Take Me With You (Deadlox/End...

By Clouds-of-Anime

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Everyone's dream is to meet a Youtuber on Minecraft. It was what all my schoolmates talked about. Too bad I d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
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Chapter 22

138 6 0
By Clouds-of-Anime

~Layla's POV~

We went out of the house and went back to the main house with the three boys and Maddie. Seto didnt follow, but sent a magic ball to follow us.

Its like a video camera really, and Seto will be back in his house.

"So are you all fine with this... Arrangement?" Mitch finally said when we've sat at the table for like five whole minutes in awkward silence.

"Im happy for ya, Mitch," Ian said, smiling and putting an arm around Maddie. Jerome looked a bit weird but he congratulated Mitch too.

Seeing Ty was being left out, Seto and I congratulated her, and we talked about stuff that we would normally talk about, like the weather and how many trees need to be cut down and replanted.

"Lets go outside!" I suggested, standing up and pushing my chair back so forcefully that it fell over.

I picked it back up and saw the others standing up too, and Jerome looked a bit cheered up. He always loved the great outdoors. If that couldnt cheer him out, nothing can.

We went outside and Seto joined us, and we goofed around, playing hide and seek and reminding each other to hold shift so our nametags wont show.

I found a few cocoa beans and some sugar cane, so i did the reasonable thing and picked them, and replanted them again. We can make chocolate and cake, since I think i've heard some animals behind the house, and i know there has to be a farm there somewhere too.

Yeah, i've been here for like two months. And yes, i havent explored every inch of the house. Is that a crime?

"Im feeling fine, but i've felt better," Jerome put his hands behind his head and said to me when I asked if he was fine.

The sun was setting. We were all tired, and the good thing is Jerome is feeling fine, and Seto didnt go all Black Magic crazy on us.

~Ty's POV~

Mitch is expanding the house, making a new guest room for Layla and I, since we did request it like thousands of times, and we got loads of wood when we were out today.

So Mitch speed-built a bedroom just like his, only more simpler. In exchange, we helped remove the traps on their doorways without exploding the house.

"Well, our own room!" Layla sighed in content as she plopped down onto her bed.

"Your letter!" I exclaimed, mentally smacking myself for forgetting again.

"Oh right!" Layla sat upright immediately. "Read it."

I closed my eyes and envisioned the bedroom counter. The letter was there. I opened up the portal, but it was exhausting. The portal wont last long, only for a second, big enough for my hand.

I stuck my hand in, grabbed the letter and got it back out before my concentration snapped. I sank to the ground, tired, but at least i got the letter.

I crawled to the bed, flung the letter at Layla and face-planted on the pillow.

~Layla's POV~

I stared at the letter. There were soft snores coming from Ty's bed, so i know shes sleeping.

Dear Layla, the letter said. Oh my gosh i am so glad to hear from you! Luckily i didnt call the police or anything. I know how much you like your privacy.

Dont worry, im fine at home. Bramble and Squirrel are alright too. Who knows, without you around, maybe i can adopt more cats and become a crazy cat lady!

I could see the tears streaking down her cheeks when she wrote that.

I'll be waiting every day for your reply... If not your actual return. I miss you so much i cant put it into words. Bramble and Squirrel miss you a lot too.

I hope i get to see you again.

Love, your Mom xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

I put down the letter, the tears starting to form. Fuck Enderlox. To hell with that, fuck Deadlox. Fuck Minecraft. This is all ultimately Minecraft's fault. If i hadnt started watching Minecraft i wouldnt have ended up here, away from my home, my friends, my mom and my cats.

I kept the letter underneth my clothes in the wardrobe. My only reminder of my mother. My home.

I ducked under the covers and cried myself to sleep.

~Deadlox's POV~

Its getting near the tenth month. Not to mention Skybrine's birthday. And also its getting harder and harder to keep Emderlox under control as The Day on the tenth month draws near.

WitherMU dropped by when i was just about to turn in for the night. He had brought raw beef and also some steak. How nice.

"I hear Herobrine's starting some tantrums in the Nether," WitherMU said, me eating a steak in bed while he leaned against the wall. "Mysterious cracks along the floor, swallowing houses, farms and even lakes."

"Thats gonna be interesting to watch," I said, finishing my steak.

"I think hes trying to get at that sorcerer," WitherMU said, standing up. "But thats not the reason i came. I think you should give Ty to Skybrine."

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation.

"He seems attached," WitherMU said over his shoulder and leapt from the cave entrance, disappearing in a flash of light.

I narrowed my eyes. Skybrine? With Ty? Ha, like that'd ever happen. And i had just checked on Seto's tracker, Ty and Mitch are a thing now. So i definitely cant gift any of the females to Skybrine.

Maybe i should catch a few more people. But then again not much humans pass by frequently, it was just luck that i didnt get Layla's friends also.

But then again i never told WitherMU or Skybrine about my deadline to go back to the End... And since Skybrine and i have a strict you dont read my mind i dont read yours policy they will never know.

And so this makes things complicated. Because if i dont tell them they'll ask me why i dont gift Layla to Skybrine. I still dont get why birthdays are such huge celebrations, though i do like the Ender Crystal lock Skybrine gave me.

But if i tell them... Well i couldnt think of any downside to that. But the outcome has to be a disaster.

Ok so i am so not telling anyone about this. Except for Ty, of course. She knows.

~Layla's POV~

I woke to the sound of mewing. My first thought was, Bramble? Squirrel?

But then i remembered that i was in Drugcraft, and the cat was actually Ian's, and he was wandering around the halls looking for someone who was awake.

I yawned and glanced at the clock. Nine. Hm, not too late. I sat up and found Ty gone. I listened closely, and tried to use our telepathic link to see where she has gone.

Okay so shes in Mitch's bedroom. Rather not go into detail they were actually snuggling. I shivered and quickly backed out of the link and went into the bathroom. Dyed hair needs lots of work and my hair was already starting to lose its rainbow color.

I decided to re-dye it green and pink. I liked it. I put in a green and pink shirt, black jacket, black leggings, knee-length rainbow socks and also combat boots.

You never know when you have to kick someone's butt. I just crafted those yesterday, and totally forgot all about them.

I spent half an hour dying my hair and nearly tripping over the toilet, but in the end i finally made it to the kitchen in one piece.

Only Ian was up. He looked surprised. "Why are you up so early?"

"Your stupid cat woke me up," I grumbled, parking my butt in the chair, and i crossed my arms.

"Oh riiiiight," Ian laughed and leaned back on his chair. "I sent him to wake you all up coz we have a visitor."

I narrowed my eyes as more footfalls signaled that the others were heading down the stairs.

Once we were all seated, Seto included surprisingly, Ian announced our visitor.

Who was no other than...


This may be a bit shorter than usual... Too bad, i already used like three days for this.

Ah well there is school to take account for.

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