spencer reid & matthew gray g...

由 stylespencer

178K 2K 1.5K

one shots of spencer reid and matthew gray gubler all imagines will be in (y/n) format i am also still not su... 更多

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4.4K 44 10
由 stylespencer

The one where y/n looks back at memories of her pregnancy while watching her son and her husband


y/n heard a giggle from the kitchen as she was making her and her husband's bed. She walked into the kitchen to see what was happening once she finished cleaning up the bedroom. When y/n walked into the kitchen, she saw her husband, Spencer, and their son, Jason Morgan Reid, doing work together on their kitchen table. Spencer was working on files from his work and the young boy was coloring in his new paw patrol coloring book. Jason was now three and beginning to explore his creative outlets.

y/n saw Spencer teach Jason how to hold his crayon. She watched the pair interact from a distance. She felt beyond happy that her two favorite people were so well bonded. y/n knew Spencer was worried about his relationship with their kids due how much time his job takes up.

Four years earlier

Spencer walked into the house after a long day of work to find y/n on the couch. y/n had recently put up temporary resignation from the BAU after an accident that left y/n at the hands on an unsub for two weeks. Today, however, was different. y/n wasn't her perky self. She wasn't waiting for Spencer at the door, or making him a nice home cooked dinner. She was sitting on the couch looking almost lifeless. y/n had taken a pregnancy test earlier in the day, a positive pregnancy test. The pair had only been married less than six months and had yet to talk about children. Of course they knew that pregnancy could always happen if they were having sex, but y/n thought wearing condoms and being on the pill was enough.

"y/n sweetie, is something wrong?" Spencer asked worriedly. He didn't know what to expect, was she going to divorce him? Had he done something wrong?

y/n was worried for the same reason. She thought that having a child would ruin his career, ruin his life. She couldn't run from the problem, but she wasn't going to have an abortion. She could just leave Spencer without any notice, but she knows all he's been through and knows he's had a troubled life. She didn't know how to say it, so she said nothing, but as Spencer sat down next to her on the couch, she burst into tears. Spencer grabbed onto her and held her like he always did when she cried. He could barely hear what the sobbing girl was saying.

"Honey, I don't know what you're saying," Spencer calmly said. "You're worrying me, what's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant Spence," y/n said in between choked sobs. Spencer realized why she had been upset. they had never talked about children, even though it was obvious they both wanted them.

"Shhh, baby this is great news," Spencer responded softly. "We're going to be parents. We're going to have a baby. Holy shit, I'm going to be a dad." y/n laughed at her husband's excitement.

"Why were you scared to tell me?" Spencer asked. Even though he knew the answer, he wanted to hear y/n's explanation.

"Well first of all, We've never even talked in a serious discussion about having children Spence," y/n said. "And second, I didn't even know if you wanted them now. I mean you're thriving at your job. Adding a baby to the mix would just make your job harder on you. I just want to make you happy Spence." That was it, Spencer in that moment realized that y/n was scared that the baby would make him want to leave. He knew about the whole job part of the nervousness, but he was surprised to find out she was worried that he wouldn't be happy.

"You have nothing to be worried about," Spencer whispered to y/n. "Right now I am officially the happiest man alive. I have the world's hottest wife, and now we are going to have a baby. a real human baby. a baby genius."

"A baby genius," y/n giggled. For the rest of the night, y/n and Spencer talked about the baby. they talked names, colors, books, decorations, how they were going to tell the team.

y/n remembers the day she told Spencer she was pregnant vividly. It was the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. one where they started a family. y/n also remembers the day they told the BAU, her closest friends.

Three years and six months ago

y/n and Spencer decided to have everyone over for dinner to tell them their big news. The team had no idea that they were having a baby, not even Garcia who definitely had been looking through every nook and cranny of their life. They knew the team wouldn't expect this news, especially because Derek still believes the couple just started having sex.

At 6:30 on the dot, y/n hears her front door open. The entire team had followed Spencer home from the BAU, so they would all get to the apartment together. y/n was in the kitchen in the upstairs of the apartment setting up dinner.

"Where's my best friend?" y/n hears Penelope yell from the front hall.

"I'm upstairs Pen," y/n yells back. As soon as she says the words, the girls run up to the kitchen. Garcia is the first one to give her a large hug whispering how much she missed her best friend into my ear.

"Oh my gosh, it's been forever," JJ said, giving y/n a hug. "We really miss you at the BAU sis." y/n loved her and JJ's close bond. JJ had always seen y/n as a sister, especially when times were rough.

"Well I'll be back sooner or later," y/n said nervously. "I'll just stick to out of field jobs." The girls didn't take any notice of the disregard to being in the field. They all assumed it was due to the traumatic accident that had happened a month prior.

"You know y/n, since you have a minor in computer sciences, couldn't you technically help Garcia?" Emily asked, giving her a side hug.

"Technically I could," y/n said, making Garcia gasp. "But I would much rather just give my input on profiling aspects of the case from the bat cave. I'm not super tech savvy anymore, maybe when I was 21, but definitely not now." Garcia frowned at the comment, obviously hopeful to get an assistant to lose some of the pressure from Hotch.

As they continued talking, the boys walked into the kitchen, "Ah, y/n, did you so kindly order us non-homemade, non-Italian pizza?" y/n heard Rossi ask. She said yes and laughed as she gave him a hug. He had always been a father figure to the young girl ever since she joined the BAU three years ago.

"I do have to say y/l/n, it is a lot different not having you out on the field," Hotch said honestly. "It's a lot harder to solve cases when we only have one doctor out on the field." y/n gave Hotch a hug as she saw a small smile from him.

"Yeah Pretty Girl, it's also harder to find someone to calm Pretty Boy down," Derek joked, making the team laugh. "Nah, I'm serious though, you really are the best at calming down the kid and keeping him sane." y/n laughed and gave him a hug.

"Well I guess that's why we're married," Spencer said sarcastically. They all laugh and head to the table ready to eat some nice take out and drink wine. Well, they'll all drink wine besides y/n, of course. The group talks about their married lives and about y/n being a stay at home wife.

"Staying at home is fine," y/n said. "It gives me more time to clean the house, make meals, and organize all of our books." The team laughed as Spencer glared at his wife for making a remark about his book collection.

"y/n I happened to notice you don't have a glass of wine," Emily said. "Let me pour you one."

"That won't be necessary Em," y/n said smiling. Spencer looked at her excitedly.

"Wh-, why?" Garcia asked. "You never turn down a glass of alcohol."

"Wait, holy shit," JJ said as she looked at y/n and Spencer intently. "y/n are you pregnant?"

"Yes," y/n said with a big smile. She was barely able to say anything else when she was bombarded with a hug from Garcia.

"Congratulations y/n," Hotch said, smiling at the happy girl. "Now if you end up coming back, we can definitely use your help with Garcia from the office." The rest of the team gave the soon to be parents hugs.

"Well pretty boy I have to say, I did not know you had this in you," Derek said to Spencer.

Spencer gave Derek a glare, "Actually Derek, y/n and I have been having steaming hot sex for about what is it, two and a half years now." The team looked shocked. y/n and Spencer had not told the team that they hooked up for almost a year before they started officially dating.

"Wait, so you mean to tell me that you guys were hooking up before you got married?" Derek joked. The entire group of people laughed at the statement.

"I'm glad you were able to keep the secret relationship apart from work," Hotch said. "But I do have to say, there were definitely moments looking back that it makes much more sense if you guys were together." the team nodded in agreement.


y/n loved the way the team supported their relationship then and she loves the way they support their little family now. Jason, Hank, and Micheal are now 'the three amigos' as Garcia likes to call them. Since y/n and Spencer are now only spending half their time working on cases, they are able to watch all the kids and spend more time with their own. y/n and Spencer decided a few months ago that it would be best for both of them to be half-time professors and half-time agents.

y/n looked around the room she was in and saw the picture of her, JJ, Penelope, and Emily. y/n was in the middle while the girls pointed to y/n's shirt which said "it's a boy." The day Spencer and y/n found out their baby was going to be a boy was one of the best days during the pregnancy.

Three years and four months ago

"y/n I think this baby is going to be a girl," Spencer said, sounding disappointed. y/n and Spencer were headed to the hospital for their five month scan. The one where you find out the gender and, as Spencer likes to note, you can also find out if there are any deformities on the baby.

"Spence you sound upset about having a girl," y/n told him, upset Spencer was being so negative.

"I'm not upset, I'm obviously going to be happy with either gender, but I really want a boy."

"Spence, honey, I have told you thousands of times that it is okay to want a boy," y/n exclaimed. "Even if it's not what you think you're going to get, it's okay to want it. Also, it's not like you're going to just abandon it if it is a girl." Spencer nodded and sat quietly while driving.

The couple parked and went into the hospital before getting called to their appointment, "Dr. and Dr. Reid." They rushed back to their room and y/n sat in the examination chair. Their ob/gyn walked into the room.

"Okay so y/n it seems that you are five months along," the doctor said as she sat in her chair and turned on the monitor. y/n nodded. "Well you most likely know that at this scan I can tell you the gender," y/n nodded. "Okay so I am going to put the gel on, sorry it's going to cold," y/n tensed up at the feeling. Spencer gave y/n's hand a quick squeeze and kiss.

"The baby looks very healthy y/n," the doctor said smiling. "I would have to say though this is definitely going to be a smaller baby." y/n gave a small chuckle, she was quite surprised at the fact the baby would be small because she felt like a whale.

"Would you guys like to know the gender?" the doctor asked. y/n and Spencer said yes at the same time, anxious to find out the gender of their baby.

"Well it looks like you are going to be parents to a healthy, but tiny, baby boy," the doctor said. y/n teared up looking at Spencer who was gleaming with joy.

"No way," Spencer said, looking in between y/n's baby bump and the screen that showed the child. The doctor left to give y/n and Spencer some privacy. As soon as the doctor left, Spencer stood up and passionately kissed y/n while placing a hand to her stomach. They both had tears in their eyes.

Spencer placed his hands on his crying wife's face, "I love you so damn much."

"I love you more," y/n said softly.

"And I definitely love you my little man," Spencer said looking at y/n's baby bump. y/n placed her hand over Spencer's, overjoyed at the feeling of having a boy.

When they told the team the gender, they were all beyond excited. Penelope gave y/n a huge hug, which scared Spencer half to death. JJ and Emily also gave y/n hugs, they were just more gentle. Rossi gave y/n a hug as he cried, the young girl he saw as his daughter was having a baby. Derek gave Spencer a hug and they talked about how their sons would be best friends. Hotch came over to y/n after the chaos ended.

"Congratulations y/n," Hotch said smiling. "Ever since you started babysitting Jack after Haley died, I knew you would make an amazing mother."

y/n started to tear up at Hotch's comments, "You know right about now I would start saying that my hormones are acting up, but I don't think they are. Arron, thank you for everything. You're the best Unit Chief I could have ever had."

Hotch smiled and gave y/n a hug, "That's what family is for y/n."


y/n remembers the constant fear she had throughout her pregnancy when Spencer would go into the field. She was scared that Spencer wouldn't make it out and their son would grow up without his father. Half way through her pregnancy she decided to rejoin the team. Spencer obviously was against this choice, but decided to support his wife.

Because both y/n and Spencer were a part of the team, Hotch thought it would be best that y/n came on the trips. However, y/n was not allowed to go into the field. Once her pregnancy was far enough along, she was ordered by hotch and her doctor to stay in the bat cave with Garcia. y/n remembers when she went into labor in the bat cave while Spencer was in d.c. for a case.

Three years ago

"Spencer, I'll be fine," y/n told Spencer to try and calm him down. "I have three weeks until the due date and this baby is not coming out early."

"Penelope, if anything happens you have to tell me," Spencer frantically told his friend. "If she starts having even the slightest contractions, you need to call me immediately."

Garcia nodded, "Reid this is like the tenth time you've told me this. We will be fine and I will call you in case anything happens."

Two days of being on the case and nothing had happened. Luckily Spencer was to come home in two days and spend time with y/n after long days, but he still gets worried during the days. However, when day three hit, things started changing. Spencer had to leave early in the morning, so he didn't get to have his normal conversation with y/n over breakfast. She had been getting cramps in my stomach all morning, but believed they were just braxton hicks. The baby would be early if they were real, which is not what y/n wanted.

"Oh y/n, are you okay?" Garcia asked.

y/n nodded, "Yeah Pen, I'm good. Just braxton hicks that's all." Garcia however, was not convinced. As Spencer had said, Penelope started timing y/n's 'braxton hicks.' Halfway through the day, Garcia realized y/n's 'braxton hicks' were officially eight minutes apart. They were no longer braxton hicks. Garcia looked at y/n who was already looking at her. They both knew.

"Penny, this can't be happening, it's too early," y/n cried to her friend.

"I know it's not what you want y/n, but it is what is happening," Garcia said, struggling to pull y/n out of the chair she had been sitting in all day. "I need to get you into the car and call Spencer and the team, so if you could at least try to stand, that would be very helpful." y/n stood up carefully. As she was walking to the door there was a contraction and a large gush of water in between her legs.

"Hey Penelope," y/n yelled.

"Wh-, oh my God," Garcia stood there shocked for a few seconds before rushing to the crying girl. "Holy crap, I have to call them now." As y/n and Garcia walked to the car, Garcia called the team.

"Hey Garcia," Hotch said. "We didn't call you, have you found anything?"

"Um all I have found is that y/n's water just broke in my cave and we are on the way to the hospital," Garcia replied as a chorus of gasps were heard on the phone. Garcia took the phone off of the speaker. "Yes, I am bringing a laptop to the hospital. No, she is not fine Reid, she is in labor. Yes, get here quickly. Finish the case quickly, we are having a baby." Garcia quickly drove y/n to the hospital. They got into a hospital room and waited for the baby to come. After two hours, y/n was eight centimetres dilated, but Spencer had yet to arrive at the hospital.

"Where is he?" y/n cried, feeling the pain of the contraction.

"Don't worry y/n, I'm sure Reid will be here soon," Garcia said calmly. However, on the inside, she was flipping out. She was not ready to help y/n through having a baby. She immediately started texting Hotch, asking him what was taking so long, quickly getting a reply that they were less than ten minutes away. "Look babe, I texted them they are less than ten minutes away."

"I don't think I can wait for that long Pen," y/n screamed.

"I know you can sweet girl," Garcia encouraged, mainly to herself.

y/n could not stop crying and suddenly the doctor came in the room, "Let me get you checked out." The doctor sat in front of y/n and measured her cervix. "It looks like you are ten centimetres and ready to push." y/n let out a loud cry and Garcia looked almost as terrified as she did while looking at case images. Just as Garcia was getting ready to help, Spencer came running through the door. y/n started crying harder.

"Shhhh, babe it's okay, I'm here," Spencer cooed in her ear. y/n grabbed onto Spencer for dear life.

"Spence, I can't do this," y/n cried. "It's too early, he's too early." Spencer pushed the hair out of y/n's face and kissed her on her forehead.

"y/n y/m/n Reid, you are the strongest woman I know," Spencer whispered in her ear. "You are more than capable of having this baby. There is no need to be worried. Our little man is going to be completely healthy, and completely and utterly perfect." After Spencer's words of encouragement (and the longest hour of her life), y/n gave birth to their baby boy. Jason Morgan Reid.

Jason had Spencer's eyes, hair, and cute little ears, and he has y/n's nose and lips. He is the perfect mixture of the two. Nothing is better to y/n than watching Jason and Spencer interact. Spencer never knew he could love someone as much as he loves y/n until Jason was born.

"Hey little man, I'm your daddy," Spencer said with tears in his eyes. "I love you and your mommy very much."


"Mommy, look at my drawing," Jason said in his cute baby voice.

y/n walked over to her son and looked at the picture, "Oh my, little man, this is amazing. Did Daddy help you?"

"No, I did it all myself," Jason answered proudly.

"This one is definitely going on the refrigerator," y/n said, walking over the refrigerator to put it amongst all of Jason's other drawings.

Spencer smiled at his wife, "I think that you are going to be an artist J. I also think we deserve some ice cream." Jason squealed and ran to the door.

y/n hugged Spencer, "I love you and Jason so much. My boys."

Words: 3477

a/n: i rlly need to start thinking of more ideas than dad!spencer, its getting repetitive


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