Lost Princess and the Dragon...

By FairyAngxl

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Luciana Euclifia is the long lost princess of the Celestial Kingdom. Sting is her older brother, the Prince o... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1・Princess Luciana Euclifia
Chapter 2・Missing Princess
Chapter 3・The Pink Haired Visitor
Chapter 4・Ice Wizard
Chapter 6・Misleading Encounter
Chapter 7・Jealousy
Chapter 8・Memories
Chapter 9・Flames vs Light
Chapter 10・Melted Clothes
Chapter 11・Trouble in Town
Chapter 12・Burning Hot
Chapter 13・Unveiled Memories
Chapter 14・Unvarnished Truth
Chapter 15・All Coming to an End
Chapter 16・Celestial Spirits
Chapter 17・Reunion
Chapter 18・Embarassing Moments
Chapter 19・Flame God vs Lightning
Chapter 20・Water Blues
Chapter 21・Fire Dragon vs Flame God
Chapter 22・The War Ends
Chapter 23・The One Magic
Chapter 24・Happy Endings

Chapter 5・Punishment

7.4K 255 75
By FairyAngxl

The Next Morning

As Natsu woke up from his bed, he felt that eyes were staring at him, so he lit his fists on fire and punched the guy that was staring at him. But he felt hands stop his fist and something cold covering it up. He sat up and saw that Gray halted his fists and froze it up with ice. "Aah!" Natsu screamed. "Why are you here?" he asked melting the ice with his fire "I'm your bodyguard sooo... I was told that first thing in the morning is to watch you till night time," Gray interpreted. "Well I don't want you to. So go home!" Natsu hollered "Well I can't because it's MY job and I'll get paid!" Gray hollered back.

Natsu jumped out of his bed and put his fighting stance, as well as Gray. But then a knock was heard from the door, "Prince Natsu? Is everything ok there? I heard screaming," the voice on the other side called out. "Oh shoot it's Erza! Pretend that we're not fighting!" Natsu said in a whisper-yell tone. "Why?" Gray asked.

Natsu didn't get the chance to explain since Erza opened the door. "Who's this my prince?" she asked motioning to Gray. This is my bodyguard, Gray Fullbuster," Natsu responded. Erza walked up to Gray to shake his hand, "Nice to meet you Gray, my name is Erza, Erza Scarlet," she said.

Gray looked at her hand and slapped it away. "I am not shaking her hand, she probably has cooties or something," he said crossing his arms and turned around. "Oh no," Natsu said walking backwards leisurely. "you shouldn't have done that Gray," he continued to say. "Done what?" Gray asked and turned around to see Erza with a mad look. "What did you say?" she asked cracking her knuckles and walking towards him with an I'm-gonna-kill-you look.

Gray backed up as she walked towards him. "W-what are you gonna do? Give me cooties?" he said in a scared voice, but with a fake brave look. "No, worse," Erza said laughing evilly. Gray fell to the ground while walking backwards and Erza was standing above him. "Don't hurt me!" Gray pleaded. Then the door opened again. "What's going on here?"

"Oh I was just helping Gray up since he fell King Igneel, right Gray?" Erza lied with an innocent smile. "Oh y-yeah," he stammered getting up from the ground. "It's good you guys met each other. Now I want you guys to protect Natsu ok?" Igneel said to the both of them. They nodded in response and Igneel left the room.

"You got lucky you dimwit. Anyways Prince Natsu, I have to get going now. Tell this guy here not to do anything like that to me again," Erza requested and left the room. "Oi Gray. Don't do that to Erza, she'll kill you. And she's the toughest fighter around here. If you don't follow her orders, boss her, or disrespect her, she will beat the crap out of you," Natsu warned and Gray nodded shaking.

Natsu then got dressed and brushed his teeth hastily. "What are you rushing for?" Gray asked "I'm gonna go meet a new friend," Natsu replied. "Can I come? Since I'm your bodyguard and all," Gray spoke. "I don't care, just don't tell anyone," Natsu said and they both headed out the castle and into the forest(I think didn't say anything on where Zancrow's house was located. But if I did then I made no mistake then).

As Natsu and Gray arrived to Zancrow's home, Natsu ceased Gray. "What're we stopping for?" he asked. "I wanna see if the dad or brother is in there," Natsu answered. "So the guardian doesn't know you?" Gray asked again "Shut up!" Natsu silenced him. "Don't tell me to-" Gray's words were discontinued as Natsu covered his mouth.

"I don't think he's there, I can't smell him," Natsu said uncovering Gray's mouth and headed toward the house. He peeked through the window along with Gray and didn't see Lucy anywhere. "Where is she?" Natsu asked himself aloud. "She?" Gray asked "The friend your talking about is a girl? Ew," he continued to say. "That's not 'ew' Gray. You're messed up and sexist too," Natsu responded.

Natsu went inside the house and started to look for Lucy. "Isn't this breaking and entering? We're not-I mean you're not suppose to do that," Gray said. "Shut up Gray, you ask too much questions, I swear next time you keep on asking questions, I'm not taking you here anymore," Natsu told him "Ok fine, geesh," Gray said and kept his mouth shut.

"I hear her, I think she's upstairs," Natsu said and walked up the stairs along with Gray. He listened carefully for Lucy's laughs, cries, or voice and heard it on the very last door of the floor. He opened the door and saw her in a baby cradle. "She's a-" Gray stopped and remembered what Natsu said to him.

"Hey there Lucy! I came to play with you," Natsu said gleefully. "I also came here with Gray, she's your new friend now, but watch out, he's sexist," he said pointing at Gray. "Shut up," Gray muttered. Natsu picked Lucy up and carried her outside. "Where gonna be in trouble if the dad or brother catches you, you better bring her back before he arrives," Gray informed. "I know that, I'm not stupid," Natsu replied.

Natsu, Gray, and Lucy started to play in the front yard. They taught Lucy a lot of things like the ABC's, kid songs, and things like the sky, tree, ocean, houses, etc. This lasted for a long time till Natsu heard footsteps coming their direction and recognized the scent too. "It's time to go back Lucy, your dad or brother is coming. He's probably your brother since he's young," Natsu told her and put her back into her cradle. "Let's go back Gray, her brother is coming," he said and they both headed back to the castle.

This routine of them coming and going back happened. Natsu and Gray kept going to Lucy's house and played with her, but Gray eventually stopped coming with Natsu when she turned 2 because he got tired of going everyday. Natsu then learned that Lucy's guardian was her brother and his name is Zancrow, since she talked about him. Lucy never told anything to Zancrow about Natsu coming to play with her since she was banned to go to town and meet people. She had to always stay within the forest and away from people.

Time Skip
5 years later(This can be a good time to play the music)

Lucy is now 7 years old and Natsu was 8. They became the bestest friends and took care of one another. When one was in danger, they would protect one another. Or when one of them falls down, trips on something, or hits against something, they would yell at the object that hurted them together. That was the kind of friendship they had. For those 7 years that they've been best friends, Natsu never told Lucy that he was a prince, so she always thought that he was a regular boy.

Then one day, when Natsu woke up and was about to go Lucy's, he was surrounded by multiple guards. "We've been noticing for the past years that you've been gone during the day and coming back at night. Why isn't Gray with you at all times?" one of the guards said and pulled Gray out. "What did you do?" Natsu asked Gray. "I didn't do anything, they caught me in town without you, so they got suspicious and told the king," Gray justified. "My father! Oh no," Natsu said afflicted.

Igneel then burst through the door and scolded Natsu. "What have you been doing for these past years my son? Where do you go in the morning that you arrive at night?" he asked. "I'm sorry father for not telling you, but I've been going to a friend's house," Natsu said with his head down. "I forbid you to go to this friend of yours and stay here in the castle. You are a prince Natsu, you can't be doing these types of things. It's not a behavior of a prince. You are to stay inside within the castle walls and cannot go to town or anywhere else without Gray and Erza. Gray, you are to stay with him 24 hours a day, you're going to be sleeping in here and watch him along with Erza. Don't let my son out of your sight," Igneel behested and left the room.

Natsu had tears in his eyes and kept whiping them, but they wouldn't stop. "Guards leave!" he yelled at them and they all left his room. "I'm sorry Natsu, it's my fault why you can't see her anymore," Gray said with his head down. "I just want to be alone, can you please leave?" Natsu asked. "I'm sorry but I can't do that, I have to stay with you, it's the king's orders," Gray said. Natsu didn't say anything else to him and went back to bed. "This is gonna be a pain. But I am sorry Natsu," Gray thought.

With Lucy

"Goodbye brother, I'll see you later!" Lucy said cheerfully as she waved goodbye to Zancrow. "I'm going tell you again and again. Don't talk to strangers, you're not allowed outside the forest, and don't let anyone see you," Zancrow said and waved back at her disappearing through the forest trees.

"I can't wait till Natsu comes," she said excitedly. Hours later, she waited for him to come, but he never arrived. "It's already noon, were is he?" Lucy asked sitting in the front porch waiting patiently.

5 o'clock

"Why isn't he coming? Onii-san is going to be back soon, if he doesn't come, I won't be able to see him today," Lucy said to herself still waiting in the front porch.

It's now 6:oo PM and Zancrow arrived at home and saw Lucy waiting. "You waited for me? That's sweet," he smiled and patted her head. "Uh yeah, I couldn't wait for you to come back and see what you brought me today," Lucy cheerfully lied. "Haha okay, let's head inside," Zancrow said and they both headed inside. Lucy looked back as she headed inside and saw no sign of Natsu. "I wonder what happened to him? I hope he comes tomorrow," Lucy thought.

Tomorrow came and Lucy waited for Natsu to come, but again, he didn't. The next day came and she waited again, but he never came. Weeks and months came. Lucy waited for him, but he still never came. She suddenly got tired of waiting for him and stopped. Then one day, on her birthday, when she was told to make a wish from Zancrow, she closed her eyes and wished. "I wish I would forget about Natsu," she thought. When she opened her eyes, she still remembered him and wanted to be sad, but she was relieved that it didn't come true.

"What did you wish for?" Zancrow asked "I'm not telling, let's eat!" Lucy said blissfully and they both ate the cake.

That night later, Lucy went outside to look at the stars. She sat in the front porch where she used to wait for Natsu and looked up at the sky and saw a shooting star and decided to make a wish. She closed her eyes and started to wish. When she opened them, she couldn't remember what she wished for. "What did I wish for? That's weird, normally I would remember," Lucy stood up and headed back inside.

Inner Lucy(her conscience)

Goodbye Natsu...

I will never forget all the fun things we shared.

Your laugh

Your face

Your voice

Your eyes

and especially
Your smile.

Your smile was the brightest thing I have ever seen. Every time I see you smile, a smile shows up to my face and makes my whole day.

Just seeing you smile is enough to make me happy. Even though I won't be able to remember you, our friendship will always stay within my heart and that will never go away. (You can stop it now if you want, or keep going)

9 years later

"Why is it that only you get to go to town? Why can't I come with you?" a 17 year old blonde girl asked. "No Lucy, a no is a no," a blonde guy reponded. "I'll say your name. I know how you hate it when I say it Zancrow," Lucy said smirking. "No," Zancrow said "Za-n-cr-ow," she said slower. "Ye-no," he hesitated to say "Zancrowwwww, I know you want me to come with you. Zancrow, Zancrow, Zancrow, Zancrow!" Lucy said. "Ok ok, you can come, just stop saying my name," Zancrow gave up.

"Yay! I'll also get a job and get money, and I'll go outside when I want to ok?" Lucy said "What!? No. That's a big no," he said "Fine, I'll stop calling you brother and just call you Zancrow from now on," she said crossing her arms. "You wouldn't dare," he warned pointing at her "Oh I dare ZANCROW! " Lucy yelled his name. "Fine! Just don't say my name," he said. "It was better when you called be Zacow when you were a baby," he muttered. "What?" Lucy asked "Nothing, let's go. I'll help you get a job," he said and they both headed out the forest and into the town.

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