Naruto One-shots [Reopened]

By Imuser304

144K 2.6K 1.4K

304's Naruto character x reader / character one shot book :)) defaults to fem reader [Requests reopened, if... More

Not A Drag - Shikamaru x Reader
Forbidden - Neji x Reader
It's a Date! - Kiba x Reader
Sick Snuggles - Kakashi x Reader
False Parenting - Deidara x Reader
The Time He Saved Me - Iruka x reader
There is Something Wrong With You- Sai x Reader
Hidden In The Sand - Garra x reader
Should Have Said So - Kakashi x reader
We Made That - Rock Lee x pregnant!Reader
See You When I Get There - Tobi/Obito x reader
Mourning Is Worse Than Love - Sasuke x reader
Be Mine! Please! - Rock Lee x Reader
Breakfast - Darui x Reader
Akamaru's Final Breath - Kiba x Veterinarian!reader
And They Laughed - Choji x reader
Less Alone - Shikamaru x Reader
Kitty - Tenzo/Yamato x reader
Mourning Is Worse Than Love pt. 2 - Sasuke x reader
Betrayal - Itachi x Reader
Premature - Iruka x Pregnant!Reader
Stupid - Shikamaru x Reader
a/n - please read
Chubby Confidence - Sai x Reader
Bugs and Boys - Shino x Reader
Something You Didn't Know - Kisame x Reader
Rain - Tenzo/Yamato x Reader
Thanks Again - Shino x Reader
Not Exactly A Mistake - Kakashi X Reader
He is No Man - Kakashi x Pregnant!Reader
A/N: 10k
Goodbye to a World - Nejiten
I Promise - Sasuke x Reader
Best Birthday Ever - Rock Lee x Genderneutra!lReader
Balcony Strangers - Naruto x Reader
Sigh (Definitely read ;))
I Need to See It - Gai x Reader

First Choice - Rock Lee x Reader

1.7K 52 9
By Imuser304

Requested By: n/a

Prompt: I went camping irl and my friends ignored me the whole time so I wrote this to cope. (Sorry it's not a request).

TW: none

Rock Lee x reader

(Not following the Naruto plotline & modern)

WC: 2895

[The art is mine, it's an oc ship]

I thought it would be a fun weekend. Friday through Sunday, a camping trip to the river with the gang. All of us. Me, Naruto, Sakura, Kiba, Hinata, Shino, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Neji, Tenten, and well, best of all, Lee. That sweet boy everyone knew I was in love with... besides him, of course.

I get it, he's dense. Always has been, and I don't expect that to change. It's impossible to hate him though. He's a ball of sunshine, a ray of hope in my eyes, if he ever noticed that I might need help. But specifically from him. He seems the type to like hugs, right? He's taller than me, a total power house, the person who keeps me going.

Like I said before, I thought this trip would be fun. I tried to convince myself "I'll have lots of fun." But it didn't work. I went along, watching everyone around me talk and swim and have fun. However, I didn't fit in. No, they left me out on purpose.

I would try and sit around the campfire and make conversation with anyone who would listen to me. Occasionally Lee would point out I hadn't said anything, but if course, everyone ignored him too. That's what made me angry. Ignore me all you want, but not Lee. After a second, he would go back to his conversation, or whatever he was doing.

The last night was the worst though, up to a certain point. My phone was only partly charged, that was good enough. I created a playlist called 'midnight by the river' dedicated to sitting at the river bed, late at night, to think and be alone, by choice. I would relax for 2 hours and 31 minutes exactly before going to bed. A perfect plan by all means. I was excited, finally.

We were all sitting around the campfire, somehow, someone had gotten Shikamaru to show off his wonderful guitar skills, with songs ranging from Taylor Swift, to John Denver. His range of musical knowledge is impressive, if I'm being honest with myself. The night went on, the guitar passed to a few people who knew all sorts of music. The gang slowly tricked to bed, and the circle around the dying fire shrunk.

When I realized how late it had gotten, I decided to head to the river, in my shorts and tank top. It was too cold for everyone else, they were all bundled up already. Sleeping bags along with pillows and blankets. The cold didn't bother me anyway, having a higher starting body heat. I ignored the cold, bringing a towel, and my phone.

No one noticed when I slipped away, it doesn't matter. I would be alone. By choice. It was going well, for the first three songs. So much for that plan. Ino and Sakura had seen me, and decided now that I wanted to be alone, they would bother me. I turned the music off and sighed.

"Can we join you?" Sakura asked, sitting next to me.

"I guess..." I replied, unsure of my decision to let them stay. And for good reason, too. They started chatting about my interests, not letting me say anything. They ignored me as I sat in what was supposed to be silence.

Of course, just like everyone else, they didn't notice when I got up, and left to find somewhere else to sit. If it was Lee who came, I would have stayed to talk to him. He would listen to me.

I found a new place, and changed the playlist name to 'Midnight by the Tree' instead. It fit better, now I was at the base of a tall pine tree, sitting on a towel. I turned my music back on, in hopes that either I would be left alone, or someone would notice I had left again. I smiled to myself as I sat, now in a more... lonesome silence. They knew I didn't stay at the campsite, but they didn't look for me at all. I was alone, no longer by choice.

I sat there for a while, occasionally glancing around, listening to Naruto and Shikamaru throw rocks into the river. My knees were tucked into my chest, and my arms on top of that. In time, the night became colder, until it finally bugged me. I continued to ignore the soft breeze, wanting to stay put until everyone was asleep.

I leaned back on the tree, and closed my eyes. I thought everyone would be asleep soon. Until I heard footsteps approach me.

"My I sit?" He asked, making me smile, a light shade of blush coating my cheeks. It was Lee.

"Yeah, here," the towel probably wasn't big enough for the two of us, but I scooted over anyway. He found a place next to me. "What's up?"

"Nothing. I have not been able talk to you nearly as much as I would have liked," he looked up at the stars then back to me.

I covered my face by hiding them in my arms, keeping as calm as I could. "That's okay. I'm not all that interesting,"

"Oh. I do not think that is true, (y/n)."

"What do you mean by that?" I looked to the ground, doing my best to hide my embarrassed face.

"I mean, anything you say to me is interesting. I enjoy talking to you," I couldn't seem to stop blushing. I only hoped that was true and this wasn't a prank. "Are you okay? I have noticed that you have been acting different."

"I'm okay..." I quietly lied. I wasn't okay, and if I told Lee my problems, it would only be a bother to him.

"You can tell me if something is wrong, I will not judge you," he placed his hand on my shoulder to make me look at him. An unfair move, my face turned completely red from the physical contact.

[Flashback to earlier in the day]

I was sitting with everyone, we were all eating dinner around the unlit fire pit. It was Tenten who brought it up.

The first question: "according to the test we all took in that one class together, are you an introvert or an extrovert?" We all took turns replying. Lee is an extrovert.

"The test said I was the perfect 50/50 in-between. I'm an ambivert," I answered, after Shikamaru had only shrugged to the question, claiming he didn't take the test.

After the question was passed around the whole circle, the second question came: What is your primary love language? Out of the main five groups, physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, or gift giving? Lee said his was words of affirmation, but he likes physical touch too.

This was a weird question for me personally, I know it's physical touch, but I don't remember what that feels like. I don't know why people don't touch me, I'm clean, I'm wearing deodorant all the time, I brush my teeth every day. I can't think of a reason. They just... don't. I'd kill for a hug.

[End flashback]

His hand was on my shoulder, he had remembered my reply.

"Have you ever felt... alone, even when there are lots of people around? Like, no matter how hard you try to fit in, no one wants you around?"

"Is that how you feel?"

"...Maybe," I sighed. "It's wrong of me to think of stuff like that. You all invited me, I should be having a fun time. But I feel like... I could disappear, and no one would ever notice. I could... die and not a single person who care," what was that? I just told him how I felt, poured my heart into letting him know. "I'm sorry. You didn't need to hear all that," I moved his hand slightly. He just stared at me, contemplating what to say next.

"I would notice," he shook his head. "I noticed every time you went into the woods, and... I am sorry, but I followed you to make sure you were safe," he looked away awkwardly, and chuckled. "And for what it is worth, I want you around," he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Y-you do? Why?"

"Because I... I really like you," he was unsure. He likes me, but he's nervous, because why?


"I am sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Why are you sorry? I like you too," I cut him off. He quickly looked back at me.

"You... like me?"

"Yeah..." I mumbled, slightly wiping my eyes as I felt tears prick. I admitted it. To the boy himself, that I like him. "... A lot," after a minute, more tears were streaming from my eyes.

"Hey-" he placed his hand over mine. "Why are you crying?"

"Because I wanted to tell you a long time ago," he started to wipe the tears away as we turned to each other. "But I never could," he held his arms out, I slowly scooted closer to him, and he slowly held me. I buried my face in his neck.

"Are you cold?" I was shivering at this point.

"I'm freezing," I chuckled. He let me go for a moment to take one of his jackets off and wrap it around me. He pulled me back into the hug. "Thank you, you're the best,"

We sat there for what felt like hours, staying warm under the stars, in a hug.

"This is a nice hug. Please don't let me go."

"We should go to bed, we can not stay out here all night," he chuckled, but held me tighter. "Would you like to share my hammock?"

"Mmhmm, but you don't have to, I can just go to the tent I'm sharing," I looked up from him into his eyes.

"But I want to. I like holding you," he whispered, and kissed my forehead. I grinned at the warm feeling in my stomach. "Come on," he then stood, and pulled me to my feet, keeping my hand in his. I left the towel on the ground, and my phone in the pocket of his over-sized jacket as we walked.

"Get in TO IT!" Kiba shouted as we walked. I laughed just slightly at Kiba's loud comment, but it's still awkward. More whooping came around the other guys around, it was worse than awkward. I stopped where I stood, they were all assuming things that wouldn't happen.

"I shouldn't- people are assuming we're going to-" Lee immediately let go of my hand and took a deep breath.

"HEY EVERYONE WHO IS LISTENING! (Y/N) AND I ARE GOING TO LAY DOWN AND SLEEP, JUST SLEEP, THAT IS IT! NOTHING ELSE!" He made it known, and as weird as it felt, I was thankful that he made it clear.

"Jeeze dude, we were just joking around," Kiba defended.

"We did not think it was funny," Lee replied, and led me to his hammock. He laid down, and lifted the edge so I could cuddle up to him, laying half on top of him.

He kept his arms around me as I laid there. One of his feet was touching the ground, slowly rocking side to side. My head was on his chest, listening to his heart beat. I started running my fingers through his hair, my palms resting over his cheeks. I was more relaxed than I had ever been, and I didn't feel lonely, or sad, or anything bad. It was nice.

"Lee, you are the absolute best. Thank you for everything,"

"Thank you for liking me. It makes me happy," he whispered back, and kissed my head. "Will you go on a date with me after we get out of here?"

"I would love that," I smiled softly as he ran his fingers up and down my back. My eyes closed, and took a deep breath as I started to fall asleep.

"Thank goodness," I heard him sigh. Then, I was asleep, comfortably with him.


I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, and Lee shifting around. The sun was shining on us.

"You up?" I spoke, my voice scratchy from just waking up.

"Yes," his voice was groggy, he must have only been awake a few minutes now. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," I smiled. "I guess it's time to get up, huh?"

"It is getting a little late. We should start getting packed," he confirmed, but didn't move, other than rocking us with a foot.

"Yeah," I felt him take a deep breath, but not move another muscle. We laid there for a while, not doing anything, until the day became slightly hotter, and I was getting too warm. "Alright, I'm getting up now. I'm about ready to go home."

I finally got up off Lee, and gave him his jacket back. "Need any help packing?"

"No thank you, I can handle it," I blushed slightly, and walked away.

It didn't take too long to pack, as I only took the most essential things for myself. I packed everything I could before making my way to the tent I was supposed to be sharing with the girls, until last night.

"Morning, (y/n)," Tenten asked with a slight grin. "You never came in last night?"

"I didn't sleep, that's all," I lied, feigning a yawn. "See? I'm tired."

"I don't think that's it. I couldn't find you last night, so I looked around for you," everyone was staring at me. They all knew. My face reddened.

"What are you talking about?" I decided to play dumb. Maybe they didn't know. I hope they didn't know.

"You were totally at it with Lee, that's what Kiba said," she giggled. "I thought it was impossible to do it in a hammock, but I guess you're a pretty impressive girly," she laughed. I bent to my knees and began rolling my sleeping bag.

"Kiba is a big liar. Lee is a better friend than any of you guys have ever been, other than Hinata," I sighed. Hinata had gone to bed early, before any of this stuff started. She had a cold and took a couple shots of nyquil, making her pass out soon after. "He actually listens when I talk, and he's nice. And kind, and warm," I huffed, stuffing the sleeping bag into its own smaller bag.


"Yeah. Out of all of you, even in these last few months, he's the only one to hug me. He sat out in the cold with me and held me while I sulked. And for once, around him, I didn't feel lonely-" I hadn't realized how loud I was.

"You are so in love," Tenten chuckled. "I'm heading out now, bye!" It's like she didn't even hear me. I groaned and slinged the sleeping bag over my shoulder and grabbed my pillow. I packed everything up in my car, and got in the driver's seat, and placed my forehead on the wheel, keeping the door open.

"Are you heading home now?" A smile grew on my face at the sound of his voice.

"I think so. I'm not feeling 100% I'd like to sleep in my bed," I laughed and looked up at him, keeping my cheek pressed to the wheel.

"I see," he leaned on my doorframe as he kept his eyes on me. "You forgot your phone in my pocket," he pulled it out, and handed it to me. "Actually, the thing is... my ride left without me. Neji and Tenten just took off without waiting for me. Sorry to ask, but can I get a ride home?"

"Yeah, sure thing. I'd be happy to give you a ride home," I agreed.

"You look tired," he put his hand out. "Hey, I can drive if you want."

"Would you? My head is pounding," I nodded, and got out of the car. I stood too quick, and fell forward into his arms, he held my forearms, and leaned forward, closer to me.

"Are you sure you're feeling alright?"

"No. I think whatever I ate is bothering me. Thanks for driving," I smiled as I continued to look up into his eyes, waiting for something. Not exactly sure what, just something.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, inching closer to my face.

"Yeah," I murmured into his mouth as he placed his lips gently over mine for a moment. My heart jumped out of my chest at his touch. I kept smiling though, seeing as I have been waiting for years for this moment.



And just like that, he let me go and I went to the other side of the car, and got in. I handed Lee the keys, and watched as he pulled out of the small parking area. We started driving away in a silent happiness, I was so excited that Lee had kissed me! Of all people to like, he chose me! Someone chose me for once. It feels really nice to be someone's first choice.

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