
By first-place-ace

1.9K 75 181

Zekrom has ravaged the region for months now. It attacks with blind savagery, decimating entire cities in the... More

Prologue: Enter, Our Heroes
A Challenge Given, A Challenge Received
(Cont.) A Challenge Given, a Challenge Received
(Cont.) Exile
Meet Lenny
(Cont.) Meet Lenny
(Cont.) Meet Lenny
How to Get Rid of a Country Bumpkin
(Cont.) How to Get Rid of a Country Bumpkin
(Cont.) How to Get Rid of a Country Bumpkin
(Cont.) Stolen
(Cont.) Selfish
(Cont.) Selfish
Sapphire City
(Cont.) Sapphire City
Sapphire City, Part II
(Cont.) Sapphire City, Part II
A Break In (the Case)
(Cont.) A Break In (the Case)
The Curator, in the Library, with the Candlestick
(Cont.) The Curator, in the Library, with the Candlestick
Not Very Fast, but Definitely Furious
(Cont.) Not Very Fast, but Definitely Furious
(Cont.) Recovery
What Do You Want?
(Cont.) What Do You Want?
Uncle Theobald's Newest Overseer
(Cont.) Uncle Theobald's Newest Overseer
(Cont.) Uncle Theobald's Newest Overseer
Why, Then, Do They Not Eat Cake?
(Cont.) Why, Then, Do They Not Eat Cake?
All of Your Dreams Have Come True
(Cont.) All of Your Dreams Have Come True
(Cont.) All of Your Dreams Have Come True
We Need to Talk
(Cont.) We Need to Talk
Worthless, Useless, No-good Waste of Time
(Cont.) Worthless, Useless, No-good Waste of Time
(Cont.) Worthless, Useless, No-good Waste of Time
A Celebration of Love
(Cont.) A Celebration of Love
(Cont.) A Celebration of Love
(Cont.) A Celebration of Love
(Cont.) A Celebration of Love
(Cont.) A Celebration of Love
The Mesa Battle
(Cont.) The Mesa Battle
The Mesa Battle Part II
(Cont.) The Mesa Battle Part II
The Mesa Battle Part III
(Cont.) The Mesa Battle Part III
The Aftermath
The Aftermath (Cont.)

(Cont.) Sapphire City, Part II

19 1 3
By first-place-ace

He turns to the left. To the right. To the left again, then he spins in a circle and ends up right back where he started.

Where's Lenny?

"Lenny?" He calls, anxious and worried.

No response.

"Lenny? Lenny!" He races forward to jump to the top of a pile of rubble. "Lenny! Guys, where's Lenny?!"

Florian releases his pendant and Torquil blinks at him. Aldrich is still in a heap on the ground. There's no Lenny with them.

Mott jumps off the pile, hurrying... somewhere. Supposedly. His mind is racing a mile a minute; his body acts without his permission. Lenny, Lenny—where's Lenny?!

"Find him!" He shouts, about ready to rip out his own fur. "Find him, find him now!"

Florian darts down a narrow pass and Torquil cups his hands around his mouth, bellowing, "Lenny!"

How did this happen? How did Mott lose him? How long has he been missing; does Mott even know when he vanished? Did something take him? Is he hurt? Worse?

"Lenny!" He yells, his voice cracking.

His call ricochets down the street, sounding hollow as it travels throughout the city. Keeping himself perfectly still, not even daring to breathe, he strains his hearing for a response. He's met with nothing but the despairing sound of his own echo.

But then, there's a noise.

It starts soft, at first. Then it grows. It's not much louder than the howling wind or the blowing dust; in fact, it's nearly drowned out by these small sounds. But Mott is searching for one thing and one thing only right now, and his ears have picked up on the sound of...


Mott leaps into action without a word, leaving Florian and Torquil to shout after him. He doesn't wait for them. He races through the street, heart pounding, adrenaline rushing, breath short. He slips once, his new legs uncoordinated and unfamiliar, but presses on.

Crying. That's Lenny, and he's crying.

He runs about a block before he arrives upon an open street on his right. The road is littered with the usual wreckage and destruction, along with a few smoldering fires here and there. But none of that matters to him, not when his eyes hone in on a lone leavanny kneeling in the middle of the street.

"Lenny," Mott exhales, relieved and worried in a new way. He hurries to him, leaning his head down beside his sobbing friend. "What's wrong? I was worried sick about..."

His eyes trail to Lenny's arms. More specifically, what's held in those arms.

A little audino boy, no more than ten, pale and dead.

"I really thought," Lenny begins, his voice a hoarse whisper, "I really thought he might still be alive."

Mott presses his snout against the side of Lenny's face and closes his eyes, unsure of what to do. There's nothing he can say that will fix this, so he doesn't say anything at all. He just rests against Lenny and hopes that helps him in some small way.

Florian and Torquil arrive soon after. He feels the horror in their gazes, and when he turns to look at them, Torquil is already bent over and retching on the ground. Florian doesn't take his eyes away from the boy, even though his face is ashen and sickly pale. It's as if he can't look away.

Lenny cries for a little longer. Then, Florian produces a sheet from his satchel and covers the boy with it.

"Come on," Mott says, soft and somber. "Let's get him back to Ada."

Ada takes it surprisingly well. She cradles the bundle close, like the boy is still her newborn babe, and weeps. Her tears are bitter, pained, and plenty—but she cries like a woman who had already accepted reality and was just waiting for the death certificate.

The teenage delinquents cry, too. Even though they'd never met the boy. They cry and hold Ada's hand and ask her questions about her baby. She answers them all with a fond smile for the memories and a teary gaze for the future she'll never get to have.

Torquil bawls. He was always the most sensitive of the three childhood friends, always so attuned to others pain. He bawls and clutches his heart like the boy was his own son, his own flesh and blood. Florian rests his tail on Torquil's shoulder, his face still pale, and murmurs condolences over and over, like a broken record.

Lenny has already cried himself dry. He's probably dehydrated, working in the sweltering heat all day and then sobbing so inconsolably. Instead, he hugs himself and stares down the street at nothing, like he's waiting to wake up.

And Mott... Mott feels. He can't describe it. He won't. But he feels, and he feels it so passionately, so bitterly, so angrily, so horribly—and he bottles it away. He closes it off, hides it, and puts on the neutral mask his father ingrained into him.

It's Lenny who eventually speaks up. Suggests that they leave the city. Camp at the outskirts, find another town to stay in for a while. The agreement is unanimous. But it isn't whole-hearted.

Mott wonders if that's because a part of their hearts are lost forever, now.

They've been trekking out of the city for the past hour. Mere minutes ago, they breached the outskirts. Another thirty minutes or so, and they should be far enough away from that place to feel like it isn't choking them anymore.

It's the biggest group he's ever travelled with, all eight of them, yet it's never been more quiet. Even as the moon rises, the sounds of nightlife seem hesitant to emerge. Maybe it wasn't just the city that died. Maybe everything is dead around it, too.

Maybe, right now, they're all dead, too.

Florian stops, eventually. Regarding them all with a carefully stoic expression, so careful it's almost brittle, he states, "We should camp here. This is far enough. There's no need to over-extend ourselves."

Ada nods in agreement. Her posse of teenagers shuffle over to her, and the pansear offers to start a fire. With Torquil, they get a small but warm fire going, safely contained. Still, Mott watches it warily to make sure it doesn't jump to Lenny.

Everyone settles around the fire, silent. Ada sits, and her teens squat beside her. Mott and Lenny sit side by side, leaning on each other like they don't have the strength to carry themselves anymore. Torquil sits beside them, his head in his hands. Florian coils himself at the opposite end of the fire, away from everyone else.

The only sound is the crackling of wood and the snap of the flames.

"You all can talk, you know."

Mott looks up and meets Ada's eyes through the fire. She forces a wry smile and says, "I'm not fragile. A few soundwaves aren't going to break me. You can talk—please. Please talk."

Her voice cracks at the end of her plea. Mott finds that he is suddenly desperate to fill the noise, to do anything to chase the silence away, but he can't find the words. Each second of silence feels like a needle under his skin. He opens and closes his mouth, floundering like a fish out of water.

"What do you think Zekrom's motive is?" He blurts.

Everyone looks at him, quiet and stunned. Each pair of eyes stares at him with the flickering fire reflecting in their gazes. The only sound is the crackling fire.

"What on earth are you going on about," Florian mutters, staring into the flames.

"Everyone is motivated by something," he continues, watching the embers of the campfire rise up and vanish. "So why do you think someone would do something like this?"

Silence settles around the fire.

"I don't know," Ada whispers, holding the lifeless bundle in her arms. "Thinking about that is almost scarier than dealing with all this death, isn't it? That means someone wanted this to happen."

Senseless violence is easier to cope with than desired violence.

"And if someone wanted something so horrible to happen," Ada says, her eyes brimming with unshed tears, "then what stops them from wanting worse?" 

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