Earth 23 (Re-editing process...

By LorraineDiaz12131989

1.6K 49 1

Welcome to Earth 23. Barry Allen is the son of Henry and Nora Allen, They attended a gala night by Mr. Bruce... More

Little More Explanation
Episode 1: Hearts Distress Call
C-03 Kara's Siren Call
C-04 The Speed Force Fiasco
C-05 The AfterMath
C-06 Time Blast From The Past and Future
C-09: The Queen of the Knight
C-10 Morning Hangovers
C11: Afternoon Deals
C-12 Gods of Krypton
C13: Midvale Adventures
C-14 Central City: Home of the Flash
C-15: Let The Hunt Begin
What if? Author's note...

C-02: Welcome To Our Earth 23

188 5 1
By LorraineDiaz12131989

Earth23: Barry 23 POV

Barry, Cisco of Earth 1, and I breach down in the Star labs breacher room. Cisco and Barry take a shot and are awed by the fact, our technology is just like Earth 2 but better.

"Mr. Bartholomew Henry Allen. Welcome Home," Gideon greeted us and I nod, " Welcome to Earth 23, Visitors of Earth 1. Mr. Bartholomew Henry Allen and Francisco Ramon please put your thumb in the ID generator,"

They look at me and gave them two thumb-ups. They put their thumbs, and 2 Visitor I.D. was given to them for Star Labs security.

"Wow!!! You're Star Labs is more beautiful than ours," Cisco said admiring everything.

Cisco and Barry1 were really taking their time to see all of this and it's only the breaching room but what if they see the whole facility.

"C'mon guys!!! There is more to this," I said.

I can see in their eyes how excited they are. We go through the doors and pass the lounge and the way to the staff rooms when we reach the vortex when my dad gave me a big hug, but Barry's and Cisco's reaction was more hilarious. My father saw their reaction too. So go with the ride.

"Let me guess, I look like George Clooney or Leonardo Di Caprio," My dad said.

"Dad!!!" I said a little scolding him for embarrassment.

"What?!?! For a change... " He laughs intensely within 5 seconds, "... just kidding, I mean I look like one of those Harrison Wells and the Great Council of Idiots. Except for the Earth 2, Sherloque, and Nash???" he said.

They are not sure of who just my father mention, but they nodded anyways. While I'm just proud of my own version of my life that is not so messy when it came to my family. I had a great dad and a great life. Except for love life.

"Now speaking of Wells, I may look them, but my name is Dr. Henry Allen. I hope you find this place comfortable at our best, especially with a ton of villains here.

Barry froze immediately maybe reminding him of what he just lost. Cisco nudges him to remind him maybe don't take this too much though I don't mind emotionally sharing a father.

"Yeah, sure... Ahhh... Your Cortex..." Barry1 said nervously.

"You mean Vortex!" Dad corrected him.

"... is much better than ours, I mean everything is by design," Barry1 admired together with Cisco.

"Okay, I know you're being nerdy right now," I said then Barry speaks up.

"What's the Justice League?" Barry1 asks us.

"A group of teams of superheroes that comes to one when the world is needed," I said proudly.

"Are you included?" he asked again.

"Of course, we are, even before Barry got his power, we are part of JL. Lead by Superman, Batman and his League of Shadows, Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter, The Cities of Vigilantes like the Quiver and the Thunder, and us being the secondary science facility to be used by the government when the DEO failed or left uncheck plus working with Batman and his technology was pretty sweet you know, knowing your old student is becoming a master right in front of you,"

Barry and Cisco listen to my dad intensely while I check on my phone and tried to check Alex that I am back from Earth 1. That I also bring back up.

Text box

Me: Hey! Alex, I just came back from Earth 1, What happened to Kara?

Alex: Hey! Good to hear from you again! later I tell Ramon and Gypsy that you got back with reinforcement. That's good, right now, I'm in the middle of a meeting about the villain breacher and the Cadmus connection. All we know is that the ultimate goal of the Portal Man is to kidnap Kara for Cadmus!

Me: What?!?! How about Dreamer? Did she have a dream where they might bring Kara?

Alex: She is doing it right now as well as Cynthia and Cisco.

Me: We will be right there, and you should have the result.

I called the attention of my dad on what just happen in the fight a while ago when I realize what he was called.

"Did just Cisco insist to call the evil breacher "Portal Man" ???" I said bewildered by that.

"Not Bad!!!" Cisco said immediately and I gave him a dead look.

"Yes, he insisted and seconded by Winn," my dad said.

"Yeah, too much agreement even Alex use it," I said

"Don't worry we get her back!" My dad enthusiastically said.

Dad notices my very own contorted face, the face I have whenever Kara faces the people who want to have revenge on her mother and on her old planet (as if the explosion of Krypton was not enough) especially her backstabbing Uncle Non and her mother for using her to her aunt. When she put the Fort Rozz into space when she faces Lex Luther as Kara Danvers in her apartment, the list will be long but then the most probably the moment, I fought Rip Blast who is a Chemical Specialist in Army was in his own secret lab when the lightning happens, unfortunately, Cadmus found his body and trained to fight me and seeing Kara bothered by my enemy she thought it was her fault, that what happens to me, Kara will be in distressed as I am to her. Dad hugs me with all his love for me but with a cruel exchange of words.

"Kara is a strong woman, son. If anyone can survive the Cadmus famous alien torture that will be her?"

"What if you're wrong? What if it affects her brain... or?" I spoke.

"Bartholomew Henry! She will and she has reasons to go for a living, so stop squabbling around son. Now! Go off the three of you to the DEO and introduced it to them so that they know and not cause any trouble or being questioned, " He faces me, "Go get your 'Super friend'. I'll be all night long,"

And at that point, I didn't even correct my dad. I knew it in my heart, Kara was there in my heart. I just hope I AM doing the right thing. For the sake of our friendship that is doomed to fail because of my current girlfriend. We want to use our speeds to get them but then I suggest not to especially want them to see the Star Labs because it's a much bigger deal than any other scientific research facility in the multiverse. After the tour we had, we reached finally the entrance of the building and took a picture of it. They are like the kids who took a happy meal in McDo or Big Belly Burger's kiddy's plate.

"Hey! You know what you're lucky you had a cool dad and this building and life, the one thing I'll never have," Barry said reminding me of what he can never have.

"Barry, if you are committed to a world scientific change you have to be in your endgame. When the particle accelerator explodes, we were put in one of the hazardous places in America, but at least not as bad as Chernobyl Explosion but still, it causes to have dark matter in the atmosphere and to causes the awakening powers of humans by science, not magic. My father believed in rebuilding and being trusted again by the public and we did with the right connections to the government. We got right back in the charts and now the crown is back to Cadmus as the evilest scientific research up to date," I said to him with a big smile. I love bragging about my work life but not my love life."

"Well, so we got to go to this Earth's DEO..." He said to me hinting at how this is going.

"WANNA RACE, SCARLET SPEEDSTER?" I ask him because that is what flashes do.

"What is your title name, I mean I know it's the Flash, but another title?"


"Uh... 'The Flash: The Knightly Speedster'. Nice Catch! who name you that?" Cisco asks me.

"Queen Elizabeth II, Her Majesty, of course," I said to him how proud I am for that title.

"That must be a big deal!!!" he said not believing in it.

"Indeed!!! I save her like James Bond but better," I said but Cisco exclaim.

"Don't cross the line, Barry. There can only be one Bond, James Bond," he said impersonating him, and we all laugh.

"We're doing this for chivalry or what?" My twin from another earth asks us because he is getting impatient.

Barry and I run around while he is carrying Cisco, we left the Central City towards the Starling City, and I showed him the Quiver HD. Oliver running with his big Jones (that is what he calls his bike). Then I motioned Barry to slow down a bit.

"Hey! Slow Poke Jones!" I called Oliver, "What's up?!!!! Ollie Bunny!!!!"

Oliver confuses as to why they were two Barry's on his side. His grumpiness was gone and lasted in 5 seconds.

"BARRYYYY!!! WHAT THE F'CK UP!!!" Oliver exclaimed.

We were laughing so hard, and Oliver didn't notice the big truck they were struggling to get is in front of him because of our two speeds, we got him faster to his target.

"Hey, look out!" I called him out and I pointed the truck on his face," and when he saw it, he wasn't ready, "Remember, don't die, Ollie!!!" I said as I zoom farther than I had ever been

And my precious on-the-spot prank is a success as Oliver didn't make it the whole night and probably calling my dad if I have been abilities that I can multiply myself. We skid stop at the Smallville town where Superman lives. We go to Kent's house to have some food on his fridge, and we saw Martha Kent. Martha was a nice old lady. The Mother of Clark Kent. She sent us a food package because she knows when to deal with big eating monsters like us plus, she knows me since when Kara and I took a vacation here. Plus, this time, Cisco insists on giving ride through a breach going to national especially his clothes is burn because of our speeds. Martha laughs when Cisco argues like that. But after as we say goodbye to Martha my phone rings and I was right it was my dad; I pick up the phone.

Phone Call:

"Did you prank Oliver again?" he asked me directly.

"No!" I denied but then my father got quiet, and I know he knows I am lying, "Kinda - ish?!"

"Alright I understand it. Just don't use your visitors, to prank anyone, anymore ever again."

"Awww... Not even to Kara," I said.

"Bartholomew Henry Allen!!!" he said warning me using my whole name then I made an unusual sound

"Kr... Shrkkk... Can't hear you Dad, Kr... Shrkkk... Bye. I love you!!!!"

I face both Barry and Cisco with a successful smile on my face.

"CALL IT! My prank to Oliver, it's a success!!! Told you he's going to call my dad!"

We all laugh at our childish things.

"So, if I prank our Oliver Queen, will you participate?"

"Is that even a question? Of course, I will," I said in excited by that idea.

"Oh my god!!! What's wrong with you two?" Cisco asks us and we just laugh it more.

"You know what even though you have a problem like a 'Girl Problem'. You still have the guts to make a joke around.

"Well, living next to Kara, Cisco, Felicity, and Winn, you'll always learn that every prank opportunity counts, and believe me our rankings are still unbeatable in the charts back in college. Especially Cisco,"

Barry and I laugh it out loud while Cisco can't believe what he was seeing. So, he called us out.

"Hey! Guys! Do you think we should be in your "DEO" right now!!!"

"Yeah! Yeah! Let's do the breach!!!"

Location: National City DEO

As we land at DEO's Central Command. We were welcomed with guns and tasers. The worst of all... it's Alex. I swear this woman is the scariest of them all. She even put J'onn in question and Kara on her foot but of course, Kara had a counterattack for that. Her pouty card is so effective. She used it all the time.

"How do we know it's you, Barry, and not some evil shape-shifter?

"You've got to be kidding me! What do you want me to say?" I ask her but she just looks at me...

"You're an Idiot," she said and then look at her agents and commands them, "Put your weapons down, it's just a false alarm, though all of you are getting great agents because you are all alert at all causes. Now. Get back to work. We had also other matters."

When all of them are gone. Cisco and Barry admire more of the so-called Nexus Space Hub especially the space simulation where they can ride the space pod and face universal adversary without actually harming them though in the end, they have to learn it first-hand. How I wish to become a pilot for an armed space pod.

"This is better than anything," Cisco admired.

"You know the DEO in Earth 38 is in the cave but according to Kara it's already also like these..." Barry1 said in wonder.

"Of course! It is and who are you, both of you?"

"Alex, I told you; they are the reinforcement that Gypsy also called for," I said to her like she isn't getting any idea.

"Sorry for my rudeness... So, you must be Cisco Ramon and you are..."

"Allen. Barry Allen," Barry1 said like he was Bond. James Bond.

"Alright, Mr. Bond of Earth 1 let's see how you fair fight with Mr. English, here,"

"Hey!!! That's twice now!!!" I protested.

Alex smirked at me like she was punishing me for my handsomeness and wholesomeness. Then it occurred to me that she is Sara's girlfriend.

"Alright! I know it's bad, but I had to do it!"

Alex is Sara's girlfriend as well as Oliver's Ex-girlfriend - friend. Plus, her Godfather is My Dad, our parent's past life blah-blah-blah. So, she knew it. Oliver is such a baby man like a boss baby.

"Fine! I will say sorry or maybe give him a baby medical kit," I suggested to Alex.

"Oh... please... I know you since we were all kids and you don't and you never will say sorry for that one,"

Then I smirked and was proud of her. On how much she knew me too than Oliver's antics.

But then we have to tackle Kara's kidnapping case and this Portal Man - Cadmus situation because that's a more important thing but before I could say something My Cisco, Gypsy, and Nia Nal came down from the hibernation room meant for people or aliens who have the power of the mind to control. Cisco bear-hug me.

"Barry!!! Oh my God!!! Good thing you landed on Earth 1 and on that note, Bam! I'm Cisco Ramon of Earth 23, at your service," he said while handshaking both Barry and Cisco1

"Barry Allen,"

"Cisco Ramon,"

"Oh my god!!! Even our hair is on point and our vibe glasses and all except..."

"Except alter-ego and suit color of course," I said interjecting his thoughts.

Gypsy nodded at me and went beside Cisco1, and my Cisco look at me.

"You wound me, pal."

"I always do,"

"Though that prank you pulled to Oliver now that is priceless" He congratulates me then we high-fived each other.

"Look at that, I got Cisco Seal of Approval," I said.

We all laugh while Nia and Alex had disapproving faces that were worn since our group expands from magical pranking methods to mythical God-level status.

"C'mon, Honey, smile," Cisco said to Nia.

Nia didn't say anything, but she just sways her head in a negative direction while she does the smirking smile and crossed arms though Alex's face is still stoic which we didn't know it was General Lane and Director Hank Henshaw or J'onn Jonnz who is "The Martian Manhunter" together with Agent Sara Lance and the Alien we rescued that he claims from Daxam, namely, Mon-El.

"Are you done messing around, Flash?" Director Henshaw asks me.

Barry and I turn around facing Henshaw looking at us intensely making my ass froze.

"Yes, Sir," I said to him, and I shut up immediately because no one should mess with the Martian Manhunter

"And who are these two people here?" he asks us.

"I'm Barry and this is Cisco, and we came from Earth 1" Barry1 introduce themselves.

"And they are here to help us more "hopefully" because just like Cisco and me, my boyfriend has also the same powers just like Portal Man," Gypsy added to secure their stay.

"Don't worry, we will help you, Sir," Cisco 1 saluted then Sara spoke up next.

"Well, as long as you don't mess up with these two, we will be alright. The last thing I want to see is that you both become like them," Sara said and Cisco and I were both offended.


She smirked at us and joined her girlfriend who also does the same. While General Lane ordered us to go to the Nexus-Assembly Room. We all followed him to the room and discuss the point of this meeting.

"I know why we are all here. Supergirl has been kidnapped and I know we have Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman as the champions of the Earth but out there in space, Kara is the most important person as she is the last Queen of Krypton and her title alone, gave the Earth a great deal of protection from the other planets who wish to harm us. And for all you, Kara is a friend and a sister," General Lane said.

"Well to Barry's feelings, I don't know what is called..." Director Henshaw said

Everybody looks at me and yes, their favorite expression is smirking especially Alex. While Barry and Cisco1 were smiling knowing I'm embarrassed by this and yes, again. I'm really embarrassed. All I can do is put my head down on the table. Though naturally, I always forgot that Kara has a title of a Queen of Krypton, for me she will always be my little Kite, a free-flying bird attach to my heart. I don't know how General Lane knows my feelings for Kara but all I know is I blush harder than a girl make-up. While General Lane just gave a dead look to Director Henshaw, like maybe he is saying.

"Stop teasing, Han Solo to our Queen Leia, remember he ran away," General Lane said mocking my powers.

Too late it's the worst and I had enough.

"Alright, as you remember I have a girlfriend named Iris, so please stop. The important thing is we have to concentrate on finding Kara. Please, and not to deal with my personal affairs," I said

"Okay, Mr. Han Solo, we try to vibe and dream of Kara but two things I can see Darkness and chains," Cisco told me.

"While on me, I saw her back in her old room that she described as her old Krypton house. While she is explaining things, I keep on asking her to give us hints where she is but as if she was in a trance or kind of recorded. All I can feel in that dream was cold floors and walls, and when I touch her color is green and fading little by little in front of me. It was horrible," Nia said.

Learning that, my heart shrunk so much I can barely hold my tears back. You know when they say it's only just a nightmare dream. I hope it was like that but knowing Cisco and Nia's powers are real and scary. Wherever Kara is, she is truly endangered at the hands of Cadmus especially Lillian and Lex Luther. I run outside leaving them and I go to the rooftop where I and Kara always stand by and looking out to the city. The city's beauty always amazes me. Just like Central City. Though Gotham and Star had a child that would be Central City National city is a stand-out one.

"Where are you, Kara? Where are you, my Kite? Tell me, please."

Until my phone rings, someone called me. It was Iris.

"Hey! Babe! Where were you? I came to Star Labs. but you're not there. Your father says you're in National. What are you even doing there? You know that I don't like you even going there," she said so distastefully.

"I know but just so you know, before I met you, I have a best friend, a best friend who needs me right now and you for the record, I don't need your permission to do what I need to do. I am on my own man. So could you please, for once understand my situation,"

I angrily put down my phone and shut it down because I don't want to hear anything from her. All I want is that my attention right now is to find Kara, my Kite, and have our friendship back to what it was.

After Barry left the Nexus-Assembly: (Third POV)

"Poor, Barry. He can't take the news, he is truly heartbroken," Alex said and Sara touches her hand.

"Are you sure he is still in love with this Iris girl?" she asked.

"Pretty sure, they're going to break up. Wanna bet anyone?" Cisco said with confidence.

"Later, we still need the whole gang before betting," she said while standing up calling everyone while Cisco1 and Barry1 were talking to Nia.

"You saw it that way, Nia? I mean, feel things and all that?"

"Nope, I just added those things, because we're team Super Flash. That was meant since college." Nia said and Cisco23 says.

"Now, That's My Girl!!!!" and they all laugh.

Dumbfounded by this General Lane ask Director Henshaw.

"When they will be all serious?"

"When one of them dies," he said.

"Wanna bet on that one too..." General Lane asks him and they look at each other.

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