Percabeth fluff and other stu...

By notentirelybonkers

205K 2.4K 4.7K

Just simple oneshots, headcannons, and short stories featuring mainly Percabeth, but other characters from PJ... More

Percabeth and Jasper fluff!
Sally Meets Percabeth
Sick Day
Happy Birthday Seaweed Brain!
Percy meets Magnus
Ask the Seven
Ask the Demigods
Baby Names
Thalia finds out!
Quick AN and headcannon!
Lindsay King
Estelle Blofis Part 1
Estelle Blowfis Part 2
Coming Home
Ask the Demigods
Beatrice Silvers
Like a Romance Novel
Pillow Fight!
Magnus Chase/PJO/HoO Part 2
My cousin's kids are older than me. -Magnus Chase
Claire James
Short chapter
The Truth! Another Short Chapter.
I found some more PJO fans...
Silena Jackson
Pumpkin Picking
My thoughts...
Ronin Eleazor
Welcome Estelle!
Little Almost Halloween Special
Little Halloween Special
Who's Gonna Tell Him?
headcannons for fun
Nico Brings Back Some Friends
Paul Finds Out
Estelle meets Nico
- - - - -Truth or Dare- - - - -
Truth or Dare (part 2)
The Gift
O Thalia Grace🌲! O Thalia Grace🌲!
🎵I'll Be Home For Christmas🎵
❤️Someone Special❤️
No Place like the Jackson's
💛Love to Keep Me Warm💛
🎁You're a Mean One🎁
🎄Wonderful Christmastime 🎄
❄️Let it Snow❄️
⛄️Making a Winter Wonderland!⛄️
We Wish You A Merry Christmas!
💜Happiness and Cheer💜
❤️I Love You More❤️
Skate Away
Under the Mistletoe
Spread a Smile of Joy
You Make It Feel Like Christmas
⛄️Frosty the Snowman⛄️
War is Over Now
Winter Dream
Deck the Halls
Thalia's Birthday Special!
Forever and Ever
Christmas Everyday
Merry Christmas to You
New Year's
A Special Note To My Readers

Leo and the Jasper Baby!

2.8K 40 99
By notentirelybonkers

Imagine that ToA never happened, Percy and Annabeth are 26, have a daughter, Zoe, she's 3, and Annabeth is 2 months pregnant. Piper and Jason are 23, married, but no kids yet, Piper is almost 9 months pregnant. Leo didn't return. Okay? Okay. Let's begin.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading.

Leo POV-

This is the story of how I was found by my friends.


Third person-

"I can't wait until we get to the beach!" Percy exclaimed.

"I know right!" Piper exclaimed.

"Quiet down, both of you, Zoe is trying to nap," Annabeth scolded in a whisper.

"Wait, what?!" Jason suddenly exclaimed.

"Jason, what's wrong?" Piper asked looking worriedly at her husband. He pulled over, took his glasses off and then wiped them off his shirt as if they were fogged. He then put them on again.

"Oh my gods," He mubled, looking out of his window in disbelief.

"What's-" Percy started, looking out his window, "Oh my gods!"

A smile crept onto both of their faces. The girls were unable to see, because Annabeth was in the middle seat, and Piper was in the passenger.

"What's wrong you two?" Annabeth asked.

"Look!" Percy exclaimed, pointing out the window. Annabeth unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned over Percy to see. Her jaw dropped.

"What is it?" Piper asked. Finally, she opened the car door, unbuckled, and got out to see.

"Leo?" She whispered. Across the street, was a little shop, with a big glowing sign that read Leo and Calypso's Soup and Repairs.

"Sparky, pull in over there, were giving Leo a surprise!" She ordered, climbing back in her seat. Jason listened and pulled into the shop parking lot. They walked in the doors, Percy carrying his sleeping three-year old daughter.

A latino boy was behind the desk, back facing them.

"Welcome to Leo and Calypso's! I'm-" He turned around and gasped, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"In trouble," Annabeth finished.

"I'm so happy to see you guys!" Leo exclaimed, first hugging Jason. He looked at Piper and then back at Jason. He smiled.

"You're-" He started still smiling.

"Yeah," Piper said reching for Jason's hand, "I'm pregnant."

"Congrats!" He exclaimed.

He hugged her tight and then moved on to Percy and Annabeth. He looked at Zoe.

"What's her name?" He asked shocked.

"Zoe," Annabeth replied. She wiped the tears from her eyes.

"We missed you," She said, pulling him into a hug. She pulled away and puched him in the gut. He groaned in agony.


They continued talking to Leo, catching up on everything.

Suddenly Piper screamed.

"What's wrong Pipes?" Jason asked, concerned for his wife.

"MY WATER BROKE!" She exclaimed. Jason fainted, hitting the ground hard. Leo laughed.

"Percy, IM Nico for shadow travel, because we don't have enough time to make it back to camp. Piper, hang on a bit, deep breaths," Annabeth ordered, managing to stay calm. Both listened. Zoe started to stir with all the commotion. She looked confused but shrugged it off. Annabeth grabbed her out of Percy's hands as he ran outside.

"Nico! Piper went into labor! We need you!" You could here Percy yelling.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"Leo's repair shop," Percy said.

"Why the Hades is Leo alive?!"

"I don't know, but we really need you!"

"I'm already here," A voice said from behind him. Percy whirled around, and saw Nico. Nico swiped his hand through the IM and ran over to Piper. When he saw Jason, he stifled a laugh and grabbed his arm. Then he grabbed on to Piper's wrist.

"Everyone grab on!" He called. Leo, Percy and Annabeth obeyed.

"Let's pray to the gods that we don't end up in China!" Nico joked. Not a smart move. Piper, who was already stressing started fretting more.

They shadow travelled and landed in Will's doctor office.

"Went in to labor?" Will asked upon seeing both Jason and Piper.

"Yeah," Piper answered.

"Okay, let's take you to your room," He helped her onto a gurney.

He came back minutes later. "Now what to do about him?" He thought out loud. He gave Jason a little bit of ambrosia and nectar. Jason woke quickly.

"Is it true?! Piper's having the baby?!" He eclaimed.

"Yeah, now don't faint again," Will said. Jason hopped off the ground.

"Can I go stay with her?" He asked.

"Sure, follow me," Will said. Then he turned around, just realizing something, "Wait, Leo?!"

Leo nodded, "Yep! McSchnizzle is in the house!" Then he looked around, "Or doctor's office I guess."

Will laughed, "I'll come by later, Jason, let's go!"

He pulled Jason along with him.

"I better IM Frank and Hazel and Thalia, to tell them about Pipes," Annabeth said. Then she handed Percy Zoe. "Watch her."

She walked off and Nico, Leo, and Percy went to sit down in the chairs.

"So, you and Annabeth got married, and you have Zoe," Leo smiled.

"Yeah, and two on the way. She's pregnant with twins," Percy said excitedly while bouncing Zoe up and down as she giggled with glee, her black curly pigtails bobbing up and down.

"Really! That's awesome! Do you know the gender?" He asked.

"Not yet, probably next month though."

"Well, if one's a boy, Leo is a great name."

"Yeah, we were considering that, but now that you're back from the dead and didn't tell your friends, it's a no," Percy joked.

"That's fair." Percy and Leo laughed.

"Dada, whe'd Aunt Pipa go?" Zoe asked, her grey eyes darting around the room, as if she was just noticing Piper's disappearance.

"She's going to have her baby, your gonna have a friend to play with," Percy said.

"I'll have a fwiend?!" Zoe said excitedly. Nico and Leo smiled at the girl both wishing that they had a kid.

"Yeah, and then, in a few months you'll have siblings!" Percy said.

"Yay!" Zoe said. happily.

Annabeth came back and took a seat next to Percy, who grabbed her hand.

"Guess what mommy! I gonna have a fwiend!" Zoe exclaimed.

"Really?!" Annabeth played along.

"Yeah!" Zoe exclaimed, "And sibings too!"

Annabeth chuckled, and then looked at Percy, Nico, and Leo, "I IMed Thalia, she'll be here soon and Frank, Hazel, Reyna are taking Arion, because they're in New Rome."

"That's good, did you tell them about me?" Leo asked.

"Even if she did, they probably wouldn't care," Nico mumbled sarcastically.

"Ouch, I've been wounded!" Leo exclaimed dramatically.

Just then, a girl came running in. Zoe jumped off her father's lap and ran towards her as fast as her stubby toddler legs would carry her.

"Aunt Tha!" She exclaimed.

"Hi Zo!" Thalia exclaimed picking her up in a hug. She carried Zoe back towards the group.

"Hi guys!" She smiled at all of them. Thn she saw Leo, "Aren't you supposed to be dead?"

He nodded, "Yep!"

She shrugged and played with Zoe. (AN/ I love the idea of Thalia being the fun aunt who is willing to play with the kids, claiming that she does it for them, but truly just loves playing with the toys and running around because she never really got a good childhood.)

"-And you're gonna join the hunt when you're older!" Thalia cheered happily.

"Thalia, stop telling my daughter what she's gonna do in life!" Annabeth exclaimed.

"Yeah, although I'd be fine with her not ever having a boyfriend," Percy said. Annabeth punched his shoulder.

"Yeesh, pregnant and viscious, not a good combo," Leo joked. Annabeth gave him a glare. It was scarier than he remembered, which is really saying something.

Then, Frank, Hazel and Reyna came running in.

"Are we late?!" They exclaimed.

"Nope, you're fine," Leo said.

"Oh thank the-" Hazel exclaimed, "Leo?!"

"It's actually Mcschnizzle and you're welcome," Leo stated.

"How?" Frank asked.

"How am I so awesome? I don't know I just am."

"How are you alive, idiot?" Reyna asked.

"I'm just that awesome!"

"Physician's cure, it worked," Annabeth said laying her head on Percy's shoulders, still watching Thalia run around the waiting room, carrying Zoe, playing airplane. If only the huntress could've seen it.

"That's great!" Hazel exclaimed, running forward and hugging Leo. She had happy tears spilling out of her eyes.

"Where have you been?!" Frank asked pulling Leo into a bear hug. Literally.

"In my workshop, with my wife. By the way, Calypso and I are married!" Leo exclaimed.

"And we weren't invited to the wedding?!" Annabeth scolded.

"We eloped?" Leo said nervously.

"No, you're an idiot is what it is!" Reyna yelled. Thalia looked at her and nodded in agreement still running around holding Zoe above her head.

"So, I take it you're still not over the whole blowing up your camp thing."

"How could I be over the whole 'blowing up your camp thing'?"Reyna asked.

Will steppped into the room, interrupting their argument, "Piper is ready to see you guys," He said. They smiled and followed Will down the corridor to Piper's room.

"Hey guys," Piper said, cleary exhausted, "This is Skye."

The baby was adorable. Her skin was a little lighter than Pipers. She had Piper's brown hair and Jason's electric blue eyes. She was wrapped in a light pink striped blanket.

"She's so cute!" Hazel gushed.

"You guys wanna hold her?" Jason asked.


"Thalia, since your my sister, you can go first," Jason said.

"Haha, losers!" Thalia put down Zoe, who she was still holding and walked to Piper.

"Your so immature," Percy said.

"I'm forever fifteen, what's your excuse?" Thalia joked. Percy pouted and Annabeth rubbed his back, and being the kind wife she was, reassured him by mumbling things like, 'It's true,' and 'You're immature.'

Piper handed Skye to Thalia. Thalia held her for a few minutes, and slowly passed her to Annabeth. From there, she was passed around the room, for everyone to hold, well, except for Zoe, but she was three. They handed Skye back to Piper.

"Can I see?" Zoe whined.

"Zoe, how about you sit in that chair," Piper said, Zoe did and Annabeth sat next to her. Piper looked at Jason and handed him the baby. They seemed to have a conversation with their eyes until Jason nodded, understanding. Jason walked over to Zoe.

"Zoe, you wanna hold her?" Jason asked.

"Yeah!" Zoe responded.

"Zoe, you gotta be quiet, or else you're gonna wake the baby," Annabeth whispered.

"Okay moma," Zoe said.

"Okay, Zoe, can you put your arms like this?" Percy asked, modelling how to hold a baby. Zoe followed his instructon with ease. She was actually very smart for a three-year old. She took after Annabeth.

"Okay, here's Skye," Jason said, gently placing Skye into Zoe's arms. Zoe smiled at the baby.

After about a minute, Zoe handed Skye back and the group waved goodbye to Jason and Piper, giving them alone time with their baby.



Also, check out my other stories!

Both are fanfics!


1. Name

2. Hair (Please don't just put color! I want texture and style too!)

3. Eyes

4. How they meet Percabeth

5. Demigod or No (If so, if you have godly parent put one)

6. Personality and character traits (Please don't just put 'kind' or 'nice' pick other words)

7. What clique if in high school? (ex. athletes, populars, jocks, cheerleaders, nerds)

8. Gender, sexuality, and age

9. Other needed info

I've had a hard time thinking of things lately, please give suggestions!
I don't care if it's a question for 'ask the demigods' or if you make the question for a specific group.
Also just give me fluffy stuff. I can also do part two's for mostly anything if you want. I can do AU's. Just no smut! Besides that though, I don't care.

Thanks for reading.

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