Falling in Love with the Kitty

By LaughableRiver

1.1K 70 6

Kyo didn't want to go to Ouran Academy. She was perfectly fine at Kaibara with Tohru and, dare she admit it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors note: revamping story

Chapter 5

150 7 0
By LaughableRiver

Kyo laid down on her bed face down, trying to burrow deeper under her blankets.

Even after hours later, she felt the tingle on her lips.

She blushed at the memory. That sneaky brat stole her first kiss! How was she suppose to face him tomorrow?

Kyo sighed. Everything was just so confusing! Was it normal to keep thinking about it? Was it bad she liked it? She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. No, Honey must have been on a sugar high, he didn't mean to say those things and kiss her.

She needed another girl to talk to. Yes, that's it. But who?

Tohru was out of the question, Kyo just knew she was too innocent to have her first kiss yet; the Yankee would just make fun of her; the physic gave her the creeps; Rin's a bitch; Kisa was too young; and Kagura will beat the crap out of her to show her happiness. That left one option.

Getting up, she changed her clothes and went downstairs.

As she put on her shoes, Shigure's head popped out of his office. "Kyo? Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah." She replied.

"Where? Going on a date?" He winked and teased.

Kyo bristled. "It's not a date! I'll be back by dinner!" She stood up and ran out the door, slamming it


"As much as I enjoy your company, how did you get my address?" Haruhi asked, setting down a tray of tea on the table. She poured a cup for Kyo and herself, said girl staring intently at the table.

"Kyoya." Kyo stated.

"I am really not that surprised." Haruhi dryly added.

Kyo shifted uncomfortably. She cleared her throat. "Yeah...Haruhi?...Have you had your first kiss yet?"

Haruhi looked up in shock, slightly blushing. "First kiss...? Um, actually, yes, I have."

"Really? How did you feel?"

"Well...it was with a girl-"

"What!" Kyo shouted. Her eyes widened. "So you're...-"

"No!" Haruhi shook her head quickly. "It was Tamaki's fault. I was only suppose to kiss her cheek but the idiot pushed me and we kissed on the mouth. I didn't feel anything really, I was just a bit embarrassed."

"No tingle on your lips?" Kyo questioned.

"No. Kyo, what's this about?" Haruhi asked.

Kyo pursed her lips. "Yesterday, something happened..."

"What happened?"

Kyo's face flamed and she dropped her head onto her hands. She mumbled something.

"Kyo, I can't hear you." Haruhi gently prodded.

Kyo lifted her head and slightly yelled, "Honey kissed me!"

Haruhi gasped. "He did? That explains why he was so happy when he came back."

Kyo lowered her eyes. "What am I suppose to do? I keep thinking of it and I still feel his lips on mine!"

"That means you like him!" Haruhi's dad, Ranka, jumped out from behind the closed door.

The two girls jumped at the sudden appearance.

"Dad! Were you spying on us?!" Haruhi shouted.

Ranka pouted like a kicked puppy. "...Yes...But only because this is the first time you've had someone over that was a girl!"

"That doesn't give you the right to listen to our conversation!" She gave a half-hearted glare.

Ranka scowled. "Well I'm glad I did. What's this about that stupid idiot making you kiss a girl?! Just wait until I get my hands on him!" ******

Haruhi rolled her eyes.

"Uh, Fujioka-san...?" Kyo said.

Ranka stopped his plan to destroy Tamaki and blinked at Kyo. "Oh, dear, no need to to call me by my last name. Ranka's fine. Now, what is you need?"

"How do you know if you like someone?" She asked hesitantly.

Ranka sat down with them and leaned towards Kyo, his face serious. "Do you keep thinking about him?"


"Do you get butterflies in your stomach?"

"...I thought I was just getting hungry..."

"Do you get jealous when other girls are around him?"

"What?...Uh, I mean, it gets annoying-"

"Do you enjoy being around him?"

"I guess."

"Finally, did you like the kiss?"

Kyo's face was heavily blushing. "I-I...yes."

He nodded sagely, "All the signs are there."

Kyo placed her head on the table. "What do I do now? Does he even like me?"

"Of course he does! I've met Honey, and he's a sweet boy. He wouldn't kiss you without meaning it."

Haruhi nodded. "I have to agree with Dad on this. He wouldn't play around with like that. He may act like a child, but he's still eighteen."

"How am I suppose to act?" Kyo asked exasperated.

"Do what you think is right. Although if you don't want to be anything more than friends, say it gently. Saying it harshly and outright will break his heart." Ranka told her.


Kyo lasted the whole day, not seeing Honey anywhere. She was relieved not to face him yet, but there was still a small part inside of her that was disappointed.

She debated about going to the club today or not. Scowling, she made up her mind. She wasn't a coward! She'll go!...But once the club actually began.


Opening the doors, Kyo silently went through them, hoping to go unnoticed.

"Would you like to choose a host, Miss Sohma?" Kyo froze in her spot. Slowly, she turned to see the Ice King staring at her with his fake smile.

"Yeah, I want to choose Haruhi."

"I'm afraid his schedule is packed."

Kyo's eyebrow twitched. "Then I'll wait."

"He won't be available until tomorrow."

"...Then I'll choose you."

"Unfortunately, I'm unavailable as well." He said, not sounding sorry at all. "However, Honey and Mori are free for you to join."

Kyo gave a sigh through her nose. "Okay, Honey and Mori it is."

She walked over to the table, trying to breathe normally. Her stomach like it was going to explode from so many butterflies in there.

Honey looked up from biting his cake and saw her. His eyes flashed with an emotion she couldn't place. Smiling he waved at her.

"Hi Kyo-chan!"

"H-hi Honey." She mentally cursed herself for stuttering. "Hi Mori."

Mori nodded at her.

"Are you joining us today?" Honey asked.

"Yup." Sitting down, she glanced at the other customers, who gave her a smile.

The rest of the club time was spent with Kyo making small talk with everyone, not making eye contact with Honey, and stuffing her face with pie to not talk.

Before she knew it, the girls were leaving the room.

"So, Kyo-Senpai," A twin slyly smirked.

"Is Hatsuharu your boyfriend?" The other finished.

Kyo pinched the bridge of her nose. "I wouldn't date that loser. He's my cousin."

Honey gave a small breath of relief.

"Honey. Can I talk to you outside?" Kyo stood up and looked at him.

Nodding, Honey followed her out.

The rest of the hosts looked after them, only Haruhi staring knowingly.


Kyo walked down the hall and went inside an empty room. She heard Honey enter as well.

Turning her head, she stared at him. "You kissed me."

"Yes." He said seriously.

"Why?" She asked.

"I like you Kyo."

Kyo bit her lip. "I...I...think I like you too." She admitted.

Honey gave her a confused frown. "You think."

"Honey, you like me. That means you want to be together, doesn't it?" Kyo asked bluntly.

Honey was surprised. "I do. I want you to be my girlfriend."

"I was afraid you'd say that." She muttered.

"You don't want that?" His eyes showed hurt.

Kyo winced. "No! I mean...Yes, I would. But I can't."

"I don't understand, what do you mean you can't?"

"My head of my family won't allow me to be in a relationship, I know it."

"But this is your life. He can't control you." Honey stated, crossing his arms.

"It's more than that Honey. You have no idea how much I want to disobey him and leave that family!"

"Then do it! Just say no."

Kyo shook her head. "I can't. Things will get bad if he finds out."

Honey stepped forward and grabbed her hand. "We both like each other. That's what matters."

Kyo stared at him with sadness. "It still won't work Honey."

Honey glared slightly at her. "Why do you keep making excuses?" He whispered.

"They're not excuses...My family is different. There's a reason we hardly let outsiders in." Kyo closed her eyes. She couldn't believe she was going to reveal the secret to him. If Akito found out, Honey would definitely have his memory erased.

"Promise-no, swear to me that what I'm about to show you, you won't tell another soul." Kyo asked desperately.

"I swear." He answered.

Kyo took a deep breath. She jerked his hand towards her and brought him into a hug. Their hug lasted a second before a pop sounded and Honey couldn't feel Kyo in his arms anymore.

He gasped and looked around, only to find Kyo's clothes on the floor. "Kyo-chan?" He called. The bundle of clothes moved, and a orange cat came out.

"This is my family's curse." Kyo's voice came out when the cat moved her mouth.

"Is that you Kyo?" Honey asked, his eyes wide.

"Yes Honey. My family holds this curse." Kyo said, bowing her head. "Please turn away, I turn back naked."

Honey did as he was told and looked out the window once another pop sounded.

"You can look now." Kyo said. She sat on a chair.

"What's this curse about?" He asked.

"The Chinese Zodiac. For generations thirteen people have been the animals, while someone was our God. Like in the story, only the cat is included. Whenever we hug the opposite gender, we transform. That's why we don't like being touched and go to same gender schools. Hatsuharu is the cow, and we can only hug those that have the curse too. In my family, not everyone knows about the curse, only the people in the inside part. Akito is our God, and no matter what he says, we have to follow his orders. That's why if he says we can't be together, I have to follow his order." Kyo said, casting her eyes down. "Akito's a jerk, and I hate his guts, but as long as we're under this damn curse, we'll never be free." She clenched her fist. "The curse is a secret and whoever finds out, Akito decides if they keep their memory. It's bad enough I told you, don't bring anyone else into this."

Honey didn't say anything for a while, thinking about everything.

He placed his hand over Kyo's fist and loosened it. When she looked up, he gave her a grin.

"Then let's not add a title to it."


"If you can't be in a relationship, let's not be girlfriend and boyfriend. We'll just be more than friends." Honey suggested.

"More...than friends?" Kyo repeated. He nodded at her.

Kyo gently smiled. "We could get into a lot of trouble." She warned.

"It doesn't matter." He replied.

"You could lose your memory."

"I don't care. I'll meet you again."

"...Okay. More than friends." Kyo agreed.

Honey leaned in and gave her a kiss, making sure not to hug her in any way.

Kyo hesitantly kissed back, trying not to let her inexperience interfere.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.


********Just letting you guys know, I am not against gay people! I'm just trying to show how mad Ranka is that Haruhi kissed someone in general. He would have been mad if it was a boy either way. He's more mad at the fact that Tamaki 'forced' Haruhi to kiss someone.

I'm sorry if Kyo or Honey seemed OOC! If I made them more like their character, the plot would never move forward!

I decided to take a different approach on this, making only Honey know about the curse. Logically, Akito wouldn't stand for the whole club knowing her secret, so only Honey knows!

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