By CognizantMind

31.2K 1.7K 633

"Strip!" "What? What the hell did you say?" "With that one inch of fabric hanging from your waist which I be... More

5.Beg me.
8.I Quit
31.Like Lovers
32.Movie Room
36.Trust me.
38. Absence.
45. Vin Chaud
53.Happy Birthday! (THE END)


560 35 19
By CognizantMind

Hoseok's eyes were about to pop out of his socket but Taehyung pinched him and got back to the meeting.

Little did he put any interest to the meeting, because all his needy attention was centralised to Suga's secretary.

Annastasia didn't have the tiniest of the idea that THE KIM TAEHYUNG was mesmerized by her. She was more attentive on the meeting, as it was for a meaningful cause.

I have seen this lady somewhere. Where? where? Yes! In the New York fashion week, now I remember, I never forget beautiful faces.

The meeting went on for more three hours, continuous without any break, all thanks to Suga's exertion.

As soon as the meeting got over everybody shifted to the restaurant situated in that building itself. A huge banquet was set up for all the members attending that day. Nearly hundreds of people could finely eat at that sumptuous place.

Suga, Jungkook, Taehyun, Annastasia all were seated on a table. And a little far from them was Taehyung with his members.

"Sir, I'll bring your food." Taehyun stood up.

"Wait! Are you my personal secretary, Mr Taehyun?"

He fell silent and sat back on his place. Suga looked at his personal secretary or more of a personal property.

"Miss Annastasia, if you may bring my lunch."

"Sure sir." Annastasia instantly got up from her place and went to the buffet to see what her arrogant boss might like to eat. Leaving no option she took some meat and some vegetables, along with some rice.

"Here sir!"

Suga glanced at his plate, " I don't eat eggplant, kindly take it back."

"Right sir." She exchanged that plate with some other items. And went back again.

"I don't eat beans."he reiterated.

"Right sir" she went back again, and again changed a plate and brought something other.

Again the same thing happened.

"Sir, if you may tell me what are your food choices then I may kindly bring those."
Suga glared at her, Annastasia understanding the situation decided to endure and went back again.

"Why is he giving her a hard time?" Taehyung asked Hoseok.

"Sir, he is a misogynist, if you remember ."

"Hmm! Then why did he hire her?"

"I don't know sir." Hoseok stood up to bring more food.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung asked.

"To bring more meat, sir."

"Wait I'll go." he took his plate and headed to the buffet.

Hoseok sat there stunned. Somebody who can't even throw the chewing in his mouth, but hands it to the other person, is walking on his own legs and bringing food for his secretary. "Where did the sunrise today ?" He was shocked but once he saw his boss with Annastasia he understood the reason of his benevolence.

"I'm gonna blow your mind, just come with me, I swear~~," He sang standing on the buffet where Annastasia was busy choosing food.

"Huh! Excuse me!" She turned around and was dumbstruck as soon as her eyes met with Kim Taehyung. "Holy mother of....whaa.....fucking Kim Taehyung???"

"I don't do that here." He playfully smirked.

"Huh!" She shook her head, " Iam so sorry for my bad mouth..." Annastasia kept her plate on the side table and couldn't control Fangirling. "....Huge! Huge! Fan Sir. So huge that I literally feel my heart will come out of my chest for you." She couldn't control her excitement. His handsomeness even made her beauty feel shy. With his boxy smile that frequently turned into smirk when his sinful eyes scanned her from top to bottom. He didn't make Gucci, but Kim Taehyung was Gucci.

"I know I am too hot for some to handle." Taehyung brushed his hair back.

"Sir, Can I get your autograph?"

"You can even get my di..." He paused , and spoke again, " Yes sure!."

Having no sheets of paper, she put forward a napkin in front of him.

Taehyung glanced over it, "I would rather sign on your hand, if you may."

Annastasia had second thoughts about it , but she didn't mind. She folded her sleeves and forwarded her hand. " Here you go, sir."

Taehyung took it as a chance and encircled his hand around her to hold her left hand to sign over it. This sudden closeness wasn't accepted by Annastasia. She is well aware of his fuckboy reputation. But she is still a fan so this much was okay.

While two people were having their moments. Somebody was on the verge of breaking the whole earth into halves.

"Where the hell is this women? I swear I will ki..." As he moved his head he saw her radiant smile with the only guy he loathed his entire life, Kim Taehyung.

"Jungkook!! Don't blame me if I for real kill her right now ." he condemned

Jungkook looked at the direction of Suga's eyes, " Taehyung and Annastasia!" Why do you land in problems girl? Don't you have enough problems in your life already?

After finishing her conversation with Taehyung, Annastasia's attention shifted to the plate and she looked over her boss. "Did I dare to keep him wait? Oh my god! He must have already decorated my death bed by now."

Gathering all her might she took the plate and kept it in front of Suga. Annastasia was amazed as because he didn't screw the moment but ate silently. She then decided to serve for herself.

"Wait!" Suga stopped her.

"Yes sir, do you need anything more."

"Stand here! Incase I need anything else."

"Boss, she has to eat even ."

"You don't tell your boss what to do Jungkook," he proclaimed in his grave voice which he uses sometimes and those times it runs shivers down her spine.

Jungkook kept quiet.

So I have to stay hungry today. Why did I skip breakfast? Her bleak expression said that she just foresee the entire day of torment.

Annastasia stood there for more than half n hour as Suga finished his food. Even after finishing his food. He didn't let her leave nor eat. It was already 4:00 pm. Annastasia was hungry.

In order to kill the time, Suga again went and met the proprietor of the company, and asked Annastasia to note down their conversation. Her deserted stomach was growling and her mouth was barren. Not a drop of water nor a bite of food.

The discussion went for a couple of hours. It was 6:00pm now. Still, nothing to eat. Now her tolerance was giving up, she was dying out of hunger. Suga very well understands this, but he loves to see her suffer. In a while, they decided to head back to the hotel. But the ride to the hotel took more than half n hour as Suga has instructed the driver to take the wrong route.

They reached the hotel at 7:00, still empty stomach. She followed her boss to his room. Instead of sending her back to her room, Suga called her inside.

"Miss Annastasia!"

"Yes sir "

"Have you written everything that I had asked you to?"

"Yes sir !"

"Good!" He then went to his laptop, picked it up and handed it to her. " Type everything here. Now! Go sit on the couch."

She couldn't believe what he was doing. Having no other choice, she did what he asked to and sat on the couch facing the bed and started working on the 10 pages of notes she had made the entire day.

While she was preoccupied on the laptop, Suga changed into his nightclothes and flopped on the bed. He looked at her. His dark expression said that this wasn't satisfying him. It wasn't enough. He went further and called the room service

"Hello!" It was 8:00 pm. Suga ordered dinner.

I hope he is ordering for me as well, poor Annastasia thought

The food came and Suga ordered the person to keep it right on the table where Annastasia was working. When the boy was out, he made himself relaxed beside her and starting revealing the boxes to eat . Meanwhile, also peaking glances in order to know how well she was suffering. Instead of enjoying it, he again fell into her spell.

The urge of having something to eat and having a drop of water was making Annastasia restless. Her tongue was occasionally licking her lips which were becoming dry time and again. She kept kneading her hands on her thighs and was breathy as her chest was burning because of her empty stomach. All of this was witnessed by him, he couldn't believe he found it alluring. Sitting this close to women hadn't been done in 18 years. But soon he removed his attention from her and focused on the food.

Annastasia did except Suga to offer her to eat . How foolish of her. Suga didn't even ask her for a drop of water but kept on eating slurping, chewing , swallowing, making all the sounds that are now sinful for her. She was suffering beside, having the worst day of her life. It just reminded her of her past. How she was deprived of food just because she kicked her kidnapper on his dick. The whole night she strived for food. And now Suga did the same. Even though she behaved like a disciplined pet, that's what she was now, still, she didn't get any reward nor any complements.

The time-shifted to 10:00. Annastasia's work pace was very slow. But as Suga was feeling sleepy he ordered her to go.

"You can go now, I have to sleep."

Not believing her ears, her eyes kept blinking.

"Do you wish to leave, or do I have to kick you out?"

She felt worse with that kind of behaviour and left his room. As soon as she landed in her room, Annastasia slumped on the bed, she was hungry, thirsty, but too weak to call for food. Her body screamed but her mind didn't work.

In a moment a person entered her room, sat beside her sleeping body and brushed her hair.

"Who?" She slowly sat back on the bed with sleepy eyes and rough throat.

"It's me Annastasia, Jungkook."

"Mr Jungkook! " Annastasia adjusted her clothes and stood out of the bed, " How can I help you?" she bowed.

Jungkook felt pity for her, looking at her changing self, how fast Suga has successfully tried to make her his slave. It hurts him, that's why he is there to save her.

"I don't need any help, come sit ." Jungkook held her by her shoulder and made her sit on the couch while keeping a tray covered with plates on the table.

"Mr Jungkook what's that?"

He uncovered it, there was food, " I had kept it for you, you haven't eaten the whole day ."

"But. Mr Jung.."

"Eat first! Then we'll talk. " Jungkook fed her bite after bite until her she was full till the neck. It made him happy, he felt he was feeding his own sister.

"That's it Mr.Jungkook I can't eat more ." With a filled stomach, she was back to her previous self.

"Just this last bite.."

"No. Mr, Jungkook"

"Last..say aah.." and it was the last bite.

The clock struck 11:00.

"Now sleep, if you need anything, my room is right beside yours.

She nodded.

He ruffled her hairs and stood up to leave.

As she saw him leaving, she felt an urge to call his name. "Mr Jungkook !"

He turned around with a smile "Do you need anything else?"

For a second she remained quiet, then ran towards him and hugged him tightly while laying her head on his chest.

Jungkook couldn't fathom, this sudden change in her behaviour, he didn't push her away, but when he heard sobbing sounds, he got tensed.

"Hey! What happened Annastasia? " he broke the hug and looked at her watery eyes. " Why are you crying?"

"*Sobs* I was in a good mood after talking with Jin, and then....then what he did with me...*sobs* m-my boss.. *Sobs* ....he didn't let me eat." Annastasia pursed her lips,"...and made me work a lot Jungkookie, I was so hungry, that animal ate in front of me. while I was working *sobs *... but then you brought food for me ." she bursts out. Annastasia didn't realize that she was opening up in front of him, she was showing him the vulnerable side that only Jin has ever seen.

"Jungkookie? Aww, you such a baby, come here." Jungkook hugged her and embraced her as Jin does. He had never seen this side of her, " Don't worry, I am there for you honey, always. "

"Thanks a lot, Mr Jungkook."

"Do you know what , I like Jungkookie better." he grinned. She realized what she had called him and was coy all of a sudden. "Ok sleep now, we are leaving for Seoul tomorrow, remember.

She nodded.

"Goodnight! he kissed on her forehead and left."

The next morning, Jungkook got up early, finished all his chores and went to wake Annastasia up.

She opened the door.

"Woah! You are already all set."

Annastasia had packed her bags, wore her clothes and was super ready, "I don't want to take a shower once again in front of the plane Mr.Jungkook."


"Jungkookie!" she smiled.

All of them gathered in the lobby, with Annastasia not leaving Jungkook's side and trying to ignore her choleric boss. They were set to go back to Seoul.

In the plane, Suga noticed some unexpected closeness between Annastasia and Jungkook and definitely he wasn't liking it.

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