Jeith/Jaith oneshots and Shor...

By s715116

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Jeith/Jaith oneshots, along with Jaith Anniversary week prompts, August 2 -10. Some oneshots based on songs... More

Day 1 Past/Future
Day 2 Together/ Separated
Day 3 Dream/Nightmare
Day 4 Ground/Sky
Day 5 Freedom/Trapped
Day 6 Fate/Choice
Day 7 Alternate Universe
Drunk Jeith
Never Have I Ever
I don't like him, I love him
Twelve times we kissed (James) 1
Twelve times we kissed (James) 2
Twelve times we kissed (Keith) 3
Twelve times we kissed (Keith)4
Twelve times we kissed (multiple POV) 5
All the kisses after
Telling Lance
Keith confesses at a bad time
Losing it All
Bet On It
Bet On it
Run Ragged
Stop being dumb in the battlefield
The Sex Life of James Griffin
Wide Awake
Crying in the Club
I don't want to fall in love with you
3 Day Weekend
Just Give Me a Reason

Nobody Hears Him When He Cries

554 9 7
By s715116

James's cries have always fallen on deaf ears. They've been ignored or forgotten. Why would this time be any different?

The first time he remembered was when he was very young. 2 or 3. He'd had a nightmare, and woken up screaming and crying for his parents. But neither of them came. He heard no footsteps rushing to him, no whispered voices of concern. He got no comforting hug, kisses to his head, whispers of "It's all right."

The second time was when he was 5. First day of school. And James was terrified. He didn't normally spend time around other kids, and he didn't like strangers. He didn't want to let go of his mother's hand. But she had pulled away, setting him on the steps of the school early in the morning, the sun still rising. He had cried on the steps, begging her to come back. His tears had dried by the time the custodian showed up, leading him inside.

Again when he was 8. Begging for his mom not to go. For her to stay. To stop packing her bag and stay with him. To hold him, comfort him while he cried, for her to stay. But she just smiled at him sadly, taking her bag out of her room and out to the car. He pleaded with her not to leave, banging on the car windows, his little hands leaving fingerprints on the windows, He cred as she pulled out, following her to the edge of the driveway, not going in the street, cause she said it was dangerous. He screamed and cried for her to come back, watching the car disappear down the street. He'd stayed in the driveway all night, waiting for her to come back. For her to return and pull him into her arms like she did when he was little. To tell him she was just going away real quick. That she was going to stay. That'd she'd never leave him, never leaved her Jamie.

But she never did.

The next time when he was 10. Two years since mom left. Dad always got sad, and he drank a lot. Last year, he'd blamed himself. Saying if he had been a better husband, been around more, maybe she would've stayed. But this year, he blamed James. Saying if he had been a better son, done more, she'd still be here. Mom wouldn't have left. He got mad, and started throwing the bottles at him, some empty and some not. James pleaded for him to stop, tears falling when a bottle hit his back, shattering and cutting his back. Then dad passed out, and James cried. He cried as he picked up the pieces of broken glass, cutting his palm and fingertips. As he put alchohal on the cuts.

When he was 13, he got into the Garrison. Dad was so proud, he actually smiled. They went out to eat, and got ice cream. When they got home, James went to his room to call his friend Alex and tell him the good news. Both of them had applied, and he knew he'd be over joyed when he found out James got in. But he wasn't. Alex had screamed at him, saying he'd taken his spot. That he was a terrible friend, that he hated him. That he and Keith could have each other, he didn't care. That he was worthless to him. That he didn't care, and to lose his number. James tried to tell him that he hadn't meant to, that he was sorry he didn't make it, but he ignored him. James felt the red hot tears fall down his face, streaking downward. He went to the living room, hoping to talk to dad about it. He'd gotten much better than 3 years ago. He didn't drink, and he started becoming more involved in James's life. He'd met Alex a few times, and seemed to like him. But his dad was asleep, TV playing in the background. James would get no soothing words or comforting hugs today.

The next time, it wasn't him who cried. The Kerberos crew had been announced dead, and he'd seen what it did to Keith, and his favorite teacher, Mr.W. Sure, he and Keith didn't always get along, but he still felt bad for him. He went to Mr.W's room after class, to see if he was okay. He found him sitting at his desk, head in his hands, body shaking with sobs. He'd approached him silently, before putting a hand on his shoulder. Mr.W had looked up at him, tears in his eyes. He tried to say something, but James stopped him and went to go find Keith. He led him to MR.W, and they rushed to each other, holding the other close. James had smiled to himself, watching from the door. Mr.W's cries wouldn't go unheard, and neither would Keith's. He made sure of that.

Next, it was him who cried, at 17. Keith had gotten himself kicked out, and he was sad to see him go. They'd become good friends, growing closer over the past ear. He asked him to stay, try and talk to Iverson, work things out But Keith had shook him off, saying what's done was done. When he tried to hug him goodbye, Keith shoved him away, a look of anger on his face. Told him to fuck off, that he didn't want to stay. He had the number of everyone he wanted to talk to, and he didn't need James to look after him. He didn't want his pity, and he certainly didn't want to be his friend. After that, James let him go. It wasn't until later that James realized Keith didn't have his number, so he didn't want to talk to him. He'd cried in his room that night, angry at himself for letting the tears fall. If Keith didn't care, why should he?

He also cried later that year, when they announced Keith missing, and him dead.

When he was just barely 19, and Adam died in the first wave of the attacks. His friend, mentor and connection to Keith, gone. His dad was gone too. Died in his house, watching his favorite TV show, according to the drones they sent.

He held Nadia when she cried too. She'd gotten shot out of her ship, nearly falling to her death before James caught her. He'd jumped out of his own ship, just before it crashed into a Galra cruiser. He'd dived and caught her in his arms, turning them so that he took the brunt of the fall, and breaking his arm. He also held Ryan, Ina and Veronica when they cried. Ryan lost his cousins and aunt, Ina her little sister. Veronica lost Lance, and her family went missing. Then she did too. But they got her back.

When he was 20, and saw Keith again for the first time, he wanted to cry right on the spot. But the look in his eyes, that of pure hatred and rage stopped him from rushing forward to hug him. 

Later, when he tried to talk to him, and Keith snapped, repeating the same hurtful words as before, this time saying it was his fault Adam was dead, and that he could go die in a hole for all he cared. That James meant nothing to him, and that they had never been friends. James had ignored him and pulled Keith into a hug, which he fell into. Keith cried in his arms, and said he was sorry, and asked if he would forgive him, which he had immediaely agreed to.

But that night, he had cried in his bed. The tears were that of sadness, relief, and joy. Keith was back, and he was safe. Shiro was too, but he was too late. A big part of why Adam had become a fighter pilot was Shiro, to make him proud and honor his memory.

Again just a few months later. He yelled Keith's name as he ran into the Black lion, pleading for him to answer. But he didn't. James found him lying on the floor, knocked  out of his chair and unconcious, in a pool of his own blood. James had run to his side, tears already streaming down his face. He'd said his name, over and over, wanting a response. The medics had rushed in after him, taking Keith away. James stayed in the cockpit for a little while after that, collecting himself. 

And now he cried. He screamed as he fell, weightlessly in the sky. His ship had crashed and he'd jumped out, so high he was almost in space. And he'd begun falling, back to the ground, watching as his friends blew up the last of the enemy and started to regroup. He screamed their names, calling out to them. "RYAN! NADIA! INA! SHIRO!" He yelled in desperation, praying they could hear him. "KEEEITH!" He screamed. Maybe the lion would hear him. But no one came. He felt the tears well in his eyes, and they fell freely, floating in the air above him as he fell. "GUYS, PLEASE!" He pleaded. "HELP ME!" He yelled. "Guys, where's James?" He heard Nadia ask through the comms. He tried to respond, but his were broken. He could only listen  as his friend tried to find him. He looked back, and saw the ground getting closer and closer. "KEEEEEEEEITH! SAVE ME!"  He cried, beginning to sob. "PLEASE!" But it was no use. They couldn't hear him. Once again, his cries would go unheard. He sobbed, arms reaching for a hand that wasn't there. "He must've gone down with his ship." Pidge said.

James felt his heart break. They thought he was dead. Gone. They weren't going to keep looking. There was no one there to catch him as he fell. He sobbed a few more times before lowering his arms and sniffling. He closed his eyes and let himself fall, the wind taking away the tears that fell from his face.

Once again, James's cries went unheard.

 And now they never would again.

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