The Corrupted Phoenix

By Lovelyangel2677

125K 3.5K 356

Melodie Rose Potter was a girl unlike any other. The night of her parents death she was shipped of by the old... More

Diagon Alley
The Hogwarts Express and the Sorting.
Confrontation with the King
Potions and Problems
Flying and a Friend
The Professors Meeting
Two Readheads and a Hufflepuff
First year Finished
Training With The Death Angel
The Lies of a Lockhart
The Lies of a Lockhart - Part 2
Another Readhead and a Whimsical Blond
A Rival in Red

The House of Snakes

12K 340 6
By Lovelyangel2677

I was lead down to the Slytherin common room by the two fifth year prefects I new as Marcus Flint and Gemma Farley. They whispered this years first password
'actonite' and the wall opened. Walking into the common room, I immediately noticed the roaring fireplace and the emerald green sofas and armchairs. To one side of the room were a group of tables and chairs likely to be there for studying. On the other side of the room was a small bookshelf empty. As if seeing my stare the female prefect Gemma spoke loudly over the murmuring first years. "That is the Slytherin bookshelf if you have any interesting or dark books that you don't mind others reading put them there." She glanced over us as Marcus spoke up "don't think about stealing any as they are transported back to the owner at the end of the year unless said owner has trusted you to borrow the book over the summer." I smiled slightly pleased at this information I didn't want anyone stealing my books. She then let us look around the common room a bit longer before directing us to our dorm rooms. The other female students all had a pair to share their room with but I was alone. I had found my room thanks to the elegant silver cursive engraved into the dark wooden door. I pushed open the door to see a medium sized room with a queen sized bed in the centre of the back wall. The bedsheets were a plain grey and there was a silky green curtain draped around the bed. The pillows were the same dull grey as the bedsheets, that would have to be changed soon. I looked once more around the room and saw a small desk the same wood as the door it seemed. There was a small wardrobe that I assumed was magically enlarged on the inside and a door of the same wood again that led to the en suite bathroom. Walking into the bathroom, I admired the sleek design and quickly hopped into the shower to wash of. After I was done with that I headed to bed awaiting for the fun to begin tomorrow.

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Blinking slightly, I opened my eyes ready to start the day. I had another quick shower before slipping my school uniform on and brushing my hair. I looked in the mirror i had found the previous night before grabbing my satchel and my school equipment. I pushed the wooden door open and walked slowly down the stairs taking in the decorations I had been to tired to see the night before. Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I noticed that I was standing in the common room. I still had and hour until breakfast so I figured I'd do some reading near the fireplace. Sitting on a plush emerald armchair, I pulled one of my books on dark curses out of my bag. I had been sitting for about half an hour until I saw the familiar blond haired boy walking towards me. "Good morning Draco," I said not looking up from my book. "Good morning, what are you reading?" He asked sitting on the seat beside me. "A book on dark curse I acquired from a bookstore. Why?" I asked quietly looking up at him. "Just asking," he said with a small smile seemingly more comfortable with me than he was yesterday. I dwelled on it for a moment before standing abruptly and deciding it wasn't important if he trusted me now. A startled look crossed his face before his perfect pure blood mask fell into place. He got up as well motioning for the others, who had just arrived, to follow me. We briskly walked out of Slytherin house and made are way to the great hall to eat breakfast. Serving myself some food, I waited until our schedules were handed out and then set of to my first class. First was charms with Professor Flitwick the Ravenclaw head of house. I slowly walked through the door taking in my surroundings and then sat with Draco taking a place by my side. A couple of minutes later, flitwick strolled in and sat on his chair. He started his speech about the importance of charms before setting us on the task to make our feather float. I observed for a minute seeing those who could have potential and a use to me in the future. My head snapped back to reality as the professor asked if I could perform the spell. The Granger girl snorted quietly mumbling that it was impossible for anyone to get the spell before her. Stuck up know it all I thought before turning to the professor and performing the spell. "Wingardium Leviosa." Flitwick clapped his hands congratulating me for performing it correctly. I thanked him and then looked at Granger to see her going red in the face and angrily trying the spell once more. She managed to make the feather lift about an inch and looked at me in triumph as if saying 'See I am better than you!' I pointed up at my still floating feather and gleefully watched her face go red once again. She glared at me until the bell rang signalling that it was time for our next class. I got up and slowly packed my things away just waiting for Granger to approach me. Seconds later we heard angry stomping and I looked up as granger shouted "You cheated!" in my face. I gave her a deadpan stare as Draco snidely commented "What can't have someone better than you granger?" She shrieked In fury before stomping out of the classroom. Finishing my packing up, I grabbed my bag and walked with Draco, Daphne and Theo to our transfiguration classroom. We had the Gryffindor head for this, Minerva McGonagall. We sat in our seats as she called the roll call stopping at Weasleys name when he didn't answer. She gave an unimpressed glance sighing as she docked five points from Gryffindor. Finishing with the roll call, she started to explain the key points to transfiguration. Bang! Weasley crashed through the door with a sweaty and red face. "Mr Weasley," the professor called as the boy in question grimaced. "I hope you don't make being late a common occurrence," she sighed in disapproval and continued with her lecture. Soon we were set on the task of turning the matchstick into a needle and I watched with a smirk as Weasley got reprimanded by the fellow Gryffindors for making them lose points so early on in the year. My attention turned to my match as I envisioned it as a shiny pointy needle. I closed my eyes and reopened them seeing a small silver needle pointing back at me. I re-transfigured it back into a match aware of the professors eyes watching me. I thought of a more extravagant needle with a snake wrapped around it and my initials engraved in it. Again I closed my eyes and re-opened them to see a snake and my initials but only one or two detailed scales. I transfigured it back into a matchstick before taking a minute to memorise every last detail I wanted on the needle and tried again. This time, it came out exactly as I wanted as a detailed scaly snake wrapped around my needle and the initials M.R.P were engraved into the head of it. McGonagall awarded Slytherin house 20 points before asking if she could keep the needle. I complied and the bell went signalling the end of this class. I walked with Draco to the hall for dinner as we only had two classes today. Savouring the taste I slowly ate my dinner. Dinner ended and we got up walking to the common room. My insides cackled as I knew the fun was about to begin.

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