Falling in Love with the Kitty

By LaughableRiver

1.1K 70 6

Kyo didn't want to go to Ouran Academy. She was perfectly fine at Kaibara with Tohru and, dare she admit it... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors note: revamping story

Chapter 1

217 9 3
By LaughableRiver

I own nothing but the plot


"Now Kyo, I know you're mad but you don't need to act like a child about it. Stop sulking in the corner and eat. You're letting all of Tohru's hard work go to waste!" Shigure started out serious but failed in the end.

"Just let the stupid cat starve. It's not like anyone will miss her." Yuki continued eating his miso soup.

"Oh, no Kyo! Please eat, it's not healthy to skip meals." Sweet Tohru Honda begged Kyo.

Kyo sat in the corner for a while more before getting up and sitting down at the table, defeated by the short girl.

"Now Kyo, was that so hard?" Shigure teased.

"It's your damn fault!" Kyo yelled. "How was I suppose to know that was a transfer test!"

"Don't you know how to read?" Yuki deadpanned. "It's your own fault for falling for the same thing twice."

Kyo's face flushed before muttering something about smart-ass rats.

"Either way, you are going tomorrow whether you like it or not. It's on Akito's orders." The cat scowled at the mention of Akito.

"Look on the bright side Kyo! At least you can go to a great school like Ouran Academy!" Tohru said positively.

"As if I want to be in a place full of snobby bastards." Kyo stuffed her mouth with salmon.

"Well what about the uniform? I think it's lovely!" She continued, trying to cheer Kyo up.

"It looks like a yellow marshmallow." Kyo shuddered at the memory of the horrid dress. "I am not wearing that thing."

"Ah...um..." Torhu was having a hard time thinking of another great reason of going.

"Just leave her Miss Honda. She's only being a child and having a tantrum."

"Child?! You want to start something rat-boy?" She slammed her fist on the table. Yuki stared at her unfazed. He picked up a leek that was on the table and raised it slightly.

Kyo paled at the sight of the demonic vegetable, remembering when he stuck it in her mouth.

She shut up after that.


"Farewell Kyo! See you soon! Do come back soon!" Shigure shouted as though she was miles away instead of ten feet.

"Will you shut the hell up! I'm going to school not Korea! I swear, you become more annoying everyday."

"Goodbye Kyo!" Torhu gave her a brief hug before walking up the road.

"Try not to blow the secret." Yuki warned as he passed by her.

"I'm not that dumb, rat!"

"It sure seems like it."

"Oh, it is on! Come on, right here, right now! I'll take you do-"

"Kyo, you're going to be late if you don't hurry up." Reminded Shigure. A tick mark appeared on her head.

"Whatever." Kyo started walking the other direction.

"Stupid rat, stupid Akito. Why am I the only one who transferred?" Kyo muttered to herself.




"You have got to be kidding." Kyo was gawking at the school building.

"Nope, that's how it really is." A voice behind her made her jump backwards. She turned to see a girl in boy clothes.

"Why would anyone paint a school pink?"

The girl shrugged. "Don't ask me. You're new here right? I'm Haruhi Fujioka." She held out her hand.

Kyo glanced at her hand before shaking it. "Kyo Sohma."

"What brings you to Ouran?" Haruhi continued, motioning her to follow through the gates.

Kyo sighed and scowled. "The dumb head of my family decided I would transfer here."

"I'm guessing you don't like him?"

"Damn straight. Anyways, are you a transvestite? I get it if you are, I have a cousin that wears women's clothes..." She trailed off. Haruhi looked bewildered for a moment before shaking her head.

"No, I just have to act like a boy to pay off a debt." She reassured.

"Debt? I thought you rich kids just throw your money around?"

Haruhi laughed. "Yeah, but I'm not rich. I'm a 'commoner' as they put it. I came here on a scholarship."

Kyo nodded, understanding now.

Before any of the two could say anything more, loud squeals could be heard. The duo saw a crowd of girls surrounding the school gates, with hearts in their eyes, staring at Haruhi. Most of the girls glared at Kyo, recognizing her as a threat.

"...Is this normal for you?" Kyo sweatdropped.

"Sadly. I'm only popular because of the club I'm in."

"I should get going. Can you tell me where's 2-A?"

Haruhi gave her the directions then headed towards the fangirls.


In the hallways, Kyo walked trying to find the classroom.

"Hey you!" A voice yelled.

Kyo turned to see two girls standing in front of her. She raised an eyebrow.

"Just who do you think you are walking with Haruhi-kun?!" The blonde one demanded.

She tried walking around them, but they were stubborn.

"Answer us! You are not good enough for Haruhi-kun. Just look at what you wear! It's just hideous!" The other black haired girl snarled.

Kyo looked down. She was wearing her usual attire. A black t-shirt and gray cargo pants with high top converse, she didn't see anything wrong with that. She could just feel her temper rising.

"Oh yeah? At least I'm not wearing a puffy marshmallow. How would you know anything about fashion?" Kyo scoffed. "Go powder your little fake noses."

"Our faces are real!"

"Sure doesn't seem like it, wannabe barbies."

Both girls turned red with anger.

"The only thing here fake is your hair. No way is your hair that naturally orange!"

"Please, I'm all real. Now, get lost and before I make you need another face surgery." This time she was able to push the girls out of the way.

A few minutes later she found her classroom with a minute to spare.

"You must be the new student. Welcome to Ouran Academy." Kyo looked to see a woman in her late thirties.

"Hn." She was still pissed about the incident.


"That's the bell. Why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself?"

The class by now was full and everyone had taken their seat.

Kyo stood with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.

"I'm Kyo Sohma. Nice to meet you."

"Does anyone have any questions for Kyo?" The teacher, Mrs. Akiyama, asked the students.

Many hands went up.

"Yes Daisuke?"

"Will you go out with me?" Laughter rung out in the class.

"Not even in your dreams." Kyo deadpanned.

"What about you Akira?"

"Is that your real hair color?"

Kyo rolled her eyes. "This is my real hair and eye color." After that, few of the hands went down.


"Isn't Kyo a boy name?"

"No, it's unisex."

"You may now sit down. There is a seat next to Ootori-san."

A boy with round glasses and black hair raised his hand. Kyo went over and sat down next to him.

"Pleasure to meet you Sohma-san." He greeted with a fake pleasant smile.


"My family has talked yours about the medical care of your head of the family. We offered our best care, but we were denied." He continued, pushing up his glasses.

"Is that so. Well, I doubt they would accept anyone outside the Sohmas. They're stubborn like that." Kyo rested her head on her hand and looked bored.

Before he could reply, Mrs. Akiyama started the lesson.

On the other side of Kyoya, Tamaki was staring at Kyo, much to her distaste.

"What's with the stare, Blondie? Take a picture, it lasts longer." She snarled at him. Tamaki looked surprised and embarrassed at being caught.

"I'm sorry princess, I was just amazed at how well your eyes go with hair. It looks wonderful." He smiled brightly, much like Ayame. Kyo suppressed a shudder at the thought of the damn snake.

"Yeah, whatever." She mumbled. She turned back to the front, hoping he would take the hint to shut up, but that wasn't the case.

"Why don't you come after school to the Host Club? We would love it if you came. We enjoy it when new people come to see it-" As he kept babbling, Kyo's temper began to flare again, growing every minute. Kyoya took notice of this and began to write it down in his notebook.

"Today we are doing a theme of-"

"Okay Blondie! If I go, will you shut your trap?!" She hissed at him.

Tamaki jumped at her harshness, before nodding furiously. "Wonderful! I must inform the hosts about our new guest coming! Come to Music Room #3 after school!"

'Hosts? What the hell do they do there?'

"Sohma-san, Suoh-san. May you please keep it down. I am trying to teach a class." Mrs. Akiyama scolded.

Tamaki blushed and sat down, mumbling an apology.

Kyo ignored the teacher and looked out the window, crossing her arms around her chest.


"Kyo! It's time to go!" Tamaki twirled in joy.

'Ah, shit I forgot about that.'

"I'll go later..."

"No, no, no! You must come now! Now, let's go!" He grabbed her hand, almost dragging her to the room.

"Hey! Let go of me Blondie!" She tried to get out of grip, but he held on like a leech.

Kyo turned to Kyoya. "A little help?"

He ignored her as he kept walking behind the two. 'Damn bastard.'

They walked for a few minutes before stopping in front of large doors.

"Welcome to the Host Club!" Tamaki shouted, throwing the doors open.

Inside, there were two identical twins, on a couch, playing on a hand-held system.

Behind them was a small blonde boy holding a pink rabbit, who reminded her of Momiji, while eating cake at a nearby table. On the other side of him, was a tall boy with short spiky black hair.

Someone came out of the back room with a tray of cups filled with coffee. That someone, was Haruhi, who Kyo recognized.

"Hey Haruhi." Said person turned around and waved after a moment.

"Hi Kyo-senpai, why are you here?"

Kyo pointed her thumb at the idiot blonde behind her. "This thing dragged me."

"How do you know our toy?" The two twins glared at her, wrapping their arms around Haruhi, squishing her in between them.

"None of your business." Kyo hissed.

"It is our business." The one on the right countered.

"Haruhi is ours." The left one continued.

"Knock it off guys. I'm not anybody's." Haruhi interrupted. She shrugged the twins off and walked to Kyo. "Sorry about them."

"Whatever. I'm leaving."

Kyo began walking away but a small hand grabbed her wrist. By instinct, she slapped the hand away and turned to yell at the culprit, only to stop when she saw no one was there.

Looking down, she saw the same blonde boy with the rabbit.

"What do you want kid?"

"Please stay. You can have cake with me and Usa-chan!" He gave her a big smile, making her eyebrow twitch. The midget acted the same like Momiji, and they looked so similar, it freaked her out.

"Yeah, no."

"B-but why?" He pouted.

"I'm not a big fan of cake." The midget's eyes went wide and it looked as if he was about to cry.

"You don't like cake?" Never being able to deal with tears, she crouched down in a panic.

"Don't cry! Ah, fine I'll have cake just don't cry!" Cheering up, he grabbed her hand and dragged her to his table.

"Yay! Look Takashi, she's gonna have cake with me and Usa-chan!"

"Yippee." Kyo said sarcastically.

Honey clearly ignored the tone in her voice and sat her in a chair. "What kind do you want?" He tilted his head.

She shrugged. "Doesn't matter...vanilla." Grabbing the cake, Kyo gave a reluctant bite. She raised an eyebrow at Honey. "Your last name wouldn't happen to be Sohma, right?"

He laughed. "No, I'm Honey Haninozuka. Why?"

Kyo shook her head. "I have a cousin, he looks just like you. Thought you might be related."

"Another Honey? Can we meet him?" The twins came up, cornering Kyo. She leaned back in her chair, uncomfortable with them being so close.

She scoffed. "No way. I've already seen enough of that brat. I don't even know you."

"I'm Hikaru."

"I'm Kaoru."

"And we're the Hitachiin twins. Now you know us." They smirked at her.

"Well, doesn't matter. I'm leaving." Kyo stood up, wiping her hand on a napkin.

"Please stay Kyo-chan." Honey pleaded.

Her eye twitched at the honorific. "Can't. I need to go home." She walked to the door, her hands in her pockets.

"Will you come tomorrow?"


"Bye Kyo-senpai." Haruhi called out. Kyo nodded in her direction.

"Princess, you must come tomorrow-" Tamaki was cut off by Kyo's glare.

"Call me princess again. I dare you." Her eyes narrowed. He squeaked in terror.

Huffing, she went to the door and shut it behind her.

"As if I'm coming back here." She mumbled to herself, heading out the building.

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