
By beep24

14.1K 469 1.5K

{Book 3 of the "I Never Knew" AU}{Completed!} █▓▒­░⡷⠂"I'M ДDDICΓΞD ΓФ УФЦ; DФИ'Γ УФЦ ҜИФЩ ΓHДΓ УФЦ'ЯΞ ΓФЖIC?"... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 15

706 25 121
By beep24

***Is it just me, or is Paul Anka either smoldering or smiling seductively in all his photos? LOL

Here's your last chapter! The epilogue will be coming soon...***

***(Lloyd's POV)***

"Lloyd? Lloooooooooyd? Ninjago to Lloyd Garmadon, this is your best friend speaking. Open your eyes and see your glorious, grandma-dressing teammate."

I moan, just cracking my eyes open. "N-Nya?"

"And he's back!" she exclaims, beaming. "Jay, before you threaten to dogpile him again, you keep your butt in your chair. Lloyd's in bad shape, and quite frankly, so are you. Do you need more pain medicine?"

I look around the room to see the entire team. Well, minus Kai and Skylor. Is Skylor even part of the team? Nah. She just helps us out sometimes. So I guess just Kai is gone.

"Did you guys find my dad?" I force out, feeling thirsty.

Nya grabs a Styrofoam cup of water and presses it to my lips. "This has my germs on it, but it's still water. You're welcome."

I push the glass away after a long drink. "My father?"

"They found him," she reassures me, her face serious. "He's in police custody right now, and Kai and Skylor are watching him."

That explains a lot.

"It's only been a few hours since you passed out," she continues. "You're a little busted up, but just fine." Her eyes narrow, and she steps back. "Jay, get back down in your seat!" She pushes him down. "You shouldn't even be here. Golly, am I going to have to sit on you, just to make sure you don't get up?"

Cole clears his throat. "Stop encouraging him, Nya." He turns to me. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired. A little pained, but I'm fine."

Nya wrestles Jay down into a chair. "Just so you know, Lloyd, I called your girlfriend once I finally located her number. I may not like her, but you did ask for her, so..."

"Rumi," I smile. "Okay. Is she coming?"

"You bet. She was glad to hear you're all right. I had to fib about what happened to you, though. I said you got into a fight with one of those pervs from school."

"What pervs from school?" Jay moans, holding his mouth.

Nya rubs his neck. "Cole, get his pain meds out of my backpack, would you? And Jay...well, whatever. You're bound to learn about it at some point." She sighs. "Who wants to tell the story?"

Cole chuckles. "Nya and I beat up two dudes who propositioned her at school."

Jay's eyes widen. "They...w-what?"

"Yeah, I know." She shakes her head. "Losers."

"My mom would've called them super rats," he mumbles. "I'm really sorry that happened to you, Nya."

Cole coughs. "There may be more to the story."

"In fact, there is," Zane puts in. "The two so-called 'super rats' – I assume that term is a reference to the 1961 Breakfast at Tiffany's film – propositioned Nya in the first place because inappropriate photos of her in her underwear were apparently captured. Said photos were then printed out as posters and taped around the school cafeteria, and now they have inundated social media – "

"No," Jay gasps. "No. You...did they touch you? I'm so sorry, Nya!" His eyes brim with tears.

Nya awkwardly pats his back. "It's okay, Jay. Zane was a little harsh with that, wasn't he? But it's not so bad, in light of everything that's happened today. I mean, we're all still alive, so that's good. And Kai and Zane and the police are working on getting those pictures taken down."

"But that's so invasive! And mean!"

"Yeah, but there's not much we can do about it anymore," she sighs. "Please don't cry, Jay. That just makes me overthink things. Let's focus on something else, like...you taking your medicine." She grabs it from Cole, then hands two pills to Jay. "You can have some of the water Lloyd and I shared. Drink from the communal cup." She holds out the glass.

"I don't like this, Nya," Jay argues. "You're not going back to school, right?"

"Heck, no. Not until this whole situation dies down. Now, take your stupid pills."

"I – "

"Take the pills!" she orders. "Cole, can you drive Jay home? He's not taking care of himself."

Cole rises. "I've got this."

"I don't want to leave you," Jay complains. "Not if guys think they can just invite you to...you know!"

"Thanks, but I can take care of myself, Jay." She rolls her eyes. "Go back to the monastery and get some rest, okay? It's probably good I'm staying home from school. Somebody is going to have to make sure you don't end up back in the hospital."

"I'm not going to end up back in the hospital, I just want to protect you!"

She waves him off. "Goodbye, Jay. I'll be fine here with Lloyd and Zane. You'd better learn to get along with me, or it's going to be a long week for both of us."

He frowns. "But I do get along with you. That's not the point, Nya! We get along great, if you don't recall!"

"We get along great?" she laughs humorlessly. "Stop mothering me, then!"

"I'm not trying to, but you won't let me – "

Cole slaps a hand over Jay's mouth, and Nya stomps her foot.

"You nincompoop!" she growls. "You don't hit somebody in the face when they just had their tonsils removed!" She marches over to Jay, gently touching his face. "Are you okay?"

"I..." He blushes.

"What a mood swing!" Cole scoffs. "I was trying to get you two to stop arguing!"

Nya kicks his shin.

"Ow!" Cole yells. "How easily you forget that I actually fainted from exhaustion earlier!"

"For two minutes!" she bites out. "Now, scram. And Jay, if he dares lay a hand on you, you tell me, and I will put fire ants in – "

"Leaving now," Cole announces, dragging Jay out.

As soon as the door shuts, Nya spins around with a serious expression. "Lloyd...they're talking about banishing your father to another realm."

I feel all color drain from my face. "To...another realm?"

She nods solemnly, coming to take my hand. "I'm sorry, bud."

I sigh. "Thanks for telling me. I..." Don't know how to process this.

I don't remember much of my dad before he left me and my mom, but I recall building blocks with him and watching Barney – that one kid's show with the purple dinosaur.

But he was also messed up. He and my mom met at a high school party. Lots of drinking, drugs, and...let's just say those events were how she got pregnant with me when she was sixteen.

Nya fingers the bandage at my head. "Wanna play Monastery Mayhem on my phone?"

I groan. "I forgot about you losing my phone. Dude, I've ruined my ride and my phone in less than a week. My mom's going to kill me."

***Music Cue***

The door bursts open, and a whirlwind of blonde and excitement rushes toward me. "Lloyd!"

I smile at her enthusiasm. "Hey, Rumi." I hold out my arms for a hug, releasing Nya's hand.

"I was so worried when Nya called me," Harumi coos, "but you're okay!" She gives me a soft hug. "You are okay, right?"

"Doing great. A lot better, since you got here."

My eyes drift to my best friend. She stands stoically, her arms crossed.

"I'm going to get out of here," she states. "I didn't have dinner. Zane, would you like to come?"

"It would be most prudent, given that there's safety in numbers. We cannot discount Jay's concerns about – "

"Whatever." She stalks out of the room. "Have fun, Lloyd. I'll be back in an hour."

Zane stands. "Don't worry, Lloyd. I will accompany her."

"Thanks, Zane," I smile softly, looking back at Harumi. She's playing with my hair.

When they're gone, she sighs happily and sits down in Nya's chair. "You are one hot number, Lloyd."

"Thank you," I blush. "Rumi...I need to tell you something."

"Ooh, serious Lloyd. It gives you that dark and mysterious look." She rests her chin in her hands, leaning against my bed. "What would you like to tell me?"

I grasp her fingers, studying them. "Rumi...I mentioned I had a twisted past. You know, when we were talking the other night."

"Mm-hmm. What about it?"

"I don't know how to break this to you, but..." I swallow. "Lord Garmadon is my father."

I look up, gauging her expression. To my surprise, it has a depth I've never seen before. She seems to really regard me.

Shouldn't she be laughing hysterically? Or repulsed? Why doesn't she look surprised?

"What do you think?" I force a smile. "Still want to be with me?"

She messes with a lock of my hair.

Finally, she whispers, "I think you trust people too quickly."

"What does that mean?" I frown.

She shakes her head, snapping out of her funk. "Um, nothing. I just...I never would've guessed. You're so good, and he's a dark lord."

"Do you think any differently of me?"

That gets a real, if small, grin out of her. "Why would I?"

"Because I'm probably destined to follow in his footsteps," I admit.

She wrinkles her nose. "And why would you say that?"

"Because it's true. Have you ever heard of the Destiny Writers?"

"Yeah, but you don't actually think they exist, do you?"

"I wonder sometimes. And I'm terrified I'm someday going to be evil like my father, and I won't be able to stop it."

She giggles. "You're so cute, Lloyd. You will never be evil."

"How do you know?"

She looks at the ceiling. "I just do."

"Then...do you still wanna be together?"

"I thought you were going to wait until things were better with Nya."

"I was, but then I realized my life is never going to be normal, and I just need to accept that and move on." I sigh. "What do you think?"

She rubs noses with me. "I think it's going to be hard to wear a suit when you have a broken arm at my dad's charity event on Sunday."

"So...you want to date me?"

"More than anything in the world. Does this mean I finally get to kiss you?"

I smile. "I think that's a - "

She stops me as her lips meet mine, and my body goes on high alert. My mind, on the other hand? It just fades to happy haziness.

I wrap my good arm around her, pulling her closer. Her lips passionately pull me into feelings I've never before experienced.

But before things can get too heated, I pull back, just breathing.

"Mmmmmmm," Rumi grins. "I knew you would be yummy."

***(Harumi's POV)***

It's going to be a late night.

It took me long enough to get my not-parents to let me out to visit Lloyd, but now Ultraviolet wants to see me. Not that I was able to use my cell phone to figure that out – it's kaput – but she somehow knew I was at the hospital and put in a call for me there.

I guess the police were able to catch Garmadon, but not her.

The bell rings on the door above me as I walk into the quiet boba tea joint. I scan the tables until I see a girl in a gray cloak.


I walk over to join her. "What did you want?"

She sighs, clearly annoyed. "Lord Garmadon thinks you're something special. He wants to speak with you."

"He's being guarded by the ninja," I remind her. "I won't be able to get anywhere near him without things looking suspicious."

"That's why you're going to meet him before his court date in two weeks. He knows that if he doesn't escape, he'll be banished. There's no way they're letting him off."

"Two weeks? Why in Ninjago did you ask me to meet tonight, then? Do you know how much trouble I could get in?"

She slides over a sheet of paper nonchalantly. "He told me to give this to you. Apparently, someone else knows what your parents' last wish was."

I frown, looking down at the notecard.

Then I blanch.

It's the cell number for my dad's best friend. Former best friend?

"I...need to make a call," I mumble, rising.

"Just a moment," Ultraviolet hisses. "Sit back down."

I reluctantly do as she says.

"Garmadon thinks you're so special," she spits.

I feel myself straighten at the thought that someone so great as Garmadon takes pride in me.

"He was really impressed by how you took charge with the ninja today," she goes on. "And that's why he suggested I promote you to leadership for the Sons of Garmadon."

I blink. "Um..."

Isn't this the very group I was thinking of quitting earlier? I just want to be with Lloyd, someone I can trust. And I have a feeling me doing shady stuff would be a dealbreaker for our relationship.

But I like leadership.

I finger the paper in my hands. "I'll think about it."

Ultraviolet raises her eyebrows. "You'll...think about it?"

I nod curtly. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go make a call."

She scoffs, speechless, as I get up and cross the room to the payphone.

I slip in some change and dial the number Garmadon gave me.

The line rings.

Then it patches through.

"This is Detective Simon with the Jamanakai Village Police Force. How may I help you?"

I swallow. "I don't have long before I run out of time on this phone, so I need you to hear me out."

He pauses. "Is this an emergency, ma'am?"

"Not...the way you're thinking. Listen, it's Harumi."


"The daughter of your old best friend? My parents were ruthlessly murdered by a half-snake man?"

The line crackles, and his voice comes out hushed. "You know you're not supposed to be in contact with me, right? For your protection?"

I roll my eyes. The police force never caught Slitheraa, and that's why I went into foster care in Ninjago City rather than my hometown. It was supposed to be for my safety.


"I know I'm not supposed to call you," I answer him, "but I need you to tell me something, Simon. You know what my parents' last wishes for me were, don't you?"

"Harumi, I really think we should talk about this sometime – "

"Just tell me," I beg.

The line crackles. "Fine, but you're putting yourself in danger. Your dad – when we found him, and he was dying in his office – he told me that he wanted you to make something of yourself, whatever that looked like."

I clench my eyes shut against tears. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Because your dad got it wrong," he sighs. "He loved you, Rumi, but he didn't realize that you'd already made something of yourself. You didn't need to go on some impossible quest to prove yourself – and knowing you, that's exactly what you would've done."

"Don't you dare act like you know better than him," I growl, hanging up the phone.

I look back over at Ultraviolet.

Lloyd means so much to me, but...my dad...

I inhale deeply, knowing what I have to do.

I won't let myself love Lloyd or Chamille or my not-brother or anyone else. My real family had one request: That I make something of myself. Well, I've found something I'm really good at.

I try not to cry as I saunter over to Ultraviolet. I slip on the mask of a neutral expression.

She raises her eyebrows at me. "Well?"

"I'll take your offer," I say boldly. "I'll join in helping you lead the Sons of Garmadon."

***And one epilogue left, coming tonight!***

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