Naruto One-shots [Reopened]

By Imuser304

146K 2.6K 1.4K

304's Naruto character x reader / character one shot book :)) defaults to fem reader [Requests reopened, if... More

Not A Drag - Shikamaru x Reader
Forbidden - Neji x Reader
It's a Date! - Kiba x Reader
Sick Snuggles - Kakashi x Reader
False Parenting - Deidara x Reader
The Time He Saved Me - Iruka x reader
There is Something Wrong With You- Sai x Reader
Hidden In The Sand - Garra x reader
Should Have Said So - Kakashi x reader
We Made That - Rock Lee x pregnant!Reader
See You When I Get There - Tobi/Obito x reader
Mourning Is Worse Than Love - Sasuke x reader
Be Mine! Please! - Rock Lee x Reader
Breakfast - Darui x Reader
Akamaru's Final Breath - Kiba x Veterinarian!reader
And They Laughed - Choji x reader
Less Alone - Shikamaru x Reader
Kitty - Tenzo/Yamato x reader
Mourning Is Worse Than Love pt. 2 - Sasuke x reader
Betrayal - Itachi x Reader
Premature - Iruka x Pregnant!Reader
Stupid - Shikamaru x Reader
a/n - please read
First Choice - Rock Lee x Reader
Chubby Confidence - Sai x Reader
Something You Didn't Know - Kisame x Reader
Rain - Tenzo/Yamato x Reader
Thanks Again - Shino x Reader
Not Exactly A Mistake - Kakashi X Reader
He is No Man - Kakashi x Pregnant!Reader
A/N: 10k
Goodbye to a World - Nejiten
I Promise - Sasuke x Reader
Best Birthday Ever - Rock Lee x Genderneutra!lReader
Balcony Strangers - Naruto x Reader
Sigh (Definitely read ;))
I Need to See It - Gai x Reader

Bugs and Boys - Shino x Reader

2.1K 46 52
By Imuser304

Requested By: @Whathaveibecomerip
(Sorry, The ending isn't exactly what you requested).

Prompt: I just think they're neat," I grinned, and blushed slightly. "I think he's neat," I mumbled under my breath.

TW: none

Shino x reader

(Not following the Naruto plotline)

WC: 2179


I watched as a brightly colored beetle crawled on my hand. "You're my friend, little dude," I hummed, sitting back on the tree base. It was a nice day, I was planning to spend it at the park, looking for bugs. I've always thought they were fascinating, the many types that could be found.

"It's a jewel beetle," I heard a voice from next to me. I looked up to see a boy, probably around my age. "They're known for their iridescent color. Not difficult to spot, but overall, funky little bugs," his voice held no emotion. He was wearing a long white coat and dark glasses.

"That's cool that you know so much about them. I'm (y/n)," I patted the ground next to me.

He sat as he spoke. "I'm Shino Aburame," his hand was in front of him, asking to hold the bug. I let it crawl into the palm of his hand.

"Aburame? I've heard of that clan before," I nodded, seeing a few bugs creep out from his sleeve. "You're one of those insect users, aren't you?"

"Mmhmm," he hummed, not removing his eyes from the beetle. "That doesn't bother you?"

"I think bugs are interesting. There's so many types, and things to learn about. I think it's interesting. Can you tell me more about your clan? I'd love to hear more," I smiled, and saw his eyes twitch toward me, and a hint of pink on his cheeks.

And that's how it all began. We sat under that tree for hours, talking about bugs, and Shino's beetles. He seemed so quiet before, but he had so much interest in the conversation, it's like he couldn't stop. Truthfully, I thought it was kind of adorable.

After about an hour or two of question and answering, my mom started calling me from across the park. Shino stopped talking when he heard my name being called, and saw me perk up.

"Sorry, that's my mom, I'll see you later?"

"Yes. I'll see you later, (y/n)," I got up, and began walking away to my mom.

"Who was that?"

"That's my friend, Shino. He's super cool! He's one of the Aburame bug users!"

"Gross. I don't get why you like bugs so much, they're nasty," she scoffed.

"I just think they're neat," I grinned, and blushed slightly. "I think he's neat," I mumbled under my breath.

Ever since that day, Shino and I have become the best of friends, first talking of bugs, that changed to other things, ended up graduating the academy together that year, and spent our downtime together.

[Time skip - about five years later]

"So? You heard about that dance thing?" Shino asked, letting me rest my head on his stomach.

"Yeah? You going?" My eyes stayed closed.

"About that..." He muttered, making me look at up him. "Would you wanna- maybe-"

A new voice cut him off, Kiba has entered the situation too. "Hey! (Y/n)! There you are!" He exclaimed, running to us. "I was looking for you?"

I sat up from Shino. "What's up?"

"Sooo... Do you want to go the the dance with me?" He scratched the back of his neck, a slight shade of blush on his cheeks. I felt Shino look at me, then glare at Kiba.

"O-oh. The thing is Kiba... I wasn't really planning on going in the first place. Thanks for asking though," I sighed nervously.

"Oh. Okay I guess I'll see you around, then," Kiba groaned, and walked away.

"You aren't going?" Shino questioned, and I laid back on his stomach.

"No. I'm going, just not with Kiba," I laughed. Shino stayed stoic though. I wanted Shino to ask me to the dance. I like Shino. He's my best friend, and I really think it could be awesome if we were closer than friends. I only wonder what he thinks of me.

"That's nice. Well... I have to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow," he pushed me off of him and began walking away.

"Wait, Shino..." I called, and grabbed his sleeve. "Are you- nevermind. See you tomorrow," I smiled sadly and let him go. He left me alone.

[The next morning]

I heard a soft knock at my front door, and in my pajamas, ran to answer it.


"(Y/n). I came to ask you something," he asked quietly.

"Right. Come on in, I just put on a pot of coffee," I grinned, and he stepped inside.

"I don't think I'll be staying that long."

"Oh, okay. What's up anyway?"

"I was thinking about how you rejected Kiba yesterday," he started, and even got closer to me.


"W-would you like t-to go to the dance with me?"


"Like... As friends?"

"Oh, yeah, it'll be fun. Going as... Friends," I smiled, let down that he wanted to go as just as friends.

"I'll pick you up tonight at 7. See you then?"

"Of course. I'll see you then," I confirmed with a slight nod, and watched him leave. I took a deep breath, and dramatically flopped on the couch. I covered my face, now that I realized what was happening.

"Yes! Even as friends! I'm so excited!" I exclaimed to myself. "Although... I still wish we were more than that."

[Shino's POV]

What she didn't know, was that I stayed behind the front door, and listened.

"Although... I still wish we were more than that," she said. I immediately walked away, feeling like a total idiot, I should have asked her as more than a friend, now that I'm positive that's what she wanted. Maybe I'll tell her tonight.

Yeah, I'll tell her tonight.

[Time skip because I'm dying]

I had on a button up shirt and a pair of jeans, with a black jacket. Nothing special. It's supposed to be somewhat casual, that's what I heard.

But she.

She was beautiful.

I wasn't exactly sure what to expect her to wear, but she looks amazing. Not overly fancy, or too normal.

She wore a forest green blouse with long flowy sleeves, and a high collar. It was tucked into a skirt that hugged her legs down to the knee, where on the left side there was a slit, making it easier to walk.

"Is it... Too much?" She nervously asked, backing into her doorway after a minute if staring.

"N-no! You look really..." Come on, Shino. The right word. Don't painic, say something nice- but not too nice! "Nice," apparently, that's the only word I could think of.

"Oh... thanks. So do you."

"We should get going. The dance starts in a few minutes. Lucky it's not too far from here," really? I could have at least said something to impress her. Maybe we should have gone out for dinner first.

I started to lead her away from her house, trying not to lose my mind. I hadn't come up with a plan to tell her, but I should have.

The whole thing is outside, on a platform. To the left was a large table filled with drinks and snacks, and to the right, another table for bags and shoes in case anyone wanted them off.

(Y/n) didn't bring a bag, and claimed she wasn't hungry, so we went right to the dance floor, where some high energy dance music was playing, and bright flashing lights were on, even to the point where my eyes were almost bothered. I ignore that though, as I watch (y/n) bring me to a dance circle, where most of our class was dancing and jumping around. That's not something I'm used to, but I tried for (y/n), who looked like she was having a good time.

After about a half hour, (y/n) decided she was thirsty, so I followed her to the snack table. She found the punch bowl, and filled a red solo cup, then drank about half of it before turning to me.

"Hey! I thought you weren't coming!" Kiba.

"Yeah, well, Shino convinced me to come. Are you having a good time?"

"Of course! I asked Tenten, she's here somewhere," Kiba was lying. Tenten is with Neji. He's trying to impress, or make her jealous. It's not working.

"That's great. Actually... I need to use the restroom. Shino, can you hold my drink?" I nodded, she handed me her cup, and walked away to the restroom.

Kiba chuckled and shook his head. "Hey, can I see her drink for a second?" I glared at him with a frown.

"No," I replied simply. I noticed that in one of his hands, he kept two fingers tucked, holding something.

"Ahh come on man. Let me-" he reached for the cup out of my hands. I raised my eyebrows, to see if he was joking, but he wasn't.


"Yeah! Just a little prank?"

"Absolutely not." I smacked his hand away, but he continued to pry. I kept telling him no, but it wasn't working. I eventually got fed up, and held the cup in my left hand, long enough to punch Kiba in the face, as hard as I could. I think I might have broken something.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" Kiba shouted and held his face.

"What's in your other hand, Kiba?"


I sent a few of my bugs out to pry a little baggie with white powder out of his hand. "You were going to spike her drink," I looked back up at Kiba, who's face was turned red.


"Get out."

Kiba squeaked, and ran off to the exit, bumping into (y/n) on the way out. I shoved the bag into my pants pocket as she returned to me.

"What happened to him?" She questioned, holding her hand out for her cup.

"He tried to spike your drink," I gave her the cup, "I didn't let him. It's clean," she grinned and took a drink, finishing what was in the cup.

"... Thanks Shino," she looked down, trying to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks.

"No problem. Back to the dance floor?" She nodded and threw her cup away, and we went back to the dance circle.

We danced for about an hour, I think we were both having a good time. That was until:

"Alright party people! It's time to slow everything down! Find your partner in the next 30 seconds, then we'll start a nice slow song for ya!"

Oh boy. How do I ask her to dance?

The circle turned to us with a nasty grin, and before realizing it, (y/n) and I were pushed together.

"Wanna dance?" She asked me nervously.

"Yeah, buy maybe not right here," I chuckled, feeling her hand now in mine as I led her away from the crowded area, and into a more private part of the dance floor. "Here?"

"Okay..." The music started. I'm not familiar with music, I have no clue what song this is, but (y/n) seems to like it. Without another word, we fell into position, my hands on her hips, hers around my shoulders, and swayed side to side.

"I've been meaning to tell you something, (y/n)."

"Really? Me too- wait I- you go first," she stumbled over her words.

"Cute," I mumbled under my breath.


"Oh. Nothing! I just think you're cute!" I defended. "B-but that isn't what I wanted to tell you!" She giggled at my sudden embarrassment. "I- I really like you. I have since we met, but I was too much of a coward to say so before now," Could I have made that anymore awkward?

"I like you too, Shino," she smiled, and inched closer to me... To my face. I subconsciously agreed with the movement, but I didn't notice until my lips were on hers. We stopped swaying as we held the kiss. I know my face is red, but this is something else. The insects inside of me literally began to fester, and I had to pull away.

"I'm glad you feel the same," I whispered hoarsely. (Y/n) hugged around my shoulders, I held her by the waist in a long embrace, even until the song was over. "should we go back now?"

"You're not exactly having fun time here, are you?" I shook my head no. "I say we ditch this place, and go to the park or something."

"That's more my style," I nodded, just noticing that she was shaking slightly. "Are you cold?"

"Ahh... Maybe a little bit," she laughed. I quickly took my jacket off to place it over her shoulders.  "Thanks."

After a minute of standing there, she reached for my hand, and pulled me along, leaving the dance behind without saying bye to anyone.


Send me more requests! I like having a full list to choose from!

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