In the Mansions

By OutsideTheDistricts

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My friends and I role play a lot in this website called We have this whole world mapped out based... More

The Capitol
District Five
District Seven
District Nine
Childhood Enemies
Start A Family?
Girl Talk
Boy Drama
Anna and Talia
Zoe Loves Sharryl
Soda Sheets
Into the Caves
Oreo Alcohol
Anrick Cave Scene
Better Than Revenge
A Short Chapter
Allison's Peacekeeper Father
Mental Breakdown
Gracie's Friends
Gracie Takes the Heat
Hair Cut
Another Masquerade?
The Yellow Wood Tracks
Little Dancer
Hot Chocolate
Zoe Ninja Attacks a Peacekeeper
Confiding in People
Gracie Trusts Strangers Too Easily
Boys Come Out To Play
Andrick Kisses!
We're So Bored
Stop the Fighting

Memory Loss

28 2 0
By OutsideTheDistricts

Sierra changed name to Andrea 13:16 

Gracie walks downstairs carefully, wincing with each step. 13:16 

Andrea is sitting on the couch, eating some of Talia's oreos 13:16 

Andrea glances at Gracie "Hey you okay?" 13:16 

Brendan is in the kitchen, deciding to help Gracie out by baking more cookies. 13:17 

Gracie looks up. "Who are you?" 13:17 

Gracie crosses her arms around her stomach. "Lilly said my name's Gracie and Derrick told me this is my house, but... I only remember going to sleep a when I was ten and now I'm here... How did I grow up so quickly?" 13:27 

Andrea wonders if this is a joke and looks around 13:28 

Andrea: Um 13:28 

Andrea stares at Gracie "You're kidding right?" 13:30 

Gracie shakes her head. "No... Have you seen that nice guy, Derrick? He said he would go get me a glass of milk, but he didn't come back, so I came down here to find him..." 13:31 

Andrea: Oh, um, I'll get you a glass if you want. 13:32 

Brendan hears Gracie's voice in the living room. 13:32 

Derrick joined the chat 13:32 

Derrick finally managed to get away from Zoe pestering him about not pranking Chris and walks in through the back door of the mansion. 13:33 

Anner walks down stairs from sleeping all last night and yesterday 13:33 

Brendan gets the last batch of cookies out and walks into the living room. 13:33 

Andrea glances at Brendan 13:33 

Brendan: Oh my gosh, Gracie... What happened to you? You're all cut up.... 13:33 

Anner looks like poopballs 13:33 

Gracie: O.O Brendan, you're so old now! 13:33 

Andrea looks at Brendan and Gracie "If this is a joke you guys can stop now" 13:34 

Brendan: Uh... What? 13:34 

Anner walks into the kitchen still half asleep 13:35 

Gracie goes over to Brendan and hugs him tightly even though it makes her whole body ache. "How did we grow up so fast? How did we get here?" 13:35 

Derrick looks up and sees Anna as he pours a glass of milk for Gracie. 13:35 

Anner glances at Derrick and yawns 13:36 

Brendan gently hugs Gracie back and looks back and forth from her to Andrea. "Uh, what's going on...?" 13:36 

Anner waves and opens the fridge 13:36 

Andrea shakes her head and shrugs 13:36 

Anner grabs ice cream and a spoon and sits down 13:36 

Derrick waves back and walks into the living room after putting the milk up again. 13:36 

Anner stares off into space 13:36 

Andrea: Derrick what did you do to Gracie? 13:37 

Derrick: What? Oh, crap. Gracie, what are you doing? I told you to stay upstairs... 13:37 

Gracie lets go of Brendan. "You were taking forever..." 13:37 

Anner eats ice cream and leaves it out 13:37 

Anner walks back into the living room Dec 2 

Anner stares at the ground Dec 2 

Derrick looks back at Andrea. "Lilly talked to me about it. Gracie's lost her memory. Something about Post Traumatic Stress disorder or something like that..." 13:38 

Gracie goes over and takes her glass from Derrick, grinning at him. "Thanks for the milk!" 13:39 

Andrea: How do we get her back to normal? 13:39 

Derrick shrugs. "We just wait for her to remember, I guess. Eventually, something's gotta just trigger her memories." 13:40 

Gracie: Do I smell cookies? 13:40 

Brendan: Yeah. I was baking some... 13:40 

Andrea: Great, another 10 year old in the house.. 13:40 

Gracie glances at Andrea. "I'm nineteen, not ten... At least, that's what Derrick said..." 13:41 

Gracie sips her milk. 13:41 

Andrea: Well you think you're 10 13:41 

Brendan glances over at Anna. "Hey, stalker girl." 13:42 

Anner jumps when she hears her name 13:42 

Anner: What 13:42 

Anner looks around wondering how she got here 13:42 

Lilly joined the chat 13:42 

Anner: (Heyyyyy Lilly!) 13:43 

Gracie shakes her head. "I don't think I am... That's just the last I remember happening... Other than waking up in that bathtub with glass and Lilly fixing my cuts... I mean, I'm in a body with boobs now, so either something magical happened or I really did forget nine years of my life..." 13:43 

Gracie shrugs and drinks the rest of her milk. 13:43 

Lilly: (Where are you guys?) 13:44 

Anner: (Living room) 13:44 

Andrea laughs a bit "I'm sure you'll remember soon." 13:44 

Brendan wonders if he or Chris can do something to help Gracie since they are apart of her past... 13:44 

Lilly walks into the living room as a puma 13:44 

Anner jumps when she sees a puma and flies to the ceiling 13:44 

Anner remembers it Lilly 13:45 

Anner: Woooooo 13:45 

Anner flies down slowly 13:45 

Lilly waves to Anna 13:46 

Brendan: So, Gracie, want some cookies to go with that milk? They're probably cooled by now. 13:47 

Gracie nods. "I can't get over how cool you look as a grown-up... This is so awesome!" 13:47 

Brendan: I'm not a grown-up... I'm only twenty... 13:47 

Anner waves at Lilly 13:47 

Gracie: That's so old though! 13:47 

Brendan rolls his eyes and goes into the kitchen. 13:48 

Anner walks upstairs 13:48 

Gracie sits down by Andrea. 13:48 

Andrea laughs "Brendan is old!!!" 13:48 

Derrick goes over and sits with them too. 13:48 

Anner goes and locks herself into her room 13:48 

Brendan brings back a plate of cookies and sets it down on the coffee table. 13:49 

Lilly sits in the corner as a puma 13:50 

Anner finishes 13:50 

Andrea: Nah you're still fun even if you're older than me! 13:50 

Gracie gets distracted by the cookies and feels her mouth water. "I-I forgot. I'm not supposed to eat those..." 13:50 

Derrick: Why not, Gracie? Brendan got them just for you... 13:51 

Andrea: Why not? 13:51 

Anner combs out her hair 13:51 

Derrick looks at Andrea and laughs a bit. "Jinx." 13:51 

Andrea: (lol already we are gunna do this, Derrick?) 13:51 

Derrick: (Apparently.) 13:51 

Andrea pouts and crosses her arms 13:51 

Lilly curls up and falls asleep Dec 2 

Derrick: (We're meant to be, babe! ;) ) 13:52 

Gracie shakes her head. "I can't." 13:52 

Brendan reaches over and wraps his arm around Gracie's shoulders. "It's okay. She's not here now." 13:52 

Andrea stares at Derrick 13:52 

Gracie shakes her head again and finishes her milk. "No. Thanks anyway, Brendan." 13:53 

Anner walks back down stairs 13:54 

Derrick winks at her. "Go ahead and talk then, Andrea." 13:54 

Lilly purrs in her sleep 13:54 

Anner grabs a blanket and wraps it around her 13:54 

Gracie: .... Where are my mom and daddy anyway? 13:55 

Andrea rolls her eyes at Derrick "What ever" 13:55 

Anner sits in a chair and watches whats going on 13:55 

Brendan: In D7. We're outside the districts now. Far away from there. 13:56 

Gracie: Where's Chris? 13:56 

Brendan: He's around here somewhere. 13:56 

Derrick smiles at Andrea and elbows her playfully, 13:56 

Lilly: (If Gracie thinks she's 10, how does she remember those of us she didn't know at 10?) 13:57 

Andrea pokes Derrick 13:57 

Anner hears her stomach growl 13:57 

Andrea: (They grew up together) 13:57 

Anner makes a face 13:57 

Lilly: (Yeah, those three did, but what about the rest of us?) 13:58 

Gracie: (Yeah, I know Chris and Brendan, but everyone else here is a stranger to me.) 13:58 

Lilly: (And Anna flying and Lilly morphing doesn't freak you out?) 13:58 

Gracie: (So far, I've only re-met Andrea, Derrick, Anna, and you.) 13:58 

Gracie: (Right. I didn't think of that. I'll just pretend Derrick explained it and my wings to me earlier.) 13:58 

Gracie curls up into a ball. 13:59 

Anner stands up with the blanket still wrapped around her and walks into the kitchen 14:00 

Anner slides around the kitchen in her socks 14:00 

Anner goes to the ice cream she left out 14:01 

Anner grabs chocolate syrup and puts it in the ice cream tub 14:01 

Andrea: What's wrong Gracie Boo? 14:01 

Anner sets it down and gets whipped cream 14:01 

Anner sprays it all in the tub also 14:02 

Anner puts some in her mouth 14:02 

Lilly wakes up and yawns 14:02 

Anner sets it down and sits down 14:02 

Gracie: Um, it's just weird... How did we leave District seven? 14:02 

Anner grabs her spoon 14:02 

Anner starts to eat it 14:02 


Brendan: WE didn't. You ran away and then Chris went after you, and I came here recently. 14:02 

Lilly stretches and gets to her paws 14:02 

Lilly goes to find Anna. She demorphs as she walks 14:03 

Andrea stretches 14:03 

Gracie: Why did I run away? 14:03 

Gracie thinks she knows why, but has to ask anyway to be sure. 14:03 

Brendan: Uh... Your mom was going to marry you off to some guy you didn't like... 14:04 

Gracie wasn't expecting THAT answer... 14:04 

Lilly: (Lol) 14:04 

Lilly: Hey Anna 14:04 

Derrick grabs a cookie from the coffee table since Gracie's not eating them. 14:04 

Gracie: Okay.... That's... weird... But I think I can picture my mom doing something like that to me... 14:05 

Andrea feels awkward and stays quiet 14:06 

Derrick feels kind of awkward too and continues eating his cookie. 14:06 

Brendan rubs Gracie's shoulders. "You're here now, though. You've been here for over a year. It's safe. Trust me." 14:07 

Gracie shrugs. "Can you show me everything else around here? Derrick said we have a waterfall. And he said there's this girl named Jo that gave us super powers and that's why I have these freaky wings attached to me now..." 14:10 

Brendan: Of course, Gracie. You really should eat some breakfast first, though. 14:11 

Gracie looks at the girl that Derrick's been looking at all lovey-dovey-ish. "Hey, what's your name again?" 14:12 

Gracie pointedly ignored Brendan's suggestion. 14:13 

Andrea: Andrea 14:13 

Lilly walks back into the living room 14:13 

Gracie: Did we get into an accident together? Is that why I have scars on my face too? 14:14 

Derrick grimaces, wishing Gracie hadn't asked that. 14:14 

Andrea frowns "Um no..." 14:15 

Brendan looks up when he sees Lilly and waves at her a little. 14:15 

Gracie: How did I get mine then? 14:15 

Derrick: A mutt attacked you. 14:15 

Lilly waves at Brendan 14:15 

Gracie scratches at her face. "That sucks." 14:16 

Derrick laughs. "Yeah, it does. But you're not the only one." 14:16 

Derrick pulls his shirt back a little to show her where his shoulder was bit. 14:16 

Lilly sneezes and morphs a kitten 14:16 

Lilly face paws 14:17 

Gracie looks over at Lilly and giggles. 14:17 

Gracie reaches over and pokes Derrick's shoulder. "Wow, that's so cool. How did we get away?" 14:17 

Andrea glances at Derrick's shoulder 14:17 

Lilly demorphs 14:17 

Derrick: Oh, it wasn't at the same time, Gracie. You got clawed a few months ago. I did just sometime this week, I think. 14:18 

Gracie: Oh. Okay. 14:19 

Lilly sits against the wall and starts falling asleep 14:20

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