His Secret Mermaid ✓

By atlas-carter

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[COMPLETED] ***READ THE NON-KPOP VERSION OF THIS STORY @atlas_carter*** "H-Hey! Watch it! I don't wan... More

His Secret Mermaid
Chapter 1: Hermit Crab
Chapter 2: Gold Coin
Chapter 3: Late Night At The Beach
Chapter 4: Puffer-Fish
Chapter 5: The Scale
Chapter 6: Hyung, Can You Keep A Secret?
Chapter 7: My Name Is Jungkook
Chapter 8: New Shell
Chapter 9: Exchanging Gifts
Chapter 10: Potato Chips
Chapter 11: Promise Me
Chapter 12: A Story Of The Hyungs
Chapter 13: Night Exploration
Chapter 14: Her Past
Chapter 15: Girlfriend Suspicion
Chapter 16: Live With Jk & Jhope
Chapter 17: Kiss Of Hidden Feelings
Chapter 18: The Sirens' Return
Chapter 19: Moon Pool
Chapter 20: Siren's Seduction
Chapter 21: Oceana
Chapter 22: The Solution
Chapter 23: Secret Of A Mermaid
Chapter 24: Jealousy In Run BTS [P1]
Chapter 25: Underwater Fun In Run BTS [P2]
Chapter 26: She Is Different
Chapter 27: Hyung Kissed Y/N [P1]
Chapter 28: Siren Moon Pool [P2]
Chapter 29: Beware The Sirens
Chapter 30: Farewell Sirens
Chapter 32: The Picture
Chapter 33: Striking a Deal
Chapter 34: Dr. Kai [P1]
Chapter 35: Mission Retrieve The Vile [P2]
Chapter 36: Explanations
Chapter 37: A Warning From Dr. Kai
Chapter 38: The Kidnap [P1]
Chapter 39: The Rescue [P2]
Chapter 40: Oceana's Secret
Chapter 41: Sirens In The News
Chapter 42: Sirens' Disappearance
Chapter 43: Who Is Dr Kai?
Chapter 44: Blame
Chapter 45: You Are Being Sued
Chapter 46: A Hint Of Purple
Chapter 47: Mutual Feelings
Chapter 48: Y/N & Oceana Are Coming Back [P1]
Chapter 49: Vengeful Scientist [P2]
Chapter 50: Let Me Save You One Last Time [P3]
End Of Story Author's Note

Chapter 31: Hint Of Flirtation

366 25 6
By atlas-carter

"Haha, you're so cute when you're flustered," Jungkook commented in a teasing manner as he watched Y/N's face go a bright red. Y/N pouted at that as she crossed her arms over her chest making Jungkook snicker. He had come down to the beach to visit Y/N around 10AM with his hyungs tagging along with him. Most of them were in the water playing around, but Jungkook stayed behind sitting on the sand with Yoongi who was lying down and taking a nap.

"Stop teasing me," Y/N grumbled as she shot Jungkook a playful glare. Jungkook giggled at that as he reached over and pinched her cheek. He tugged at her cheek lightly and moved his hand slightly causing Y/N's squishy cheeks to move around. "H-Hey! Ow! That hurts! Hmph! Take this!" Whining and not wanting her cheek to be tugged at anymore, she flicked her tail towards the surface of the water making a rather large wave rise. The water splashed up and towards Jungkook, completely drenching him with water and Yoongi who was sleeping peacefully was awoken from his sleep by the water crashing down onto him as well.

"Ah! Y/N! My shirts all wet now!" Jungkook whined as he pouted and pinched his soaking wet shirt, pulling it away from his body. This made Y/N giggle in amusement as she grinned victoriously at Jungkook.

"What the-?! Who did that?! Jungkook, I swear if that was you-!" Yoongi began to protest in an angry tone as he glared at Jungkook, who put his hands up in defense then pointed at Y/N. Yoongi glanced at Y/N, who sent him an apologetic look. He huffed a bit at that. "Damn, I can't hit a girl. Whatever, just don't splash me again!" With that, he moved away from the water, so that he wouldn't get splashed again. Y/N and Jungkook stifled laughs at that as they watched Yoongi grumble while he fell back to sleep. Once he was back to sleep they looked away from him and back at each other. They stared at each other for a moment or two before clearing their throats.

"Anyways, aren't you going to come into the water? The others are in the water," Y/N stated as she gestured to the others who were busy splashing each other.

"Yeah, I guess I am," Jungkook responded as he took his shirt off revealing his muscle toned body. Seeing his well-built figure, Y/N felt her gaze traveled from his visible six-pack to his big, bulging arm muscles. It was a sight that she wasn't use to as she hadn't been around many humans for a long time, not since the time when she first fell in love with a human. She watched him carefully seeming in a somewhat trance before shaking her head and looking away once he had turned back around to look at her. When he looked at her, he noticed that her face had become a deep shade of red. "Are you ok? Your face is red."

"I'm... fine, get in the water already or else I'm going to have to splash you again," Y/N warned as she got her tail ready to whip water at him.

"You do that and we'll both be dead because Yoongi hyung won't let it go the second time," Jungkook pointed out with a knowing look as he glanced at his sleeping hyung before slowly walking into the water. As he walked in, he shivered. The temperature of the water was chilly going in, but once he was fully in it wasn't so bad. "Hey, we should go to the island."

"Uh... I don't know. I mean, I don't want to have to pull all seven of you to the island. Plus, I'd have to kiss all seven of you in order for you all to breathe underwater," Y/N inquired with an awkward expression. Upon hearing this, Jungkook's body tensed up a bit at this.

"You're right. Never mind, you're only allowed to kiss me," he mumbled as he looked away. Y/N found herself smiling at what he said as she slowly swam towards him and pecked his cheek softly. He was surprised by the gesture as he stared stunned at her and placed his hand against his cheek. She giggle at his reaction and grinned teasingly when she saw his cheeks flush a light pink colour. He pouted once he realized that she was laughing at him and sent her a playful glare. He tried to think of what he could do to get her back. He knew he couldn't splash her because she was already in the water. He thought hard for a moment before an idea came into his head. He smirked mischievously as he approached her slowly and in a swift movement, he wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her closely to him then began tickling her sides.

"Hey! S-Stop! That tickles! Jungkook~!" Y/N whined loudly as she giggled and squirmed around, trying to escape his grasp, but he held onto her firmly while continuing to tickle her sides. He giggled in amusement watching her squirm around in his arms. Suddenly hearing her giggles and whines, the other members in the water all came over to watch with smiles on their faces.

"Hey you two lovebirds, let us join in on the fun," Jimin requested with a laugh. Y/N shook her head as she continued to squirm around until finally she escaped Jungkook's grasp and swam off a bit.

"Haha, I didn't know that sirens were so ticklish," Namjoon said with a laugh. Y/N huffed and pouted as she whipped her tail, creating a big wave that knocked all of them over. They all yelled in shock, but also amusement as they let the wave topple them over. She smiled seeing them all laugh as she did it once again, whipping her tail to create a huge wave that would once again topple them over. She did that a few times and was busy doing that that she didn't even notice that Jungkook had snuck up behind her. It wasn't until his arms had wrapped around her and he started to tickle her again that she finally noticed him.

"Jungkook!! Nooo!!" She exclaimed as she started to giggle again and move around, "Stop it!"

"Hehe, nope. Payback for splashing me and getting my shirt soaking wet," Jungkook voiced with a devilish grin as he continued to tickle her, switching places every now and then. Y/N giggled more as she tried to swat his hands away from her sides.

"Smh~! Stop it Naked!" She protested with a pout as she pushed at his chest, but he didn't let her go. The others heard the word 'naked' and raised their eyebrows in confusion.

"Aish, don't start calling me Naked again Y/N," Jungkook objected with a pout as he held onto Y/N firmly.

"I'll call you Naked if I want to! Now stop tickling me you perverted hermit crab!" Y/N declared as she squirmed around some more. The others looked at each other confused as they swam over to see if they could get some answers.

"Why are you calling him Naked and a hermit crab?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"Because when I first met him, he said his name was Naked. Plus, I thought he was a hermit crab when I first saw him," Y/N explained shortly as she ducked out under Jungkook's arms and resurfaced a little ways away.

"No I didn't! I had said that I shouldn't walk around half-naked in public and you suddenly thought that my name was Naked, but I corrected you about 100 times over that my name is Jungkook," Jungkook corrected as he swam towards Y/N.

"Haha, Naked, that's a funny name," Seokjin said with a laugh, "Maybe we should all start calling him Naked." The others all glanced at each other and grinned at the idea, but they immediately stopped once they noticed Jungkook sending them warning glares. "But why hermit crab?"

"Hm.. I don't know," Y/N responded with a shrug just as Jungkook wrapped his arms around her again, "Ugh! Lemme go!" She whined and pushed at his chest again.

"Aw, why? What's the problem? I'm just hugging you," Jungkook said with a small pout as he rested his chin on her shoulder. Y/N squirmed a bit more, but then finally decided to let it go and stopped. Jungkook smirked victoriously as he started kissing her neck softly. The others watched from closer to the beach as they didn't want to intrude on the two lover's space. Y/N's body froze at the sensitive feeling before quickly trying to pull away from him, but still he continued to hold on firmly. "Hey, stop trying to swim away."

"I will if you keep doing that," Y/N spoke in a rather shaky tone as she pulled her neck away from his soft, plump lips. This made him chuckle in amusement. "Aish, you H-U-M-A-Ns are very touchy.."

"Yes, you should already know that since you were a human once and it's very rude to reject~," Jungkook replied with a grin as he quickly pecked her lips. Y/N muffled a bit at the sudden action, but pouted soon after. "What's wrong? You want another kiss?" She blushed at this, but said nothing in response as she avoided his gaze. Her silence was enough for him to know what her answer was. He chuckled as he turned her face to look at him before softly kissing her lips while caressing her cheek with his hand. She blushed a bit, but kissed back for a bit before ducking out under Jungkook's arms and swimming away while giggling in amusement.

"Y/N! Come back here! Aish! Come on! You know I can't swim after you! You swim 10 times faster than me!" Jungkook complained with a pout and a heavy sigh as he swam after her anyways. Y/N giggled as she whipped some water at him, forming a large wave that pushed him farther away from her and towards the shore. Jungkook tried to fight against the wave, but it was too strong. He groaned in annoyance as he let the wave push him into the shore before sitting in the shallow water near the shore with a small pout on his face. Y/N saw his pout and giggled before slowly swimming towards him and stopping right in front of him.

"Haha, why are you pouting?" She asked him with a giggle as she peered into his face. Jungkook did his best to hide his grin as he cupped her face in his hands and pulled her towards him.

"Because I want to be with you, but you keep swimming away, so I think I deserve a kiss," he spoke in an nonchalantly way as a smile formed on his lips before he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her passionately. She smiled into the kiss and kissed back, letting him pull her onto his lap as she rested her hands on his chest. They kissed for a bit before pulling away and smiling at each other. Jungkook stroked her cheek with one hand while resting his other hand on her waist. He stared into her eyes lovingly. He hadn't had the chance to tell her how he felt about her yesterday and his hyungs had come along today, so he hadn't had a chance all day, but he did now. Taking a deep breath, he stared her directly in the eyes. "Y/N.. I lo-."

As he was about to confess, he was once again interrupted by his hyungs calling out to him and Y/N.

"Yo! Jungkook! Y/N! Stop making out and come have something to eat!" Yoongi called out to them. Jungkook scowled a bit and huffed in annoyance at once again not being able to confess as he and Y/N pulled apart. "Hurry up! Or all of the chocolate balls are going to be gone!" Yoongi waved a bag of chocolate balls up in the air. When Y/N saw the bag, she gasped and quickly started swimming over.

"Jungkook, come on!" She insisted as she gestured for him to come before going on ahead, "Yoongi! Leave me some of the poop balls!" Jungkook stifled a laugh at hearing her call the chocolate balls 'poop balls' again. She still hadn't learned to call them the correct name. The others looked at Y/N weirdly as she swam over. She sat on the sand with her tail still in the water and snatched the bag of chocolate balls out of Yoongi's hands. "Hehe, my poop balls!"

"Y/N, they're chocolate balls, not poop balls. If they were actually made of poop then we wouldn't be eating them," Hoseok stated with an awkward chuckle as he bit into his sandwich. Y/N shrugged in response to that as she opened the bag with ease. Jungkook watched from a little ways away and smiled. He remembered back when he first introduced her to the chocolate balls and how she had such trouble opening the bag, but now could open them by herself with no problems at all. "Jungkook, you coming?"

"Yeah, I'm coming hyung," Jungkook answered as he finally made his way over and sat down on the sand beside Y/N. Seokjin handed him a sandwich and some banana milk making him smile. He began to eat and cast a glance at Y/N, who popped a chocolate ball into her mouth. She smiled with a dreamy look in her eyes at the savory taste of the chocolate.

"Yummy poop balls," Y/N commented with as she stuffed another chocolate ball into her mouth.

"Chocolate ball," the members corrected her at the same time. She shrugged in response as she stuffed two more chocolate balls into her mouth. The members stifled laughs as she looked like a chipmunk stuffing its face with acorns. She finished the bag of chocolate balls in a flash and handed the bag to Yoongi.

"Sigh, you finished the whole bag?" Yoongi asked with a look of disappointment.

"Sorry, they're just really good," Y/N responded with an apologetic look making Yoongi sigh again in response, "So, how's your album coming along?"

"We're almost done. We just have one more song left to finish then we have to record and practice dance routines," Jimin stated as he sipped at his drink, "I think ARMY is really going to love it." The others nodded in agreement to that. Y/N smiled a bit before looking off into the distance with a longing look. Jungkook noticed and looked at her concerned.

"What's wrong Y/N?" Jungkook asked worriedly making the others also look at her with questioning looks.

"Huh? Oh, nothing. I just miss Oceana a bit," Y/N spoke with a forced smile as she continued to look out at the ocean for a bit before looking at them with a sigh, "And I miss being human. I miss being able to walk on land and dance around and not have to always hide myself from the world." The members looked at her sympathetically. Although they couldn't quite understand what she was going through, they still felt sympathetic for her.

"Is there a way to turn you back into a human?" Namjoon asked curiously, "We can try looking on the internet for a way." Y/N shook her head in response.

"You wouldn't be able to find a way on the internet and I don't think there is. It's ok though, at least I'm still able to see you guys like this..," Y/N answered with a small smile as she looked down at the sand. The members glanced at each other, not knowing what to say or do to cheer her up.

"Can you tell us about what your life was like when you were a human?" Yoongi asked suggestively to see if that would help change the awkward air. Y/N looked at him for a moment before sighing again.

"To be honest, I'm really not sure. Ever since I became a siren, I've forgotten much of my life before that, but I do remember Oceana telling me that after I became a siren, I was all over the news. My parents had gone to the police because I hadn't returned home for 2 days and after about a week or so, they claimed me missing," Y/N spoke softly with a hint of sorrow in her voice. The members expressions became pained as they listened to her.

"I remember too they were by the dock where boats would come and they stood there staring out at the water. My mother asking where was I and what happened to me and hoping that I was ok. I wanted to tell them that I was fine, but I knew I couldn't. I knew that if I showed myself that I would expose myself to the world and put the pod in danger, so I had to remain quiet while listening to my mother and father break down on the dock. The last thing that they said before they left the dock was that they loved me and that was the last time I saw them," Y/N continued as her voice grew shaky and heartbroken. Tears had already begun to form in her eyes and a couple of tears were sliding down her face onto the dry sand.

"5 years later, when we visited there again, Oceana told me that they had died in a car accident. It made me regret all the times when I should have done better, I should have told them I loved them more, and..." Y/N couldn't finish what she was saying as she had already started sniffling and breaking down. Remembering all of this made her heart break all over again. Despite it being so long since then, she could still remember the way she felt at that time, how she cried for so many days and how she wished she could have at least seen her parents one last time before they were no longer apart of this world.

The members were quiet, unable to say anything, but they felt truly heartbroken at Y/N's past and seeing her sad and crying. She sniffled as she tried to regain her composure, but only a small cry came out of her mouth as she wiped at her red, puffy eyes. The members continued to say nothing for a while. Jungkook couldn't stand seeing her so sad. Knowing he didn't have anything to say to make her feel better, he scooted closer to her and wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in a gentle hug. He knew that his hug would let her know that he was there for her. Soon, the other members joined in on the hug as well.

"Y/N, we know we're just a bunch of seven guys, but we'll be here for you," Hoseok voiced in a comforting tone as he smiled brightly. Y/N smiled as she sniffled again and wiped at her face.

"Thank you Hobi, I'm sorry that I made everyone sad," she apologized with a small laugh as she took in deep breaths to calm down.

"Don't apologize. We're glad that you told us. We didn't know just how much you suffered becoming a siren," Jimin mentioned with a warm smile. Y/N smiled back at that.

"Thank you for visiting me too. I'm not as alone now," she uttered with a grateful smile.

"Of course we're visiting you. You're our friend," Taehyung reminded with a boxy smile as he held Y/N's hands in his. Y/N giggled a bit at that as she nodded in agreement. Jungkook watched this with a somewhat annoyed look as he sent Taehyung a warning look. Taehyung noticed and stared back at him with a questioning look before understanding. He let go of Y/N's hands quickly and grinned. "Hehe, sorry Y/N. I shouldn't hold your hand unless I want to feel the wrath of Jungkook."

"The wrath?" Y/N asked in confusion as she glanced from Taehyung and Jungkook with a questioning look.

"It's nothing Y/N," Jungkook replied with a reassuring smile as he sent Taehyung another warning look. Taehyung grinned back in response, but said nothing.

"Jungkookie is jealous because Taehyung-ah was holding your hands," Jimin explained briefly, earning a surprised look from Y/N and an irritated look from Jungkook. Jimin looked at Jungkook to see him cracking his knuckles. "Uh oh, I better run for it!" With that, Jimin stood up and started running away with Jungkook sprinting after him. The others laughed in amusement at that along with Y/N, who watched with a happy smile across her face.

She may not be human anymore, but she wasn't alone anymore. She had them, the members of BTS, and Jungkook, the human she fell in love with. She remembered how in the beginning she told Jungkook to not fall in love with her and yet she couldn't stop him from falling in love with her. Perhaps, it was more of a reminder to her to now fall in love with him, but still she fell in love with him. She still worried that he would end up killed, but with the sirens gone she didn't need to worry as much anymore, but still deep in her mind, she still found herself worrying for his and his friends' safety.


Hey everyone!

A new chapter is here and I hope you all enjoyed it!

Hehe, so a little flirting and teasing happened between Y/N and Jungkook in this chapter, but he once again got interrupted when he was trying to confess his feelings for her. Hope he gets to confess soon.

Ah! So, my exams are finally over! Yayaya! So happy, now I can relax and focus more on writing! I'll see if I can update more often now too.

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this.

Stay tuned for the next chapter hopefully coming out soon! :)

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