His Secret Mermaid ✓

By atlas-carter

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[COMPLETED] ***READ THE NON-KPOP VERSION OF THIS STORY @atlas_carter*** "H-Hey! Watch it! I don't wan... More

His Secret Mermaid
Chapter 1: Hermit Crab
Chapter 2: Gold Coin
Chapter 3: Late Night At The Beach
Chapter 4: Puffer-Fish
Chapter 5: The Scale
Chapter 6: Hyung, Can You Keep A Secret?
Chapter 7: My Name Is Jungkook
Chapter 8: New Shell
Chapter 9: Exchanging Gifts
Chapter 10: Potato Chips
Chapter 11: Promise Me
Chapter 12: A Story Of The Hyungs
Chapter 13: Night Exploration
Chapter 14: Her Past
Chapter 15: Girlfriend Suspicion
Chapter 16: Live With Jk & Jhope
Chapter 17: Kiss Of Hidden Feelings
Chapter 18: The Sirens' Return
Chapter 19: Moon Pool
Chapter 20: Siren's Seduction
Chapter 21: Oceana
Chapter 22: The Solution
Chapter 23: Secret Of A Mermaid
Chapter 24: Jealousy In Run BTS [P1]
Chapter 25: Underwater Fun In Run BTS [P2]
Chapter 26: She Is Different
Chapter 27: Hyung Kissed Y/N [P1]
Chapter 28: Siren Moon Pool [P2]
Chapter 29: Beware The Sirens
Chapter 30: Farewell Sirens
Chapter 31: Hint Of Flirtation
Chapter 32: The Picture
Chapter 33: Striking a Deal
Chapter 34: Dr. Kai [P1]
Chapter 35: Mission Retrieve The Vile [P2]
Chapter 36: Explanations
Chapter 37: A Warning From Dr. Kai
Chapter 38: The Kidnap [P1]
Chapter 39: The Rescue [P2]
Chapter 40: Oceana's Secret
Chapter 41: Sirens In The News
Chapter 42: Sirens' Disappearance
Chapter 43: Who Is Dr Kai?
Chapter 44: Blame
Chapter 45: You Are Being Sued
Chapter 46: A Hint Of Purple
Chapter 47: Mutual Feelings
Chapter 48: Y/N & Oceana Are Coming Back [P1]
Chapter 49: Vengeful Scientist [P2]
End Of Story Author's Note

Chapter 50: Let Me Save You One Last Time [P3]

395 21 7
By atlas-carter

After hearing from Namjoon that he and the other members had been captured by Dr. Kai and that Dr. Kai was bringing Jungkook somewhere else, Y/N knew exactly where Dr. Kai would bring Jungkook. She knew that she had to be quick in finding Jungkook before Dr. Kai did something that she was too afraid to even think about.

She knew that Dr. Kai would bring Jungkook in a boat somewhere far out in the ocean or at least far enough away to not be seen by others on the shore, but she had no idea where in the ocean. The ocean was a big place and it went on for miles and miles. Jungkook could be dead by the time she found him, but she couldn't give up hope nor could she start to think negative. No, she had to believe that he was still alright and she had to have faith in herself that she would find him on time.

She was out in the open ocean. She glanced around. There was no boats to be seen where she was. She sighed heavily, hoping that Jungkook was ok and wondering desperately where he was.

"Come on Jungkook, give me a sign of where you are," she whispered to herself as she looked up at the sky, almost pleading to whatever otherworldly entity could help her find Jungkook and fast.

As she placed her hands together in a pleading motion and closed her eyes, she grew startled when she heard a familiar voice. Her eyes flew open and she glanced to where the voice was coming from. Her eyes widened in shock and fear when she saw Dr. Kai standing in a boat about 500 km away from her. She ducked her head a little ways under, so that he wouldn't spot her, but kept her eyes above the water to watch him. He seemed to be arguing with a strong built, serious looking man.

She watched this scene with curiosity for a little bit before something clicked in her brain. She remembered how Namjoon had told her and the other sirens that Dr. Kai had taken Jungkook somewhere else and was going to dispose of him somewhere where he could put less suspicion off of him.

"God Y/N, you're so dense at times...," Y/N mumbled to herself as she smacked her head twice with her hand and sighed before slowly beginning to swim towards the boat. She wrinkled her nose in disgust as she swam closer to the boat, noticing what looked to be shark bait. She wasn't surprised to see swarms of sharks swimming around trying to get their fair share of bait. She did her best to avoid bumping into any sharks as she swam to the other side of the boat, avoiding the shark bait.

When Dr. Kai and the serious looking man's heads were turned, she poked her head out of the water and looked into the boat. Her eyes widened when she saw Jungkook sitting there tied up and a piece of tape over his mouth. She was so happy to be able to see him again up close and to be so near him once again, but she shook her head at that. Now was not the time to be thinking about that. She had to figure out a way to get him off the boat and away from Dr. Kai.

She sighed in exasperation as she tried to think of a plan, but she stopped when she saw Dr. Kai beginning to hit Jungkook repeatedly. Her hands clenched into fists and she grit her teeth in anger. Rage consumed her seeing her lover being hit upon and she could feel something rise within her. It was a feeling that she had never experienced. It was new to her and it scared her almost. She could feel herself losing control as she opened her mouth. Her eyes, beginning to glow a bright purple, fixed on Dr. Kai as she took a deep breath, preparing to start singing the siren song.

"No..! Stop it Y/N... you're not a monster...," she told herself harshly as she tried to calm herself down. She took deep breaths, letting her heart beat slow down and her breathing become less shaky. Her glow in her eyes got dimmer as she calmed down until they were back to their normal colour.

Once she had completely calmed down, she sighed heavily. She felt ashamed of herself for letting her emotions get out of control and for almost using the siren song, the very song that she promised herself she would never use. No, she wouldn't do this the siren way... she refused to. If she was going to do this then she would do this her way.

As much as she despised Dr. Kai and seeing him hit Jungkook made her blood boil, she knew she had to wait for the right moment to rescue him. She took in another deep breath finally relaxed and calm once again before looking at Jungkook, who was now lying on his side. Her heart hurt to see him in so much pain, but she knew that when she got her chance then she would bring him back to shore and heal him. His pain would only be temporary, that was what she tried to tell herself to persuade her to wait before doing anything rash.

She dove under the water just as another boat came up beside Dr. Kai's boat. She could hear faint talking from above, but couldn't quite make out what was being said while she hid underneath Dr. Kai's boat. Movement of the boat startled her a bit. It was hard to tell what was going on when she was underneath.

She waited patiently, waiting for her chance. She knew though that it wasn't going be soon since Dr. Kai was probably smart enough not to throw Jungkook into the water when another boat was there, but to her surprise she felt the boat rock to one side and in an instant something came splashing into the water. She let out a gasp of shock at the sound. Bubbles surrounded whatever fell into the water and she tried to look past the bubbles, but there were so many of them. Plus, the shark bait was completely surrounding whatever fell into the water. She huffed in annoyance as she poked her head out from under the boat to get a closer look.

It was definitely one of the people on the boat since they were wiggling around. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that two sharks were headed straight for the person. She was hesitant at first to go and stop the sharks because if it was Dr. Kai then she didn't mind as much, but then again it was hard for her to just wait there and watch whoever it was get torn to pieces by the sharks.

Groaning, she reluctantly swam out from under the boat and towards the person. She noticed the sharks speeding up, so she sped up as well and just as the sharks were about a body length away from the person, she swam around the person as fast as she could, hiding the person in a tunnel of bubbles. Then she faced the sharks and took a deep breath before letting her monstrous face appear. Upon seeing her face, the sharks swerved around and swam off in a different direction.

She sighed in relief at that as she let her face form back to its regular appearance. She turned around to see who it was that she had just saved from the sharks and smiled a bit when she noticed that it was Jungkook. However, her smile faded when she noticed the blood coming from his wounds on his face, the very few air bubbles escaping his mouth and nose, his eyes closed, and his body not moving. Realization struck her fast and she grabbed his hands in hers. She zoomed off through the water, gripping his hand firmly in hers and hoping with all her might that she would make it to the beach on time.

She swam and swam, moving her tail as fast as she could while occasionally glancing behind her at Jungkook. She could see the beach not too far away, she was almost there. She was getting tired, but she fought through it.

Reaching the beach at last, she pulled Jungkook onto the sand. She crawled up beside him on the sand, only the tip of her tail still in the water. She placed her ear to his chest to see if she could feel his heartbeat, but she felt nothing. She looked at his stomach to see if it was rising, but it wasn't. She put her ear to his mouth and nose to feel any breathing, but there was none.

Fear rose within her. Was she too late? Did she not go fast enough? She didn't want to believe that Jungkook was dead. She refused to believe it and yet there was no sign that he showed to prove to her that he wasn't dead. Slowly letting it process in her mind, she shook her head vigorously.

"No... no no NO!! Jungkook!!" She exclaimed as she let out shaky breaths. Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes and she grasped his hand in hers, gripping it tightly but lovingly. As she began to sob quietly, she heard footsteps rushing towards her.

"Jungkook!" She heard familiar voices call out towards her. She shot her head up to see the other members racing towards her fast. When they finally reached her, she stared up at them, the tears in her eyes finally rolling down her face as she held his hand. "Y/N?"

"I... I tried to get to shore as fast as I could... I... I thought I could get here in time... I...," Y/N started as she whimpered sadly looking back down at Jungkook. His skin was pale and his lips were turning purple. The members expressions all saddened at that as they stood over Jungkook, staring down at him. They didn't want to believe that their youngest member was gone, but seeing Y/N crying they knew that no matter what they wanted to believe, the reality was that he was gone. Some of the members knelt down next to Jungkook and Y/N.

"Y/N, don't blame yourself. This isn't your fault," Seokjin assured as he placed his hand on Y/N's shoulder to comfort her. She shook her head as she looked at him.

"Yes it is! If I had just gotten here faster or rescued him sooner-," she argued as she cut herself off with a sob. She brought Jungkook's hand up to her face and kissed it softly before holding it closely to her chest.

"Y/N, you did everything you could. Not any of us or you could have predicted that this would happen," Namjoon murmured as he let out a sniffle and gave a comforting smile, "He lived a good life and he will be missed and I know he won't ever be forgotten too. In life or death, he will still be known and loved by all." The other members nodded in agreement to that as they wiped at their tears. Y/N let out another sob at that as she stared down at Jungkook's lifeless body with a sorrowful expression.

"Namjoon's right. He may have died here, but he will never be forgotten. We will make sure of that," Taehyung voiced as he sniffled and wiped at his eyes repeatedly. The other members nodded in agreement to that as well. Y/N glanced at the members for a moment, looking at each one for a moment. It broke her heart to see them looking so sad and heartbroken.

She glanced from them to Jungkook and back to them then to Jungkook again. Although she knew that he was gone already, she knew it couldn't hurt to try. If there was any chance that she could bring him back and take away the sadness from everyone then she would do whatever it took.

Sighing, she wiped away her tears and tried to calm herself down. She sat up straight and placed her hands on top of Jungkook's chest gently.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Jimin asked in wonder as he and the others noticed her placing her hands on Jungkook's chest. Y/N glanced up at them, a look of determination in her eyes.

"I won't let him die," she murmured softly but firmly as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Y/N-," the members began to say, but then stopped when Y/N's hands began to glow a bright purple. They gasped in shock at the sight, except for Jimin, who had remembered the time when Y/N had healed him. Realization struck him and a hopeful smile spread across his face. Y/N's eyes shot open and they glowed the same bright purple that her hands did. The necklace around her neck glowed and so did her tail. She was bright purple beacon shining brightly. The members watched with fascination as the glow from Y/N's hands began to surround Jungkook's body.

They noticed that the wounds on Jungkook's face were beginning to heal. They all let out small gasps of shock and happiness. Just as they did, they heard footsteps approaching. They all stood up in alarm and turned around, but sighed in relief when they saw that it was only the siren pod and Oceana. They smiled at the pod and Oceana, who smiled back at them.

"Where's-?" Oceana began to ask but then noticed Y/N's bright purple glow and looked around behind the members. Her eyes widened when she saw Jungkook laying there and Y/N using her healing ability. "Y/N...!"

A look of fear spread across Oceana's face confusing the members as she rushed towards Y/N's side. The members approached with perplexed looks while the siren pod slowly walked towards them as well.

"Oceana, what's wrong?" Namjoon asked curiously and worriedly.

"You... you need to stop her," Oceana said as she looked at them. The members' expressions grew bewildered at her request. They looked at her as if she had grown another head.

"Why? She's healing him. Look! His wounds are all healed," Hoseok stated as he pointed to Jungkook. Oceana shook her head at that as she stepped towards Y/N and tried to pull her away from Jungkook, but Y/N stayed in place.

"Hey! What are you doing?! What is wrong with you?!" Yoongi asked as he glared at Oceana furiously and pushed her back away from Jungkook and Y/N. "Don't you dare come near them!"

"No please..! You don't understand!" Oceana exclaimed with shaky breaths. The members glanced at one another, not understanding. Namjoon sighed as he stepped forward.

"What don't we understand? Please help us to understand," he pleaded as he placed his hand on Oceana's shoulder. She glanced up at him and opened her mouth but nothing came out. It was like the words were caught in his throat. Yoongi scoffed at that as he rolled his eyes.

"Don't bother with her Namjoon. I bet she just wants Jungkook to stay dead," Yoongi commented as he looked at the siren pod with a look of disgust, "Why don't you make yourselves useful and keep her away from Jungkook and Y/N."

"Very well," the siren leader answered with a neutral expression as she gestured to the other sirens. The other sirens nodded as they approached Oceana and held her back. Oceana gasped in shock and squirmed around.

"No please!! You have to stop her!!" Oceana yelled in panic as her face held distress. The members were confused on why Oceana wanted them to stop Y/N so badly, but chose to ignore it as Y/N was healing their youngest member. When they turned around, they no longer saw rope burns on Jungkook's body. They smiled, hoping that Y/N had the power to completely heal Jungkook and bring him back to them.

As she healed him, Y/N could feel her powers draining and her strength leaving her. She could see though that if she stopped now then it might not be enough to bring Jungkook back, so she took a deep breath and continued to fight. She would not let Jungkook die.

She could hear Oceana's cries for her to stop, but she ignored them. She could feel her body beginning to tremble and shake from overexerting herself and the glow in her tail, eyes, necklace, and hands were starting to flicker.

"Whoa, hold on, her body is shaking," Hoseok stated in surprise. The others noticed it too. Oceana's eyes widened more at that and fear was clearly visible. She wiggled around trying to escape the clutches of the other sirens, but failed continuously.

"Please!! Y/N!! Please if you don't stop her she's going to die!!" Oceana finally admitted with a cry, earning shocked expressions from the other members.

"What?" Jimin asked as he and the others looked at Oceana not fully understanding what she meant by what she said. As Oceana was about to explain what she meant, Y/N made a sound that brought the attention back to her. Everyone looked at her and then Jungkook. Jungkook's body was free from any wounds and his skin and lips were returning to their normal colour.

"Look! His skin is back to the normal colour again!" Taehyung exclaimed in shock and joy as he smiled at the other members. The other members all smiled as well at that as they stared down at their youngest member.

"Ok! He's fine now! Please get her to stop now!" Oceana pleaded as she started to cry. The members looked at her with serious expressions. She stared back at them with sincere eyes hoping that they would trust her, but they didn't stop Y/N. They wanted their youngest member back and if Oceana wasn't willing to explain what she meant then they wouldn't do anything.

"Sorry Oceana," Seokjin apologized sincerely with a bow as he and the others all looked back at Jungkook again. They watched with crossed fingers that Jungkook would wake up soon. As the glow from Y/N's tail, eyes, necklace, and hands began to slowly fade, Jungkook's hand started to make small movements. "His hand moved!"

The members cheered Y/N on as she continued to push through and just as the glow from her tail, eyes, necklace, and hands fully disappeared, Jungkook's eyes fluttered open. He groaned a bit as he looked up at his hyungs who were staring down at him with tears in their eyes and smiles as wide as ever. He looked at them confused for a moment as he slowly sat up. He held his head in his hands for a moment before looking at his hyungs and smiling.

"Hey hyungs," he greeted them with a tired smile as he hugged them. They hugged him back firmly but not too tightly so not to hurt him if he was still feeling a bit sore.

Y/N watched this with a relieved smile on her face, but then her smile faded as she felt the last bit of her strength leaving her. Her eyelids were feeling heavy and her consciousness was starting to fade gradually. She glanced up at Oceana, who had finally managed to escape the grips of the other sirens and came rushing towards her.

"Y/N!!" Oceana shouted with tears in her eyes as she dropped down beside Y/N, who looked at her with half open eyes. Oceana's shouting made the others stop what they were doing and looked over at the two of them. Jungkook's ears perked up when he heard Y/N's name and he flung his head to the side. His eyes widened when he saw Y/N and he smiled happily at being able to see her up close, but his smile faltered when he noticed how weak Y/N looked.

"Y/N?" Jungkook asked in confusion as he slowly crawled his way over to her and looked into her face. She smiled softly and weakly at him. "What's happening to her?!"

"I tried to tell your friends to get her to stop healing you once your skin turned back to normal," Oceana mentioned as she looked at Jungkook solemnly, holding Y/N's weak body in her arms. Jungkook looked at Oceana perplexed by this. "You died or were on the verge of dying. Y/N wanted to save you, so she healed you, but..."

"But what Oceana?!" Jungkook's voice went loud as his expression grew panicked.

"Her healing ability has limitations. The more she uses her healing ability, the more it takes a toll on her," Oceana explained shortly as she sniffled and looked at Y/N's face. Jungkook stared at Oceana trying to comprehend what she was saying, but was having trouble so he looked up at the siren pod. The siren leader sighed heavily at that.

"What Oceana is trying to say is that, the reason she was trying to get your friends to stop Y/N is because she knew that if she fully healed you then she would die, but your friends here chose not to listen to her," the siren leader continued, trying to make the explanation easy to understand. Jungkook's eyes widened at that as he looked at Y/N before looking at his hyungs. His hyungs looked at him with guilty looking expressions on their faces.

"Hyungs, Oceana told you what would happen and you let Y/N continue to heal me?!" Jungkook asked in disbelief and also some anger. His hyungs didn't say anything to that as they all looked away. His expression grew more angry at that as he turned away from them and looked at the siren pod. "And you knew that she would die too and you didn't try to stop her either?!"

"Listen, Y/N knew what would happen if she fully healed you. She knew what the consequences would be if she saved you. It was her decision to save you. It was her decision to heal you," the siren leader answered in a cold tone as she glared at Jungkook. Jungkook stood up quickly at that and stepped towards the siren leader until he was standing right in front of her.

"Help her." He glared down at her, his eyes practically ordering her, but the siren leader didn't back down. She glared right back at him and leaned forward.

"I can't. In case you forgot, but Y/N is the only one with healing powers," the siren leader reminded as she looked at Jungkook knowingly. Jungkook stiffened as he remembered before scoffing and turning away from her. "Look, if we could, we would help her, but we can't. Y/N chose to save you. Why? I'll never understand why, but she did. She doesn't have much time left, so if I were you I would spend the little time she has left thanking her and staying by her side."

Jungkook didn't look at the siren leader, but sighed heavily. He walked over to Y/N and knelt down beside her. He looked at Oceana and asked with his eyes if he could hold onto Y/N's body. Oceana nodded as she handed off Y/N's body to Jungkook to hold in his. Jungkook held Y/N's body gently in his arms as he stared down at her fatigued face. He let out a sniffle as he caressed her cheek with one hand.

"Y/N...," he trailed off as he bit his lip to stop himself from crying. Y/N smiled softly as she let out an exhausted breath and lifted her hand, placing it on his cheek. He removed his hand from her cheek and placed it on her hand that was on his cheek.

"You know... before... it was the other way around... I was the one who... was crying... and holding onto... you...," she murmured in a soft tone as she let out a weak giggle. He let out a laugh that was mixed with a sob. "I'm sorry... I should have... saved you sooner... then I wouldn't have... had to use up all my energy... to save you... we could have... been together..."

"Y/N, please try and fight through. I can't lose you again," he pleaded as he gripped onto her hand that was rested against his cheek a little tighter. Her eyes became glossy as fresh tears formed in them. Her eyes held sadness in them as she used her thumb to wipe at his tears that had fallen down his face.

"Jungkook... I don't have much time left, but I just need you to know that... I don't regret saving you.. or meeting you... or loving you... because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and... I love you so much...," Y/N said with a tearful smile. Jungkook gave a tearful smile as well as a few tears escaped his eyes and fell onto her face. "When I'm gone... just please don't forget me.."

"No, never, I'll never forget you Rosaloe, I promise," Jungkook promised with a sniffle as he continued to smile at her. Y/N smiled in response to that as she used the last tiny bit of strength she had left to lift herself up and press her lips to his. Jungkook was surprised by this, but he soon relaxed and kissed her back, holding the back of her head to help keep her lifted up. He kissed her tenderly and passionately, making his feelings for her known through the kiss. They both sniffled and cried into the kiss, not letting each other go, but Y/N had used up everything she had left.

As the kiss came to an end, Y/N looked up into those beautiful, dark orbs one more time before her eyes finally closed shut and everything went dark.

Jungkook pulled away and stared down at Y/N's face. His eyes widened when he notice that her eyes were closed. Her hand had dropped from his cheek to the ground, her body had stopped moving, and no air escaped her mouth or nose. He shook his head and Oceana gasped when she noticed Y/N's state.

"No no no!! Y/N!!" Oceana cried out as she grabbed onto her friend's hand, holding it to her chest. Tears streamed her cheeks as she cried out in sorrow. Jungkook's lips quivered at the reality hit him and he held Y/N's body close to his silently crying into her neck.

"Y/N...," Jungkook whimpered sadly as he buried his face into her neck and steadily rocked back and forth in spot while hugging her lifeless body in his arms. The other members watched sadly, now feeling a second heartbreak that day. He didn't know how long he sat there or how long he cried for, but by the time he had stopped crying the sun was already going down. He sniffled as he pulled away from her body a little and kissed her forehead before connecting his forehead with hers.

"Jungkook, please, say your last goodbyes to her. We're going to go find a burial place for her," the siren leader announced in neutral tone. Jungkook looked up at the siren leader for a moment before looking down at Y/N.

"Y/N... I should have told you this so long ago, but I was dumb and I was waiting for the right moment to tell you. I shouldn't have and I waited too long. Now I'm telling you and you won't even be able to hear it." His voice was shaky and solemn as he stroked her hair gently. "I love you Y/N. I love you and I always will. Thank you for loving me too and I'm sorry for not showing you the same amount of love that you showed me. But I promise that I won't forget you because you'll always have a place in my heart."

Finishing off his last words, he kissed her cold lips one more time before handing her off to Oceana and standing up. He turned away from Y/N and walked off a little ways. He knew that he were to look back then he wouldn't be able to leave.

As he walked along the beach with his hyungs, he held tightly to the necklace around his neck that contained the scale from Y/N's tail. The glow had stopped glowing, but it was still there. It still would help him to not forget the time he spent and love he shared with his secret mermaid.


Hey everyone!

A new and final chapter is here! I hope you all liked it! Yes, that's right. I said final chapter, but don't worry I still have the epilogue left to post.

So, Jungkook had died, but Y/N used her healing abilities to bring him back, but then she ended up dying. Yes, Y/N died. I know you're probably all saying, "but wait a minute, I thought this was going to have a happy ending". Well, I never said that it was going to be a sad ending and I never said that this is necessarily the end. After all, there is still the epilogue. Who knows what could happen in there. ;)

Is Dr. Kai going to be put in jail? We'll have to see in the epilogue as well.

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this.

Stay tuned for the epilogue hopefully coming out soon! :)

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