Godfather Tony

By llSeaweedBrainll

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Adopted from: @Castiel_Is_A_Bee "Tony, meet Perseus Anthony Jackson, your godson." *~*~* Best friends since... More

A/N Welcome! :D
Chapter 2: My Favorite Avenger
Extra #1: RIP Clint Barton
Chapter 3: Tony and Bruce To the Rescue!
Extra #2: Percy Is A Cinnamon Roll
Chapter 4: Wait What?
A/N: New Cover!!
Chapter 5: Oh My Gods, It's Robert Downey Jr's DAD
A/N: Q & A
Chapter 6 Part #1: Ghostbusters!
Chapter 6 Part #2: Swim Away Do Doo Do Do Do
Chapter 7: Tony and Percy Assemble!
A/N: Thank You So Much!!
Q & A
Chapter 8: Yer A Wizard Harry!
Chapter 9: So, You Guys Want the Truth
Extra #3: Halloween Special
Extra #4: Día de los Muertos Special
Chapter 10: No More Secrets
Chapter 11: I Didn't Want To Lose You
Extra #5: Thanksgiving Special
Chapter 12: Ahsjdvmscd
Chapter 13: P- Percy?
Chapter 14: The Graecus and the Legionnaire
Chapter 15: You Underestimate My Power
Chapter 16: BROTHER!!!!
Chapter 17: I Hate the Fates
Chapter 18: The Bro-Secret
Chapter 19: Headaches and Heartaches
Chapter 20: I Will Always Love You
Chapter 21: Memory Lane
Chapter 22: A New Friend
Chapter 23: Food Fight!
Chapter 24: Are You OK?
Chapter 25: Thanos? Who's He?
Chapter 26: The Fall of the Revengers
Extra #6: Halloween Special #2
Chapter 27: Déjà vu Who?
Chapter 28: Aliens Hate Public Property
Chapter 29: Old Friend
Chapter 30: Titan
Chapter 31: That's on Earth
Chapter 32: Introductions And Fortune Telling

Chapter 1: Meet Your Godson

14.1K 351 333
By llSeaweedBrainll

Sally's POV:


Applesauce dots my face, handiwork of my five-month-old son, Percy. He giggled at his masterpiece and started babbling in his "baby language."

"When will you start speaking a language I can understand?" I ask him. 

And as a response, I got more applesauce on my face and more giggling. I sigh and shake my head. I love Percy but he can be a bit complicated at times. He reminds me so much of Tony. I love both of them, but sometimes they make it difficult.

I miss Tony, he's been missing for months now, and although I know he's a tough guy he has been missing for like eight months in AFGHANISTAN. THAT'S ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD. And that kind of makes you lose hope. But regardless I made him Percy's godfather so that if he ever returns, he can meet him. Suddenly there's a knock on the door.

"Who can that be?" I say to myself as I stand up and wipe the "Picasso painting" off my face. "Stay here," I tell Percy as I make my way to the door and he babbles something in response. Then there's another knock. "Coming!" I say and I reach the door. And I open it to see...

"T-Tony? Is it really you." I stutter out. 

He nods as tears come down his face and mine. We both hug each other tightly and just stand in the doorway, enjoying each other's company. When we pull away Tony starts to say something but I grab his arm and judo flip him.

"If you ever leave like that again I swear to all the gods I will kill you, bring back to life, and kill you again," I said pressing my forearm (lightly) against his throat. And he has the nerve to laugh! Why am I best friends with the man again?

"I love you too Sally," he responds, giving me a smirk. I help him up and I notice a blue glowy thingy in his chest.

"Tony, what happened?" I ask.

"Well you see-" Tony was cut off by some babbling coming from the kitchen. Tony looks at me in confusion and says, "Did you have a baby?" I nod and lead him to the kitchen, where Percy was busy making another "Picasso painting."

I pick Percy up and say, "Tony meet Perseus Anthony Jackson, your godson."

"You- you used my name for him. You named him after me?" He asks. Then he goes, "Wait, he's my godson?" I nod (dam, there's a lot of nodding today.)

"I promise that I will do everything in my power to protect him and I will care of him if you need me too," he states, determination and love shining in his eyes.

"Now tell me about that," I ask, pointing at the glowy thingy. 

"Maybe later, I want to get to know the little guy!" he says as he takes Percy from my arms and spins him around, causing Percy to giggle.

For the next hour or so Tony plays with Percy and tells me about everything that happened to him when he disappeared. And in turn, I told him about Poseidon, knowing that I could trust him. And he promised that if anything happened to me he will get Percy to Camp Half-Blood as soon as possible or at twelve years old if I can't. After much talking, I noticed that a lot of time has passed.

"Don't you have somewhere to be Mr. Billionaire?" I ask teasingly.

Tony slightly glares at me before saying, "Maybe. But I'm not going anywhere though, I want to stay with my godson as long as I can."

"If you want, you can take him to the Stark Tower and I'll just beat- um I meant meet you there."

At this Tony grins and twirls around with Percy in his arms and says, "Percy, you'll get to see my tower!"

Percy and I both laugh at the billionaire's childish behavior. Then Tony pulls Percy (it autocorrected to 'Lercy' and I'm like: Ummm no) to his chest and checks to see if there are any reporters outside before sprinting to his car and hoping in the backseat. Then the car, driven by Happy, drives off before it attracts any unwanted attention. Then I hop in my own car, a gift from Poseidon, a blue sports car, and zoom off. And before I know it I'm parking the car in the parking lot, knowing I beat the two boys (Tony isn't mature enough to be called a man right now) here. I confidently stroll inside the tower, ignoring the people trying to stop me, and walk into the elevator.

"Hello, Sally. How are you today?" JARVIS greets. 

The people around were shocked, they've never heard JARVIS speak to anyone but Tony. Once I reach the kitchen floor JARVIS opens the door for me and I sit down at the counter, waiting for Tony. Moments later Tony and Percy come out, or more like spin out (what is it with Tony and spinning today?) of the elevator laughing and giggling.

"Mm. Ma- Mama!" Percy starts sounding out as soon as he sees me. My eyes went wide; he was only five months old and he said his first word: Mama.

"That's right I'm Mama," I say, "And that's Tony."

Percy looks at Tony and laughs before saying, "Me- Mechy. Mechy!" Tony puts a hand to his mouth and laughs at the name.

"Mechy, I like it. Who would've thought that he gave me a nickname for his second word," he chuckles to himself.

A/N (to all the readers from the original story):
First: I know that in the original story this whole chapter isn't really a chapter but I really wanted to expand on Sally's and Tony's reunion and Percy and Tony meeting. This will happen to all the chapters that I will be re-writing. And second, I know that in the original story Percy says "Mum" as his first word but I'm not British so where I come from we don't say "mum." Sorry if I offended anyone by saying that but for me it just feels weird calling someone "mum."

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