Out Of The Woods

By LunaMoon1947

71.5K 3.7K 493

Book #3 in the Into The Woods Series Ambrose was always a happy boy. He loved to spend time with his friends... More

New Book
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Six 1/2
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Into the Light


1.7K 96 9
By LunaMoon1947

Ambrose is awoken by a gentle shove to his shoulder. He startles awake, bolting up into a sitting position. He cries out as his forehead connects with Magnus'.

"Oh, be careful, Little Rose," Magnus says, reaching up and touching Ambrose's forehead. Rubbing the area gently. "Are you hurt?"

Ambrose, stunned by the genuine concern in Magnus' eyes, fails to respond to his question. His bright hazel eyes lock onto leafy green ones, his breath hitching.

"Are you alright? Master?"

Ambrose blinks, his hand reaching up to touch his forehead. The skin was pink, and it throbbed lightly. But it was nothing to be upset over.

With his healing delayed greatly due to the absence of his wolf, the light pink mark would be present for a longer period of time.

"I-," Ambrose pauses, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth.

Was he alright?

His backside was still sore, and his throat was no better. The strain caused by his cries of agony from the week prior made his throat raw. A burning feeling occurring every time he spoke or swallowed.

Johnathan had brought Ambrose back to the palace over a week ago. He left almost immediately, briefly mentioning an opportunity to travel to a foreign country.

Once again, Johnathan opted to leave right after he caused Ambrose another bout of unimaginable pain.

Ambrose was glad to see Johnathan leave. Surely, he would be gone for an unseen amount of time. Giving him the perfect chance to collect his thoughts and think of a solid plan to rid himself of Johnathan. A plan that involved keeping his friends and family out of harm's way.

Ambrose could barely remember the details of what Johnathan had done to him. Large chunks of his memory seemingly lost in the far corners of his mind.

Ambrose knew that what happened to him was terrible. Something that no one would want to be put through in their lifetime. But he didn't feel any different. It was strange.

Ambrose didn't feel particularly upset, but he wasn't exactly bursting with joy either.

It was like he was numb to any emotion.

But Ambrose was out of harm's way, for now, making him the most relaxed he'd been in a long time.

So was he alright?

For now, he would be.

"I'll be alright," Ambrose says finally, glancing back up at Magnus. He smiles, placing his hand onto Magnus' cheek.

"I'm alright," Ambrose repeats, stroking Magnus' cheek. "Thank you for asking. You've always been so kind to me."

Magnus' brows furrow, his head tilting in confusion. Ambrose was being especially affectionate, his cheeks alight with a pink blush. He was acting so different from how he usually acted around him.

Magnus pauses at the feel of Ambrose's soft palm caressing his skin. He was shaking slightly, the small tremors almost unnoticeable. But since their skin was in contact with one another, Magnus could feel the way Ambrose's hand shook.

"Master... how about we go for an outing today? I will take you wherever your heart desires."

Magnus could feel that something wasn't right with Ambrose. Instead of prying, he wanted to take Ambrose's mind off of whatever was bothering him.

He knew that if he asked him what was wrong, Ambrose would only evade his questions or demand him to never mention it again.

Ambrose gasps, his eyes brightening. He pulls his hand from Magnus' cheek, bringing both hands to his own face. A genuine smile takes over his features, making Magnus' lips turn upwards ever so slightly.

"Really? We can go anywhere I want?"

"Well... Not anywhere. You have to be reasonable."

Ambrose giggles, slipping out of bed and heading towards the washroom.

"Be a darling and set out some warm clothing for me," Ambrose calls out, glancing back at Magnus. "We will be traveling to the mountains today."


Ambrose and Magnus walk side by side up the snowy mountains that sat near the palace. Magnus carried a large pack that contained a thick quilt and foods for a picnic.

Years ago, Ambrose had arranged for a small trail to be built into the side of the mountain so he could reach the top easier.

It only took a few hours to reach the summit depending on how fast you walked. It was best to go before the sun rose so you could watch it rise from above.

Ambrose loved to watch the sunrise. He loved the way the sun's golden rays cast light onto the treetops and the palace. The way the sky changed from a deep blue to an impressive orange and then to a lighter shade of blue.

He loved the smell of the cool, crisp air and the tangy aroma of pine needles. He loved how it was fairly quiet, the only sounds to be heard was from the nature around him. It was a peaceful place that Ambrose often came to clear his head.

Ambrose was a little upset that he wouldn't get to see the sunrise today. But he was glad he got to come at all.

"Isn't it a lovely day, Magnus?" Ambrose exclaims, his arms outstretched at his sides. "Oh, how I love the outdoors!"

Magnus smiles gently, reaching out and taking hold of Ambrose's hand.

"Careful, now," Magnus says, his voice soft but stern. "I do not want you to get injured. You have to watch your footing especially whilst we are so close to the edge."

Magnus maneuvers Ambrose to the opposite side of him, so he is away from the steep edge of the mountainside. Ambrose blushes, a wave of embarrassment hitting him.

He was sixteen. He should have known better than to be so reckless near the edge.

He holds tightly to Magnus' hand as they continue up the trail. Not once loosening his grip.

The rest of the walk is silent, both Magnus and Ambrose enjoying the comfortable pause. Ambrose swung their connected hands forwards and back, keeping the rhythm in time with each step.

It doesn't take long for them to reach the top from that point, about an hour and a half. Ambrose, stopping multiple times to observe the foliage or chase a squirrel in his wolf form.

Ambrose lays out the thick quilt they brought, smoothing it out along the snow-covered ground. Magnus begins taking the pre-prepared food out, spreading it across the quilt.

Magnus and Ambrose eat in silence, Ambrose pausing every so often to smile up at the older man.

Ambrose was quite content with the silence, enjoying his time with Magnus. But he couldn't help but want to know more about the Fae. His curiosity getting the better of him.

"Will you tell me more about your past, Magnus?" Ambrose asks, peeking up at the Fae through his delicate fringe of lashes.

Magnus sighs, plucking a grape from one of the wooden bowls laid out on the quilt. He pops it into his mouth, chewing slowly as he scours his mind for another memory to share with Ambrose.

"Well... when I was six years old I received my first Pegasus from my father."

"A Pegasus?! They're real?" Ambrose's eyes widen in shock. He thought creatures like the Pegasus were only folk tales.

"They are very real," Magnus replies, spreading his legs as Ambrose crawls between them, settling against his chest. "So are unicorns and kelpies. Though most, if not all of them reside in Fae Kingdoms. It is extremely rare to spot them in the overworld."

Ambrose's eyes were as wide as saucers, alight with wonder. He grew up with his mother reading him stories filled with mythical creatures. Now that he knew they were real, he wanted to see them so badly...

"Anyways, my father gave me a Pegasus for my sixth birthday. Young Fae aren't able to use their wings until they are around twelve or thirteen years. Even then, wings may take a little longer to develop. So in order to get around easier, families may invest in a Pegasus for their children. Of course, my parents were extremely wealthy so they were able to gift a separate Pegasus to each of their children.

"I named her Yavanna. I took care of her for years, making sure she was happy and healthy. When I was ten, a group of village children stole her. I was distraught, running right to my father. Pleading with him to help me bring her home. But my father refused to help me, demanding that I refrain from alerting the authorities."

Magnus pauses, glancing up at the sky. Taking in the light blue colors, a scattering of clouds sparsely spread across the endless expanse.

"I was so angry with him. Not understanding why he wouldn't help me. How he couldn't see how much I was hurting over the matter. So instead of trying to do anything about it, I let it be. Thinking that if no one was willing to help me, then I would never see Yavanna again. I thought I could adapt to the situation, make the best of it. But as the months passed, it became unbearable. I couldn't go anywhere because of my inability to fly. I didn't have anyone to take care of. I missed her, my companion. I soon realized what my father wanted to teach me.

"He wanted me to fight for Yavanna. He wanted me to take back what was rightfully mine. To not rely on anyone else to solve my own problems. Sure, it is nice to think that someone will always be there for you and help you when you need them the most, but you can only ever rely on yourself. Especially if you never tell anyone how you really feel, expecting them to know what's wrong with a simple glance. And if they don't pick up on it, you assume you have to endure it instead of finding a solution. My father was teaching me that if I wanted something, never settle. That if I truly wanted something, I would fight for it."

Magnus smooths out Ambrose's hair, petting it softly as he continues.

"So I fought. I marched into the village, right up to the boys who stole Yavanna from me. I demanded her safe return, but they refused. So I fought them. Not only did I realize I was stronger than I thought I was, I also noticed that during our tussle my wings had grown. I was able to fly. When I left the village, stepping over the bloodied and bruised village boys, I walked out with Yavanna by my side. My father was so proud of me. And I was proud of myself. Even though I no longer needed her, I took care of Yavanna until the day she died."

Ambrose knew deep down that the point of Magnus sharing this particular memory was alluding to his situation with Johnathan.

Somehow, Magnus was aware of what was happening to Ambrose. Magnus was the only one who knew what Johnathan was doing to him. Perhaps not to the full extent, but he was still aware. He was the only one who knew, but he was powerless. He was ordered to tell no one of what he witnessed. Ambrose made him powerless.

Ambrose was truly alone in this situation. He cornered himself, Johnathan didn't even have to try. Ambrose was his own undoing at this point.

If he was going to escape Johnathan's grasp, he was going to have to fight for his freedom on his own.

And no matter how terrifying it was, he needed to stand up and face Johnathan. Ambrose was an omega, but he did not want to fall into the stereotype. He didn't want to die from a lack of trying. From tucking his tail between his legs and submitting like a weak pup.

No, if he was going to die, he was going to die fighting. Hopefully, it wouldn't come down to that, but if it did he would go down kicking and screaming. All for his freedom. Because he wanted liberation. He craved his freedom.

"How was that for a story," Magnus asks, grinning as he looks down at Ambrose. His breath hitches when he realizes how close Ambrose's face was to his now.

"Magnus..." Ambrose murmurs, his eyes boring into Magnus'. "Thank you. Thank you for sharing with me. I appreciate it."

"Master? What are you-,"

Magnus is silenced by Ambrose's lips, the boy wrapping his arms around Magnus' shoulders to keep him in place.

It takes Magnus a few seconds to respond, his mind made up. He kisses back, placing a firm hand at the back of Ambrose's head, pulling him closer.

Ambrose's lips were soft and warm and so enticing. His tongue slips into the boy's mouth, Ambrose tasting of fruits and sugary cakes.

Ambrose rocks his body against Magnus'. Their hips creating such sweet friction together.

Ambrose whines, the keening noise suddenly bringing him back to his senses.

What was he doing?!

Magnus was his servant! He should not be doing this with him. And besides, they both had mates out there. Somewhere.

Ambrose flushes, angry with himself. He betrayed his mate once again, by choosing to display romantic acts with another man.

"I-," Ambrose stutters, climbing out of Magnus' lap. "I apologize."

Ambrose turns on his heel, heading for the trail that leads back down the mountain.

"Master," Magnus calls out, quick to follow the distraught boy. "Little Rose, wait!"

Magnus catches up to Ambrose, grabbing hold of his arm.


"It's alright," Magnus interrupts, placing his hand against Ambrose's cheek. "Please, calm down, I don't want you hurting yourself. Your eyes are filled with tears, it must be quite hard to see. What if you were to misstep and fall down the edge of the mountain? It is my job to keep you safe, so as embarrassed as you feel right now, you need to set it aside and allow me to take care of you. Please."

Ambrose swallows thickly, flinching as Magnus wipes away his tears.

He nods once, twice. Allowing Magnus to guide him back to the summit and pick up their belongings.

The walk back down the mountain was silent, this time an uncomfortable silence. An unbearable silence. The tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with a butter knife.

"Magnus," Ambrose says once they'd reached the bottom of the mountain. "I am so-,"

"Please, master," Magnus interrupts. "There is no need to apologize. I am your servant, and if you need to release your frustrations out on me, then I am in no position to refuse. You have treated me kindly thus far. Many Fae are subjected to torture, both physically, sexually, and mentally by their masters. You have exhibited none of those behaviors. In a moment of weakness, you acted without thinking things through. I know you would never purposely hurt me in any way. That is why I will not hold it against you."

"...Thank you for your forgiveness," Ambrose whispers, averting his eyes from the Fae.

Ambrose did not know where to go from this point. But one thing was clear.

He needed someone to talk to. Someone who would give him some good, unbiased advice.

He had to speak with Levi.

*Hello readers!

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. It was more of a filler chapter, as the next update will most likely be one as well. It is leading up to the first peak in the plot!

Remember to vote and comment I appreciate it! Tell me what you think!

Until next time!*


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