orenda [leo valdez]

Da undercoverlovr

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❝if it doesn't burn a little, what is the point of playing with fire?❞ ⤷bridgett devoue orenda (n.) a mysti... Altro

μηδέν. Prologue
i. Extreme Rock Climbing
ii. Can't We All Just Be Friends?
iii. Daughter of War Hates Wars
iv. Leo Tames a Fire-Breathing Dragon
v. The Frozen Penthouse with Ice Brat
vi. Pathetic Flying Squirrels
vii. The Grass Laughs at Kira
viii. Chef Leo's Taco Garage Makes Tacos
ix. Piper is Abusive but Right
x. No One Ate Leo on Kira's Watch
xi. Crazed Satyrs and Evil Gold Men
xi. Shark Boy and Lava Girl
xiii. Leo Almost Pushes Thaila off a Cliff
xiv. Mellie and Hedge Sittin' in a Tree
xv. Taking a Cab Up Mount Diablo
xvi. Museum of Love
xvii. Ares tells Kira to Shut Up
xviii. No Romance in the Infirmary
xix. Annabeth: the Strict Chaperone
xx. Octavian Burns Teddy Bears
xxi. Jason Gets Hit with a Brick
xxii. The Dead Mom's Club Takes on Nymph Fan Club
xxiii. Coach Almost Takes Kira's Head (twice)
xxiv. Meeting Wine Dude, Jason's Brother
xxv. Matching Hoofprints on Foreheads
xxvi. Percy Leads His Friends into a Known Trap
xxvii. Frank the Godlfish
xxviii. Getting Chased by Dead Confederates
xxix. Keep it PG-13 on the Washing Machine
xxx. A Dolphin Breaks Kira's Door Down
xxxi. Jason Hates Wonder Bread
xxxii. Otis Doesn't Do His Pirouette
xxxiii. A Small Fall
xxxiv. Warrior with a Golden Heart
xxxv. The Angel Lady Voice in Tartarus
xxxvi. Aphrodite Throws a Shoe at Leo
xxxvii. The Evil Demon Grandmothers
xxxviii. Thank the Gods and Pass the Hot Sauce
xxxix. Percy Becomes an Thesaurus
xl. Bob's Wonderful Return
xli. Calypso is a Major Douche
xlii. Stomping on Tartarus' Heart (literally)
xliii. The Risky Elevator Ride
xliv. The Praetor Doesn't Like Kira's Boyfriend
xlv. Leo Hates Cheerio's
xlvi. Leo's Collection of Grenades
xlvii. Tying the Goddess of Victory Up in a Horse Stall
xlviii. Leo's Head Gets Stuck in a Toilet
xlix. Frank gets an Apple
l. The Snake King Brings Cake
li. The Unpredictable Variable
lii. Kira Defies the King of Gods
liv. Golden Sky
lv. The Aftermath
lvi. Anger
lvii. Percy Learns to Not Bet Against Kira
lviii. Don't Disrespect Leo Valdez
lix. Uprising of Frozen Fruit
lx. The God of the Sun Vomits on Kira
lxi. The Three-Legged Death Race
lxii. Aphrodite and Ares have Salad
lxiii. Apollo Rides Giant Flying Ants
lxiv. Leo's a Jerk and Everyone Hates Him
lxv. Bliss
lxvi. Festus Declares War on Indiana
lxvii. A Magic Trainstation
lxviii. Sup, Cheese
lxix. Apollo is Trapped in a Net
lxx. When in Doubt, Tater Tots
lxxi. Old Enemies
lxxii. The Return of Meg McCaffrey
lxxiii. Imprisioned
lxxiv. The Bright Blue Cast
lxxv. Apollo Has a Problem with Controlling His Mouth
lxxvi. Never Rely on Apollo for a Plan
lxxvii. Hitting People with Dirty Rags
lxxviii. Hush, Woman
lxxix. Pancakes!
lxxx. Leo takes Tristian McLean to Oklahoma
lxxxi. The War of Sunscreen
lxxxii. Sherman Forgets How to Stand
lxxxiii. Flour War and Naked Cupcakes
lxxxiv. Their Happy Ending
lxxxv. Dancing in the Rain
lxxxvii. Epilogue

lxxxvi. Don't Trust the Cheerleaders

1.9K 56 53
Da undercoverlovr

we made it.

an. hey guys! this chapter is going to contain new characters, but i won't be continuing the quest or their storyline. i just wanted a way to show them in a different way, and this way they're not the main characters. i thought about deleting it because i didn't want it being too confusing, but i spent a long time writing it, and i figured some might enjoy it. oliver and taylor's story will not be continued.


Taylor Tanaka was not having a good day.

First, Winston Stoll had stolen her lunch. Stupid Hermes boys. Next, she found out she was being sent on a deadly quest. Then, as if that wasn't enough for her already, she found out it would be alongside none other then Oliver Yang.

A perfect day to spend her fourteenth birthday.

It had started off good enough, she had gotten a cupcake from Felicity Zhang. Well, not from her directly, Felicity had a huge job as praetor of Camp Jupiter. But she had sent a satyr with a cupcake, along with a handwritten note from her.

Taylor had met Felicity after a training camp at Camp Jupiter two years ago, and the girls stayed close, even when Taylor had to go all the way back home on the other side of the country. Felicity was the sweetest person in the world, which made sense, since her grandparents, Frank and Hazel Zhang, were two of the greatest heroes in modern demigod history.

Taylor was the daughter of Terrance Tanaka and Psyche. That might be a little confusing. Drew Tanaka and a Roman demigod, a guy named Garrett Young had a boy named Terrance. He took his mother's last name, thus creating Terrance Tanaka. He fell in love with a goddess named Psyche, the minor goddess of compassion, and had Taylor. It was a weird match to Taylor, her grandmother, Drew, the daughter of Aphrodite, and Psyche, a poor goddess that Aphrodite had tortured, but that's what love did to people.

Unfortunately for Taylor, her father died after a cyclops attack on Camp Jupiter. With no longer choice, she was sent to live with her grandparents. Her grandmother's rudeness and twisted stories always proved to provoke the young girl. But luckily for Drew Tanaka, Taylor had also gained her mother's compassion. Drew Tanaka was a harsh and unkind woman, so Taylor was relieved when she had finally been sent to Camp Half Blood.

The idea of going on a quest was scary and unfamiliar to Taylor. And going with Oliver Yang? That was a nightmare. The kid had two demigod parents, so he really only had a quarter god in him, but he certainly used it to all of the extent. Sherman Yang and Miranda Gardiner were his grandparents, both strong demigods that had survived the Second Giant War, so he was treated like a king. He got whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. He was a jerk, and he thought that the world revolved around him. He had been the one to dunk Taylor in a toilet when she had first arrived.

She had only been at camp for two years, and she had learned of all the dangerous quests that demigods went on. The Eight were praised heavily, and that was when she learned how much her mother had lied. That Piper McLean was a hero, not a "stuck-up bitch", and Leo and Kira Valdez were a good match, not "desperate for a feeling of love." But she learned how difficult their journey had been, and she wasn't sure if she was going to be able to handle it as well as they had.

"What are we waiting for?" Oliver said, appearing beside her. "I want to get this over with."

They stood in front of the door to the Big House, where they had been directed to wait until Chiron and Rachel were ready for them.

Taylor fought down the temptation to roll her eyes. "Be patient, Oliver."

Oliver rolled his eyes. "I can't believe I'm finally getting my first quest, but you have to come."

"Gee, sorry for the inconvenience."

"Not forgiven." Oliver crossed his arms, waiting impatiently beside her.

All they knew was that Rachel had gotten a prophecy last night, and they were a part of it. Chiron was infamous for giving half-answers, which proved to be very nerve-racking and frustrating as they waited longer and longer. Oliver pulled a knife from his pants pocket, practicing fighting against the wind. Taylor took a hesitant step away from him.

The door swung open, to reveal a centaur none other then Chiron. Beside him, stood a tired looking Rachel Elizabeth Dare. She had a few wrinkles on her face and much grey strands in her hair, but she looked exactly the same since Taylor had stumbled into camp two years ago. Apparently becoming the Oracle made her age much slower.

In fact, most of the people that had gone to camp around Rachel's time, were dead. Piper McLean wast he first of the Eight to pass away. Then, was Frank Zhang. Then, they lost contact with Leo and Kira Valdez.

"Ah!" Chiron said, opening the doors to reveal Rachel beside him. "You're here!"

"Obviously, you called us." Oliver told Chiron. Taylor turned to him, astonished with his lack of respect and appreciation.

Chiron didn't reply, just waving the two demigods into the room. He sat down in two plush chairs, looking back at Chiron and Rachel. Chiron stood, guarding the door but his back facing it.

Rachel sat on a pedestal, looking a tad pale. "I've received a new prophecy. We believe Persephone had been kidnapped."

Taylor's eyebrows rose with surprise. "A goddess? Kidnapped?"

Oliver rolled his eyes again. "Yes, Tanaka. Kidnapped. You're about as much as an airhead as your grandmother. Gods get kidnapped all the time. Kira, Leo, Jason, and Piper rescued Hera once, remember?"

Taylor's ears went red, and she didn't respond.

Rachel glanced warily at the boy, wondering if he was the best option to send on the quest.

"Here's the prophecy.

You're ride lays north, a dragon only controlled by fire

To restore what's been stolen in their own domain

Compassion and violence must come together as one

And fight back against Spring's captor."

"Compassion is me, and violence is Oliver?" Taylor guessed.

"Correct. Usually a quest has three or four occupants, but this prophecy seemed clear that you must go alone, just the two of you." Chiron sat, stroking his beard.

"And a dragon, only controlled by fire?" Oliver asked, eyebrows scrunched in concentration.

"That," Rachel said with a small smile. "Is your ride to Persephone."

"What, a dragon?" Oliver asked, a gleam in his eyes.

"I am not riding on a dragon," Taylor said quickly, eyes darting around. "Only controlled by fire? I don't have any fire."

"No, no." Rachel said. "This dragon had already been controlled. You will travel to upstate New York, find Kira and Leo Valdez, and ask for Festus the dragon. He will accompany you on this quest."

Taylor's eyes almost popped out of her head. "Valdez? You mean like The Eight Valdez? The Hero's of Olympus?"

"Yes, them."

"But, Chiron," Oliver butt in. "No one has seen them in years."

"It is your job to find them. The prophecy states that Festus is your ride to save Persephone."

Taylor's mind was in overdrive. She was supposed to find Leo and Kira Valdez, the Heroes of Olympus, demigods who had disappeared years ago?

"And if we can't?" Taylor asked in a small voice.

"We will." Oliver said strongly. "We'll find them, and save Persephone." For a moment, Taylor thought he was being nice, but as an afterthought, he added, "Don't be a coward."

Taylor didn't meet anyone's eyes. Could she really...be a hero? Save a goddess? She didn't think she had it in her.

"Go," Chiron said calmly. "Go and pack. I'm afraid you won't have a long time to complete this."


Things were going well until the van broke down.

"Why are you slowing down?" Oliver demanded, tightening his grip on a knife.

"Put that away!" Taylor squeaked, her grip tightening on the wheel. Oliver made no effort to do so. "I don't know! I think it's engine gave out."

"What do you mean, it gave out?" Oliver sneered. "We still have, like, ten miles left until we're even remotely in the right place!"

"We don't even know where 'the right place' is, Oliver!" Taylor shot back, slamming her foot on the gas. The van only groaned and slowed even more. "Chiron just said they were in northern New York! Do you know how big New York is?"

"No!" Oliver snapped. "I don't! Enlighten me, Ms. Perfect!"

The van came to a lurching stop. In front of them, the hood let out a puff of smoke. They were quiet for a moment, as the smell of something burning filled Taylor's nose. Her eyes watered, coughing.

"Oh, no." Oliver whispered.

"What?" Taylor asked, coughing again. The hood continued to smoke, a steady stream of it billowing out into the forest.

Oliver's eyes just widened, reaching over Taylor's lap to open the driver's side door. It clicked open, revealing an even worse gas smell.

"What are you doing-" She started, frowning.

"Go!" Oliver yelled, a piercing yell just before he leapt from his position in the passengers seat, knocking into her. She was pushed out of the open door, onto the hard concrete, Oliver falling ontop of her. She let out a yelp of pain as her back got scratched up against the road.

As Oliver and her scattered to the ground, the van exploded behind them. Luckily for Taylor, Oliver covered her body, his back becoming a shield for her as shards of metal flew from the van.

Oliver let out a cry of pain as a piece of metal struck his shoulder, and his body faltered. His face contorted in pain, his expression was a grimace.

Taylor's eyebrows knit together. "Oliver," She hissed. "You're alright," She tried to keep her voice hopeful and calm, but his voice shook with uncertainty.

"I'm fine." Oliver glared down at her, and she shivered when she realized how close he had become. He was sinking towards the concrete as his injury weighed on his more and more.

"The explosions done," She said softly. She wriggled out form underneath him, sitting up shakily. She turned him over, careful not to let the injury have any pressure on it. Oliver was sweating.

"You're okay," She whispered, trying to convince herself more then trying to convince him. No matter how much Oliver Yang got under her skin, there was no way she was going to let him die. Not in the middle of the woods, all alone.

"I'm fine."  Oliver snapped, but his face was pale and slick with sweat. "I am not dying next to you, absolutely not."

"Oliver, don't flirt with me," Taylor said, ignoring his harsh words. "Plus, you're not dying, stupid. It's shoulder injury, drama queen."

Oliver just glared at her, trying to hide the pain of the shard of metal that had embedded itself inside of his shoulder.

"What happened, anyway?" She asked, looking back at the van. It had been reduced to a pile of rubble.

"Maybe we over exhausted the engine," Oliver breathed. "Doesn't matter, our biggest problem is we just lost our ride."

"Think again." A voice hissed from the woods. Taylor jumped up, but in just seconds, they were surrounded by cheerleaders.


Life was great before Taylor learned the danger of cheerleaders. In fact, if she got out of here alive, she'd start a list of rules on how to survive. Rule Number One: Don't Trust the Cheerleaders.

At first, they looked unsuspecting enough, other then the fact that they were random girls in the middle of the northern New York woods. As far as Taylor knew, there was nothing around here. For a split second, though, the girl's form flickered to a woman with flaming hair, white skin, glowing red eyes, fangs, one prosthetic leg and one donkey leg and wings.

"Wow!" She blurted, backing up a few feet.

Oliver narrowed his eyes, trying to stand. "Hello, ladies," He said, coughing slightly. He looked a little odd, trying to stand with a chunk of metal hanging out of his shoulder, but he managed to pull it off.

"Oliver?" Taylor whispered. "Why are you going towards them?"

"They're just some brainless chicks, Taylor. Chill out." The middle cheerleader hissed.

"Uh, no." Taylor hissed. "They're monsters, Einstein. Did-did you not see the fangs? Or-or flaming hair?"

The cheerleaders just smirked, tilting their heads to the side simultaneously. They took a step towards the two, a hungry look in their eyes.

Oliver turned back to her, scoffing. "You're gonna go nuts on me now, Tanaka?"

Taylor glared at him. "Get back here."

Oliver froze in his spot. Almost robotically, he strode over to Taylor. She stared at him, narrowing her eyes. "Why did you listen to me?" She hissed. Oliver blinked, shaking his head.

"What the-" His face darkened. "Stupid Aphrodite kids." Taylor opened her mouth to asked what he meant, but the cheerleaders had gotten closer.

"Hello dears," The lead one said. "I'm Kelli, that's Tammi, and that's Serephone."

"Hello Kelli," Oliver said, trying to talk in a deeper voice. He took a shaky step towards them again before Taylor yanked him back.

"We've been following you for miles. I knew you'd take us to where we needed to be, even though they-" She pointed to both girls at her side. "-didn't believe me."

"Where do you need to be?" Taylor asked, trying to keep her voice even.

"Why, little girl," Tammi hissed. "You just led us straight to Kira Valdez! We've been trying find that little coward since she escaped Tartarus! Just a bonus, really, that Leo Valdez is here, too!"

Taylor turned to Olive with wide eyes, but his eyes were still trained on the cheerleaders lustily.

"Wait," Taylor said, holding out her hands. "I-I know what you guys are."

"Do you?" Kelli said, laughing loudly. "Please, enlighten us, young demigod."

"You're Empousai," Taylor breathed, paling. "That's why-"

"Why Oliver wants us?" Serephone whispered hungrily. "Maybe, girl, you're just jealous, because he wants us and not you."

Taylor glared. "Leave us alone."

Serephone hesitated, but Kelli just laughed. "You can't use charmspeak on us, we've mastered it!"

Taylor hesitated. "Are you sure?" She asked with a shy grin. "You could spare us, we didn't really do anything."

Tammi just licked her lips, walking closer. "Come here, Oliver," She growled. Oliver walked froward, in a trance. Taylor bounced on the tips on her toes, having no idea what to do. She was lost, and she had no idea how to solve this.

"Oliver." She hissed, but the boy continued to stumble forward.

So, she did something that he might kill her for later. She sprung forward, twisting the piece of metal. Oliver let out a sharp cry of pain, but he stopped moving forward.

"Kill them!" She ordered. Immediately Oliver stood up, and before Serephone could order him to  do something else, he leapt out with his sword and sliced her in half.

"Serephone!" Tammi cried.

"Oh shut it. She was annoying, anyway." Kelli said, baring her fangs. Her cheerleader outfit burned away, relieving her true form that Taylor had seen earlier. "You want a fight, girl? I give you a fight."

Taylor's weapon had been in the van when it had exploded. She had had no intention of fighting anything on this trip, her compassion getting in the way of that. But, looking back at it, she shouldn't have been that careless.

Kelli leapt at her, and she barely had time to somersault out of the way. She fell against the concrete, but in her eyesight, she could see Serephone bring her fangs at Oliver. The poor boy just stumbled towards her.

"No!" She cried, running towards Serephone with no plan other then to protect her friend. She tackled the empousai, sending the two of them flying harshly into a tree.

Serephone growled, trying to bit Taylor, but she kicked her in the gut, and stumbled backward.

"Festus!" She cried.

"What are you doing?" Oliver sneered, trying to move towards Serephone. Taylor pushed him back.

"Snap out of it, Oliver!"She yelled powerfully. Oliver froze for a few seconds, before regrouping his sword and attacking at Serephone. Taylor turned just in time before Kelli sliced at her. Her flaming hair scorched her skin, and she let out a pained scream. Her nails raked against her skin, and she fell against the pavement.

"So weak!" Kelli screeched. "This is too easy!"

"Festus!" Taylor let out a puff of breath, holding her bleeding arm. "Get off!" She tried to yell, but Kelli just laughed.

"I already told you, that doesn't work on me." Kelli raised her claws again, and Taylor squeezed her eyes shut and turned her head, preparing for death.

She was much too young to die. But she didn't see any other option.

There was a flapping off wings, and then a scream of pain. Taylor felt heat scorch near her skin, but not touch.

"Holy shit!"


"C'mon Taylor," Someone was shaking her awake. "Dude, get up. You're embarrassing me."

Her eyes cracked open, Oliver standing over her. He had a few new cuts and a black eye, but other then that, he looked alive.

"Embarrassing you?" were her first words.

Oliver cracked a tired smile. Taylor tried to sit up, groaning with the effort. Oliver offered a hand, helping her to her feet. Sh stumbled, trying to keep her balance.

"Oh, quit it," Oliver told her. "I'm the one with metal in my shoulder."

Taylor just rolled her eyes. Looking in front of her, her jaw dropped open. there was an enormous dragon staring at her.

It had a perfect mix of bronze and gold scales, giant rubies for eyes, and bronze wings. It bared it's teeth, letting out a large flame. It had drill-like razor-sharp teeth. Taylor stumbled back, and Oliver had to hold her to keep her on her feet.

"You-you saved us," Oliver said hesitantly. "By calling Festus, you saved us, Taylor. He scorched those stupid cheerleaders!"

"Oliver, those were empousai, Percy Jackson defeated them once." " Taylor said, trying not to get sick. "Tha-that's Festus?"

Oliver nodded. "Guess so."

"He's beautiful." Taylor breathed, taking a step towards it.

"Wow, wow," Oliver said, putting a hand to block her. "It breathes, fire, I don't want you getting scorched."

Taylor turned to him, smiling. "Oh, do you now?"

Oliver turned red. "Shut up, Tanaka."

Taylor ignored him, taking another step. Oliver walked behind her, his skin looking even more pale then before. Despite his subborness to not worry about him, she couldn't help but think what happen if they didn't find Kira and Leo, fast.

Festus was watched her carefully. "Can you take us to Leo?" She asked the dragon softly.

"Are we seriously talking to dragons now?"

"Shut up, Oliver."

He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out, and it took her a moment to realize that she had actually made him shut up.

Festus let out a puff of smoke, turning so that his back was exposed. She could see spots that it was obvious that people had ridden on.

"Come on," She called, walking causally towards the dragon.

"Are you nuts?" Oliver asked, his eyes wide as saucers. He tried to say something else but his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Taylor rushed to catch him, and she barely got to him before he slumped against the ground. Quickly, she managed to lift him, taking him to the dragon. His skin was slick with sweat, even though it was hot. The metal was still poking out, and Taylor prayed that Kira and Leo could help. She lugged him ontop of Festus, slumping him over the dragon's chest. She climbed on after him, holding him close so he didn't fall off.

Fetsus let out a column of flame, setting fire to the remains of Kelli and Tammi. Taylor one more glance of their destroyed van and piles of dust before Festus took off in to the sky.

It couldn't have been long that she flew, but it felt like ages. Taylor's stomach did flips every time  Festus turned slightly, and she was still clutching Oliver's body tightly.

"C'mon Oli," She whispered. "They'll help you. You just have to hang in there."

Olive made no indication that he could hear her. He just groaned painfully, his mouth twitching.

"We have to hurry, Festus," Taylor told the dragon. "Please, he needs help."

Festsu blew fire, but he flapped his wings a little faster. She looked down, and her eyes caught sight of a small cottage.

"There!" She called, but Festus was already dipping towards the ground. She yelped, holding onto Oliver tighter.

Festus made a rough landing, but they managed to hang on. Taylor scrambled off, emptying the contents of her stomach. As soon as she was done vomitting, she leaned against the dragon, breathing heavily. Her arm was still bleeding, even thought it had slowed slightly. She pulled Oliver off Festus, throwing his arm around his shoulder.

"Thank you, Festus," She said breathlessly. She struggled to the cottage door.

It looked abandoned. Vines grew around the large windows, dust coating the glass so thick that she could barely see inside. Potted plants lined around the porch, all of them looked like they had been watered recently. The house itself looked old as well, the paint chipping in multiple areas, and the gutter was deformed.

She made it to the door, knocking hastily. "Hello?" She called. "Please, open up! I need help!"

For a few terrifying moments, no one answered. She stood wobbly, holding onto Oliver, who was now whispering nonsense.

But then, the door creaked open.

"Who is there?" Came a wobbly voice.


The old woman had a kind face. A full head of gray hair, with wrinkles that coated her aged skin. Her arms were worn down by years of work and stressful migraines. She wore a simple grey knitted sweater that was rolled up to her elbows. Her hands and cheeks were covered in white powder that Taylor assumed was flour. There was a small scar on her forehead, and light freckles were scattered throughout out her tanned face. But her hazel eyes were telling.

"Kira Valdez?" Taylor asked, her mouth hanging open.

The old woman just smiled kindly, stretching her smile lines. "The one and only, dear."

Taylor's mind went blank, her mouth going slack. She couldn't think, she was talking to one of the Heroes of Olympus.

"You said you needed help?" Kira asked for her, glancing nervously towards the unconscious boy leaning against her. His skin was paper white now, his breathing coming out in shuttering heaves.

"Uh, yes. H-he's hurt, I don't know what to do." Taylor stuttered.

Kira frowned. She opened the door wider, allowing Taylor to come in. "Give me the boy." She said sweetly, eyebrows knit in worry. Taylor hesitated. "I won't hurt him, love. I was a nurse, I can help."

That was enough for her. She transferred the boy to her. The old woman probably shouldn't have been able to carry him with her age, but she picked him up like a baby, cradling him in her arms easily.

"We have company," Kira spoke softly but strongly.

"We haven't in year, love," Another voice. "Who is it, Percy?"

"No, dear," Kira said, walking into the opening. "Two demigods are here, do you mind washing up this young lady's arm?"

They walked into the kitchen. Taylor held her breath when she saw him. He also had aged skin, grey hair, and a kind smile. His eyes were golden brown, full of stories. Taylor knew who this man was

"What about the cookies?" Leo Valdez asked.

Kira gave him a pointed look. "After, dear."

Kira walked away with Oliver into the living room, setting him on his back on the couch. She slid the drawer in the coffee table open, relieving a first aid kit.

"C'mon," Leo said, snapping her out of it. "Let's get you cleaned up."

Leo Valdez was a gentle old man. He was careful, but Taylor couldn't help notice his shaking hands when he wasn't keeping his hands busy. He quickly cleaned her cuts, which looked worse then they actually were. He wrapped thick bandages around them, and while he worked, Taylor's eyes fell upon a lone tattoo, a skull with bones crossing. It said something above it, but he moved it away before she could read it.

After he had cleaned up, the oven beeped. She found a stool around the counter, sitting down as he took out a batch of cookies. They smelled chocolatey, and the smell made her stomach rumble loudly. Leo chuckled lowly.

"Hungry?" He asked in a deep but caring voice. His back was hunched over slightly, but he still moved swiftly, as if he could still run a marathon.

Taylor nodded sheepishly. "We didn't have a lot of time to pack." She froze. "All of our stuff is gone, though. Our van exploded."

Leo took that in. whistling lowly. "Exploding vans, huh?" His smile was a crooked, mischievous grin, but a smile none the less. "Me and Kira never got the chance to do that one yet,"

"Yet?" Taylor blurted.

Leo smiled sadly, taking a spatula to transfer the cookies over to a plate.

"We like to dream maybe someday we'll go on another quest someday." He said quietly. He took the last cookie, biting into it. Taylor looked down at her hands, picking at the dirt that had gotten stuck underneath her nails.

"All done!" Kira's soft voice rang into the silence. She appeared from the couch, a warm smile still etched onto her aged skin. "I'm just letting him rest for a little bit. You should as well."

Taylor opened her mouth to politely decline.

"Dear, it certainly won't hurt to get some rest. You look exhausted. Leo will save you some cookies, I promise."

Taylor couldn't argue with that. She nodded, yawning. She slipped off the stool, going to slump next to Oliver.

"Will he be alright?" She asked Kira.

Kira nodded. "He's a fighter, that one. He'll be quite all right, I gave him some of our emergency ambrosia."

Taylor nodded.

"Wait," Leo said. "Before you go to sleep, what are your names?"

"Taylor. Taylor and Oliver."

Leo nodded, giving Kira a loving smile. "Get some rest," He told her.

Taylor didn't argue, passing out as soon as her head hit the plush couch.


Taylor woke up on the couch alone.

She sprung up, looking for Oliver. She didn't have to look far, however, he was sitting at the wooden kitchen table with a mug set out in front of him, across from Kira and Leo. He was laughing, a genuine smile on his face that Taylor didn't remember seeing since he dunked her in Camp Half Blood's toilets.

She stood, no longer feeling dizzy or lightheaded. As she headed to the table, she caught everyone's stares.

"Oh, you're up," Kira said kindly. She stood, giving the girl a mug full of steaming hot chocolate. Taylor took it gratefully, sitting across from Oliver. Instead of a scowl, which he usually gave her, he offered her a tired smile. She gave him one back.

"I was just telling them about the empousai that we killed." Oliver said, his voice more welcoming then Taylor ever remembered.

Kira smiled kindly. "Nasty little things, they are. I met them in Tartarus, and then again in the Bahamas."

"Bahamas?" Oliver asked loudly. Kira and Leo exhanged a look that spoke a thousand words. Taylor could tell the endless stories that the couple had gone through together, and the love they shared.

Leo laughed deeply. "Even demigods need a break sometimes, don't you think? We weren't about to waste our flying dragon, were we?"

Kira shook her head softly, sipping out of her own mug.

Oliver and Taylor shared a knowing look. "Actually, about that," Oliver started, trailing off. They had gained the old couples attention, looking between the two for an answer.

"We're here on a quest," Taylor explained. "We have to save Persephone."

"Persephone?" Kira asked with mild curiosity.

"She's been kidnapped." Oliver said, but neither seemed too upset.

"What is the prophecy?" Kira asked, sipping again from her mug. Taylor reached in her back pocket, pulling a half charred, messy scrawled prophecy.

"Your ride lays north, a dragon only controlled by fire

To restore what's been stolen

Compassion and violence must come together as one

And fight back against Spring's captor."

Leo and Kira shared a knowing look. "A dragon?" Leo asked, looking between them. "I take it you've already met Festus, then?"

Oliver nodded. "We need him, he's a part of the prophecy."

Taylor flicked him. "What he means is: Can we borrow him?"

Leo chuckled. "Borrow him?" He shook his head. "He's all yours, Taylor and Oliver, as long as you can promise a few things."

Oliver and Taylor shared a look. That was very easy, usually Taylor knew demigods to be selfish and protective of their stuff. She thought that maybe the would make them fight for it or something, but the old couple seemed content with handing it over.

"We have no use for it." Kira explained, as if she could read Taylor's mind. "We probably should have given him back to Camp Half Blood a long time ago."

"Rules number one," Leo spoke. "Don't let him die. Rule number two: Take care of him, he has to be washed twice a month. Rule Number three: Be nice to him." His voice tightened, and Taylor realized that they might have been more attached then they let on.

"You could come with us," She blurted. Kira only laughed warmly.

"We've grown much too old for quests, Taylor," Kira told her kindly. "The most we can do is let you go prepared."

Oliver sipped his hot chocolate. "Thank you for everything." His voice was unreadable, somewhere inbetween grateful and sad.

"Oh," Leo said. "There is a cost."

Taylor's heart dropped into the bottom of her chest. What if she couldn't pay up. She shouldn't have known there'd be a cost.

"You have to listen to a story." Leo spoke, spreading his arms. "You even get to chose which one."

"A story?" Oliver asked, as if he had hadn't heard that right.

"Oh, come on," Leo said softly. "We don't get any visitors, and we have lots of stories to share. Let us tell you one. You can even eat a cookie as we tell it."

Taylor grinned brightly. She had looked up to The Eight her entire life. First, she had been near one. Then, she had the opportune to hear a story from them? She was beyond excited to hear just one of their experiences.

"That would be lovely." Taylor said, nodding quickly. Leo stood to get the plate of cookies, and Oliver turned to Taylor.

"What do you want to hear?" He asked.

Taylor was blown away with Oliver's selflessness, letting her chose which story to hear. They must have thousands, and he was letting her choose.

"Can we hear about you killing Medea's dragon?" Taylor heard herself asking Kira.

She watched Kira's face light up with recognition. Kira;s mind bretrayed her sometimes, but she knew that story. Her once alert and agile mind began to blur at the edges. Memories once sharp and crystal clear were now disappearing into a fog, being erased, as if they had never happened at all. It's true what they said, time is a thief.

"Leo, dear," She called. "We are going to tell about Medea."

Leo returned with a plate of cookies, grunting as he fell back into his seat. He rubbed his back, grumbling under his breath. Kira smiled sadly, rubbing it for him.

Oliver dove into the cookies, finishing the first one in two bites.

"Medea was a bitch," Leo spoke after a few moments. Kira whacked his arm softly.

"Leo!" She chided. "No bad words in front of the children."

Leo didn't argue. "She was a bitch."

"Leo!" Kira chided again. Leo just grinned, showing he was messing with her.

"Medea was a jerk," He said. "She was a mortal that had been resurrected by Gaea."

Taylor and Oliver flinched at the name, they were taught to fear names. Leo's voice held no fear, though.

He explained Medea's past fairly quickly. "And we stumbled in, she had some sort of store in a sewer."

"Best place for a department store, I say," Kira added, taking a sliver of a cookie, and giving the other half to Leo. He took it and ate a bite.


Kira coughed roughly, and Taylor glanced down.

Kira was sick.

Taylor said nothing, taking a cookie to avoid their eyes. Leo patted his wife's back, his eyes sad.

They explained, once Kira was done coughing, how they had been under Medea's spell and fighting the golden dragons. They seemed much eagerer to finish quickly then before, but they still told the story beautifully, enough where Taylor could picture it in her head.

Their voice always caught before they said Jason or Piper's.

After they had fished the story, they gathered a bag full of food, first aid, ambrosia, and two canteens of water. It fit into a small book bag, which Leo handed to Taylor.

The four of them walked outside after everything was said and done. Festus was still flying around the house, even if there were no tethers or chains attached to him.

Leo whistled. "Festus!" He called. The dragon instantly swooped down, standing at attention. "Hey buddy," He said sadly. "You're gonna help these demigods on their quest, okay?"

"He can understand you?" Oliver asked in awe.

Leo just nodded, patting the side of the dragon's face. It's ruby eyes blinked. "They're not fireproof, Festus. No fire." Festus huffed, shooting soot all over him. "Good boy."

Leo backed up beside Kira, putting a arm around her shoulder with a tired smile. The Heroes of Olympus watched Taylor and Oliver climb up the dragon. Festus wasted no time with goodbyes, flapping his wings into the inky sky.

Taylor looked down once more to the old couple who were waving up to them before facing the horizon once more.

"Where to next, Oli?"

the plot of these heroes won't be continued. I just had to find a quest to send them on so you guys could see this cool idea I had to include them in it. Although I may have grown fond for them, whoops.

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