โœฐ ๐—ข๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ด๐—ฒ ๐—ท๐˜‚๐—ถ๐—ฐ๐—ฒ โฅ‡ ๏ฟฝ...

By _MeanYoongiii_

38.6K 1.4K 475

โคท ๐˜“๐˜ฆ๐˜ต ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฌ๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ด ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ More

Y O U R . N A M E
I T S . A . D E A L
A . R E A S O N
S T A Y . A W A Y
W A L K I N G . H O M E
M O V E . I N
F R I E N D S H I P S . A N D . L I E S
L O O K . A T . M E
R O M E O . A N D . J U L I E T
T H A T . G I R L
C O M E . I N
Y E L L O W . D U C K
I . L O V E . Y O U
F I R S T . S N O W
A N . A P P O I N T M E N T
W O U N D S & S C R A T C H E S
T H E . T R U T H
O L D . P H O T O S
R O O M . 6 6
I C E . C R E A M
P H O N E . C A L L S
N O T . O K A Y
C O N V E N I E N T . S T O R E
M A K E . U P

S O R R Y . I S . T H E . H A R D E S T . W O R D

818 32 1
By _MeanYoongiii_

Minghao saw the way the woman walked, shoulders back, yet eyes frequently checking her own appearance; it was as if she felt superior and insecure all at once. Se was walking like her shoes were too tight, making short little strutting steps like a clockwork soldier.

Her back slowly titls around and her doe eyes connect with his. "M-Maybe I shouldn't go now..." She obviously was trying to escape from this situation. Mighao was making her go to Joshua's room to apologize, but she just wanted to flee away to save her life. 

"Move!" He pushes her not even showing a little mercy on her. "You are too harsh on me..." She complained almost crying to move his heart. "Tsk Tsk... Such a drama queen... Move your ass..." He pushed her once again until they met the white door of his room. 

"W-wow... What... a nice door..." She tried to play it cool. "I am gonna leave you two alone! Knock... And be careful of the things you say to him..." He gave her the instructions once again and Soon-hee gulped. 

"Sure... I am a polite person..." She tried to persuade him but he had that icy look, staring in her eyes like he was staring at her soul. "I am gonna ask Jisoo later... Don't test me!" He threatens her and the girl nods.

"Fineeeee! Go..." She made him a sign that it's better for him to leave before she knocks and the guy gave her one last cold look full of denial and disappointment. 

Now she was alone... Right outside Jisoo's door... 

 Her heart felt as if her blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat. Her palms were sweaty but she awknoledged the fact that her behavior was unaccaptable. She was about to knock... She was ready... She lifted her hand up and exhaled deeply. 

Right when her hand was in contact with the door, it suddenly fell open without her even doing anything. She almost got startled staring at a pretty tall guy right in front of her. His shadow was making her seem faded away. 

"I am sorry, can I help you?" He asked so the girl cleared her throat before speaking. "I am here to... see Jisoo..." She almost whispered petrified. "Oh! Joshua... He is in the bathroom... One minute..." He said and the girl stiffens right out of the doorframe like a child afraid of the dark. 

"Joshua!" He calls out his name at the exact same moment he gets out of the bathroom. "What?" He asks staring at his friend close to the door. 

"A girl is here to see you?" He announced and Jisoo furrowed his eyebrows. He was not expecting what was about to come. Slowly he approached the door standing right next to his friends. His eyes almost widen when he sees her but he is trying to restrain it. 

"Soon-hee?" He asked like he could not believe she is actually here. "I have to go! See you later!" The man said and walked by the girl. 

"Okay Gyu..." He watched him leave and his cold eyes met the girl. To be honest he was trying to stay cold towards her because he was angry that after what happened she had that attitude towards her. 

"So... What are you doing here?" He said with his left hand glued on the door. He was a little anxious but he tried not to show it. Soon-hee was more than anxious. She was dying deep down. 

"I-I... I want to talk to you..." She softly retorted, something that made Joshua's heart melt. How could he say no to that. But still he needed to be cold. "Come in..." He said almost unbothered just to show her how she makes him feel when she is cold. 

Soon-hee walked in, staring at the room. It was looking alike hers and Minghao's but still that was not the point she was there. She needed to have a candid talk with him. He approached the bed having the girl stare at his back, but still he didn't sit. He slowly titled around to stare at her. 

"What do you want?" He asked with his hands on his pocket. Why was he feeling pain over this? He didn't even know. 

"Jisoo... I..." She looked down ready to freak out. Her cheek flashed that premenant red color that she hated but had to live with. "Today.. In class..." She finally looked at his mysterious eyes. They were sending shivers up and down her spine tremendously. 

"That day... when you threw that orange Juice at me.. I-I wanted to say that I am sorry... I was overreacting... You didn't mean to." She looked down blushing like a fool and Joshua was trying to restrain his laughter but he just couldn't.

"That was a lot of time ago..." 

"A-And I also wanna apologize for calling you Broomstick or other insulting names all the time..." She holds her hands together staring at the wooden floor like a child that just got scolded from her mom. She didn't dare to look at him. 

"And... Most importanly I wanna apologize for today... I am so sorry Jisoo..." Her chin was almost touching her chest as she was avoiding his eyes at any costs. She didn't know what expression he had on. Was it cold? Was it a little warmer than previously?

He finally takes two steps closer. 

And then 1 more. 

"Look at me..." He said but the girl was to afraid to try. "C'mon Just look at me..." He whispered and his hand lifted her chin and tenderly caressed her porcelain cheek afterwards. Finally their eyes met.

She bit her lip just because she was anxious and Joshua smiled. He was so happy that they were so close to each other. 

"Soonie... You are still astonishing..." He said and giggled. Finally he broke the ice and led Soon-hee to laugh although his hand was on her cheek and his hot breath on her lips. "I thought you hated me" She joked around and they both smiled brightly. 

"H-How can I, Shortie?" He said with a bright smile not even willing to stop caressing her skin. "I could never..." He added and finally his lips were about to touch her. He was about to eliminate any distance in between them too. And the bizzare part was that Soon-hee was craving for it as well. 

She was ready to give up so she just closed her eyes and waited for his lips to claim hers. It was so close to happen until the door suddenly fell open. They both flinched, getting extra flustered and gaining their personal space.

"Omg... I forgot my phone dude..." The guy from previosuly walked in and Joshua rolled his eyes. "L-Look at the desk Mingyu.." He tried not look suspicious, that made him look suspicious. 

"Here it is!" He smiled when he found it and put it on his pocket. "I will be late tonight... Don't wait for me..." He declared staring at the girl from one last time. "I am sorry we didn't get the chance to meet but I am in a hurry..." He said and Joshua snorted. 

"Yeah... The bartenter is waiting for him to show up." Jisoo teased his friends and he scoffed playfully. "At least somebody is waiting for me..." He winked and Joshua gasped ready to burst out laughing. 

"Someone is waiting for me as well..." He retorted offended of Mingyu's teasing comments. 

"Oh Really? Who?" He crossed his arms ready for Jisoo to answer. They boy stares around the room until he sees Soon-hee's silhouette. He carefully seize her from the right arm and hovers her with his one arm. 

"Soon-hee..." Jisoo declared and the girl forgot how to breathe. Why does her heart beats like that? Is that even healthy? He looks up at Joshua and realized how close they are again. 

"Right Soonie?" He asked and the girl gulped looking up at him. The girl then looks at Mingyu and exhales deeply. Why is she so petrified? "Yes..." She awkwardly answered but saved it with a peculiar giggle that made Shua to hold her tighter. 

"Oh dude, You have a girlfriend now? I wish I could hear more about you two but I have to go as I said... The.... Bartender..." He joked and Shua laughed trying not to freak out deep down. He says goodbye to you before getting out of the room. 

As soon as you are alone again Joshua slowly lets go of the girl, letting her immobilized, petrified to even breathe. 

"I- I am sorry about that..." He said scratching the back of his neck and the girl gulped, nodding twice. "I-It's okay..." She smiled taking a step back, closer to the door. "I s-should really leave'' She awkwardly said. 

"Please don't leave~" he moked the sentence she said on the class when Jisoo was about to leave and she gasped.

"You heard that?" She asked surprised and the boy burst out laughing. "How could I not?" He giggles. "Broomstick..." She whisperes and the boy laughs harder for a while. "As I said... I have to leave... But do you want to meet up tomorrow for the project?" She was able to meet him for his surprise. 

"Lola are you asking me out?" He teased her a little more and she gasped. 

"I said PROJECT.... I would never ask you out... My standards are way too high..." She teased him back and he slyly smirked. "Never say never Lola..." He winked and the girl scoffed. "Did you realize that you just said the word never two times?" She corrected him right away. She could drive him crazy. 

"I will meet you tomorrow... on our date..." He winked. 

"IT'S NOT A DATE!" She high pitched screamed with a giggle escaping her lips. 

"Then I will meet you tomorrow on our not a date..." He playfully answered back and the girl smiled at him with a smile he never got to see before. It was not a fake one... It was honest and warm. 

'B-Better..." She bowed to him and he walked her to the door. 

"So Talk to you soon... You have my number... Call me sometime..." He smirked opening the door for her to walk out. She was standing right outside the door frame. "I-I will..." She said without thinking about it. 

"I don't believe you!" He giggled. 

"That's not my problem Brooms-... I mean..." She immediatly stiffened. She needs to find a way to chill and not be that impulsive. 

"I promise..." She said with a smile and Joshua exposed his hand towards her. "Pinky promise?" He teased her and the girl felt obliged to tingle his her finger with hers... 

She promised.


Walking inside her room Minghao runs to the door. 

"So What happened? Why are you so late... Tell me... Oh my gosh I am so anxious..." He said enclosing her with his hands onto the door. 

"He is... beautiful..." The girl said obviously captivated by his charms. This convertasion made her seriously fall for him. She was trying to avoid it from the start but now it's too late. "Wait... Did you talk about his looks? Didn't you apologize?" 

"I can't tell you when you pressure me to the wall like that!" She complained and Minghao seized her hand, leading her to the bed and pinning her down.

"Tell me... what happened..." He asked fond to know. "He said I am astonishing..." She confessed, blushing. "Again?" He asked and Soon-hee's eyes shoot daggers at him. 

"Will you stop eavesdropping when I am talking to Joshua?" She threatened him with just her eyes. Minhao gulped as he saw the evil gleam she had on. "I just want to help you and I wanna know if my attempts pay off..."

"None of your business broomstick..." 

"I thought Joshua was the broomstick but you called me and your brother all of the sudden..." 

"Not anymore... Joshua is not... NOW MOVE AWAY FROM MY BED..." She slightly kicked him and the boy fell from his bed. 

"Why should I tell you about it when you are not even talking about the girl you met..." She complained and the boy giggled, slowly sitting on her bed again. "Okay! I will tell you some things..." 

"I am listening..." The girl crosses her arms.

"She is beautiful... and funny... she makes me laugh a lot...." He said while blushing like crazy. Soon-hee smiled so widely staring at Minghao being like this. She never saw him being this happy.

"Are you two dating?" She hugged her pillow staring at Hao's sparkly eyes. He nods while joy overfilled his system apparantly. "I wanna meet her now..." She enthousiastically jumps and Hao giggled.

"You will... Just not now..." 

"Why not?" She had those puppy eyes. Minghao could hardly say no as she was adorable. "Cause I dont wanna scare her off... When things get a little more serious You are gonna meet her." He reassures her about it and the girl was in the edge of tearing up. A light scream escaped her lips ad he hugged him tight.


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