Potions & Charms

By StandingbyAvi

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Avi Kaplan, Hogwarts' Potions Master, lives a lonely life. He spends most of his free time in the dungeons, r... More

Christmas Eve
Christmas Day (1)
Christmas Day (2)
New Year's Eve


113 4 28
By StandingbyAvi

"Thank you for not pushing me away" Scott mumbled softly as they hugged and started rubbing his back again. "It's not that bad, hm?"

"No" Avi replied and smiled softly. "I think I like this."

When they pulled away both men were smiling and Scott couldn't hold back a chuckle. "I think you're a really sweet person, Avi. You just met the wrong people along the way. You don't like violence and the abuse of power."

"No, not at all." The Potion Master looked at him. The silver strands together with the small beads reflected the light coming from the fireplace and made him look even wiser than he already was and Scott noticed how neatly trimmed his beard appeared to be. "Are you leaving?"

"It's getting late...do you want me to stay a little longer? Maybe half an hour?"

But Avi frowned and shook his head. "You're tired. I don't want to keep you up. I already woke you this morning and I have to admit that it might've been way too early for a Saturday. I apologize, Scott."

"Oh, no worries. It's fine. Would you like to go for a walk tomorrow? Before breakfast?" He already expected Avi to say yes, but instead the man shook his head.

"I...prefer to stay inside, unless I need ingredients. I can't explain why, that's just how it is."

Scott frowned but he wasn't angry. He was rather sad that Avi spent lots, if not all of his time inside and when he thought about the day before, how scared he seemed of going out, he tried to find an explanation for his behavior before he realized that the man probably had a good reason. "O-okay. I won't ask. Well..I'll see you on Monday then? After class?"

"Yes. I'll come over after dinner. Late." A soft smile appeared on his lips and he followed Scott to the door.

Scott sighed softly and leaned against his desk, then crossed his arms in front of his chest before he pushed up his round glasses. He was tired of waiting for the same four students that always seemed to be late. He cleared his throat and stood up again, reached for his wand and lightly tapped against the black board. "Today we will talk about the Unlocking Charm" the man said and looked at his students. "Also known as the 'Thief's Friend' as it unlocks door and windows."

He paused when the missing students entered the room and walked to their seats. The four boys didn't seem to be paying attention to the Professor standing in front of the class and kept talking.

"Nobody likes him, Vincent. I told you, he's like a hairy bat, hiding in the dungeons. No idea how he got the job here. Does he even know how to smile? He's the worst and I hate potions class."

Scott suddenly knew who they were talking about and his blood started to boil.

"Yeah!" the other student said and sat down. "Pretty sure he's still a virgin. Nobody wants to-"

"That's enough!" Scott roared and slammed his hand on his desk. He was hurt by how the Gryffindors spoke of the Potions teacher. "Thirty points from each of you and detention with Mr. Filch, a whole week. I do not accept the way you talk about other professors."

The other students, especially the Gryffindors, groaned while the Slytherins chuckled and even laughed.

"But Sir, that's ninety points! From your own house!"

"I don't care about the houses, Richards. Your behavior is unacceptable and it's a shame that you're part of this team."

The student frowned but stayed quiet and took his book out of his bag.

"No. You are leaving my classroom, right now. Get out of here. And I want six rolls of parchment on charms and their use in potion brewing, by Wednesday."

"But Sir, Quidditch-"

Scott raised his hand and shushed him. "I do not care about Quidditch." he said surprisingly calm. "Get out of here."

After the students had left the classroom he turned back to the blackboard and continued teaching while his heart throbbed with pain after hearing how some of his students spoke about the Potion Master. If they knew him like Scott did they wouldn't talk about him like that, but since Avi kept playing the role of the bad guy things wouldn't chance. 

It was almost midnight when Avi came over and allowed Scott to have a look at his arm again. The wounds were healing nicely, faster than before, but the baritone also noticed newer, fresher ones. 

"This has to stop, Avi." he mumbled quietly and cleaned them. They were still bleeding slightly and the Potion Master wasn't sitting on his chair but mostly leaning on the table, which meant that it hadn't been long since the last feeding. "You're killing yourself."

But the man lightly shook his head. "I'm so close. She's getting so big, almost double in size since you saw her.." 

Scott looked up. "That's a lot in just a week." 

"I know! That's why I can't stop now." 

The baritone sighed softly before he started to wrap the gauze around Avi's arm and covered it neatly with the white material. "Still." He made sure the bandage was secure and couldn't fall off before he carefully rolled down Avi's sleeve and buttoned it. "I'm surprised you made it up here after the feeding."

"Mhm...me too." the bearded man just replied. He looked at his arm, then up to Scott, and back to his arm. 

"Is there anything you want to talk about, Avi?"

"Yes. I'm sorry that I didn't join you on Saturday evening. I was looking forward to it but I-" he paused and thought for a moment. "I struggled." 

"Everyone does at some point and I was asking for a lot. Later I thought that if it would just be us you had an easier time but that didn't work out either. Am I asking for too much? Too fast?"

Avriel frowned lightly. "No, you're not. Just- don't give up, Scott. One day I'll say yes and I know that I will enjoy it. I like going for walks but since the dementors are lurking outside..."

"You don't want to risk it. I understand." Scott looked at Avi and sighed softly. "You're as pale as the tiles in my bathroom, Avi. C'mon, I'll help you over to the couch."

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