The Alternative (Hux x Reader)

By themariahonline

31.2K 986 500

WARNING - There is smut in this fic. Lots of it. Also violence and some kinky stuff. If you are not into that... More

The Map
The Pilot
The Trooper
The Stowaway
The Force
The Offer
The Girl
The Supreme Leader
The Base
The Med Bay
The Agreement
The Resistance
The Choice
The Broken Promise
The Reunion
The Traitor
The Escape
The Confrontation
The Rebellion
The Final Battle
The Wars End
The New, New Republic

The Shower

1.7K 55 22
By themariahonline

Warning - Torture, Starvation, Isolation.


It had been over 72 hours since you'd seen another person. You knew there were guards standing outside your cell doors as per usual but no one ever came in. You had been released from the restraints on the first day and given a bucket which a trooper informed you rather crassly was left in here in place of bathroom privileges. Then he stormed out leaving you all alone.

After 40ish hours passed you started screaming, begging and crying for someone to bring you food. You beat your fist on the doors, kicked the walls, trying to get someone's attention. Eventually you just got too hungry to expend the energy. You knew they could hear you, you could feel their irritation when you reached out with the force.

Although around the middle of day three you stopped feeling the guards emotions, you figure you were too weak. You were laying on your side on the cold metal floor now. The nausea was overwhelming and anytime you tried to get up the room would spin and your vision would blur.

You assumed you looked awful and frankly pathetic. A messy heap on the floor, tangled hair, dirty ripped clothes, tear streaked face. You closed your eyes and your mind began to drift. You saw flashes of red hair and leather clad hands.

Your eyes flew open and you shakily exhaled pressing your forehead to the cold floor. Lately anytime you closed your eyes those pictures played like a movie on your eyelids. Hux's thoughts. But you also saw his face, the look of fear and need in his eyes when he had yanked you from his mind.

You flung your arm out with a groan rolling onto your back. You blinked up at the awful fluorescent lights. Why can't I get him out of my brain? Your head lazily flopped to the side your eyes stinging from the brightness of the lights. You caught a faint whiff of b.o. and brought your arms down to your sides.

You would kill for a shower. Maybe if you scrubbed hard enough you could clean Hux's touch from your memory. You were so lost in thought you didn't even hear the doors open.

"Having a nice stay scum?" His voice made all the hairs on your body stand at attention but it also cause your knees to quiver ever so slightly. Although you were too busy trying to convince yourself that it was malnutrition that was making you shake.

"Have you lost the ability to speak over the past few days?" Hux strode towards you his long legs closing the distance rather quickly and then you were making eye contact. He loomed over you, you knew he was tall but from the floor he looked even taller.

You propped yourself up on your elbows hoping that the look you were giving him was coming across as tough and intimidating as you intended it to. "Not that I mind, you're much more tolerable when you're quiet." He smirked at you the left corner of his thin pink lips rising slightly higher than the right. Hot. You shook your head probably looking absolutely insane.

No! No! No Y/N! Get your shit together. "Sorry to disappoint pervert, I'm not mute." You pushed yourself up onto your hands exhaling slightly with the effort. Your head to the right side cheek rest against your shoulder. Too tired for your neck to support it's weight.

Hux crouched down to your level meeting your eyes. "A shame really." He reached out a leather gloved had pushing your hair back out of your face. His other forearm casually resting on top of his thigh. The gesture made your heart pound in your chest and your stomach flutter.

There was a long stretch of silence while you just stared at each other. You felt like his eyes were burning holes through you, slowly he looked away his eyes travelling down your body.

You shivered, for the first time in days you could feel the force drawing his feelings out and into your brain. Fear, Anger, Lust.

Hux grabbed your bicep and in one motion stood pulling you to your feet with him. You wobbled, head spinning from the sudden movement. You could feel your stomach tighten uncomfortably but you knew you had nothing to throw up.

"Come we need to clean you up before you meet with the Supreme Leader." Hux said calmly pulling you towards the doors. "Wait, I still haven't agreed to join you." You were too weak to struggle but you managed to force the words out.

He stopped abruptly causing you to slam into his side. He glared down at you his eyes narrowing to slits. "You don't have a choice, you will join the First Order and you will train with the Supreme Leader." He spoke quietly but there was a slight tremor of anger in his voice which made you a little scared.

"You have nothing left, the pilot you came to save is dead and soon your rebel friends will join him. They aren't stupid enough to come save you, you've been abandoned." You tried to shake your head but your mind was spinning out of control. Is he right? I mean he is isn't he? They won't risk losing the amount of troops it would take to get me out of here. I might be a good soldier but I'm just that.

He took your silence as resignation and pulled you through the cell doors, you couldn't stop the thoughts from coming as he forced you down corridors and around corners. Does the Resistance even know I'm here? I didn't get a message to anyone about my plan and I disobeyed my orders to stay put. They probably thought I was dead.

No one's coming for me. The thought slammed into you like a freighter causing you to stagger forward towards to floor. Hux pivoted in front of you catching your body as you slammed into his chest.

He studied your face closely, you could've swore a nervous look slipped past his steely facade for just a brief moment.

"Come we are here." You looked to your right, you were standing in front of a pair of doors that looked like they probably went to living quarters. Hux tapped a series of numbers into a pad next to the doors and they slid open with a mechanical hiss.

He pulled you inside more gently than before, he walked you over to a surprisingly soft couch pushing your shoulders to make you sit. You looked around the living space, there was the soft beige couch you were sitting on a wood coffee table and a brown leather armchair. You shifted slightly looking behind you into a small kitchen where Hux was standing staring into the open fridge.

To your right were another set of doors that you could only assume went to a bedroom and probably a refresher. Shower. You remembered the thoughts of murdering in order to bathe. Your nose had other ideas though, it was focused on something that smelled amazing.

Hux appeared before you the same stern look on his face as always but you were too focused on the bowl in his hands. He set it down on the coffee table in front of you. "Drink this."

You didn't even look up at him as you reached for the bowl. It was warm in your hands and the first sip was almost heavenly. As you swallowed you could feel warmth spreading through your body. You hadn't realized you were gulping the broth down with inhuman speed until Hux's hand was suddenly covering the bowl.

You let out a groan looking up to meet his eyes. He had his brow furrowed a frown distorting his mouth. "Slow down. I don't want you throwing up on my couch."

You took a deep breath in letting it out from your nose. You knew he was right so you took a second to pause begrudgingly staring at him until he finally removed his hand with a sigh. You started sipping the broth again, more slowly this time. Your eyes followed him as he disappeared through the doors to your right leaving them open as he went.

You could see another door the left and what looked to be a closet next to it. A king sized bed sat in the middle of the room. There was a fluffy red duvet neatly placed on top of it as well as four soft looking pillows covers in black cases. Two simple wooden nightstands, one on each side of the bed were the only other furniture you could see from where you were sitting.

Hux had slid through the other door while you'd been gawking. Your ears perked up as heard the muffled sounds of running water. Was Hux in the shower? You couldn't stop yourself as images of water streaming down his chest, his back. You imagined your hands running over his-

AH STOP! You choked slightly on the broth in your mouth coughing and sputtering. Hux must've heard you because he quickly emerged from the bathroom eyes fixating on your face as he crossed the room towards you.

He walked so confidently, his shoulder back, his steps sure. In combination with his eyes locked on you the look on his face stern and serious. You pressed your knees together hoping to contain the heat building between your legs.

He snatched the now empty bowl from your fingers and set it on the table before grabbing your arm again and pulling you to your feet. You looked at him raising a brow as he dragged you towards the refresher.

Once you were both inside the door closed behind you. Your back was pressed against his chest you felt it reverberate slightly when he spoke "Take of your clothes."

Your head whipped around to look at him. "What? No!"

He stood there looking at you the same unreadable expression on his face. "I won't ask again, we don't have time for your silly games."

He reached past you to open the glass shower door, you felt the mist from the water on the back of your neck. You wanted nothing more than to rip your clothes off and stand under that steady stream of warm water. But there was no way you were getting naked in front of this guy!

You maintained eye contact as Hux loomed over you a frown forming on his face. He let out a huff of frustration and grabbed your shoulders pushing you backwards into the shower until your back hit the tiled wall.

Water soaked your hair and clothes. You gasped at the sudden sensation slumping forward until the top of your head hit Hux's chest, his grip sliding down to your upper arms to support you.

"Do you still insist on being clothed?" His voice echoed slightly in the small space. You straightened looking up at him for a moment. He wasn't standing directly in the stream coming from the shower head but it was hitting him just at his waist causing his pants to stick to him in a way that was so sexy it should be illegal.

You could see the outline of his legs as your eyes skimmed down his body. On their trip back up you couldn't help but notice the longer he stood there the more his pants were clinging, accentuating a certain... area.

Oh. My. Stars. It's big. Hux cleared his throat, and you quickly looked away staring at the shower wall next to you. You hastily turned around pulling the zipper of your jumpsuit down. You had to struggle a bit to free your arms because the fabric was clinging to your skin.

Hux's eyes were searing your skin as they ate up every inch that you exposed. After a minute you stood in your bra and panties hesitating. "Don't flatter yourself, I have no interest in what's under those filthy rags." Hux's voice came out more strained than he wanted.

You quickly shed the last of your garments your arms crossing over your chest attempting to cover at least some part of you. Hux stepped towards you positioning himself more into the water. You could feel his chest against your back. He reached passed you towards a shelf in the corner to your right grabbing a bottle.

You heard the click of the cap opening and then heard him set the bottle on the shower floor next to him. You felt his hands glide across your shoulders the soap cool on your skin. You shudder letting out a shaky breath.

You let your head fall back against his chest looking up at him. His eyes were serious but you could see them trembling slightly. His pink lips were parted slightly and his breathing was heavy. He locked eyes with you as he continued to slide his hands across your body. The dirt and grime slipping down the drain as he went.

When the suds were gone he reached for another bottle, his face coming within centimetres of yours as he leaned forward. If I just lean a little further... Hux straightened up again shattering the thought as he went.

He pushed your head up gently making you look at the shower wall again. His fingers ran through your hair softly, shifting to avoid the knots. You felt the shampoo plop onto the top of your head followed by both of his big hands working it into your scalp.

After a minute of massaging he guided your head back into the stream rinsing the lather from your hair. You couldn't believe how gentle and sweet the whole ordeal was, despite the slight frown plastered on the Generals face.

Maybe he's not so bad... You closed your eyes enjoying the feeling of his hands and the warm water.

After another few minutes the water stopped and you opened your eyes. Hux maneuvered you to face him locking eyes with you again for a while you both just stood in the steam, staring at each other. Eventually he spun around opening the shower door and stepping out, he reached into an alcove the the left and turned back with a fluffy white towel in hand.

He passed it to you wordlessly, his eyes skimming down your body. You didn't need the force to know what he was feeling. He wanted you and despite the fact you knew it was wrong you wanted him too.

But much to your disappointment he turned again walking out of the refresher. "Stay here. Don't move." The composure was back in his voice.

The towel was soft and felt nice against your skin, it was amazing to feel clean for the first time well over a week. You rubbed your head drying your hair as best as you could. That's when Hux emerged from the bedroom holding pile of what you assumed was clothes.

You realized he had changed and cursed silently for missing the opportunity to see what was under there, you wanted to see if your imagination lived up to the real thing.

He handed you a plain black shirt with long sleeves that looked way too big and a pair of sweatpants with a drawstring you would most definitely need to use.

"You have 10 minutes to make yourself presentable, then we are going to see the Supreme Leader." Hux's voice was calm and level as he gave you a stern look before leaving the refresher.

Shit. Shit. Shit. How did you forget what the hell was happening. Hux and his stupid hot hands and steamy gazes distracted you.

You hadn't agreed to join the First Order. You were a rebel from birth and you couldn't betray General Organa and the Resistance. But maybe you could use this as an opportunity to get some big information back to the base.

You knew you needed to comply to survive, but the idea of meeting Snoke scared the shit out of you. Not to mention Kylo Ren had to be skulking around this place somewhere, which was doubly worrying.

Hurriedly you yanked the shirt over your head, the sleeves were a good 6 inches too long so you rolled them up to your elbows. You pulled the sweatpants on tying the strings tightly. Since you had no choice but to go commando you sure as hell weren't going to risk them falling down. For good measure you tucked the shirt into your pants. It was long enough that if for some bloody reason you lost your drawers your dignity might be saved.

You looked around the counter finding a brush to tackle the knots in your hair, thankfully your outfit was simple so you could spend the time making your hair look decent considering you had nothing to tie it up with.

You took one last look in the mirror and breathed deeply steadying yourself before spinning towards the door and walking out into the bedroom. You glanced to your right to find Hux standing by the main doors waiting for you.

"One rule, do not speak. I will do all the talking. Also try not to think about betraying me or the First Order the Supreme Leader can read your thoughts." He pressed the pad next to the doors and they slowly glide open. "Let's go." You nodded and started following behind them surely towards your doom.

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