Kim young kwang: The new guy

By cloud_rain_

502 60 23

Whatever our dream is,however impossible it may seem, we can do it. We can work hard and reach to a better le... More

Planning and Plottings
What is this feeling!?


40 8 1
By cloud_rain_

Lee Soo Hyuk's POV

I got into the car to go to school and thought about making a change today.

I did not tell any of my friends about my parents setting me up with a blind date last week. I was really against it but they kind of forced and emotional blackmailed me so i had no other choice.

I didnt know who it was going to be until i went to the date itself. I didnt tell any of my friends about her after i realized who it was because my date was none other than my classmate, Kim Yeong Byeol. The Kim family and my family were close friends plus partners so they decided to set their children to date.

Actually, on that day, when i went into the restaurant to meet my date with all the plans on how i am going reject her, i could not believe my eyes when i saw Yeong Byeol. She was already sitting there, waiting gracefully. I was late intentionally so that i could leave a bad impression on the date but now, its Yeong Byeol. The last thing i wanted to do was leaving a bad impression on her. I didnt know what to do. I stood there for a minute.

I decided to go when a waiter asked if there was something wrong. She saw me, stood up and greeted me. She didnt look shocked so it was clear she knew it was going to be me.

I always saw Yeong Byeol at family functions or some gatherings and i kind of...had a...crush on her too, but a small one...a small crush. But she never seemed to notice me.

I thought there would be an awkward silence but she spoke up.
"So, you are not really trying to date me right??" She got right on the point.
"..." i remained silent.
"No, what i mean is, you are being forced to come here too right? Or...?" She continued.
"No no, yea, my parents fo..forced me, yea!" I responded.
"Oh okay then. Then lets just tell them we had a date but its not working out, okay??" She plotted.
"Sure" i said and we had our meal and thats how it ended. Deep inside, i wanted to stay, have a date and get closer to her, but...she doesnt even think about me that way. So, no hopes!

Woo Bin and Sung Joon had been really suspicious of me lately, maybe because i insisted on sitting behind her line or maybe something else. Maybe i showed out my emotions too much these days. Aish...whats wrong with me? I couldnt face them since they were going to ask me loads of questions and torture me with all the teasings so i often came to school alone, went home early alone, ran away and hid somewhere alone on breaks which made me look more suspicious and now, all my friends have questions. I decided to be a bit courageous today since i had been too pathetic and that is how i am going to make a change.

I also wondered how Yeong Byeol could not feel the least awkward around me. There was no doubt that she didnt care about me at all. I felt like crying loudly sometimes.

I got off the car next to the school campus and the first person i saw was her, Kim Yeong Byeol, talking to her friend, Cha Eun Woo's sister. I am used to these kind of coincidences. Sometimes, i think god really tortures me when i try to forget her and force me to like her more. Nah, lets just go.


I bade my mother goodbye and went out of the house to go to school. There was a car parked in front of our gate. I went closer to it and saw Bo Young grinning widely at me. I was amazed and went closer to her and asked what she was doing.
"Of course i am here to pick up the princess. Come on, hop on." She said teasingly.
"What do you mean princess? I am a KING!" I scoffed back and we both laughed while getting in the car.

Cha Eun Woo's POV

My friends called me out to go to school with them but i wanted to be alone today. By the term 'friends', i dont mean the current friends Woo Bin, Jong Hyun and all. I meant my old friends, with whom i was once classmates.

My sister, Cha Eun Hye already went out. I always wondered why she would go so early eventhough our school is so near, she just wants people to compare us and people to look down upon me and blablabla. I have never seen anyone who didnt compare us, she is always the perfect kid while i am the loser. Aish.

I just need to freshen up my mind and remove all the negativities. Why is everything so hard?
My mother asked me last night why i didnt go to school yesterday. Yes, i didnt, after seeing her at the canteen, i didnt go to school the following day. I am not being a drama queen, i just needed an excuse to not go to school. I am going today anyway.
Who was that new kid anyway? They didnt have to hug each other. So shameless. So annoying.

I took some money from mom since i had an argument with my dad this morning and went out of the house.

I walked and kicked some stones lying oddly on the road with both my hands inside my pant pockets. I nearly reached the school and could see people going in when a familiar car reached next to the gate. I instantly kmew it was Bo Young's car, so i stopped and watched her get out of the car. But a tall guy figure went out with her. I was stunned and paced up to see clearly who it was. It was the new guy.

Who the hell was he anyway? And what the heck is their relationship?

Gang Bi's POV

My sister woke me up a bit early this morning and i was just chilling on the balcony again thinking about the cringe i felt when i fell on Young Kwang the night before. I was literally on his arms. It would have been really romantic and nice if i had liked him, but strangely i kept on recalling the time we spent together again and again the whole night as if my mind was on replay.

School was going to start after 50 minutes, and of course, i am ready for school. I was sure i wont be late today. I heard many guys' voices which mostly sounded familiar from the neighbourhood. I went to the main balcony again and saw my classmates, i mean Sung Joon's friends in front of his house, maybe they came here to pick him up.

Amongst them, i didnt know most of them but there were Woo Bin and also....Jong Hyun. He stood there quiet as always while everyone was talking and making noise. He was always the cool, quiet but charming guy amongst his friends. I kept on staring at him and remembered the times i had a huge crush on him. I liked him so much. I am still trying to be over him. Okay, i know i said i was over him but people around me know that i am not actually, i am just trying and i am doing my best.

It was harder these days because he was not being that rude to me these days. But i am still searching for reasons to hate him.

They were just talking and laughing while i waited for them to go away. I of course didnt want to walk past them. Aish, i hope i am not late again. I went in for the time being and made myself busy with something and found some different and unique genre of comic books i had bought at a book fare last month. It looked really really interesting but i never really had the time to read it. I remembered Young Kwang so i took the first edition of the book with me in my bag.

After 10 minutes, they went away, so i took my bag and ran off to school.


"Gang Bi!" Eun Hye called me from afar along with Yeong Byeol.
I went to them and and grinned and bragged about not being late. We all spoke for a bit while walking into the classroom.
"I have something to tell you guys." Yeong Byeol suddenly said cutting off Eun Hye in the mid. We both looked at her and gave her a questioned look.
"Lets get seated first." She said so we took our seats.
She didnt look nervous or anything but she just seemed guilty about something. Maybe she didnt tell us something.
"I actually went on a blind date last weekend. I know i told you that i had some family meetings so i could not join you guys at the restaurent to hang out. But i lied. I went on a blind date. I didnt mean to lie. I was just so embarrassed." She splurted out.

"Okay okay calm down." Eun Hye calmed her.
"Who is it? You are telling us after a whole week?" I asked.
"Thats why i am apologising, I am soo sorry." She apologised again.
"First of all, stop saying sorry." I said. "So you are dating someone?" I continued asking.
"No, we ended things right away. We were both being forced anyway." She clarified.
"Who is he?" I repeated.
"Do you really need to know? You know, we are not even together." She asked.
"Tell us." Eun Hye said in a strict tone.
"Umm, Lee... Lee Soo Hyuk." She answered hesitantly.
"Why are you stuttering? As if we know him." I said, smirked and patted her back.
They both stared at me giving me weird looks and then sighed.
"What?" I tried to umderstand their expressions. Do i? Do i know him? Who is he?" I asked with a confused face.
"Lee Soo Hyuk. The guy sitting behind us."Yeong Byeol whispered.
"Roll no. 31." Eun Hye continued.
I am so damn bad at remembering names.
"Wait.....whaattttt? Why him? two? Oh you are not together. Ohh..i really need to calm down." I said.
"But you two would look together though" Eun Hye said and smirked.

She told us more about it and we eventually started talking about something else.
It was nearly break time and we all were just talking and making noise since the teacher went out early. The class leader came to me and told me to go to Miss Park since she asked for me. I told you about the teacher who is my aunt, she is Miss Park.

I was coming back after talking to Miss Park from the staff room. She just wanted to give my mother something which only they know about and i was being the delivery woman.

The bell had already rung and the students were all around the school. I was just walking on the corridor just next to our class staring and examining at the perfectly packed box she gave me when i heard many hard footsteps running towards me. There were three guys running on the corridor chasing each other and one was running and facing backwards and i was just standing idly. I was too panicked to react.

The next moment i was in my right mind, i was in the school infirmary. I was startled when i woke up thinking what happened to me. I checked myself and there was nothing in particular which was hurt. I looked confused when the school nurse came to me and asked how i felt. Maybe i looked really confused, she told me what happened.
"So i fainted because i panicked and fell somewhere and hurt my head?" I asked and checked if my head was hurting anywhere but found nothing.
"Yes, but there was nothing severe. I hope you are okay. You were just startled i think." She informed me.
"But who brought me here?" I asked her while getting off the bed.
"Your friend." She said and went to her seat.
I just assumed it was Yeong Byeol and Eun Hye and so i went to them.

When i was walking into my classroom, there were some eyes staring at me and giggling or maybe i am just assuming.
I went to my seat and both my friends rounded their eyes with worry and hugged me tight.
"What happened to you?? We were soo worried!" Yeong Byeol exclaimed with worry.
"I just fell. I am oka.." I said when Eun Hye cut me off.
"No you are not. You fainted! We were dying here."
"Thank you so much guys. Thank you for worrying about me and for taking me to the infirmary. Was i heavy?" I asked and smirked.
"Dont joke around. And yes, we were not the ones who took you to the infirmary." Yeong Byeol said.
"Yea, and you wont like to hear who took you." Eun Hye continued, whispering.
"Stop scaring me. Who is it?" I asked.
"Are you okay?" Young Kwang asked suddenly from the back.
"Yes. Thank you for asking." I responded.
"So sorry. We were just playing around. We didnt know we would cause such a fuss." Sung Joon said.
"Oh by the way, whats your relationship with him?" Sung Joon continued with a suspecting face.
"Him?" I pointed towards Young Kwang. "He is my neighbour and my friend."
"I was not talking about him. But anyway, he is your friend? Whoaa....!" He made a teasing face. "How many are we going to suspect already?" He asked Woo Bin who just grinned referring to Soo Hyuk and us. Soo Hyuk was just as nervous as me and he  seemed like he was being picked at the whole day.

Sung Joon was really good at making people uncomfortable.

"Just say whom you are talking about." Yeong Byeol said irritatedly.
He pointed at the guy sitting behind him. "Hong Jong Hyun." He said.
My cheeks were burning "Why?" I asked.
"Stop it." Eun Hye said. "Stop teasing everyone Sung Joon-a." She commanded.
He put his hands up and the bell rang. It was already the second break. I realised i fainted for like four hours. Eun Hye and Yeong Byeol took me to a corner outside with some food.
"Listen, the one who carried you to the imfirmary was Jong Hyun." Eun Hye said.
"I dont know why, he looked soo worried." Yeong Byeol continued.
"What are you saying? Why was he there? Why would he be worried about me? Nah...anyway, if it was someone else other than me, maybe he would have done the same. Lets not drag this." I responded nervously.
"Yea sure. We did not want you to feel nervous around other people. Like how you were with Sung Joon in the classroom before."
"I hope i was not too obvious back there."i said starimg blankly somewhere.
"Hmm...oh i did not know you were neighbours with Young Kwang." Eun Hye said.
"And friends too." Yeong Byeol smirked.
"We have been keeping many things to ourselves these days right?" Eun Hye said before i could explain myself.
"No, i just did not remember about him around you guys. He helped me like twice already. So i just called him a friend. I hope he does not feel weird.

Kyk's POV

She called me a friend.

I saw Gang Bi standing in the middle of the corridor looking at something and it was really noisy that side too. I saw Sung Joon and Jong Hyun running after a guy from another section. They were just playing, nothing serious. And the guy from the other section bumped on Gang Bi and she fell sideways and her head hit the door next to her. It didnt hit hard though, i think.

I ran to her and tried to check on her but before that, Jong Hyun ran to her and tried to wake her up. She fainted. Jong Hyun seemed to be going insane, his face looked like his soul has left his body and he looked really pale. He didnt look at anything else and carried her in a bridal style and ran to the infirmary. I was dumbstruck and just stood there and looked at him going away with her. Since it was in front of the classroom, all our classmates saw the scene and noticed something strange with Jong Hyun too.

I went to the infirmary after a while and saw Jong Hyun sitting beside her as the nurse was checking on her. He looked so different.

After that, when Jong Hyun came back to class, everyone started teasing him and shipped him with her. He looked pissed but, it seemed more like as if he was trying to hide his blushing face. I kept staring at him when i felt someone tap on my arm.

"Why are you staring at him like that? You seem like you are going to kill him." Bo Young told me.
I didnt realise i was making a pissed face but i did, haha. Nevermind. And the bell rang so we all went back to our seats. I was actually thinking about Gang Bi the whole three periods.

At last, she came back and everyone just kept quiet and didnt tease her because Jong Hyun warned them. He looked serious and pissed so no one dared to anymore.

But Sung Joon being himself, cannot stop himself. He still brought him up but, Gang Bi blushed...she was literally burning red when she heard his name. Maybe...there was somethimg between them or...maybe not beacause it never seemed that way before.But yea, why was i caring about all those things anyway? Ohh... i am her friend!!

Author's note

This is the longest chapter so far. I hope you still like reading it. I will try to make it better as the story proceeds, i am still really rookie.
You can always tell me your opinions about it.
Thank you to all my readers for reading this.
"Peace...!" ✌✌✌

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