The Alternative (Hux x Reader)

By themariahonline

31.2K 986 500

WARNING - There is smut in this fic. Lots of it. Also violence and some kinky stuff. If you are not into that... More

The Map
The Pilot
The Trooper
The Force
The Offer
The Girl
The Shower
The Supreme Leader
The Base
The Med Bay
The Agreement
The Resistance
The Choice
The Broken Promise
The Reunion
The Traitor
The Escape
The Confrontation
The Rebellion
The Final Battle
The Wars End
The New, New Republic

The Stowaway

1.5K 56 5
By themariahonline

Warning - Violence.


You awoke to sun streaming through the massive hole in the roof of the hut. You had managed to find one that wasn't completely destroyed and even better it had a communicator inside. Granted it was busted but you manage to scrounge up enough parts from the X-Wing wreckage to fix it and get a message to the Resistance.

You sat up and stretched your arms over your head. Your H/C hair had come loose from it's ties in your sleep and was sticking up in all manner of directions. Not a good look for you. Hastily you braided it again  and adjusted the ties pulling your locks out of the way. Just then the communicator began to crackle with static.

You turned to knobs honing in on a the proper frequency. "Come in L/N do you copy?" You picked up the radio and pressed the button. "I copy." you replied anxiously.

"Oh thank god Y/N we were worried you were dead, we had to leave Jakku's orbit when the First Order showed up but we are sending a transport for you." replied the voice on the other end. With the static you couldn't 100% tell who it was but you imagined it was your friend Miles he specialized in communications during training.

You sighed with relief at the sound of the friendly voice on the other end your slumping forward shoulders slightly. You let your head bob forward pressing the communicator against your forehead as you said a silent thank you to the gods. But then you remembered, Poe! How could you forget. You bolted upright and pressed the com button frantically again "What about Poe? He was taken by Kylo Ren and the First Order we need to save him."

There was silence for a long time, you worried the signal had dropped. "Hello? Miles?" you said your voice coming out more panicked than you intended.

"Y/N, stay where you are the transport is coming." another long pause "Please don't do anything stupid." Your heart broke, they were leaving him and they wanted you to give up and stay put.

You slammed the com onto the table causing sand flying off and dance in the air around you glittering in the morning sun. There's no way in hell you were just going to stay put and leave Poe Dameron to die. He was your hero and your friend. You got up grabbing whatever you could find that would help you on your trek and took off in the direction that BB-8 headed the night before.

Maybe if you could find the droid you could find a way to get to Poe.

After several hours of walking you were exhausted, you looked up at the sky shielding your eyes from the sun with your hand. It would be dark in a couple hours, you'd already been walking for almost an entire day. But determination set in so you slowly breathed in and pushed the exhaustion away on the exhale, trekking on for another hour before finding shelter behind a dune for the night.

You woke at first light. The sun on this planet was brutal, it brought heat the second it rose to the second it set. You gathered your things quickly and started forward again. After several more hours you came to a small outpost, there was a commotion people were yelling and you heard blasters firing.

You spotted a flash of orange and white streaking through the makeshift stalls. BB-8! The droid was with a dark haired girl and a man, wearing Poe's jacket? You paused confused, they were being chased by troopers.

You hesitated, where there were troopers there was a transport and if they were after BB-8 they most likely came from the ship Poe was on. You knew the droid was important, but honestly it looked to be in good hands.

Poe on the other hand? He could be bloody and beaten and dying. Horrible scenarios flashed through your brain. You sprinted towards a trooper and fired landing a shot to his back. He dropped instantly.

You fell to the ground sliding up next to him and pulled his body behind a pile of boxes and junk. You yanked his helmet off and paused, he was a fairly good looking man underneath all that white clanking armour. Sorry man. Survival of the fittest.

Seeing that they're human always made you a little sick to your stomach. You shook your head hard pushing the thoughts from your mind and stripped the man's armour off, putting it on piece by piece as you went.

The man was bigger than you so the armour was slightly ill fitting but it was passable. You peeked out from behind the boxes and looked around, the coast was clear. Standing up you jogged towards another group of troopers, they were chattering about the droid getting away on a ship.

You followed as they loaded up into a shuttle and took off towards a massive destroyer floating in orbit around the planet.

A wave of anxiety hit you like a ton of bricks. Shit, oh stars. What have I done? You were walking down the shuttle ramp now trying to remain calm. Standing in the hangar surrounded by enemies you had no idea where to even begin looking for Poe. Fuck..

You took a deep breath and followed a random group of troopers trying your best to act natural, you wound through hallway after hallway before you reached what looked to be barracks. Shit you definitely didn't want to be here. As nonchalantly as you could, you turned around and headed back the way you came. Way to act natural. Totally not suspicious...

You'd been wandering the ship for hours, thank the gods troopers were patrolling around regularly to give you cover, before you finally found the prisoner cells. Yes! There was a data pad built into the wall and you started scrolling through the logs finding the cell number assigned to Poe before practically sprinting towards it. Please be alive. Please be alive.

You were running so fast you almost passed right by it. Your feet slid on the slick shiny floor as you skidded to a stop in front of the cell, your fist flying out to slam on the button to open to doors. Lurching inside you ripped your helmet off a massive smile plastered on your face.

But your happiness was short lived. The restraints were empty and there was a splattering of blood on the head rest. Your mind started spinning, going to that dark horrible scenario place all over again. Was he dead? Injured? Taken somewhere to be tortured more thoroughly?

"No, no, no, no Poe Dameron you better not be dead." you said trying your best not to cry as you sank to your knees in the doorway. Your arms going limp at your side causing the helmet to fall from your hands with a clatter and roll away from you.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" The robotic voice made your blood run cold in your veins. You saw a large boot catch the rolling helmet stopping it for a moment before applying what looked to be a tiny bit of pressure causing the helmet to crack and split into pieces. Fuck. Oh shit. You panicked, you couldn't even turn or move or do anything other than hold your breath.

"It's not everyday we have prisoners escorting themselves to their cells, how interesting." You heard the soft brush of fabric against the floor as a tall figure glided around to stand in front of you. He was turned away his broad back to you as he looked towards the restraints.

You knew you should run, every muscle, every bone in your body was screaming for you to run. But your limbs weren't listening. In one motion Kylo Ren spun his large gloved hand flying out and catching your jaw in his firm grip.

You gasped eyes going wide he lifted you slightly off your knees, pain radiating down your jaw and neck. Tears welled in your eyes and you blinked them away as your hands few up clawing at his attempting to get him to release your face you could feel your nails dig into the leather but he didn't even flinch.

He chuckled the sound coming out strange due to the distortion of his mask, it was inhuman just like him. You could feel his eye boring into you, like he was looking right through you you felt like he could see everything. You'd heard that Kylo was strong with the force and there were stories of him being able to read minds.

You focused on your breathing willing your mind to be empty, your eyes closed and you felt his fingers twitch slightly.

"Hmm" he muttered "you have a strong mind."

You continued to breath trying to stay calm. Think empty thoughts. Then it happened. Poe always told you that you're emptied headed. Your eyes flew open. Shit!

"Oh, I see." Kylo said smirking behind his mask. "You came for the pilot."

The word pilot opened the floodgates of your mind, you could feel an excruciating pressure in your head. It was almost like he was jamming his fingers directly through your skull and into your brain. A strangled cry left you mouth as it fell open.

You were seeing them as he was, your memories. Poe, Miles and the other recruits you came up with, your mother and father. You fought against the pain to block him from seeing more.

"Hmm" his grip tightened on your jaw. You closed your eyes and pushed harder. Suddenly Kylo jolted and there were flashes of memories that weren't yours. You couldn't decipher them but you could've sworn you saw General Organa and Luke Skywalker. His hand dropped from your face and he shoved you hard. Your body sliding across the floor slamming into the wall with a thud.

You blinked hard, pain shooting up your back and head. There were stars swimming in your vision as you tried to sit upright. Your head spinning making you collapse back to the floor.

"How?!" Kylo screamed you could hear his footsteps pounding towards you.

"You're a force user?" He bent down and grabbed you by your hair hoisting you to your feet.

You cried out squinting up at him defiantly, or well you hoped it looked defiant. "I don't know what you're talking about!" you yelled back at him.

He spun you towards the restraint sitting in the middle of the room slamming your back against it. You swore you heard something crack a low scream leaving your mouth at the contact. He released your hands and roughly yanked your arms into position locking them into the shackles.

Your head slumped forward blackness creeping in around the corners of your vision. You could feel him staring at you the rage radiating off of him in waves. Then suddenly you heard his boots against the floor moving away from you, the door slid open and he was gone.

Relief washed over you and you slipped out of consciousness the pain finally winning over your resolve.

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