The Universal Law of Creation...

Oleh GinoDiCaprio

1K 14 1

Gino DiCaprio, in his first book, will help you understand what you can do to achieve control of your life. H... Lebih Banyak

The Universal Law of Creation: Book 1 Secrets and Laws of the Universe

1K 14 1
Oleh GinoDiCaprio


The  Universal Law of Creation


The Universal Law of Creation"When You Seek, Ask, See and Truly Believe Beyond Any Shadow-of-a-Doubt Whatsoever, You Shall Receive!"

Secrets and Laws  of the  Universe

Scribed by Gino DiCaprio

Copyright © 2008 -2012 The Universal Law of Creation

Secrets and Laws of the Universe 

Scribed by Gino DiCaprio

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing. Reviews may quote brief passages.

Published: Independent


Chief Editor by: Gino DiCaprio 

Project Manager by: Gino DiCaprio 

Project Assistant by: Gino Iovannone 

Cover-Design by: Dynasty Bearfield *  

Book design by: Gino Iovannone 

Composition and Design by: Gino DiCaprio 

Edited by: Shoshana Kalfon 

Proof-Reading by: Enrique GuerreroShirley Meier and Shoshana Kalfon 

7" x 10" (17.78 x 24.4 cm) 

ISBN-13: 978-1475083897 

ISBN-10: 1475083890 

Special Edition 2 


The information contained in this Book is an opinion, or collection of opinions, and it should be used for personal entertainment purposes only. You are responsible for your own behaviour, and none of this Book is to be considered legal, personal advice. The material is provided, as is, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. CreateSpace does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use, or the results of the use, of the web sites, products, services, electronic, audio, paper book or written materials in the terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the web sites, products and services are assumed by you. If the web sites, products, services or written materials are defective, you, and not CreateSpace, assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. CreateSpace its owners, suppliers, employees, affiliates, presenters, producers and participants, will not be liable for any damages whatsoever that may result from making use of the activities, advice or information contained herein, including without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss. 


* To contact Mr. DiCaprio to attend an Event, speak publically or to meet with him privately, contact him on his facebook account.

* To order a signed edition or additional copies, contact him on his facebook account.

* If you are interested in sponsoring Mr. DiCaprio, do so through his facebook account.

* For a signed e-Version go directly to:

Where quotations or notes have been used, permission has been sought. Where this has been possible to obtain, we would like to apologize and, if notified will correct the omission in future editions.





Chapter 1: Logic and Belief 

Chapter 2: Surreptitious 

Chapter 3: Positive Thought 

Chapter 4: Envisioning Your Ideas to Reality 

Chapter 5: Humble 

I Prosperity Is Abundance 

Chapter 6: Cause of Tension  

I You Made Yourself 

Chapter 7: The Start of the Calling 

Chapter 8: The Vision Board  

I The One and Only 

Chapter 9: The Universe Will Open for You  

I Building from Scratch 

Chapter 10: Learn to Stretch Your Mind  

I Our Possible Future  

II Ahead of Their Time  

III In Your Command 

Chapter 11: Passion Should be Your Goal 

Chapter 12: Extreme Thoughts  

I Is This Gold? 

Chapter 13: Cross Road to Life 

Chapter 14: Master Your Belief 

I Heart Shape 

Chapter 15: Do You Quit?  

I Question Yourself Seriously 

Chapter 16: How Do You Start?  

I Where Are You Now? 

Chapter 17: Obligation  

I Self-Taught  

II How to Recognize 

Chapter 18: Take Your Time  

I The Closer You Become  

II Undesirable Matters  

III Get Involved  

IV Principle 

Chapter 19: What Do You Crave?  

I Don't Dwell On It  

II Storm Wave 

III Where Do You Want to Be?  

IV Forgiveness  

V Before 

Chapter 20: Other's View Points 

I Maktub  

II Must I Say More  

III As Humans 

Epilogue: Revised 


"If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded." - Maya Angelou

You all know that there are different parts at the beginning of books called the "Foreword," "Preface," "Acknowledgement," and "Introduction."

I wrote everything in this book with the help of a Higher Source. I am not only seeking people who agree with my point of view but also those who do not believe, or else I shall learn nothing. Finding those with opposing views and asking what if they may be right is a learning experience. It is beneficial that both sides keep an open-mind about different ideas and philosophies.

I understand that you may feel the urge to skip over to another page or chapter in an attempt to cut to the chase. However, I will tell you to fight off that desire because everything you read will be important. If you give your full attention from the start of this book to the very end of it, you will have a much better chance of succeeding and achieving your objective(s). I am not about suppressing your thoughts; I am here to help you surpass them.

This is an all-in-one (1) formula. I hope that while you digest my book(s) you will use it/them as your own personal guide in all aspects of your life. My formula should be used as a reference tool for meeting the opposite sex, being successful in relationships, controlling your emotions, acquiring financial success, as well as a way to Spiritually Intertwine yourself with the Universe so you can follow the "Ancient Universal Law of Creation".

"People may ask what dating has to do with the Power of the Universe. When 'picking up' women, you must have confidence and you must believe that you will succeed in the goal. When you believe in something so much, you make it come true. That is the Power of the Universe. This shows how the Universe intertwines with dating, relationships, and every aspect of life."

That's how my son Aaron explains it to his Pépé. [1]

I recently came back home from a U.S. Detention Faculty [2] with my written notes in hand. I shall be using some of these notes in this book. I arrived home to my kids on February 8th 2010 after a three (3) year absence. Writing this book, as well as others, was a turning point for me. Being away was an opportunity for me to reflect on my life, what it was up until that point, and decide what I wanted it to be from that point forward.

I am assuming you singled out this book because you are at a turning point in your own life. Maybe you are dissatisfied with how you deal with "life" in general and believe there must be a way of improving your life. Maybe you received the "Calling".

Congratulations, if this is true, you have picked up the right book! If not, then please go pick up a magazine! I am not stating that you will find all your answers here. But this will be a start to your quest.

If you are going to read this book to improve your life and apply what is of value to your life, then this book will change your life. If you are just "browsing," if you are just "curious" then do not waste your time, and I hope you kept the receipt. If it is in an "E-Format" then delete it or if it is in "Paper Format" return it back to the store where you purchased it, or give it-to-someone who is not afraid to embrace a better life. If this upsets you, that's life. Very cocky and unwarranted sarcasm...not needed. [3]

Although you may be unhappy, others may pressure you to stay right where you are. However, deep inside you, you sense things are off-balance. If those close to you disapprove of your quest to make changes, you are most likely to keep doing what you are currently doing. The longer you have lived a certain way, the harder it is to change the way. The harder it is to forget and learn a new way.

What does it mean to satisfy ones self?

You know what you do not "like" but you do not know how to think of, much less find, a fulfilling alternative.

This book will help you see yourself change, which in turn, will affect everything you do in every aspect of your life. Once you finish reading this book, you will be better suited to put all that you have learned to good use.

I would like to tell you a little about my personal background by explaining to you how I became involved in "Spiritual Teaching."

After my five and a half year (5½) relationship with my girlfriend ended in September 2007, I was lost; the relationship did not end well. I did not follow my own teachings and was both embarrassed and ashamed. I had ended my previous relationship of sixteen (16) years with my wife Shoshana, the mother of my three (3) beautiful children, in a positive way. In this relationship, however, I was not a part of the decision to end it.

A month after my break-up with my girlfriend, with the support of my former wife, and one (1) day before I had to leave in October 2007, [4] I found out that having my heart broken by my ex-girlfriend was my way to wholeness.

After my life fell apart, I became open to new dimensions of my existence that I had denied for years, yet they were just waiting for my recognition. It was hard for me to see this when I was in terrible pain, however when I finally looked back upon my life, I discovered that another door of unlimited possibility had just opened for me. Soon after this event, I had to leave my home.

The reason I had to leave my home and family was that I was caught in a conspiracy. This was "dismissed" a few years later because of lack of proof.

I am "Gino DiCaprio" formerly known as "Jake Hollow."

I wrote "The Jake Hollow Guide on How to Persuade Women" [5] and "How to Deal with Emotions and the Life of a Motivational Speaker" under my old stage name Jake Hollow. More than anything, those books deal with the old physical ego aspect of me. I wrote them between November 2007 and April 2008 before I awoke to my real Spiritual-Self [6] which I began writing between May and July 2008.

My work that is written under my previous stage name Jake Hollow was mostly written by me and some by my Higher-Self, nevertheless most of my Gino DiCaprio work was mostly written by my Higher Self that took over my physical body while in trance with the help of my Spiritual Guide.

Around that time, I was training select prison inmates who wanted to change their lives. They succeeded, with my assistance. I became an inspiration to many inmates and C.Os [7] on staying positive, being sure and confident about oneself, without worries. A few of these inmates are now interested in becoming Life-Coaches or Spiritual Teachers. Some lacked confidence and I helped them rebuild that; they now have the hope that they can achieve change. That is what they truly wanted. My words seemed to soothe them and give them unbelievable hope and confidence. I was referred to as "Master DiCaprio" or "Mi-L-rd DiCaprio" the High Adamant Counsellor and Advisor. [8]

I have become a stronger man because of that experience; stronger than I was before. Being in this type of place (detention center) can only do one (1) of two (2) things to you. It can "break" or "make" you. It has made me who I am. Fate has chosen this path for me.

Now, however, I highly recommend that you read this book more than once. Do not miss even one (1) page and by this, I mean from front to back cover and then slowly re-read "ALOUD" each paragraph each day until it sinks deeply into you;


There are secret hidden codes in my pages. [9] Taking notes will help deepen the meaning in your mind. So make this a fun activity even though this is a serious journey.

What is the point of living if you are not having fun enjoying life?

Please Note: Only you can stop yourself from moving forward. These books should not be read silently, but "ALOUD" and each paragraph should, at some stage, be analyzed closely and personally.

When you read, I want you to feel it as if I am "speaking directly to you" and that I am "putting you into a trance".

I tell you, the reader, that you have two (2) options:

To read it as if it is an ordinary book and not get the full force of the power available to you,

Do what I recommend as a requirement and read it aloud with passion as if reading it to a captivated audience who is hanging on your every word!

This book should be read with commitment and a feeling of greatness and energy.

You are to imagine your audience listening to each word carefully, feeding off the words, wanting to hear each word, wanting more, as they all lean forward in their seats, absolutely entranced.

As the reader, you should visualize yourself standing on a stage, book in one (1) hand, with the other arm free to gestulate, as you walk around the stage, reading the book aloud and with great passion!


"Through our willingness to help others, we can learn to be happy rather than depressed." -Gerald Jampolsky

I would like to first (1st) thank my lovely, beautiful, and elegant best friend and former wife ... Shoshana, for her heartfelt loyalty towards me as well as the tremendous sacrifices she has made to help me by still being there for and raising our three (3) beautiful children. Her contribution to the quality of this book has been immeasurable. She and I do not always agree on my view in life, but we do compromise in how my words should be used in my book. My gratitude to all who have been here for me is very sincere.

I have not always treated her fairly over the years, and yet, she has remained supportive and present. Regardless of my behaviour, she has proven herself stronger than either of us could have imagined.

She has stood by me when no one (1) else would. Not out of necessity or obligation. She was there for me, even after our divorce, when my life took several negative turns. This required that I confront and acknowledge my Wrong doings and, to some extent, prove my actual role in unfortunate circumstances. I have paid dearly for my mistakes; however, I have very little regret for the time I have had to spend paying for my discretions in detention centers in both Canada and the United States. These experiences have helped me focus and re-evaluate myself: how I behave, how I think, and how I treat and have treated others. In addition, my experiences have given me the opportunity to write the book you are now reading.

My biggest regrets, however, are missing my son's Bar-Mitzvah [10] and my children's birthdays. These are moments and experiences in my children's lives that I have lost and they have suffered from my absence.

I wish to express my sincerest appreciation, as well as my heartfelt gratitude, to my three (3) gorgeous and bright children. I want to thank my son, Aaron and my twin daughters, Ariel and Leila, for always being there for me, especially after my last break-up with Jezebel. This hurt them emotionally. [11] They have been my greatest supporters and I cannot love them more than I do at this moment. I now understand that they, and their mother, love me unconditionally. More than I could have ever realized.

None of my work endeavours will overshadow the supreme importance of my family. I spend my energy on my loved ones, an investment that will have an abundantly fortifying return. They are my core reason for being.

I would also like to thank my mother (Maria) for not giving up on me when I was going through these difficult emotional and Spiritual moments.

I want to credit those who have helped edit this book and who have given their opinion on keeping it real and not losing its message. Therefore, I want to thank Enrique Guerrero, Shirley Meier and ex-wife Shoshana for their contribution.

I also must thank others who, near the end of this book, inspired me. They allowed my philosophy on life and my love to help them in their lives. I wish to thank Roman Brave, [12] whom I have known for over thirty (30) years and Ivaylo Marinov, who I have known for over eighteen (18) years.

I would also like to acknowledge Diablo Santana [13] and Mike Thomas. [14] I had the privilege of meeting them in Rivière-des-Prairie Institution (RDP) in Montréal, Québec. In addition Lennin (Choco) Anaya, Reuben Porcher, Ernst (Miami) Appolon, Jason (Minx) Robinson, Jonathan (Big Worm) Campbell, Christian Biancardi, Michael J. Morse, and Anthony Morse from the Donald W. Wyatt Detention Facility (DWWDF) in Central Falls, Rhode Island. They have each taken the time to read a portion of my book and offer their remarks of strong encouragement and constructive criticism.

I have asked myself for years,

Why am I here?

The answer has always been in front of me. People of all ages always came to me for advice. My teachers told me I should have been a counsellor, as did Shoshana.

However, it took two (2) strangers, one (1) from my own city [15] and the other from San Diego, to see my true calling, my true potential.

It took a correctional institution to wake me up. I wrote, and as a result, many inmates opened their eyes and their ears to my teachings.

They became aware and they awoke. Some say I have built a following, yet they are not followers. They did not become proud, for what I have offered is not from me, but a Higher Source.

You will say to me; "What I've read means whatever you want or require it to mean." NO! It means what it means.

My being incarcerated made me think hard about "life" so that I will make the right decisions to lead a better lifestyle. This enables me to be free.

Additionally, in prison, there is no noise or tumult to disturb one (1) as there is in free society. This helped me think clearly and honestly about improving my life without disturbances.


Please Note: Expressing myself, either verbally or in writing, has never been my strength (I jumble my words, I misspell). What I want to say or express, the concepts and ideas, the thoughts, the suggestions, the meaning behind my words, however, has been, and still is, my strongest ability. I'm difficult to understand, especially when I speak. How I articulate and annunciate my words are not as clear as they are when I write. Writing allows me to think, and express myself, in a clearer fashion. Although this is very true, my audience seems to appreciate this quality about me (they say it makes me more real and believable). Writing has helped me express myself more creatively and clearly, thus improving my memory and precision, as well as other aspects of my performance when teaching to a live audience.

I was born in France but grew up in Montreal. My parents are Italian; I was raised a Catholic, but then became a Jehovah Witness. In my late twenties (20's), I converted to Judaism and settled into Jewish history. Following that, I have studied all beliefs from Buddhism to Islam. At this point in my life, I am more aware of "Spiritual Consciousness" as I feel that all beliefs have some truth to them and I consider them as one (1).

I do not believe in a G-d since there are many g-ds. I believe there is an Original entity that is above "ALL G-ds" who I call by many names.

Being in a detention facility made me aware of my inner-self. Now I know my path, my true path. Now I know I can achieve whatever I want.

It also allowed me to see myself for who I was in the past and who I am now with full understanding.

I move to work, not work to move. There is no such thing as luck. You make your fortune on thoughts and hard smart work, never luck. Believing in luck is giving away your power. I, on the other hand, control my power, with the Universe beside me.

The Ancient Universal Law of Creation has many more laws underneath it. I was aware of this Power before I heard of Rhonda Byrne's book on the "Law of Attraction."

On Sunday, March 7th, 2010, I finally watched a part of "The Secret" on "" and I was amazed to see that what it talked about was, word for word, what I was writing about in my book. This was before I saw or read her work and heard comments from those who were in her video. I became aware of a similar perspective on the views presented on this page when observing the work done in "The Secret" by Ronda Byrne.

It is amazing how we are each connected. When I was originally writing my book in a Detention Facility, my work was being compared to that of James Redfield, author of "The Celestine Prophecy" and Rhonda Byrne, author of the "Secret". I still have not read their books but plan to read them one (1) day. At the moment I do not want to be influenced by other peoples work, until after my books are published. This way I cannot be accused of plagiarism. The book that motivated me in this belief was by Wallace Delois Wattles, [16] author of "The Science of Getting Rich" written in 1910.

Thank you

Peace and Love



"It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they can't see the problem."  -G.K. Chesterton

I realized, after I started writing my books back in November 2007, that I had underestimated my calling, so around July 2008 my focus changed. I was no longer interested in my original topics [17] on seducing women since it made me look as if I was teaching guys to become "con-men" and instead of teaching how to respect women.

My new view on life showed the amount of work it would require of me to complete my work as being more intensive than I thought it would be. It became clear to me that I would be required to take this seriously and concentrate all my energies fully on my calling in life as my most important goal and not as an afterthought.

I grew up having no confidence in every area of my life. I did not know how to read or write, make a living, hold on to money, have a relationship, or even how to date women. One (1) day, I decided to change my life; I grew my hair long [18] and, as a result, my hair became the foundation of who I was then and who I am now. Therefore, as they say, the rest is history. So, if you believe I do not understand where you are coming from, think again.

My life is about thinking and being neutral-positive; [19] I am always thinking in a positive way. I believe anything is possible. How you operate daily when it comes to achieving what you "really" want in life is extremely important. So think big, think positive, and do it daily. Even if you are in prison or near death, be positive. You are a "survivor" and that means that you must look at obstacles as challenges that must be overcome and not as problems without solutions.

Here is an illustration:

I want to open an office in Japan. I send you over there for a three (3) week stay to study the market for any obstacles that may prevent this new business venture from growing. I put you on a first (1st) class flight, have you stay in a five (5) star hotel, and provide you with a Platinum Credit Card to buy whatever you require. My expectation is that you will come back with a list of challenges and solutions so that I can begin my business venture. You, on the other hand, come back three (3) weeks later telling me that Japan is "not" a good market to begin a new business venture. You only saw obstacles and, therefore, could not find solutions to these "problems."

Be honest...if you were in my shoes...

How would you handle this?

Personally, I would fire you on the spot!


Why would I waste my money sending you to Japan, buying you a first (1st) class ticket with all expense paid for entertainment, restaurants, and the best hotels if I believed deep inside me that there was no market there?

You looked at this trip [20] as a "problem" with no solutions while I wanted a "solution" to the challenges that existed but surmountable.

Now, let us say that I send another person on this same trip. This person chooses to return "earlier" than expected with, however, a list of solutions to work with so that my business will do well there. See the difference?

I learned this approach from the "Torah" when Moshe [21] sent spies into the "Promise Land;" [22] they, however, turned into "problem focused" (negative) spies. They saw giants that could not be defeated and an enemy that was too powerful. In essence, an insurmountable force, forcing them to wander (40) years in the desert because they were afraid of invading the land believing the people there were too powerful. Yet, forty (40) years later, it took Yeshua [23] to complete the invasion with "solution focused" (positive) spies who found ways to defeat the perceived enemy.

The point is that you must always work to find a solution when an obstacle comes before you. When you work to find a solution, it comes. In other words, you must not look at something as a problem too difficult to deal with. Better yet, another way to look at it is to take care of the issue before it becomes a problem.

With Jezebel, I had a moderate relationship; yet, I was in love with her. I lost her, nevertheless. I allowed fearful thoughts of losing her to enter my mind, until that fearful thought of loss became my dominant thought. I tipped the scale from thinking thoughts of a strong relationship to thinking thoughts of loss and I lost her. Furthermore, I realized that deep in my subconsciousness, I could not really commit myself to her, yet I could not end it. As I have said, I recently went through some very negative and unfortunate circumstances. This was the lowest and worst time of my life. Now, however, the fear of loss is gone; nothing will scare me as much as this recent experience.

As a result, I am tipping the scale back to who I really am.

Now, my thought is that no one (1) controls what my life will be other than me. I shall never lose myself or think negatively again because it is okay to fear; it is not okay, however, to let fear control you. Control your fear by transforming it into a positive thing. I have seen and lived this personally. I have learned to use my fear and cause positive outcomes. I have done this with others, as well.

This was not always the case, however. I knew my last relationship would end and that it would not end well. In 2005, I told my then girlfriend how we would break-up and it happened exactly how, as well as, when I said it would happen in 2007. In reality, I created the "breaking-up" situation well before it happened. If you see it in your mind, you are going to have it in front of you - both good and bad. [24]

You shall notice, throughout my book, I use the term the "Universe" however you can change it to whatever belief you want from "Creator, G-d, Higher Being, Maker, Spirit, Universal Consciousness, and Yahweh" [25] and the list goes on. Use which ever term makes you more comfortable in the end.

BOOK I Secrets and Laws of the Universe

Chapter 1: LOGIC and BELIEF

"If you seek to understand the whole Universe, you will understand nothing at all. If you seek only to understand your Self, you will understand the whole Universe." -Anonymous

This book deals with life, in general. It shows you how to be at peace with yourself, how to accept that you have total control over your existence, and how you control your own perception of reality along with who truly controls it. I am what people consider a Spiritual Teacher who teaches you how to connect and create whatever you want. Although most of you [26] seem unable to connect or create whatever you want, it is your birthright to command it. It all has to do with a Secret Society that entered our civilizations thousands (1,000s) of years ago. [27]

I have gone through a metamorphosis. I see myself with a clearer awareness of my Higher Divine-Self. My thoughts have changed and this has led the energy surrounding me to change. I am finally at peace, and I feel joy and harmony. I have gone on many Spiritual journeys by meditating through trancing.

Only some have noticed my change; others may see it but don't say anything. Nonetheless, I see it happening and I am enjoying being blessed with this wonderful journey that I am on and hope to continue by not letting my ego-self take over again. It's like Mr. Spock of Star Trek (if you follow it) when he struggles to ignore his human feelings so that he can maintain his logical-Vulcan self.

I have become awakened to my Inner Light and am opening to new levels of Spiritual understanding and awareness. Remember that your understanding of being Spiritual may not relate to my understanding of it. Most people have this concept of Spirituality as expressed by Ghandi, Buddha or Jesus as peaceful. This was misunderstood by their followers and the masses. They lived Spiritual lives, attaching "love" to all of their thoughts, actions, and inspirations.

Do not misunderstand me; I do not feel that love should not be a part of the equation. Love of self and of others is the foundation for all that we do and all that we are as human beings.

The difference between how they express "Spirituality" and how I express it stems from my belief that "love does not conquer all" and it is not the direct solution to a problem. At times, being a "Spiritual Warrior" is what is warranted to solve a problem so that love can then solidify the solution.

What is the Truth?

The Truth is that the Truth is closer than you may believe. If you choose not to read further then it is your right since the choice is yours. You only choose to open yourself when you feel that you are ready. Do you agree?

When you read this book, please have an open-mind. Read between the lines that you read and capture the messages that I have made an effort to send you.

Throughout my book, I have put secret information in codes that only a select few should be able to decipher. In other words, only those with the gifts will be able to understand.

Am I getting this from my inner-self, a Higher Source, the Supreme Being, the Universe, G-d, or whatever you want to call it or from any other belief you may have?

I will leave the answer to you in your personal belief.

The message I receive I understand as a simple one (1). This makes my words all the more credible since I am not highly educated in worldly knowledge so I will not complicate things and will explain them simply. I will not compose elaborate sentences that would be difficult for many non-readers to read.

What is the Universal Law of Creation?

How does it work?

Are you willing to find it and understand it?

Tell me, as well as yourself;

Are you hungry for it?

Respond to this question aloud as if you were talking to me. After this, you can ask yourself;

Who am I?

You are a survivor; you are more than who you believe you are. You are stronger, wiser, more valuable, and much more than you know yourself to be. Any inability to accept who you are only holds back your full potential to be your true self. Even if you have studied every philosophical view out there, you still do not feel an improvement in your full potential. Am I right so far?

All the things that you believe to have gone wrong in your life are not what you believe them to be. Until you finally see the Truth I present to you, you will continue on that same path, so read on to extend your full potential.

Things that go wrong in your life are an opportunity.

To this statement, you will most likely answer back with;

Why would you state that what goes wrong with my life is an opportunity?

The answer to this question is that life itself is working on "clearing" everything that has "not" been working for you. Yet you do not see it. Do you follow?

Life is just showing you how to re-start itself from scratch. Thanks to this, you will now have room to rebuild your life into "what you really and truly want."

I am not talking about any physical desire. I am talking about our True Spiritual thoughts in the Spiritual Realm that have plans and do not interfere with our physical dilemma. The True Higher You picked the physical life you are living to acquire knowledge. [28]

Life is not about focusing on what you do not want. You must always focus on what you want, even if it means that you have to start over to achieve it. Whenever this beginning comes to be, you have the potential to be in the better life you selected.

What do you "truly" want?

What do you want your life to be?

If you are a person with little confidence, you most likely never truly made yourself want anything. Am I right? If not, then you are only lying to yourself.

You believe there are people in worse situations than you are, yet deep, deep inside you, you believe differently.

You feel you have nowhere to go.

If you feel this, let me tell you; you deserve another chance.

It can take a long time to accept this, but there are really good people out there who want to help you. Yet, you must first (1st) help yourself. If you cannot do this, then no one (1) can do it for you.

You try [29] to convince people that you are independent and do not need [30] help. However, with the same breath you say, "No body helps me, they are focused on their life," am I correct on this?

It is not important to understand the details of why bad things happen to you. All you must understand is that bad things happen for a reason. It can take a long time to accept this. You must first (1st) help yourself, only you can do this for yourself.

Now get back up, and get off that wide road you have been taking, and take the lost original narrow road that was always your path and your birthright.

The narrow road may seem dangerous yet it is not. In contrast, the wide road may seem faster and safer; however, it is not. The truth is, that road is just an illusion. [31]

Before Creation existed it had to Emanate. [32] This was the moment before creation when space and time did not exist in the physical reality, which is just an illusion. What I am about to reveal has been hidden in symbols for over hundreds of thousands (100,000s) of years. [33] In addition, every few thousand (1,000s) years "WE" share it with you, the mass population, yet only a selective few understand it. Only those who are in high positions, Spiritually, know about it, along with the few who have discovered it over the years. However, before I reveal more let me ask you,

Do you really believe this is the first (1st) time you have been in this physical realm?

All you have known about Spirituality is not what it really represents. What it truly represents cannot be explained in physical terms; you must become one (1) with it to understand the True meaning of Spirituality. All that you have believed has been altered and tainted too much to create your reality.[34]

What you want out of life is all up to you, do you agree? You must believe this fact with unconditional blind faith. You must think and visualize as real, all that you truly desire together with a mental image of your wishes and dreams. You must touch it, feel it, sense it, smell it, and taste it as if it were real. As a result, this authentic desire will be in front of you and not out of your reach. Alter your thoughts to link them in your reality. You must feel its existence unconditionally deep down in your heart. Believe in what you truly want without any doubt or even the shadow of a doubt. Believe totally that you already have what you want. Believe totally that you deserve it, and that it is all possible for you. Whatever you do, believe it always and do not give up by just saying;

This does not work.

If in the past you have given up. I will put my belief to the test and say that if you had persisted, and believed without any shadow-of-a-doubt whatsoever in your desire, you would have achieved your goal.

Why do I write this?

I write this so that you become aware that deep down in your subconscious mind, you have doubts and do not fully see or believe what you want to make your conscious mind believe. Then you will be able to shift your thoughts and train them like other muscles in your body.

Personally, I believe "time" and "reality" are just "illusions" that you "created," and caused "to exist." I have believed, and still believe, in this concept. It was my belief even before I heard of Albert Einstein's theory and his famous quote: "Reality is merely an illusion." [35]

The past, present, and the so-called future are all one (1) timeline; everything is happening simultaneously. Understand this as a fact. In reality, there is no time, so if you believe in what you want, then it already exists in your future. Therefore, as everything is happening at once, then there "IS" a version of you in a parallel reality that received what you really wanted and this reality exists.

Throughout my book, I will ask you to close your eyes at least once a day, just for several minutes, and visualize what you want, not what you do not want. [36] You must truly believe it unconditionally, as well as sense the feelings of already having what you want.

Feel grateful for what you already have and stay positive. Start your day, then release your wish to the Universe and trust that the Universal Consciousness will fully absorb and understand how to manifest your wish [37] creation.

Believe in the reality you created in your mind while having the feelings that belong to reality. Like this, your source, the Universe, will attract this reality and make it happen, just the way you defined it in your mind. This must not be a one (1) time idea; do it everyday of your life, the same way you exercise your muscles.

Believe in your objective without any doubt or even the shadow of a doubt even if you have not yet physically achieved it. Do you follow? It may not happen overnight, yet it will happen. However, this will come to be not when you expect it to be, but when you least expect it to occur.

Imagine that you already have what you wish for; learn to play that game while making believe you have it until it physically materializes.

Make it fun. Feel it, feel good about it, and you will feel better about yourself. It will begin to flow into your life. The moment you have doubts, you must immediately move them out of your mind and replace them with "positive thoughts." This will change the outcome into what you want.

YES, I will repeat myself, throughout the contents of this book, so that what I write shall be ingrained in your being.

You will notice that I will always insist, quite rightly, that you, as an individual, must not take my word for everything I write, nor should you believe everything I teach. Instead, as should be done with any author, you, the readers, must take what you feel is relevant, or right. Always have an open mind, though, and do your own research.

Always feel happy, for you are emitting to the Universe your innermost thoughts and your life feelings that lie deep in your subconscious. Whatever you want must be feasible in your mind or it will not work. This is the reason why I always say; "In my heart I truly believe without a doubt or even the shadow of a doubt whatsoever that I am..." You can use this statement to express your own desires.

It is your job to "Ask," "Seek," "See," and "Believe" that you are "Receiving" and feel pleased and happy at the present moment. Do not worry about how you will receive your desires. Let the Universe worry about the "details" in how they will happen; do not let it be your concern.

Change your behaviour, repeat day and night continuously, like a parrot, that you can change your life. Visualize life, health, and wealth and how you want them and attach that to those around. Tell yourself; "I CAN!" and "I WILL!"

Make this your predominant thought for anything you want. Engrave in your mind that life, health, wealth, or/and a great social environment is not hard to attain. Believe it and immediately disregard any opposite ideas. This state of being comes from within, not from without. Say aloud, with true feelings; "THERE'S AN ABUNDANCE OF JOY OUT THERE AND I CAN HAVE IT!"

Some people are only focused on the greed of superabundance, yet abundance is much more than just material wealth. Abundance is the flow of energy that comes to you from the Universal Source of life, represented both as a Spiritual sense and in material prosperity.

Love with wisdom and starve from knowledge, [38] then you will see that you know your skills, successes, talents, and virtues in the abundance required to fulfill your life's purpose.

Energy is flowing freely through you, and it wants to materialize in superabundance. If you are not experiencing that flow of abundance then you have to ask yourself:


Is there something within me or around me that is blocking the abundant flow of prosperity?

Set your thoughts and frequencies on happiness and not on material wealth. Make sure your actions do not contradict your desires and that your actions mirror what you expect to receive from the Universe.

You must fully understand that you unconsciously attract what you think. When you truly love yourself in a "deep profound love," people will love you as well.

You will bring more people, situations, and circumstances to you that reflect how you feel. What you attract will reflect how you truly feel at moments in either a negative or a positive environment. Do you really understand the implications of your state of being?

Learn to stay focused on the good side of yourself no matter what the outcome of the situation. Avoid those persons who oppose this positive way of thinking. They do so because of their own reasons and will do all they can to keep you off balance, set you in a negative state, or even try to erase your positive thoughts. You become a threat if the masses follow the "Truth."

Other hidden groups will disguise themselves and have high positions in government and religion. Religious fanatics will say you are following the Devil or whatever evil belief they have, in the name of their G-d. They will make you believe that to be saved you must believe in their fourteen hundred (1,400) to two thousand (2,000) year old faiths. [39]

Learn to love and respect yourself fully without being pretentious or acting conceited. When you truly love yourself, you will automatically be able to love others.

The only person who can make you truly happy is YOU. Only you are in charge of your happiness: not your parents, your children, partner, or anyone else. If you focus on complaints then that is what you will receive. Nobody can control your happiness; however, you have the opportunity to share it with everyone. Your joy lies within yourself.

When you think negatively, you are disconnecting yourself from the positive energy of the Universe. Negative thoughts are the cause of many of humanities' conflicts, illnesses, poverty, and unhappiness. So, once again say to yourself aloud; "I AM THE BEST THERE IS. I AM PERFECT IN EVERYWAY. I HAVE PERFECT THOUGHTS AND I ONLY SEE PERFECTION AND POSITIVE OUTCOMES IN MY LIFE."

Banish all negative, imperfect thoughts, and avoid people with negative energy including sources such as television or the internet. These negative messages do not serve you positively.

We have the misconception of what "love" is, as it is mostly understood in a physical sense. "Love" in its physical sense has been over-rated since in the Spiritual Realm it is not even close to how we perceive it.

Remember that you are the Master of your life and this includes your thoughts. The Universal Cosmic Consciousness [40] will answer your every command. If you see negative events, make light of them and then let them go. Put new thoughts of what you want in your mind. Feel them and be grateful for them. You must train your mind to see all the possibilities of what is around you with a positive outlook.

You were originally sent here for a purpose. You are here on "vacation" from a Spiritual Reality endowed with the wonderful power to shift, control, and, as a result, create your life. There are no limits to what you want or can receive because your ability to think is unlimited.

Everyone will create their own version of their vision so you cannot push your viewpoint onto them. Consider the fact that you can attract immense Universal forces when you believe a statement like "Life was better years ago" or "The world has gotten more violent."

I believe in sharing my well-being. I believe there is a superabundance of wealth for everyone to share. I believe in having loyal business partners, as in the round table. I believe you have the ability to choose what you really want to experience.

My mission is to empower and to share this with others, namely YOU. I plan to shape our wealth as one (1). This belief has always been around, even before time existed.

I have always been here. Only a few are aware of the reason and purpose?


"I much prefer the sharpest criticism of a single intelligent man to the thoughtless approval of the masses." -Johann Kepler

Prior to Creation, there was only the infinite filling all existence. Then IT arose to create worlds and emanate [41] the created. In the space of that void IT, emanated, created, formed, and made all the worlds.

I have mentioned this earlier but now let us present what was created and then hidden over sixty-five thousand (65,000) years ago [42] and then re-discovered thirty-three hundred (3,300) years ago. In spite of this, the fact that they were hidden and then found, the surreptitious [43] is now once again available to all of you who are willing to accept it. Only those in high positions and the few who discovered it knew about it over the years.

What is the restricted secret?

Why was it kept from being widely known?

Who covertly operated this? [44]

What is this something that is being kept hidden from the masses?

Where did this begin?

When did this start?

How was this kept from you for so long?

The Truth is that this secret has always been in front of you, yet you chose not to see it. It is related to the Universe and how, with your mind, you can become one (1) with its vibrating energy. Moreover, at the same time, this energy shapes your personality. Integrating this energy grants your wishes.

If you already know the secret to this mystery then this book, or any other similar book out there, is of no use to you. [45] Nevertheless, if you feel that you must learn it through reading books, please continue; [46] you shall acquire partial knowledge even though you will never attain the full Secret and its wisdom! Either you have the Gift and Power, or you just do not! There is no intermediate point. [47]

A scribe is a person who writes books or documents by hand as a profession. However, before we had scribes, we did not "write" down our knowledge and history. We passed them down as "words" not to just anyone, but to those who have the gift to understand properly. For, if we were to write it, it would not be worth remembering since it could then be misinterpreted or miswritten.

Knowledge is gained through reading while wisdom is gained through experience. Both can be attained in the Spiritual Realm when you are called and you acknowledge it. It does not have to be a physical call. An experience you may have in the physical reality may seem just like a moment to you and everyone else. However, it is quite different while you are having a Spiritual experience, since it will seem only to "you" as more than one (1) lifetime. [48]

When the time comes, when I will wonder what to say, or how to phrase it, I shall have my Higher Source work through me without hesitation. I will have another entity [49] represent me, [50] that which has the same connections, visions, and passions. I shall appoint this other as my spokesperson. [51] Through my Higher Source, I shall communicate from that moment on.

This secretive, clandestine knowledge lets you know that only you control how your life will go. It states that if you think positively about what you want in life, you shall have it just as you wished for it. The Surreptitious lets you know that only you control how life will develop. By consistently impressing your thoughts with this thinking, you can create that which you think is the meaning of the life you are living at this moment. This extends to your job, relationships, and all other things around you. Your reality is strongly based on what you think and ultimately its changes on a constant basis.

You have the Power to Create your own reality of which "only you notice." Let me give you a simple example: You are crossing the street and you make a right turn, yet everyone else sees you going left. [52] People will see what they want to see since it is their illusion of what is happening to you. You can fall into their illusion of reality.

Before you "Create", you must "Emanate" it. When you are in doubt, now or later, you will not receive what you desired. Understand that time does not truly exist in the Spiritual Realm. Once you understand and comprehend this reality, and delete all present and future doubt, you shall receive your heart's desire. Like praying or wishing. However, the energy you are sending out is only floating around and it is not flying off to where you want it to reach. You are blocking it and do not even realize it. [53]

If part of the time you feel and think that you will become wealthy and successful, but the remaining time you are worrying about whether you really will be wealthy and be successful, you are sending out mixed messages to the Universe. [54] Do you follow? Yet, if you think that you "are" already wealthy and successful all the time, the Universe will see to it that you are "within a position" to make it into a reality.

You ask:

So now that I know, how do I correct my thoughts?

You must intertwine yourself with the Universe. This means that you must become one (1) with the Universe. For example if you want to buy a car, you must at least know what model you want, and its specific details. Now, what happens if you must have a car before the end of the month, but;

You are broke?

If you truly believe in this philosophy, and you intertwine yourself with the Universe using neutral-positive [55] thoughts and picture it without doubt, you "will" find the means to get that car by the end of the month. Positive or neutral thoughts bring positive things; negative thoughts bring negative things into your life. FOCUS!

You were born to be this person who you are, this you. Being realistic stops you from living out your dreams and from moving ahead. Learn to be unrealistic so that your dreams become reality. Always keep your eye on the prize and blinders around you to avoid distraction.

Once again, you are most likely looking over what I have written and will say to yourself;

What is the point, I am still broke, and I have no lover?

Now my two (2) questions to you are;

Why is that?

Does poverty pull on you?

If you do nothing, you will reach poverty, do you follow? Therefore, to change this you have to focus on becoming prosperous both physically and Spiritually. You will attract the best in the crop as well as become rich and successful in all aspects of life if you apply this ancient philosophy.

You cannot achieve an understanding on how "things" work by studying dichotomies. It stands to reason, that you can become attractive by studying "charisma" [56] and "charm" or become wealthy by studying "success" and "wealth." You do not study their opposites... "being unattractive," "being unloving" or "failure" and "poverty," do you agree?

So if you think everyday that you will never have the kind of money you only dream of or that you shall never find the "One (1)" in your life that will fulfill you, then read on.

In 1910, Wallace Delois Wattles [57] wrote that health, as a study of disease, would increase disease. Economics, as a study of poverty, would serve only to increase poverty. Consequently, you must focus your mind on prosperity- consciousness, in contrast to poverty-consciousness. So whatever you do, do not acknowledge failure as a bad thing; it is designed to be a stepping-stone to success. Do you follow?

Wattles also states in the first (1st) part of his book (of a three (3) part series); "The Science of Getting Rich" [58] that you have a right to be rich. Furthermore, he also states that becoming so is a science, and not "luck." [59]

He writes that there are two (2) ways to become wealthy:

1. One (1) is negative.

2. One (1) is positive.

The negative way is through bidding "competitively" for wealth. Now, do not misunderstand this. By declaring this, he does not mean that competition, in general, is bad. Rather, he means that when you are aiming for something that exists in abundance, such as wealth, being competitive to an extreme is counter-productive. As a result, it has a multitude of negative processionary effects. You are only focused on your self-interest and not others.

The positive alternative is through creation. [60] When you become wealthy the "creative" way, you make it easier for others around you to become wealthy, as well. This also affects those who come after you.

He talks about the "super wealthy" becoming outdated. [61] As I mentioned before, he discusses how, in order to become wealthy, you must focus on prosperity and not poverty.

He has described many reasons why it is noble and honourable to pursue becoming wealthy via the "creative" method. He explains how you can only become all that you can be if you have enough money to clothe, educate, shelter, and develop, as well as nourish yourself more than just adequately. In order to satisfy these needs, you must become wealthy and doing this in a creative capacity is the honourable path. Do not be competitive. When you start doing good things naturally, when you no longer have to make an effort to do good things, then you will start to comprehend this philosophy. [62]

Wattles writes about "use value" and "cash value" and describes how you should always give more in "use value" than what you receive in "cash value." For example, if you have a painting that is valued at two thousand dollars ($2,000), but you sell it to a person who has no appreciation for art at a much lower price, you have lost "cash value" in the process, am I not correct? (Unless he/she is a dealer).

Wattles also writes about how one (1) must be willing to turn away "any" and "all" business that does not give customers more "use value" than the "cash value" they give you. He also says that because of this, the economy should be going into a slight deflation on a constant basis. He seems to have proven this repeatedly, even in today's market (One hundred (100) years later).

People move away from the "poverty mentality" when they realize that they have a birthright to have and enjoy wealth, in general. This realization leads people to being generous. So, if you are positive and can use negative [63] to boost your confidence and self-esteem, then do so.

Every person who becomes rich by competition kicks down the ladder by which he rises and keeps others down. But, every person who gets rich by creation opens a way for thousands (1,000s) to follow him and inspires them to do so.

The middle class worships formal education because they understand it. It's linear. Creating wealth is non-linear by nature. If it offered a straight and narrow path to follow, there would be as many millionaires as there are college students. Seek formal education for the love of learning. Seek riches by teaching your self to think in non-conventional ways. The key to success, when small potential influences the larger scene, is to avoid pretentious ambitions and grandiose goals. The power of the small is served by slow and steady advancement, and succeeds through an honest awareness of its own limitations, without reservation.

You cannot get off the path you are on because the path isn't narrow, it is spherical; it includes the whole planet. Anywhere you put your foot is your path. Even the idea that you are not on the path is part of the path. Whatever is next for you, whatever you are struggling with right now is the key to your liberation. Don't resist your experience, whatever it is, embrace it.

If you're brave enough to risk, to temporarily live outside of your comfort zone, for a short period of time, you're big enough to win.

If you take time to ponder on what you want from life, you will discover the keys to achieving your hearts desire. Until then you are just being blown by the wind. You are a person who reacts instead of one (1) who creates.

Those of you who truly lack, [64] or who are meek, do not need charity. What you require is "inspiration" and "hope." Charity only lasts for a moment while inspiration and hope will lead those of you in poverty to rise up to prosperity.

Those who have low self-esteem and confidence have lost their faith in life. Faith always starts with yourself; this means you must love yourself first (1st), the Supreme Being next and then, finally, others. Once you fully understand and apply this, you will be able to afford to take risks causing dramatic changes in your life. You will recover faster, stronger, and smarter from every setback you will face.

If your job is "structured" and based on competition, then you are solely working for your own benefit on a commission basis, and not with your colleagues. In this situation, you are only thinking of yourself, and making your own sale. "Creativity," on the other hand, is more like you working as a team player and not solo, so that those who are your colleagues benefit with you. In this way you receive a team bonus pay, not a solo one (1).

This way you are:

Happy to help your colleagues' clients since it would not matter who writes the sale.

Working together instead of against each other in competition to achieve success.

I hope you see the advantage of a team bonus rather than an individual incentive.


[1] Grandfather from his mother's side.  

[2] I was wrongly accused of crimes by the U.S. and Canadian Federal Government. I was in a detention center for crimes I didn't commit when I wrote these books, and it took me over seven (7) years to prove my innocence. For five (5) years I fought while I was on house arrest (2003-2007), reporting on a weekly basis to the RCMP ... and for two and a half (2.5) years (2007-2010) from outside my country in a U.S. Detention Center, far from my loved ones in Quebec, Canada. I was acquitted of all charges. What I teach, I practice, and have proven, works.  

[3] Need shows poverty. "In my book it is giving away your power." In addition, any words I feel are "negative" words You will notice that I marked through them with a double strike. 

[4] Refer to "Jake Hollow's Guide on How to Persuade Women - Revised Edition." Introduction section. 

[5] Also the "Jake Hollow Guide on How to Persuade Women - Revised Edition".  

[6] My full awakening was at the end of October 2007 when I called my former wife Shoshana about my visions of December 2012, where I stood on stage with all these religious (High Priest) from every belief, over looking billion of people, praying in their upbringing traditions.  

[7] Correctional Officers.  

[8] Inside joke by the way while I would laugh it off.  

[9] If you have the "Calling", the "Gift" from the Spiritual Realm.  

[10] According to Jewish law, when Jewish children reach the ages of thirteen (13) for boys and twelve (12) for girls, they become responsible for their actions, and "become a Bar or Bat Mitzvah" (English: Son (Bar) or Daughter (Bat) of the commandments).  

[11] Refer to Jake Hollow's "How to Deal with Emotions and the Life of a Motivational Speaker," Part I: Life-Coaches on Internal Damage, Chapter 3: Who Am I?, Subtitle "IV My Pain, My Calling."  

[12] Up-and coming Life-Coach.  

[13] Up-and coming Seduction-Coach.  

[14] One (1) of the former owners of UFC.  

[15] Montréal.  

[16] He passed away in 1911.  

[17] Jake Hollow's "How to Deal with Emotions and the Life of a Motivational Speaker," Part I: Life-Coaches on Internal Damage, Chapter 4: Jake's Interviews.  

[18] As in the biblical story of Samson (, Shimshon). 

[19] Or as my friend Alfredo Jorge in Japan calls it "Balance."  

[20] As a vacation to enjoy  

[21] Hebrew and Aramaic for Moses (Hebrew: , Modern Moshe Tiberian M'šeh; Greek: M' in both the Septuagint and the New Testament; Arabic: ', M'sa).  

[22] Hebrew: , translit: ha-Aretz ha-Muvtachat. Was given to their descendants and was described in terms of the territory from the River of Egypt to the Euphrates river. The land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites.  

[23] Joshua. Hebrews:  Yehoshua; Greek: , same as Jesus; Latin: Josue or Jesus in Hebrews; Arabic:  Yusha' ibn N?n. Joshua's name was Hoshea the son of Nun, of the tribe of Ephraim, but that Moses called him Joshua.  

[24] Book II: Time is an Illusion.  

[25] .  

[26] Ninety-Seven (97%) percent. 

[27] Refer to "Book III: Illuminatis The Ones and The Shadows." 

[28] Refer to "Book II: Time is an Illusion." 

[29] Try is considered Lazy. Any words I feel are "negative" You will notice that I marked through them with a double strike. 

[30] Need shows poverty. "In my book it is giving away your power." In addition, any words I feel are "negative" as I've written before, you will notice that I marked through them a double strike. 

[31] Refer to "Book I1: Time is an Illusion." 

[32] Emanate is the process before Creation starts. 

[33] Those who follow their religious belief assume Earth is only eleven thousand (11,000) years old. 

[34] Refer to "Book II: Time is an Illusion." 

[35] Refer to "Book II: Time is an Illusion." 

[36] Refer to Subtitle "Chapter 4: Envisioning Your Ideas to Reality." 

[37] One thing I have learned is that this word should not be used. If you "wish" for things you will only have the experience of wishing and what you wish for will not materialize. 

[38] Meaning love from your own wisdom, not from worldly education. 

[39] Refer to "Book III: Illuminatis The Ones and The Shadows." 

[40] The Universe exists as an interconnected network of consciousness, with each conscious being linked to every other. Sometimes this is conceived as forming a collective consciousness, which spans the Cosmos, other times it is conceived of as an Absolute or G-d head from which all conscious beings emanate.  

[41] This describes the first (1ST) step in the process by which IT began. 

[42] Those who follow their religious beliefs assume the Earth is only eleven thousand (11,000) years old. 

[43] Something kept from being noticed so that the general population would not receive the True knowledge. It was done in a concealed manner. 

[44] Not openly shown. Most of the answers shall be shown throughout this book. 

[45] Since visually this book seem to have the same concept, which you are right, if you read it like any other books.  

[46] You may know the basis of it. But the hidden codes have a much deeper meaning that is not as common as you may believe, but a surprising twist that is more powerful than any wealth you ever imagined. The Power is in the Hidden Codes throughout "The Universal Law of Creation" Chronicles. 

[47] You were told that we all have this gift, which is so far from the truth. The "Hidden Codes" are "specifically" for "each of you as individuals" and not for the mass general population to share with. A selective few will assume they know because of their "ego" and will lie to you with a false answer. The answer is a puzzle that each of you in secret and not publicly must combine as one (1). 

[48] Refer to "Book II: Time is an Illusion." 

[49] As in, the Biblical story of Moses who had Aaron as his spoke person. A physical person. 

[50] As in, the Biblical story of Moses who had Aaron as his spoke person. Book III: Illuminatis The Ones and The Shadows Chapter 9: This is the Great Deception, subtitle "I The Greatest Error. 

[51] As in, the Biblical story of Moses who had Aaron as his spoke person. As in, the Biblical story of Moses who had his brother Aaron as his spoke person. 

[52] As in, the Biblical story of Moses who had Aaron as his spoke person. In Book II: "Time is an Illusion" I shall get deeper in this point. 

[53] For religious people: You are praying, however your prayer is floating around in the room you are in, and it is not floating up to where you want it to reach, as in Heaven. 

[54] Refer to Jake Hollow's "How to Deal with Emotions and the Life of a Motivational Speaker" Part II: Defining Emotion, Chapter 4: Anger, Fear, Stress, and Worry. 

[55] Closer to positive energy over negative energy.  

[56] Remember that charisma is not something you are born with; it is something you develop.  

[57] He was an American author. A New Thought writer, he remains personally somewhat obscure, but his writing has been widely quoted and remains in print in the New Thought and self-help movements.  

[58] Wattles' other two (2) books are "The Science of Being Well" and "The Science of Being Great." 

[59] Alternatively, fortuity is a belief in good or bad fortune in life caused by accident or chance, and attributed by some to reasons of faith or superstition, which happens beyond a person's control. "In my book "luck" is giving away your power." In addition, any words I feel are "negative" as I've written before, you will notice that I marked through them a double strike.  

[60] Refer to Jake Hollow's "How to Deal with Emotions and the Life of a Motivational Speaker" Part I: Life-Coaches on Internal Damage, Chapter 2: Challenge, subtitle "III Entrepreneur." 

[61] Read Wallace Delois Wattles books for more details.  

[62] It will become second nature to do good things.  

[63] Transforming the negative into a positive.  

[64] Meaning you are 'poor'.  


"The Universal Law of Creation


By Gino DiCaprio


7" x 10" (17.78 x 25.4 cm) 

50 pages

ISBN-13: 978-1477552650 

ISBN-10: 1477552650 

Book I"Secrets and Laws of the Universe" 

7" x 10" (17.78 x 25.4 cm) 

256 pages

ISBN-13: 978-1475083897 

ISBN-10: 1475083890 

Book II"Time is an Illusion" 

7" x 10" (17.78 x 25.4 cm) 

266 pages

ISBN-13: 978-1480064218 

ISBN-10: 1480064211 

Book III: "Illuminatis The Ones and The Shadows"

7" x 10" (17.78 x 25.4 cm) 

330 pages

ISBN-13: 978-1480113244 

ISBN-10: 1480113247

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Black Moon Series Book #3 Warning: #Mature #Gay #Triggering You shouldn't read this story before you have read at least I Would Give Him The Moon as...
12.8K 737 23
PLZ READ BROKEN BOOK 1 BEFORE READING THIS ~^@ It's been 8 months since the base, and everyone is trying to keep me calm. It's not working! Roman's b...
4.3K 131 15
Kellin Quinn hasn't lived the best life. He is always made fun of at school, causing his severe depression. To make matters worse, he's abused at hom...
162K 1.2K 34
As a childhood friend of Harry's you started to develope special feelings for him. When he said that he felt the same way, you started to go out with...