Fortuity // Seth Clearwater

By bblibby

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[Mature content] Looking for the brother she never had around, Oakley Lahote finds much more than she bargain... More



858 19 18
By bblibby

We stood gathered in the field, awaiting the arrival of the Volturi. The Cullens ahead of the pack who had phased along with me moments ago, ready to back the coven up if needed. Joseph stood with the Cullens, and everybody could feel the nervousness radiating off the poor boy. He had been silent since he came for me, and had filled us in on what he knew of the assault size and the plan of the newborn army.

Edward, Joseph needs some reassurance right now, I spoke through my thoughts in wolf form, sending him intentions to calm the boy. Edward turned around to see me and then looking at Joseph who was close to my wolf, trusting me the most and still feeling like he had to protect me to make up for what happened, though I insisted he didn't need to blame himself. 

I walked forward to Joseph, nudging him with my snout and encouraging him to take a few steps forward where Edward was, also indicating he could trust him. 

"We've dealt with the Volturi on multiple occasions, Joseph. It's going to be okay," Edward soothed in a fatherly way to the newborn. 

He nodded nervously. "It's not them I'm nervous about," he stuttered, Edward nodding in understanding. 

"We won't let anything happen to you. It's not too late to opt out of the battle to minimise your risk," he assured.

"No. I'm here to stay. I'll be fine," he demanded, Edward sending me a look of worry before resuming his stance.

"They're almost here," Alice announced, referencing the Volturi. With the help of Jared's wife, Juliet, we had managed to orchestrate the battle of the Newborns vs Volturi to take place on our land, as well as organise for the Volturi to arrive slightly earlier, allowing us to pledge allegiance and show our intentions were pure to avoid any further angering of the vampire government. 

We waited a few more moments, Seth standing shoulder to shoulder with me in our wolf forms and nudging me with his nose. When this is over, I can't wait to take you on a proper date. He sent to me through our minds, allowing me to feel the smile in his heart. 

Me either, Seth. 

Right on cue, the massive governmental bodies that was the red-coated Volturi arrived in a swoosh of speed, Seth standing protectively in front of me slightly as he let out a subtle growl, still fearful for their wrath on me if they found out what I was.

"Ah, Carlisle, my old friend." the man in the middle spoke, Aro. 

This motherfucker looks like he's been electrocuted, I thought to the pack at the sight of his wide eyes and creepy smile, earning a symphony of huffs in laughter.

Carlisle stepped forward to greet Aro in the least threatening way he could. "Hello, Aro. I'm sorry we had to meet under such disappointing circumstances." Carlisle reasoned.

Aro gestured for Carlisle to step forward, asking for his hand. "Is the word of a newborn army attempting to overthrow us true?" he asked slowly, reaching for Carlisle's hand in place of an explanation. When he made contact, his face flashed with recognition and understanding. "Ah, how very disappointing indeed." 

Carlisle nodded. "We got word of the movement through one of the newborns who encountered a friend of ours. It became clear he was not intending to be apart of the movement, and chose to stand with us today." 

Edward put a hand around Joseph's shoulder comfortingly, beckoning him over to Aro. 

"Ah, young one. May I?" Aro asked, gesturing to Joseph's hand.

Joseph shook nervously but agreed, lifting his hand to allow Aro a glimpse into the army that was to be arriving soon as well as check for clear intention in Joseph. "It seems you have done us a great service, young man. And the woman you bit?"

Carlisle spoke for Joseph. "She is safe." he told the truth, just leaving out the part where I turned into a hybrid. Seth growled lowly, attempting to control his nerves about the threat to my existence. 

It's okay, Seth. I thought, laying my paw on top of his on the grass floor. 

One of Aro's disciples spoke up from beside him, clearly more confrontational than the others. "Master how do we know this coven has no intention to overthrow us themselves? We have crossed paths with their dishonesty and rule breaking in the past. Why should we trust you to fight with us now?" The blonde woman asked in a matter of fact and smug tone.

"We consider this aid a peace offering for our past run ins. We have respected your authority for many centuries, and have no intention to draw that to an end. Simply do what is right," Carlisle summarised, knowing Aro would understand seeing as he had already held his hand and seen the truth.

Alice interrupted. "They will be arriving shortly, their numbers seem to have grown." she announced, letting panic show in her voice at the vision she had encountered.

"Ah Alice!" Aro clapped excitedly. "Well I suppose we should prepare."

"Brother, are we really going to ignore the collusion with wolves once again? Our natural enemies?" the tall blonde man asked in a snooty and entitled fashion, also looking for reasons to fight like the woman.

Aro shook his head. "It seems these creatures are here with the intention of bringing peace to us - an understanding of sorts has been formed." he dismissed, not interested enough in us to care. "Dare I say I am curious to have them on our side for this instance," he giggled in a child-like yet sadistic manner.

He's actually off the rails, I thought.

Clearly stopped taking his meds. Jared agreed.

Paul huffed a laugh. Leah can give him some.

I growled on Leah's behalf as she dismissed my brother's insults.

Focus, tribe. Sam demanded as Jake glared at us authoritatively.

We were only able to relax and prepare for a few seconds before in the distance, our supernatural hearing picked up the sound of what seemed to be a hundred rabid, newborn vampires, closing in on the area and commenting on their goals.

"Stay alert, don't be predictable, protect each other." Carlisle uttered lowly to everyone.

We've got this. Jacob announced through the pack link.

The stampede got heavier and heavier, finally slowing to a halt across the field from us where they allowed their numbers to show. There were more of them than us - a fair few more. But we had experience, multiple gifted vampires, Juliet hiding in the trees, myself, and the huge Wolfpack  - we weren't confined to just newborns.

Phillip lead their army as expected. His red eyes bore over us across the field, searching the competition with a smug smile on his face. By sheer number, he had won, and that was apparently enough for him.

Little did he know.

"Phillip, my old friend. I'm curious as to your reasoning for this?" Aro spoke, quietly as if among a small room, but knowing everybody could hear. 

He laughed. "Enough pleasantries, Aro. Enough stalling. Need I remind you of how you banished me?" Phillip answered. "I need no more reasons to overthrow your reign. Your time is up. My turn." 

A dirty, shiver-inducing smirk found its way to Phillip's face as we hissed and growled at the sight. 

"Joseph, my young intern. I see you've made the mistake of changing to the losing side." he observed, making Joseph shiver, though maintaining his stance and standing his ground.

I began to look over the army that stood across from us, curious as to their expressions and what demographic Phillip had gone for. Joseph's response to his old master were drowned out from my mind, as the colour from my face drained just as quickly.

About three faces down the line, my blood chilled at the sight, my whole body ceasing, my bones feeling weak, everything in me screaming to throw up. It couldn't be, there was no stomach turned, and I swayed, falling against Seth in panic as I could no longer balance on my paws.


Holy shit...Jared's voice sounded in my mind as the pack had read my thoughts.

How is this possible...Embry spoke next.

A growl ruptured from Seth's throat, his wolf standing defensively in front of me and arching his back protectively. Paul's wolf let out an equally as bone-chilling growl, licking his teeth hauntingly as he stood with Seth in front of me. 

How? Had he been in La Push since the breakup? Was the army being sourced from outer states? How much did he know...

Through my shock, I hadn't even noticed that the battle had started.

Seth lingered back as the entire Volturi, Cullens and pack charged, Paul hesitating with a whimper before heading straight into the fight. 

Oakley, if we need to leave we can. Are you okay? Seth sent me frantically, remaining in front of me defensively, being sure to protect me as I regained my balance.

No, no I'm fine. I lied.

Seth audibly sighed. I know you're not. You're not leaving my side. He demanded, nudging me with his head sweetly. I'm not leaving you. It'll be okay, Oak. He promised.

I pulled myself together, the adrenaline of seeing a hundred rabid vampires running towards us snapping me out of my thoughts.

Seth protected me from one who seemed faster than the rest of the group, immediately killing it before it could get to me. We began working together and watching each others backs as we tore the newborns we could access, attempting to work through the numbers as quickly as we could by using their surprise at the wolves existence to our advantage, as well as their inexperience. 

We fought the flood of newborns as they came to us, coordinating through our thoughts and protecting each others flanks and blindspots as we nipped and growled, ripped and tore, using our individual strengths to take down the army.

Momentarily, there was a break in the oncoming traffic, allowing Seth and I to assess the situation. I looked around noticing Phillip and Aro fighting one on on, the Cullens and the wolves all successfully holding their own.

Until my eyes saw Joseph fighting Christian, both men tackling each other and evening the other in strength and experience, meaning their fight dragged out. Immediately, my instinct was to protect the vulnerable Joseph, feeling protective over him and his situation. But before I could, Seth had taken off on my behalf, heading to protect Joseph. 

Even despite his hesitance to trust Joseph after his actions, Seth knew he had proven himself and that Christian was the enemy on more levels than one. Seth's honour was enough to run to protect the blonde vampire.

I've got him, watch your back! Seth called to my telepathically, making me turn around to take a vampire coming from behind. I spent a few minutes on my own, confidently ruining newborns with my strength, channeling my anger and panic into taking them down, before I heard a whimper. Not just any whimper, but a whimper that alone shattered my heart and made my blood curdle. 


I turned to see Joseph fighting off a vampire to protect Seth, while Seth was occupied with Christian, my ex boyfriend holding Seth by the ribs, squeezing him with all his might which was causing the whimper.

The sight of my imprint, my Seth, my love, being crushed by the man who broke my heart and ruined me.

Something stirred inside me, realising that I was the only one that could help Seth. My tail felt like it was on fire, my paws tingling, my belly full of nerves, before it happened...

The noise that escaped my throat wasn't a growl, or a bark, not even a cry. The howl that resonated from me came from so deep, so pained and so strained, that it was as if a sonic boom was extending over the field, the noise overpowering every other sound around us. 

I closed my eyes and let the howling scream out, hearing car alarms in the far distance begin to sound at the effects of whatever I had just done.

Opening my eyes, I saw Christian had dropped Seth. In fact, everybody around us had fallen to the ground holding their ears, some of them falling because the ground had cracked and separated in places due to the impact of the howl, creating unexpected terrain.

Absolute silence was deafening across the battlefield. By quickly scanning, it was clear most of the newborns had been defeated, and the only fights that remained were a cluster in the corner, Phillip and Aro, and Christian and Seth.

Everybody's eyes fell on my wolf, attempting to understand the sonic boom that had escaped my throat.

Christian was the first to go back to work, clearly not recognising me, before rising to complete his job on Seth. 

I saw red as I galloped, sprinting towards the scene, and intercepted Christian mid-air before he could touch my Seth who was already down in pain, Jake pulling him to safety and away from the fight as he whimpered and attempted to stand and protect me.

Christian and I wrestled, fighting for a few seconds, when I let him think he had me pinned. 

"Ha! Dirty mutt." he hissed, his red eyes working their way into my memory to haunt me later on.

I growled another guttural low moan, this one not loud and overpowering like the other, before biting at his throat. The anger in me was deep, coursing through every vein, every muscle, every follicle of fur. 

Suddenly, Christian began to scream out in pain, despite the fact he was on top of me and I wasn't doing anything. He yelled at the top of his lungs, lifting his hands off me to assess them, revealing massive and intense burns on his marble skin. 

Somehow, the anger in me was enough to heat me up to the point of cooking the ex boyfriend that was trying to attack me.

I filliped Christian over so I dominated the fight, holding him down with my massive paw as it continued to burn him on the chest as he struggled and froze in shock at the feeling of his marbled cold skin being ripped from his neck, and still shaking from the burns I had provided him. He didn't understand what had happened, heck neither did I, but it worked.

I wished he could hear me, I wished he could know who I was before this moment. I wanted him to know I won.

I win, you fucking virus. I hissed in my mind, more for myself and my own attitude. 

Christian's eyes widened after my mind spoke, looking like he'd been pinned by a ghost. "My god...Oakley?" he gasped. He had heard me. Somehow, I had projected my thoughts.

I didn't have time to think about how he had heard me or why, before Paul was at his side, jaw wrapped around Christian's neck, finishing the job when he recognised my distraction.

It was over. We had won.

If you had have asked me this morning if I could kill Christian if I had the chance, of course I would have said no. He hurt me and ruined me but I couldn't kill.

But seeing him endanger Seth, my Seth, my imprint, changed everything. My entire perspective was warped, and Seth's safety was the only thing that mattered at all, and I didn't even feel remorseful for protecting him.


My mind instantly went to my imprint, looking over to see Jake looming over him concerned. 

I ran over in my wolf form to Seth's side instantly, licking his face carefully in sad whimpers. 

Seth, oh god are you okay? Seth please talk to me... I panicked, begging to hear his voice.

A few seconds passed and nothing. I felt sick, my whole world was caving in. 

I couldn't lose him. I couldn't, I wouldn't! He had become my life, I had fallen in love with him, I hadn't even been able to go on our first date...They warned me of the effects of losing an imprint, but nothing had prepared me for the pain in my chest at seeing Seth limp on the floor with Jake hanging his head low beside him.

His body was lifeless, clearly broken in too many places to count, and his fur was tattered and torn.

But a miracle was upon me that day, and I heard his voice responding softly in my mind just seconds before my heart was about to shatter into a million pieces at my loss.

I'm right here, princess. 

AN // OMG SO MUCH! Christian was turned!? And joined the army!! And Oakley has newfound powers that seeing Seth in pain brought out? And Seth nearly got killed by Christian!

This chapter was insane to write, and the big war of the story is finally through.

I can't wait to finally be able to focus on Seth and Oakley's budding relationship and show you where it goes ;) Strap in!

Here's your chapterly meme!

Libby x

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