
By TheMouse28

58.1K 1.8K 1.4K

After some thinking, Amara decides that Dean needs both his parents. Only, she didn't know his past. And what... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Alt. Chapter 15

Chapter 11

3.1K 108 126
By TheMouse28

As Dean slid to the floor, he saw Sam join Crowley in standing before John.

Wait, if Sam, Crowley, and John were all in front of him, then who was grabbing his arm to help him stand?

Dean finally looked over and was shocked to see the face of one of his best friends.


The vampire's face broke into a smile. "Hey there, Cher." Benny then pulled Dean to his feet, then the two of them joined the King of Hell and the younger Winchester brother.

"Dean? You know these people?"

Crowley, completely ignoring the blubbering Winchester, turned to look at Dean. "Where is the rest of the family?"

"Cas and Mom are in the kitchen and the other three are at the nearest pharmacy," Dean explained. At Crowley's raised eyebrow, Dean added, "we'll explain in the Map room."

Crowley then smiled and snapped his fingers and they were all transported to the Map room.

Everyone sat down, Crowley promptly propping his feet up on the table, while Sam went to the kitchen to get Cas and Mary.

"Who the hell are you two?" John continued to question.

When no one answered, wanting to wait for Mary, Cas, and Sam, John started getting upset.

"Answer me, dammit!"

With a wave of his hand, Crowley effectively silenced John, just as his mother had done an hour prior. "Patience is one of the few virtues I have. Though, I'm not entirely sure it should be wasted on the likes of you."

At that moment, those that were being waited on finally appeared and sat down. With another wave of his hand, John was able to speak once more.

"Who the fuck are you?!" John had finally lost his patience.

A smirk crept its way onto Crowley's face as he mock-bowed. "Crowley, King of Hell."

Dean could see John flex his jaw and had to suppress a smile.

John then looked at Benny, who had a hand on Dean's shoulder while Cas was holding his hand. "And who the hell are you?"

"My name is Benny." At John's incredulous stare, Benny continued, "I'm a vampire."

Dean could see John clench his fist and immediately tightened his grip on Cas's hand.

"How did you meet?" John asked, trying to keep his temper under control.

"Well, I helped Squirrel and Moose here defeat Lucifer. We've had an on and off relationship since then. I've helped them, I've screwed them over; it's a working relationship"

Dean rolled his eyes while simultaneously trying not to smile. Crowley had tried to pretend he was still the hardass King he used to be, but really he was a teddy bear, especially when it comes to the Winchesters (Dean mostly).

When John turned to look at Benny, he started to explain that he met Dean and Cas in Purgatory and they were together for a year before they got out.

"What's Purgatory?" John questioned. He'd heard talk about it from some monsters, but that was over a decade ago and he couldn't remember what he'd heard.

"Purgatory is where monsters like me go when we die."

After a moment, John seemed to have absorbed what Benny said, and he became livid as he turned to look at Dean. "You brought a VAMPIRE back into the world?! WHAT THE HELL?!"

Everyone in the room could see Dean starting to panic, except for John. Before Dean could try and sputter a response, Cas was up and out of his seat, a hand loosely around John's throat. "Benny is the only reason Dean made it out of Purgatory in the first place. That man, and yes, I said man, protected Dean the entire year he spent looking for me and up to the gate. You should be lucky that Benny found Dean at all."

"It's all right, Chief," Benny called out, trying to calm Cas down. While Cas had originally jumped to Dean's defense, he had ended up protecting Benny. When Cas realized that he hadn't even talked to Benny after he got out of Purgatory because of Naomi, he was extremely upset. When the group finally had even a small break between big bads, Cas had Dean call Benny so they could get together. After that, Cas had tried to help Benny get used to life with his limited knowledge when Dean couldn't. Eventually, Benny ended up moving into the Bunker, but he traveled a lot to explore the new world. The only reason he hadn't been at home when John showed up was that he was in Colorado enjoying the snow. Cas and Dean had become protective over Benny, though not nearly as protective as Cas and Benny are over Dean.

With one final light squeeze to John's throat, Cas finally let go and trudged back over to his seat. No one missed the light mumbling of "crazy fucking angel" under his breath. Cas just ignored him, wrapping one arm around his body and propping the other one up, pressing his fist to his mouth to calm down.

Out of nowhere, Rowena, Jack, and Gabe suddenly appeared in the middle of the Map room. When the group spotted the two new arrivals, Rowena walked over to hug her son, Jack skipped over to Benny, and Gabe sat down beside his little brother.

"What are you going doing here?" Jack asked as he wrapped Benny in a tight hug. When they first met, Jack took to Benny like he was a long lost friend. They were nearly inseparable when Benny was home.

"Well, Feathers here called Benny and me to let us know that John had shown up. I was in the middle of some business down in Hell. When I finished, I called Benny to tell me where he was so I could bring him here. I rushed when I remembered what Feathers, Squirrel, and Moose had told me about him. Looks like I got here just in time."

"Where were you, kiddo?" Benny asked, directed to Jack.

"Oh! We went to the nearest pharmacy to get Dad some meds!"

Both the demon and the vampire gave Dean a questioning look as the man shrunk into his seat.

"I'm fucked up in the head" was all Dean decided to say.

Everyone in the room (except for Crowley, Benny, and John) and Mary decided to elaborate. "Earlier today, we found out that not only does Dean suffer from PTSD and depression, but he also has Athazagoraphobia."

Benny let out a low whistle while Crowley gave a surprised face. "It's been a while since I heard of that. Try not to OD on all those meds."

At that, Dean sat back up in his chair and stuck his tongue out at the demon. Then a thought occurred to him that made him smile. "Well, since we've got more than half the gang here, why don't we invite the girls over?"

"I have been meaning to see Claire again. It's been a while," Cas agreed.

Dean rested a hand on his husband's shoulder as he thought about the young huntress. Between college and hunting, Claire rarely had time for family. Whenever she did visit family, it was almost always Jody's place and she was gone before they could go see her.

"Ok, well, I'll go give Jody and Donna a call," Sam announced, grabbing his phone from his pocket and heading toward the library.

"Oh, 'fore I forget." Gabe grabbed a plastic bag from the floor and tossed it across the table to Dean.

Without even looking inside at the contents, Dean could tell it was multiple bottles of meds. Though, when he felt something else, he opened it to find the newest edition of Busty Asian Beauties, fall/Halloween edition.

"Oh ho ho, what do we have here?"

When Cas saw what was in his hands, he rolled his eyes and kicked his brother in the leg under the table.

The Archangel yelped and clutched his shin, bringing it up into his chair. "Hey! What was that for? I thought he could use a little pick me up. Plus, I know most of those meds taste like ass."

At that point, Benny started to chuckle when he realized Dean wasn't even paying attention anymore, already flipping through the magazine.

"What's 'Busty Asian Beauties'?" Mary and Jack asked simultaneously.

Crowley gave a quick glance at his mother before giving a shit-eating grin. "Only Dean's favorite porn magazine."

That caught Dean's attention. When he realized what his mom and his son asked and what Crowley told her, he started to madly blush, quickly shoving the magazine back into the plastic bag. Benny and Gabe started to cackle at Dean's face while Cas and Crowley gave a small smile. Mary was lightly brushing, not wanting to think about what her son enjoyed, and Jack was confused because he didn't know what porn was.

"That's the first normal thing you've done since I got here," John cut in.

Everyone, excluding Dean, wanted to show John what normal was around here, but they were interrupted when Sam walked back into the room. "Ok, so the girls will be here sometime tomorrow." When he finally noticed the tense air in the room, he furrowed his eyebrows. "What did I miss?"

Jack, realizing that it was probably best not to tell him what John had said, decided to say, "Uncle Gabe got Dad something called 'Busty Asian Beauties'."

"Ugh, dude, come one. It's been years since you last read one. We don't need you getting porn and reality mixed up again."

Dean blushed further as everyone either smiled or laughed and grabbed the magazine from the plastic bag, chucking it as his brother as Sam sat down beside Mary

"Leave the poor boy alone. He probably needs a break from all the sex. I mean, they only hit fifth base last year," Rowena rejoiced, taking pleasure at making even the angel begin to blush madly.

"Ok, I think we're done here. I'm gonna go and take some meds, then promptly pass out," Dean announced, grabbing Cas's wrist and the plastic bag on the table, dragging both of them into their room while everyone else continued to snicker, whoop, and grin.

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