Sanditon: A Sisterhood Forms

By GemmaRoseCB

14.3K 239 20

A second series inspired by the women in the Sanditon Sisterhood, in which the female characters find their v... More



233 4 0
By GemmaRoseCB

As afternoon led to evening, Susan's invitation for Mr Parker to dine at Weston Place had been accepted, and she was encouraged to see that he had only taken the briefest of moments to deliberate before giving his answer.

In truth, she had anticipated that he might be so laden with guilt as to decline altogether. She had gathered that the two were involved in what would be deemed a more intimate encounter than a man who was engaged to another should have allowed himself, and knowing the ways of gentlemen, she rather expected him to retreat as a means to suppress his feelings - but she was pleased and admittedly relieved to see that for the moment at least, he had chosen a less conventional way forward. There was still time, she mused.

She had given them an additional quarter of an hour after leading Bradford away from the library, at which point, she finally entered the room, immediately taking note of their close proximity and deciding to say nothing about it. She had even pretended not to notice when they broke apart, their hands still entwined after all this time.

Susan had taken a seat in front of the fire, hoping that it may make them both more at ease, and gestured for them both to join her.

"Mr Parker, I hope that you are well this afternoon."

"Yes, Your Ladyship, as well as can be expected."

She nodded archly. "...and Charlotte has indicated to you the reason for my arranging this meeting today?"

"Yes, most adeptly," he said, stealing a glance in her direction, and Susan could not help but notice how he looked at her - the yearning in his expression so apparent that it would not go unseen by anyone. He was lost, indeed.

"Then I shall continue where she has likely left off," Susan began, gaining their full attention.

"You see, Mr Parker, over the past several seasons, I have invested quite a substantial amount, if I do say so, in various ventures - one of them being the development of Brighton. My investments in numerous properties, in particular, have managed to secure additional funds that I have, for some time, been hoping to re-invest. Brighton has done very well, as you know."

"Yes, I am very aware," he said, looking marginally uncomfortable as he drummed his fingers upon the armrest, then leaned into it as if he were holding himself up, bracing himself for what was to come.

"The truth of the matter is that I was quite taken with Sanditon when I visited for the regatta, and I have a great interest in exploring the town further. From what I have seen, there is potential for growth in such a lovely destination."


"But then I got to thinking... You see, I believe that an investment such as this would not be worth my time, should I not have a guarantee of certain acquaintances joining me for the summer."

"You speak of your London acquaintances, Ma'am," Charlotte interjected, attempting to clarify.

"Yes, they would do...although I have another particular friend whom I would wish to visit the town in addition to the usual London set."

"You speak of..."

"Yes, I believe we speak of the same."

"And your...particular friend...might also have an interest in investing?" Sidney brought his knuckles up to his mouth, grazing them over his lips, back and forth, rapt with attention.

"Therein lies the question, Mr Parker. You see, I have known this friend for quite some time, and the best course of action to secure his interest is to first secure the interest of other prominent members of London society. Should word get around to him that a new destination had become fashionable, I believe that he would follow suit, and quickly."

Sidney nodded, his face strained as he looked to Charlotte and then back to her. "Lady Worcester...if you don't mind me asking..." he hesitated briefly, "...why would you wish to help me?"

"It is not only you that I wish to help, Mr Parker," she said, glancing over to Charlotte.

"Now, I do believe that you and your brother have gotten yourselves into quite a mess, and though Charlotte is of the utmost importance to me, and her happiness even moreso, I will admit to also having some rather selfish reasons for pursuing the opportunities in Sanditon, one of them being to simply to prove to you and your brother the value that the women in your lives hold. We wish to come to your rescue, Mr Parker, but with the understanding that you will not, in future, dismiss the intelligence and capabilities of those closest to you."

Sidney looked at her beseechingly, "Ma'am, I can assure you that I have never thought such a thing in my life."

"You may wish to think that, Mr Parker, but I ask that you keep an open mind. This will be a group effort, but I would be remiss if I did not admit to wanting to prove a point."

"And what are your terms, pray tell?"

"I am willing to invest £20,000 outright, with the understanding that you and Charlotte would manage the funds. Charlotte and I have developed a plan to secure further funds, which would involve drawing more visitors to the shores of Sanditon and convincing my connections in London to invest along with me."

"Twe-twenty thousand pounds?" Sidney rubbed his hands over his eyes, covering his face for a moment before hunching over in his chair, his elbows resting briefly on his knees as he collected himself. "And...if we succeed in this plan of yours?"

She blinked, smiling as she shook her head in amusement. "Well then, Mr Parker, you would be free to marry the woman you love, which I am quite aware is not your current situation."

Sidney avoided looking in Charlotte's direction, visibly tense. "Your Ladyship, with all due respect, I don't view it as quite that simple. It would create a scandal, to be sure."

"Now, surely you must know what London society simply thrives upon." She waved a hand, dismissively.

He quirked his eyebrows at her.

Susan returned his expression with a look of incredulity. "We cannot resist a bit of scandal, Mr Parker. You can look at my own life as evidence of that, and I am still standing quite tall, mind you." Her eyes twinkled mischievously.

"Your Ladyship, if I may be so forward in present company as to elaborate further..." Lady Susan nodded, and he glanced at Charlotte uneasily.

"Go on, Mr Parker, we must have all of the details out if we are to seek a solution," she smiled, attempting to comfort him.

He swallowed, nodded and continued, drawing in a breath in preparation, "The marriage settlement has been drawn and signed for months. The contract - it is solid, Your Ladyship. I have spent months searching for a loophole, some way to amend it, to do precisely what you and Charlotte are attempting and I fear there would be no way out that would prevent the loss of my fortune in its entirety."

"Where there is a will, there's a way, Mr Parker. Would you allow my solicitors to take a look at this settlement you speak of? I may offer myself as evidence of their discretion, and surely you know that my intentions are honourable."

Sidney looked from Charlotte to Lady Susan and back again, perplexed. "Forgive me, Your Ladyship, but I find I must ask you again. Why are you going to such lengths to fix a mistake that is not your own?"

Susan smiled, but for once, Sidney noticed that it did not meet her eyes. "Not everyone has the fortune to marry for love, Mr Parker. It is true that I have not known either of you for very long, but that does not mean that I don't wish you both more happiness than I have had. If I might have the opportunity to put right a wrong, I will take it. We must fight for your happiness, for you very much deserve it, Mr Parker, as does Charlotte."

They had ended their conversation with a reluctant agreement from Mr Parker, although she could not dismiss his air of finality regarding the settlement. What had Mrs Campion done to this man? She was cruel and vindictive, to be sure, but something else must be afoot.

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