about Finn and Delilah, sharing the cigarette. It's peaceful and it definitely beats being in there with frankenteen and Goldilocks.

Lady Hummel steps out and gulps at the sight of smoking, but he doesn't comment probably because he'd be doing the same. Kurt joins in the discussion and we end up laughing at some of the things we say.

When there's not much cigarette left, we put it out and Rachel offers me some gum and we head inside, to find Finn and Delilah in the same position not even acknowledging Rachel.

An upbeat song starts to play and Delilah squeals. "Oh my god I love this song, Finn come dance with me" she says whilst dragging him to his feet. I scoff, we had a conversation when she first joined the table and she knows he's with Rachel.

"I don't dance I'm afraid, but hey you go and we'll be right here" he smiles and she leaves.

We sit there in awkward silence after she leaves, Rachel rests her head on her chin and scrolls mindlessly through Instagram. Santana and I just glare at Finn until he notices.

"What?" He asks innocently and we scoff at the same time, Rachel just turns to Blaine and they start to talk.

"Your new friend" I say mockingly and he gives me a questioning look. "Oh cut the crap Finn, she's been all over you and you're just sitting there and letting it happen" I whisper shout making sure Rachel can't hear.

"You know what frankenteen, this is pathetic. Sure guys flirt with Rachel, but she gets rid of them every time. But you invite the slut to the table and let her hang all over you when you still haven't apologised for calling my best friend a whore" Santana snaps and she turns to Rachel.

"How about you, me and lady Hummel go to a spa"  Santana suggests and she nods gratefully before we say a quick goodbye and leave.

I know that Delilah was flirting but it was all innocent. I was just trying to be friendly, I couldn't exactly have said no to her when she asked to sit with us and she's cool. It's nice to make a friend here and she knows about me and Rachel so there's nothing to worry about.

"This is exactly what I needed" I sigh as me, Kurt and Santana sit in a hot tub and clink our champagne glasses. Santana had already posted a picture of us in the hot tub on her instagram and she was talking about likes and comments whilst kurt and I tried to relax.

Then my phone starts to ring and I groan, it's puckerman.

-phone call-

Rachel: "hey Noah" she sighs

Puck: "you're in a freaking hot tub?" He asks loudly

Rachel: "Um yeah" she answers confused

Puck: "wow thanks for the invite sis" he says jokingly

Rachel: "I'm sorry it's just seeing Finn with that girl all over him was too much. Santana suggested a spa so here we are" I say simply.

Puck: "about that, rach they're going out tonight, but it's not a date" he mutters

-call ended-

I hung up the phone, I couldn't listen to that. I told santana and Kurt and they looked furious. We quickly leave the spa and head to the hotel, I'm not looking forward to this.

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