Frerard Oneshots

By Alexxinator

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Yeah Frerard Oneshots lol enjoy. Smut SMUT SMut some fluff but mainly smut Some chapters from my 30 Day chall... More

Am I Safe
Out for a Walk
Lost Cause
Lost Cause prt2
It'll Be okay
Lost Cause (different ending)
Coffee Shop
Trick or Treat
You Were Saying
Lost Cause Pt3
Kidnapped Prt2
Say Goodbye

Opposites 2

391 7 6
By Alexxinator

This is gonna be longer i think the way I am going. ngl every time i type lap some how my fingers at top on the end so i go laptop without even processing it so if you see laptop it is just lap

Here let me fix mistakes I made, I also noticed that i gave them a 4 day week..please just imagine that it's 5 days  i wrote this the entire day just to have wattpad shit itself multiple times

there is something driving my insane and it's the fact that i have put two arounds in a sentence right next to each othre. I'm pretty sure one around is meant to be a different word or not even be there and I can't find if you find it can you like comment in the paragraph for me so i can fix it..i'll simp so hard if you find it


The sun was shining bright, the birds were wide awake. Frank was awake, he had been for quite sometime. He was lying there, his fingers running through Gerard's hair. It was amusing watching him sleep, that seems creepy but Gee sleeps like an angel. He curls up into a ball, little snores leaving his lips. He was exhausted to say the least. Frank had managed to keep him up most of the night.

It was the fact that his parents had come home and decided to speak to Gee, Frank had to hide in the wardrobe which was very scary for Gee even though his parents were okay with him liking boys, it would have been the fact that he didn't ask if Frank could come round. Especially since Frank was older then Gee too.

Frank shook Gee lightly, he needed to wake the boy up. "Gee baby..wakey wakey" His Italian accent normally popped out in the mornings when he woke up. Gerard loved the sound of Franks voice and quite happily could keep lying there listening to him talking. He huffed and rolled over, he didn't want to leave his bed though. "M' too tired" Frank chuckled, his arms wrapping round Gee pulling him closer to him. "I know baby, but school. You have art today" Gerard had art everyday of course which Frank didn't really notice.

"I have art everyday silly, it's what I want to major in" He giggled, stretching carefully. Gee sat up slowly, his hair a mess sticking out in every direction. What a sight it was for Frank but he was the one that caused it in the first place. "Bed head, suits you" Gee gasped. He hated looking messy in front of Frank.

He threw himself over Frank purposely squishing the man underneath him, well trying too. He was quite small and Frank was twice his size in every way possible. He landed on the floor with a thud, Frank chuckled in amusement. "Where you going?"

"To fix my hair and brush my teeth and stuff"

"Put clothes on much as I enjoy seeing you naked" Gerard shrieked when he looked down. He forgot he fell asleep naked, Frank smirked, he grabbed his jeans from the ground pulling them on while the now wide awake shy Gee ran off to the bathroom to fix himself. Gerard let out another loud shriek.

Frank knew what it was about, he lent back on his arms waiting for the boy to come running back in. "My neck Frankie..everyone is gonna see these." He whined. Gee completely forgot he was naked. Frank just hummed still staring at his naked boyfriend.

He let that word float through his head. A boyfriend. He had a boyfriend. He didn't think that was possible but he was very taken by little Gee over here that some how the girls that would try get him in bed just seemed so boring. Also he didn't have to worry about getting Gee pregnant.

"Good..what are you going to wear today Gee?" Gee giggled and hoped over to his drawers pulling out different items. He turned around facing away from Frank to change, he bent over to pull his boxers up which just made Frank groan. A very prominent hand print stood out on Gees butt cheek. "Man I love looking at my hand print there..looks perfect don't you think Gee?"

He was blushing, hiding his face as best he could from Frank. This was the perfect opportunity for Frank to head over to Gee, he grabbed his waist pulling him back against him. "Good position don't ya think?"

Gee squeaked, his hand shot out to the wall balancing himself. "Just think about that baby holding yourself up as best you can against the wall..pushing yourself back against me every time I thrust forwards, getting so deep" Frank groaned, his hand placed on Gerard's back pushing him down ever so slightly, he had to lean against the wall.

"Frankie.." Gee whined he could feel himself getting excited. He straightened himself up and pushed Frank away from him. "You sit on the bed..uhm no touching" He huffed stomping his foot trying to seem tough. Frank loved it, he found that cute. "Okay okay baby I'll admire you from over here then"

Gee giggled, he made sure he got his socks on and a shirt before he looked around for his jeans. He found his favourite pair. He made sure his boxers wouldn't bunch up - he wore a tight pair when it came to these pants.

He slipped his legs in and started pulling them up, they got to his thighs, that's where he had to start jumping to pull them all the way. He bounced around, Frank watching quite happily. After a little bit he stood up and went to help Gee. Nothing bad about helping right? He stopped Gee from bouncing, the boy frozen from how close Frank was to him, his fingers looped there way through the jeans pulling them up with a yank.

Gerard got lifted off the ground a bit, he squeaked in surprise. Frank backed him against the wall gently, his hands going for the zip on the jeans. Gee was vibrating. He looked up at Frank with big dough eyes, the older boy not looking away as he zipped Gerard's jeans up making sure they were on right. His hands snaked their way to his butt pockets, slotting in there.

"T-Thank you.."

"Anytime baby, now come on. Get your shoes on." Frank threw on his shirt and grabbed his jumper. But Gee had other plans. He snatched the one that Frank wore yesterday and quickly pulled it on. Frank watched in amazement. "Perfect!" Gee clapped his hands, he grabbed his bag and walked out of his room down the stairs. He left Frank there to finish getting ready which didn't take long of course so he was soon next to Gee ready to go.

"Come on baby, let's go" He grabbed Gerard's hand and walked with him to school. Gee was dying on the inside, he was fan girling so hard. Frank was holding his hand. His cheeks went red making Frank giggle softly. "Out of all things you get shy when I hold your hand huh?"

The boys walked to school together enjoying each others company. "Gee when's your birthday?"

"It was the beginning of this month actually..I just turned 17" He giggled. Frank was a year older then him but it made him feel really old when Gee said he was 17. "Is it bad that I am younger then you?"

"No it's not. Age is just a number. I'm only a year older then you, it's not that bad baby." Frank hummed calming Gee down. "Look there's Ryan and Pat" He waved at Gee's group of friends, the boy lightening up a bit more.

They walked on over smiling happily, Pat was the first to notice Gee's neck. He giggled to himself, then Ryan noticed. He was slightly shook but amazed. "Good morning you two..Have a good night?"

Gee blushed in embarrassment, he hid his face in Franks chest. "We slept Ryan..nothing happened"

"Of course not..Come on take him to class he can't be late." Frank hummed and walked to class with Gee.

Gerard spent most of his day half asleep, he was half dead by lunch and Frank noticed. He was the first one sitting down at the table, Gerard shuffled on over to the table. "You look tired baby" He hummed pulling the tired boy down to sit. Gee winced when his butt came into contact with the seat. "You okay Gee?" Ryan dared ask his friend whose neck was covered in hickeys.

"My butt cheek hurts" He huffed shifting a bit. Ryan looked at Frank with a death glare. "What can I say..I smacked it too hard" He grinned wrapping his around around the boy pulling him closer. Brendon choked on his lunch, his eyes not leaving the work he was doing.

Frank took Gerard's lunch out for him "Go on baby, you need lunch you didn't have breakfast" Gee giggled quietly, he was too busy thinking about his art and Frank. "Do you think that this weekend you can help me out with my next 3 canvas? I need some inspiration. It's like the middle stage of the story"

"Of course baby..I'll think of stuff to help" He hummed leaning against Frank more, his eyes slowly closing the more comfortable he got. Frank noticed, he sighed softly pulling the boy into his lap holding him. "Here I'll feed you, would that help?" Gee wined burying his face in Franks hoodie. "This is what happens when he doesn't get enough sleep Frank. Gee needs at least 8 hours. Unless it's art then he doesn't sleep for a couple days."

Frank chuckled, he scooped up some pasta and held it in front of Gee's mouth. The younger boy smiled softly, he opened his mouth happily eating the pasta. Frank kept feeding him until the lunch box was empty, it wasn't that big but it was enough for Gee. "Hey Frankie.." A group of girls walked over to the table twirling their hair and looking their best.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah..are you busy this weekend? I'm throwing a party and would love it if you came?" She winked. Frank groaned pulling Gee closer, which was impossible at this point. "No. I'm busy helping out my boyfriend with his art assessment." Ryan's mouth dropped open, Pat stared at Gee who was hiding. Brendon smirked applauding his friend for the achievement.

"B-Boyfriend? But last week you raw-dogged me"

"And do I give a fuck? I finger fucked Gee here until he was screaming and begging to cum last night" Gerard squealed, shrinking in on himself to hide from the looks. "Just because we fucked last week doesn't mean I want to fuck you this week. I didn't fuck you at that party because I saw Gee."

Brendon was laughing his head off, Ryan was trying to control him and get him back to doing his work. "Fine, bet he will never make you feel as good as I did." Those words went right to Gerard.

"Oh fuck he did last night, god shit" Frank groaned "He is so tight I swear I saw stars when I came"

"Gee did you?!" Gerard was so embarrassed that he had to get up and leave. "Awe baby" Frank followed quickly pushing past the girls. Gee went off to hide in his favourite part of the school, the art block. Frank was right behind him. "Did I upset you?"

"No.. I just.." He blushed, pulling the hood over his face. "Get all shy huh?" Gee nodded, he sat down on one of the bean bags curling up in a ball. "It's okay baby..I didn't mean to go that far I just wanted her too know that I don't want her anymore or need her because I have you and I only want you"

"R-Really?" Gee was so tired he started sniffling. What Frank said made his heart swell. "Only me?" He wiped his eyes but the tears already started to fall. Frank picked Gee up quickly hugging him tightly "Only you baby" He kissed his cheek. "Only ever want you" Gee couldn't believe it. He was so emotional he felt stupid. "Sorry for crying.."

Frank wiped his tears away for him "Don't be, it's okay yeah?" Gee nodded, his legs wrapped around Franks waist for extra support, also because he didn't want Frank to put him down. "You have class now you know that right?"


"So do I, off you go, go paint your thighs with my hands squeezing this" He grinned squeezing Gee's thighs. Gerard tightened his grip around Frank. "Come on Ryan will kill me if I stop you from going..I have music so I'll be right here I promise" Gerard huffed but slid down from Frank anyway. He grabbed his bag and headed into class while Frank went to his own.

"Gee buddy, you okay?" Mr Brett asked, he saw Gee having a mini nap in the back of class. "I'm so sorry..I didn't mean to fall asleep."

Mr Brett hummed "I don't mind you have done work it seems and I'm not sure how you have been sleeping most of the time but look, you have an idea for your three canvas which you will be starting next week yes?"

"Yeah I will try and get them drawn out this weekend" Gee beamed. He looked at the time seeing that class was nearly over. "You can pack up now everyone" The teacher called out.

Frank was outside Gerard's class waiting for him to finish. He didn't have to wait, Gerard was allowed to head out early, Mr brett thought he look exhauseted, he wanted Gerard to do his best so letting the boy go now to head home and sleep would be the best thing. "Hey baby, how are you?"

"M' tired Frankie" He mumbled, his arms wrapping around Franks neck. Frank hummed and picked Gee up. He was gonna carry him home, he didn't mind Gee was pretty light. The walk home was actually pretty quick. Frank left before the bell, he hummed the entire way home, a little song that was soft and gentle hopefully it will help Gee sleep.

Even though falling asleep in his arms would be cute and all he had no access to his house. "Gee baby, we're here come on" Gee whined as Frank put him down. "In you go baby, I'll message you later." He kissed Gee's forehead sending the boy on his way.

Gerard went inside quickly, he mumbled a hello then bye to his parents heading straight to his room, he dropped his bag by the door, his shoes getting kicked off as he just plopped onto the bed pulling the blankets up. His head hit the pillow and he was out like a light. He slept for awhile, well the entire night. Frank did message him later but when he didn't get a response right away he knew Gee was out cold.

That didn't bother him, he was quite happy that he was sleeping, he decided to do the same so he could wake up on time and walk to Gee's house.

When Gee woke up without Frank it was a bit weird even though the boy only stayed over once. He pulled himself out of bed deciding to wear the same hoodie as yesterday - it was Franks. He threw on a long sleeved shirt and some jeans. Pretty much the same outfit he first talked to Frank in. He hopped down the stairs a smile on his face when he read the many texts from Frank, they made his heart flutter.

"Morning Gerard, haven't seen you in awhile" Gerard was startled when he saw his mom and dad sitting there eating breakfast, he never saw his parents in the morning. They were always at work. "M-Morning..?"

Donald - Gerard's dad chuckled "I have a month off work and your mom, well she's taken a couple days off" Gee nodded and grabbed his lunch. "You have paint all over your neck Gee" His mom - Donna commented. His face went red, he pulled his hood up fast. "Here let me wash it off for you"

He squealed and ran to the other side of the table. "Gerard. As your mother I will not let you go outside looking like a mess. Wipe that paint off now." He whimpered taking the cloth from her, wiping his neck which did nothing. Of course they weren't going to come off with a wipe. "Gerard Arthur Way. Care to explain them."

"Would you look at the time.." He ran out the door so fast, he was so embarrassed and couldn't believe that his parents saw them. "Morning baby..Why you in a rush?" Frank jogged over to Gee who started walking quickly.

"They saw the hickeys and asked me about it so I ran out's the last thing I need, I don't want lectures Frankie" He huffed grabbing his boyfriends hand. He giggled when he thought about it his entire mood lifting. Frank smiled when he saw Gee looking at their hands. He was definitely going to get used to this.

Gerard was in such a good mood today, better then yesterday. He bounced his way to school with Frank, everything was going well. "Frank.."

"Yes Gee baby?"

"I have to ask my parents if you can come round this weekend.." Frank hummed, he didn't see much wrong with that "Which means that you will have to meet my parents before they allow you to stay..if they let you the door has to stay open.."

Frank grinned '"Then that just means that you will have to be as quiet as you can doesn't it..if I have to gag you with a tie I will baby" Gerard giggled, he swatted Franks chest. Ryan and Pat walked over to the two boys, who happened to be on time. "Morning boys, how are you?"

Ryan shrugged "I'm okay spent all night studying for a test today" Frank nodded and looked at Pat he yawned which indicated his lack of sleep. "Can you answer a question for me?" Frank nodded, of course he would. Ryan clearly wanted to know what was going on with him and Gee. "Are you guys dating? Like are you a thing now. I don't have a problem"

Gerard blushed, he couldn't answer the question so Frank did "Yes we are..only been a couple of days. But yeh we are dating and I get to meet the parents" Frank grinned. Gerard was scared that it would push Frank away with how fast it seemed. "He needs me to go round and help him with his art so of course I have to meet them"

"I will snap your dick off if you hurt him. Do I make myself clear Frank." Ryan poked Franks chest in a protective manner "Yes Ryan, I promise I won't hurt him and besides you have to let Gee try it before you snap it off.." Gerard squealed and bolted away from the group. "Awe baby come back" Frank followed Gerard. He found it cute every time Gerard got shy and all mushy.

Gerard had hid in his class where Frank wasn't allowed to enter, the teacher didn't like Frank, she had him last year and he drove her insane. "Go to your class please Frank."

"Awe come on Miss, I just wanna see my baby" He cooed and waved making Gerard go all shy and hide behind his books. "Frank. Go" She pointed out of the class. Frank sighed and left. The class all turned to look at Gerard who was currently wanting to be swallowed up by the ground. "You got a boyfriend?" Someone whispered. Gerard nodded his head and ignored the stares for the rest of the class.

Frank texted Gerard to let him know that he won't be joining him for break or lunch, he had earned himself a detention. Gerard frowned, he wanted to know how and why. He got a detailed response back explaining what Frank had done. Sometimes Gee wondered if he was more mature but since he hardly knew about sexual stuff Frank was.

He had managed to piss off the teacher, he kept making remarks every time the teacher would mention stupid maths equations. Frank did the work it was just the fact that he would yell things out in the middle of class, he threw his book when the teacher told him that his working out was wrong. In the process of throwing his book he knocked over the teachers flowers - which he happened to adore. Frank laughed it off though but the teacher didn't he told Frank to leave and head to the principles.

That's where he had to spend his breaks. He didn't mind although he missed Gee.

So by the end of the day Frank was outside Gerard's class waiting patiently. He was still painting of course, he didn't even notice Frank standing there waiting for him. "Hello there Frank. Can I help you?" Mr Brett stepped outside "I'm just here for Gee" He smiled happily watching his baby paint.

Mr Brett as weird as it was looked at Franks hands and the tattoos. "I love this school but sometimes they are double sided"


"You hand tattoos, I got told I had to cover mine up, bit pissed that you can show yours around" Frank chuckled. "I'm not allowed too, I ignore the rules sir, I got my hand ones and man did they get shitty, got me a months worth of detention, a teacher left cuz me. But they can't do much about it now. Permanent" Frank grinned.

Mr Brett laughed "Your hands are pretty famous in my class right now. A lot of people are wondering who's hands Gee is painting, your tattoos gave it away for me."

"Frankie!" Gee beamed, he hopped out of class. "Have a good weekend Gee, can't wait to see those canvases ready to be painted." Gerard nodded, he grabbed Franks hand. "I hear that my hands are famous in your class huh?" Gee blushed and ignored it. "N-No" frank chuckled softly. 

"Let's get you home yeah?" Gerard hummed "I'm gonna ask if you can come round this weekend, I'll text you when I get a response from them"

Frank smiled, he swung his and Gee's hands while they walked. Gee chatted away about his art and his plans. "And and I want to have one like a birds eye looking down and I know exactly how I want it" He giggled, Frank hummed happily "Then I have this other one that I wanna do..but it's naughty"

"Go on Gee" He blushed a bright red and if luck was on his side he arrived at his house "You'll find out later." He giggled running inside. Frank groaned and headed on home. He wanted to know what it was but trying to get Gee to tell him was going to be tricky.


"Yes my boy?" Gerard shifted awkwardly on his feet "What can I do for you?" His mom walked in with a cup of tea taking a seat next to Donald. "Uhm..I've met someone" Donna gasped, clapping her hands in excitement. "Come sit, tell us about him" She smiled pulling the chair out for Gee.

Donald just put his paper down so he could focus on his son, Gerard sat down next to his mom, across from his dad. "His name is Frank..he's 18 and he wants to be in a band, he is sporty and smart" Donald nodded "Is this you explaining those marks Gerard?" He asked, poor Gee was nervous.

"Y-Yeh" He whispered "He hasn't forced you to do anything has he?"

"No. I let him, I promise he is really nice and he carried me home yesterday because I was really tired..he meets up with me every day before school, he makes sure I have my work done and that I eat and drink so I don't forget when I paint.." He giggled softly looking at his mom.

She was so excited that Gee had finally met someone. "How cute" She giggled hugging her son. "What else is there?" He knew his son and he knew that there was more to it. "I have a big art assessment due soon and the pieces that I am doing..I need Franks help, he is the model for my realism paintings.." Gerard bit his lip he was scared they would say no.

"Is there any chance that he could come round this weekend and help me out?" Donald thought about it "Come round as in stay the whole weekend with us?"

"Yeh, just cuz I'll be needing to draw him a lot" He fiddled with the hem of the hoodie, his heart racing. "I suppose he can..He will of course be staying in the spare room and your door will remain open the whole time he is here."

"Yes Dad"

"If he has to get nude, Mikey will stay in his room and the we will stay down here. But I do not want the door closed if he is in your room. Understand?" Gerard nodded happily. He was very excited. "Invite him for dinner. I would love to meet this boy"

Gerard giggled and quickly texted Frank telling him the good news. "I suppose I need to talk to you about the birds and the bees then huh?" Gerard coughed "Come on then." Gerard was so embarrassed he couldn't move. Donald stood up waiting for Gee to follow him to his room.

"Now I did my research on this. Sounds weird but because you like boys and all of that I needed to know everything if you had questions. Luckily we don't have to worry about pregnancy scares with you." Gerard giggled, Frank had made a joke about that before hand.

Gee sat down next to his dad. This was weird and it felt awkward but Gerard knew that Mikey would get this talk at some point too. "Now you to me are still my baby boy and you will always be my baby boy and it's sad to see you grow up." Gerard agreed with his dad. He and his dad had always had a close bond. Donald new that Gerard was gay but waited for him to come tell him. He was supportive and very happy. The only thing that he worried about was that some man was going to hurt his son.

It was something that no parent wanted to happen to their kids. "Now you will always have to use protection. You don't want to do get a STI or STD whatever it is called these days. Never do something that you are not comfortable with and if you say no and he doesn't stop you leave. Make sure you communicate with him so he knows if he is hurting you or anything like that." Gerard hummed and shifted on the bed.

"If..If you don't want to use condoms get tested. Make sure you are both clean of everything before you do anything." Gerard giggled at how hard his dad was trying. "Now this is the fun part. I am going to teach you how to put a condom on someone"

"Hey! How do you know that I'm not on top?"

Donald laughed "As much as I would like to believe that you are on top, Gee you are just so.. I don't know how to say it.."

"I know what you mean" He huffed

Donald got up and headed over to his set of drawers. Luckily for them Donna used to teach health at schools before changing jobs to something more relaxing. He grabbed a box of condoms and a wooden looking thing. "Right" Gerard squealed and hid his face. "You're shy. That's why"

"So open it up, make sure that there are no holes, check the expiry date first as well. Expired ones are bad so always update the box, some times they have lube with them otherwise you need to buy lube." Donald chuckled awkwardly. It wasn't that this was bad or anything like that it was that he was showing his son how to put a condom on and it was his first time. He was nervous that he was going to mess up and make a fool of himself.

Gee was actually interested, he wanted to know how to do these things. "So you pinch the top here, always have this part at the top there needs to be extra room at the top for when your partner ejaculates."

Gerard was a child and laughed at that word. "You place it on the head of his penis and roll it down with the other hand. This hand here" He wiggled it "Stays pinching this part here. Then you just make sure that it is on right and away you go" He handed it to Gee to try. He was absolutely dying while he tried.

"There see easy." Donald smiled and packed it all away. Both men went back downstairs, well Donald went back to his paper telling Donna all about it and Gee. Well Gee went to his room and texted Frank all about it.

Frank grinned. He was at home packing a bag for the weekend and making himself look nice for dinner. He threw on a nice white button up and some black slacks. He pulled on his doc Martens to tie the outfit together, and of course a tie. He told Gee that he would have a tie on him.

It got closer to the time Frank said he would be there. He decided to drive to Gerard's. "Ma? I'm heading off for the weekend."

"Where too Frankie?"

"Uhm..Gerard's house. He is my boyfriend"

"Oh thank fuck I was really hoping you weren't going to be dating one of those girls from your school. Ya know the ones that wear really short skirts? The ones that whenever they come round you end up sleeping with"

Frank groaned and covered his face "Ma.." She giggled and kissed her sons cheek "At least he can't get pregnant"

"You're so cute Frankie. You have a good weekend. I would love to meet this boy when you feel the time is right" Frank nodded and left. He drove to Gerard's house and was on time. He knew how much being on time meant to Gee.

"Gee! Franks here!" There was a knock on the door. It was a sturdy knock, not weak or soft. But a solid one. Gerard skipped down the stairs rushing to the door to open it but his dad had beat him too it. "Hello there, can I help you?" He knew who it was but thought well since he is a dad he can tease the boy.

"Hello Sir. My name is Frank Anthony Iero Jr, you must be Gerard's dad" He stuck his hand out. Donald was impressed. He shook Franks hand and was even more impressed, he had a strong grip. "I'm Donald, you must be the boyfriend"

"Nice to meet Sir" Donald let Frank in, closing the door behind him "You must be Gerard's ma, here I bought these" He handed her some flowers and a bottle of wine. "I quite like you" She hummed and went back into the kitchen to finish off dinner.

Gerard giggled, he stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting patiently. "Hey baby" He cooed walking over to Gee. He smiled wrapping his arms around him. "I'll show you were you'll be staying"

"Please do" Frank grinned when Gerard walked up the stairs. He stood back a bit taking in the view. Gerard's dad however had other plans. He coughed, getting the attention of Frank. "Don't get lost Frank." Frank tipped his head and went up the stairs fast. Never in his life has he been caught staring.

"Your dad just caught me staring at your ass from the bottom of the stairs" Gerard giggled and smacked Franks arm playfully. "This is your room, it's across from mine" Frank hummed and dropped his bag at the end of the bed. "Now we should go back downstairs so you can talk, meet the family" Gerard looked around

"You okay?"

"Nervous..shy you name it"

"Don't worry I'll be there, you can sit next to me and cuddle can even fiddle with my hands this time" Frank grinned. That just gave Gerard the best idea. Frank wouldn't be able to do anything in front of his parents or say anything sexual. So Gee could spend his night teasing Frank, turn the tables.

Gerard hummed and took Frank back downstairs to sit on the couch. Donald had grabbed Frank a beer. "Good brand" He hummed taking a sip. Gerard curled up next to Frank, he rested his head on his shoulder, Frank hummed and draped his arm over Gerard's shoulder rubbing little circles on his arm.

"So Frank, tell me about yourself"

"Well uhm. I surprisingly have been asked to join about 3 different music schools in New York, I have Julliard asking and New York Music and arts uhm and another one but can't remember the name of it"

Donald was shocked and amazed at the same time "Well done..are you going to accept them?"

"Well if my album that I am working on gets picked up no, I'll do some other study on the side but my music career looks like it could take off." Gerard. He was planning on going to a Art school in New York next year. He was the top of his class for arts and maybe if he got accepted - even though he hadn't finished high school and if Frank goes to New York he could stay with him. "That's very impressive"

"How is high school for you?"

Frank chuckled and drank some more "I hate it, I still go sometimes I skip class and stuff and cause trouble, made a teacher leave once, uhm scare some teachers. They hate that I hand the work in and get good grades." Gerard went wide eyed. His dad was surely going to tell him to stop dating Frank now.

"I know it sounds bad me skipping but I haven't skipped since I met Gee so that's something" Donald chuckled.

"Dinner time boys" They all vacated the TV room and headed to the table, Frank sitting next to Gee of course, his dad at the head of the table, Mikey and Donna next to each other on the opposite side of the table. "Smells amazing Mrs Way" Frank looked at the food in front of him.

"Thank you dear. Gee told me that you don't really eat meet so I made vegetable lasagne" Frank hummed and dug into his meal. "Do you like badges and pins Frank?"

"Oh boy do I. I collect them, if you saw my bag I have heaps on there and my jean jacket is covered in patches" He smiled. Donald grinned and handed Frank a pin "Then I bet you'd want this one back huh?"

Frank looked at it in confusion, he realised that it was the one he was missing. "Where did you-"

"Next time you stay over and try to be sneaky, make sure you pick up everything of yours" Gerard choked on his food coughing it all back up. Frank was quick to hand him water and pat his back. "You okay?" Ge nodded, his ears going a darker shade of red.

"Sorry Sir." Frank continued on eating. Well if he was going to get kicked out he wouldn't blame them. "It was a good try, but the marks on my sons neck and then finding a pin of a band that he probably hasn't heard off outside his door..then suddenly he met a boy" Donald laughed. "I can promise you that it won't happen again sir"

" nice"

"I'm just having fun're a good kid Frank" Frank relaxed quickly, Gerard still way to embarrassed to show his face.

Dinner went well after that and now everyone was sitting down on the couches, the TV playing in the background. Gerard had pulled his hood up, his face buried in the crook of Franks neck. Frank had got them a blanket so they would stay warm and it looked like Gee was falling asleep. Mikey had gone upstairs, Donna and Donald were having a great conversation with Frank.

Gerard grinned to himself, he was thankful for the way that he was sitting, his hand snaked down under his legs, he rested it on Franks crotch trying to be stealthy. Frank nudged Gerard without saying anything in an attempt to get him to stop. But the boy didn't.

He applied pressure instead. Frank was very composed, he didn't even make a noise when Gerard started to palm him slowly. Frank found it amusing but when Gerard speed his movements up he had to stop it. "I'm sorry to cut things short but I am a very tired and if Imma be modelling for the whole day tomorrow I should get some rest"

"Of course, Gerard can show you the bathroom and how to use the shower" Donald hummed. Frank grinned, he stood up holding Gerard in his arms. "I'll get him to show me in the morning, he is out like a light" Frank carried him upstairs to his room, he placed him on his bed gently, Gerard pretended to be asleep so Frank didn't do anything.

But little did he know Frank knew that he was awake "We will finish this tomorrow Gee..but for now, I am going to go to my room." Frank made it look like he was tucking Gee in. "I'm going to lie there with my hand wrapped round my cock thinking about you and those pretty moans of yours" He groaned. Gerard whimpered causing Frank to smirk. He left the room heading off to do what he told Gee.

Gerard hated this rule that his door had to be open, he lay there imaging Frank. The sounds Frank would be making, god Gerard wanted to be there so badly. Frank being Frank called Gerard.

It made him confused but he answered anyway. "Frankie?" Frank groaned "Hey baby" Gee whimpered, he sat up a bit looking at the door. It wasn't wide open but it wasn't closed either. "W-What are you doing?"

The innocence in Gee's voice drove Frank crazy "What do you think?" Frank smirked, Gee let out another noise. It was very quiet, but Frank still heard it "Dunno.."

Frank smirked of course Gee knew "You do know baby, you know exactly what I'm doing..I'm fucken stroking myself to the thought of you" He grunted through his teeth. "M-Me?" Gerard shifted a bit so he was flat on his butt on the bed.

"Yeah you, Fuck" Frank bucked his hips up "I would do anything to have you on your knees..your lips wrapped round me" Gerard moaned softly from the thought. "Oh no baby Gee, you better not be touching yourself. You wanted to wind me up. Now it's my turn." Frank growled. Gee gulped and pulled the blankets over him.


"Keep begging baby, shit" Frank felt pressure in his stomach. "Please.."

"Please what hm?" He moved his hand faster the sounds Gee was making over the phone were driving him mad. He wanted to be with Gee so badly but he knew the parents won't like that. So why not tease Gerard. "Please let me t-touch myself" Gee whispered. He was so shy, Frank loved it "I said no baby wanted to tease me hm? Fuck" He moaned lowly so no one heard. Poor Gee was sitting there whining. He wants Frank so badly.

"Bet you want me don't you huh? Bet you want my fingers." Gerard whimpered, he sat there begging Frank to walk through the door. But he wasn't going too. "W-Want you" He begged. "But you don't get the chance just have to deal with the fact that I'm here making myself feel good..God Gee baby do you know how beautiful you are?"


"You're so stunning, your body is fucken hot and those thighs..god I could have them wrapped round my face, tongue fucking you" He groaned at the thought of Gerard sitting on his face. "Or have you sitting in my lap perfectly, buried deep in you..just to have you around me right now. You'd be so tight" His hips bucked up, brain fizzing as he came. He grunted roughly through the phone. Gerard sat there wide eyed picturing how Frank looked.

"Shit baby.." Frank panted softly regaining composure. "You sleep well, I'll see you in the morning" And just like that he hung up leaving Gee aching. He whined, laying down with a huff. It was going to be a long night.

"Gee?" His dad knocked on his door the next morning, Gerard whined and rolled over. He sat up slowly his hair a mess. "Hey buddy, your mom and I are gonna go drop Mikey off at his friends for the weekend then we are heading out to shop and go a movie. Please be sensible"

"Okay" He grumbled "Love you"

"Love you too, good luck with your art" Donald said goodbye to Frank who just stepped out of the bathroom. "Look after him." He glared at Frank before leaving. "Yes Sir" Frank hummed and stepped into Gerard's room.

"Morning my beautiful boy, how did you sleep?" Frank smiled heading over to Gee's bed, his hair wet, body still wet, little droplets of water falling off when he moved. "Ass hat..I slept terrible because of you.."

Frank chuckled "Did you now? Well that's what you get Gee"

Gerard huffed and threw a pillow at Frank "It wasn't fair" He whined "Y-You got off..but I didn't.." Frank smirked sitting down next to Gee. "Really baby? Surely you dreamed about me huh?" Of course Gerard did. He lifted the sheets up to check that he did in fact dream about Frank and it had a happy ending it seemed. He squealed dropping the sheets fast. "So you did dream about me huh? Was it good? Did I make you feel good baby?"

He nodded his head, rolling over to hide his face as his dream flooded his memory. "What happened baby?" Frank hummed, his hand travelling over Gerard's ass kneading it like dough. "Did it start with my fingers? Slowly moving them in and out rubbing that spot? Hm?" Frank knew what he was doing.

Gerard rolled back over looking at Frank with desperate eyes. "What baby? I don't know what you want"

"P-Please..want y-your fingers" He whimpered. Frank was happy to comply, he shifted down the bed pulling Gerard's boxers off. "Awe look at you all hard and achey huh?" Gerard huffed at how slow Frank was being. Frank knew he was being a tease but he loved it. He sucked on his own fingers moaning just for Gee. He smirked lowering his hand out of sight from Gee's eyes, he watched the boy stare at him intently.

Frank slowly pushed a finger in, god was Gee so ready for it he took it so well Frank was groaning. "Look at you..taking it so well" He pumped it in and out a couple of times before adding a second humming in approval at Gee's reaction.

He was going slow and Gerard didn't like it, he huffed and whined, smacking Franks chest in hopes that he'll speed up. "What's wrong huh?"

"You're going too slow.."

"Too slow huh? Want me to speed up?" Frank hated being told he was going too slow, he was just teasing but some how today being told he was slow hit a spot in him. A dominant one. Gee looked at him in the eyes and nodded.

Frank growled, his free hand wrapping itself around Gerard's throat gently, not too rough to scare the boy. But enough he saw a spark of fear. "Too slow.." He mumbled and shifted his position so he could move his arm better. "You'll be screaming by the time I'm done with you"

He pulled his arm back before pumping it back, he built up a pace, a fast one and rather quickly. Gerard gasped, his hands gripping the sheets tight, his knuckles going white. Franks thumb ran along Gerard's bottom lip, pulling it down opening his mouth.

Gerard moaned, his body shaking. Frank smirked, he looked at Gee in his eye and spat in his mouth, not quickly. Slowly of course. He let it drip down. The boy below him felt so degraded but he loved it. His back was arching of the bed Frank loved it. "Look at you huh, my fingers so deep."

Gee was gonna cum and Frank knew it. He slowed down and pulled his phone out "You don't mind do you baby?"

"N-No" He pushed back against Franks fingers wanting more. "Good, you look so good..surely you'll paint this yeah?" He took a photo of his hand around Gerard's throat, his mouth parted and drool dripping down his chin. Frank groaned and started moving his fingers quicker again.

He watched as Gerard's back arch, he screamed when he came it hit him that hard. Frank kept pumping his fingers helping Gee through it. It was intense that poor Gee was shaking afterwards, shocks still shooting down his legs. Frank was panting, what a good work out. He grabbed some water and tissues, making sure he cleaned up. "I didn't hurt you did I? Are you okay baby?"

"I am..I-I really liked that" He giggled pulling the blankets up to cover himself.

"Glad you did, we should come up with a safe word? Make sure that if you need me to me stop I will. What do you hate?"

"Needles!" Gee shrieked pulling on a hoodie "Perfect then, needles it is. If you want me to stop yell needles" Gee nodded and continued getting dressed his body wobbled as he headed over to his draws. Frank whistled, proud of himself.

"So what other positions do you need?" Gerard giggled and quickly sat down on Franks lap before he put pants on. He spread his legs on either side of Frank and grabbed his phone. "Can..can you place a hand on my thigh?" Frank did just that and Gee took the photo.

He pulled his pants up and thought about the other photo he needed, he had two now he needed some more and since one of the first paintings were already planned out he dropped his knees in front of Frank, the older boys legs spreading "I like where this is going.."

"Can you put two fingers in my mouth?" Frank happily complied placing the two fingers that were just inside Gee in his mouth. Gee handed Frank the phone who took the photo for him. "Now I need one of our hands holding.." He grabbed Franks hand and took the photo quickly with a giggle.

" about.." He pulled Frank up and positioned him in the middle of the room, he set his phone up on a tripod thing before going back over to Frank. "Place your hand in my hair and pull. Frank hummed watching Gerard get on his knees again. Frank was loving this.

Next Gee grabbed his phone and was back down in front of Frank again. He unbuckled his belt and button, pulling the zip down. He shimmied his jeans down a tiny bit, his tongue sticking out. "Gee baby..." He was so lost in his little art bubble he wasn't shy. Frank was finding it amusing. He let Gee take the photo.

"And now you hands pulling the waist band of your boxers down..please" He took the last photo that he needed. "Thank you!" He jumped up and kissed Frank, he thought it was his cheek but no. He had kissed him on the lips. He froze, his eyes closing. He stood on his tip toes, Franks arms instantly wrapping around Gerard. He hummed happily, pulling the boy closer. Gerard's lips were so soft.

Gerard's whole body fizzed, his hands dropping to his side. He whimpered softly at the feeling of Franks lips. His cheeks going red but he didn't stop. Frank had slowly backed Gerard into the bed, he dropped onto it pulling Frank down with him, his fingers running through Franks hair.

Frank crawled between his legs, his lips never leaving Gee's. He spread Gerard's legs a bit more so he could fit perfectly between them. Gee felt like putty under Frank. They moved their lips together, Gee being scared and letting Frank take over. Frank slid his hands up under Gerard's hoodie, his hands gliding over his smooth skin. Frank groaned, his finger running over Gee's nipple.

The boy gasped giving Frank enough space to slip his tongue in. Gerard's legs wrapped around Franks waist pulling him closer. "Boys. I told you door stays open." Donald huffed and pushed the door open. He looked at the two boys, Frank on top of Gee. He coughed loudly, alerting the two boys that he was there. He crossed his arms and looked the pair of them.

Gee squealed. Frank pulled away with a grin, a string of spit still connecting their lips. He wiped it away standing up quickly and pulling his shirt on, Gee sat up pulling his hoodie down. "Frank. I thought I said to look after him."

"I did sir..he just looked so adorable in my hoodie while he was taking photos, when he got right there in my face I couldn't help. It just had to know how those lips felt." Donald was cross to say the least.

"Gerard do your work. Frank. Have you had lunch."

"No sir."

"Perfect. Come on you and I are going to go out and get it." Frank hummed waved goodbye to Gee heading off to get his shoes. He didn't want to irritate the father more and maybe some bonding time would do him well. "I expected better from you Gee. Your work is important please focus"

Gerard huffed and sat at his desk "But-"

"No buts. Do your work and we will be back with food" He walked out leaving the door open. Gerard whined but knuckled down and started sketching. He got Frank to send him the first photo, his face going red when he looked at it.

"Now Frank." Donald looked at the boy in his car. "We need to have a talk yeah?"

"Yes Sir"

"You seem like a nice kid and I'll respect you if you respect me. Gerard is my everything I love him and if you break his heart I will do everything in my power to break you understand?" Frank nodded. Because he got into trouble he was a bad boy and bad boys break hearts.

Frank sighed "I don't want to break his heart sir. I want to love it. Gee is just so amazing and cute, If i hurt him I'd want to throw myself off a bridge. I could never hurt him I promise you I will do my best to do right by your son. I'll protect him. But I need you to trust me."

Donald listened. He let frank speak "I have never dated someone, I just slept around because all those girls I couldn't see my relationship with them lasting. A relationship to me is being with that person for life. I don't believe in dating to break up" Donald respected that. "I don't plan on ever leaving him so I'll be sticking around for awhile unless he gets rid of me."

"I don't think he will, he quite likes you..Look I'm just worried and scared, he has always been my little Gee, always scared of bugs, he needed to hold my hand when we would walk from the house to the car so the little flies wouldn't get him, it is scary watching him grow up." Donald grabbed Franks hand and shook it. "You are a good man Frank."

Frank smiled his heart swelling. "What would you like for lunch sir? My treat" The two men got on very well, they bought lunch back laughing. Frank dropped the food off in Gerard's room and left him be to do his work. After a couple of hours he came back up to check on Gee, he saw a couple paintings sketched out with a colour code next to them, he also noticed that his lunch hadn't been touched. He was so focused on getting Franks hip bones right. Frank sighed and left, he didn't want to disturb his baby.

He came back later on with some dinner but noticed that Gerard was still drawing. He had pretty much sketched it all out and was now just applying base coats.

Gerard had sketched out all of paintings onto the canvases by the end of the day. Number one was the hand holding, two was hands on the thigh, three was were he was sat in Franks lap with his legs spread apart. Four was one of Gerard's favourite, Franks hand slowly pulling down his boxers. Number five was the fingers in his mouth followed by six which was Franks hand in his hair.

Seven was one that made Gerard blush when he thought about it. Franks thumb on his bottom lip, hand around his throat. He giggled while drawing that one out and eight was just roses, their stems forming into words 'Young love'

"Gee baby come on, please eat" Frank pulled Gee away from his desk, the younger boy whined and tried to go back. "As your boyfriend and someone who cares about you I need you to eat right now." He held Gerard in his lap, a fork at his lips with pasta. Gerard gave in and ate. He didn't realise how hungry he was.

Donald walked past seeing Frank feed Gee. He smiled happily and left them alone. Gerard had actually fallen asleep in Franks arms, he smiled softly looking at the sleeping boy in his arms. He moved the plate and got comfy making sure that Gee was covered in blankets. If he got in trouble he didn't mind. Donald didn't mind Frank being in there.

He went past again to see why it was so quiet, both boys were fast asleep, Franks fingers in Gee's hair, Gerard curled up in Franks chest. His heart just melted.

The boys slept through till about mid day. Gerard was sore, his hand hurt slightly from the amount of drawing and he was starving. He tugged on Franks shirt to wake him up. "Frankie.." He mumbled.

"Yeh?" Frank hummed, he opened his eyes rubbing the sleep away. "Hey baby"

"Hungry" He sat up pulling Frank with him. Frank smiled and followed his boy down to the kitchen to get some food, everyone was already down there eating lunch so they sat down and joined in.

"Sleep well you two?"

"Yeah I slept really well! Frank is like a warm and cosy" Gee giggled while he ate his sandwich.

"How about you Frank?"

"I slept very well thank you sir..I have a question" He put his lunch down and looked at Donald with hope. "With your permission, is it okay if Gee comes and stays at my house? My ma would love to meet him and since he got all 8 paintings sketched out and ready, would it be allowed?" Gee gasped. Staying at Franks house would be amazing.

"I suppose it's long as he goes to school tomorrow. I don't want a phone call" Frank nodded and picked his sandwich up "I will make sure of it sir"

Gerard was so excited, he jumped around after his shower. He threw some clothes into a bag and made sure his pictures were wrapped up safe. "You alright baby Gee?" He giggled and body slammed Frank with a hug "I'm so excited I get to stay at your house!" Frank chuckled and picked the boy up "Me too baby me too. I have so much planned out for us" He smirked placing the boy down and grabbing their bags.

"Shall we go?" Gerard nodded and followed Frank down the stairs. "Thank you for having me it was lovely staying here. I would love for you guys to meet my ma and pa, he is away at the moment but when he gets back we should have a dinner. Italian style of course" Frank grinned "Of course, that sounds lovely"

Frank said goodbye and went to put the bags in the car. "Gee?" Gerard looked at his dad just as he was about to leave. "Here you will need these, now remember pinch the top and roll" Gerard died. He took the items and rushed out the door fast hiding them from Frank.

"You alright baby you're looking a bit flushed?"

"Perfectly okay." He blushed more. Frank shrugged it off and drove home, his ma was home which was good. They could have dinner before heading off to his room.

"Ma!? I'm home, and I bought a guest!" She came running to the door, Gee was a little nervous so he hid behind Frank. "Frankie dear! Hello how are you!" She hugged her son tight, in the process she saw a small boy behind him.

She smiled so wide "Hey there, I'm must be Gerard?" He peered around Frank holding on to his arm with shaky hands "Y-Yeh I'm Gee" She welcomed him into her home, Frank quickly explained that he gets shy very easily. "You are just so cute Gee, I can't wait to get to know you more"

He giggled, still not letting go of Frank. "I'm making pizza tonight, you two go wash up and come back down to chat while they cook" Frank hummed and took Gee up the stairs to his room. Frank parents let him have the top floor, since the there were three rooms and bathroom. There was an En suite which was Franks. Then there was a guest room and the other room was Franks studio.

The bottom floor was pretty much his parents. "Here we are baby" He dropped their bags, Gee looked around admiring everything. Their rooms were different. Franks was bigger and had heaps of band posters lying around, he had drinks stacked in the corner, some guitars and a skateboard in the other. He had a big TV and a pc on one wall and a massive bed on the other.

They went back down stairs to join Franks ma in a conversation. Frank and his ma did most of the talking, Gee did talk a bit but he was very shy. Linda didn't mind though, it was okay. They talked through out dinner quite happily, Gee enjoyed the food a lot telling Linda how good it was.

"Thank you for dinner, I really loved it" Linda smiled and cleaned up "It was a pleasure, now off you too go I know you want to spend time together" Frank hummed, he picked Gee up and carried him upstairs effortlessly.

"Imma go brush my teeth and put my pjs on" He waddled off to the bathroom changing into a pair of shorts and a hoodie of Franks, he then brushed his teeth and made sure he looked his best. He was very nervous but he knew he would be okay.

Frank waited patiently for Gee, he tidied up a bit making sure the place looked tidy. "There you are, was wondering if you were okay" Gee hummed and waddled over to Frank wrapping his arms around the taller boys stomach.

He looked up at Frank with big dough eyes "You are so stunning.." Frank hummed, he pecked Gerard's lip softly. Gee got the courage to kiss back though. Frank groaned pulling Gee closer to him, his hands rest on his ass.

Frank deepened the kiss pushing Gee into the wall behind them. Gerard whimpered, he felt his body being picked up, his legs wrapping around Frank. "You are so beautiful baby.." Frank mumbled against Gee's lips, he carried the boy over to the bed lying him down gently, his lips not moving away from his. He settled himself between Gerard's legs happily.

"F-Frankie..please..want you" Gee moaned softly when Franks kisses travelled down his jaw line to his neck "I've got you baby" He slipped his hands under Gee's hoodie and pulled it over his head, he let out a noise that he didn't know he was holding back when he looked at his boyfriend under him.

He shuffled Gerard's shorts off, completely exposing the boy. He knew that it was wasn't fair so he stood up and took his jeans and shirt off. "I-In my bag..I uh" Gerard blushed, he couldn't believe what he was saying. Frank caught on and checked his bag seeing the box of condoms and lube. A smirk pulling at his lips.

"What did you think we would get up too Gee? Hm? Naughty boy"

"Hopefully your cock in my ass" He mumbled softly looking away from Frank. "I heard that and you wish is my command" Frank slid his fingers into the waist band of his boxers. "Wait..I wanna.." Gerard squeaked and hopped of the bed getting on his knees in front of Frank.

"Y-You wanna know how it feels to have my lips wrapped round you"

"Now where did this confident Gee come from?" Frank smirked and let Gee do what he wanted too. The smaller boy whimpered pulling down Franks boxers. He stepped out of them looking down on Gee.

Gerard was nervous but he saw some videos, so he had a fair idea of what to do. He wrapped his hand around Franks cock gently, his tongue sticking out and lapping at the tip. Frank moaned, his head tilting backwards in pleasure. The noise made Gee relax, Frank was enjoying this so he continued. He slowly slipped Frank into his mouth further and further till he was as the back of his throat "Shit Gee baby, take me so good" Frank bit his lip, his fingers running through Gerard's hair gripping a handful.

He bobbed his head slowly getting a feel for a rhythm, Frank didn't mind he was loving this. He looked down on Gee as he looked up. "Fuck baby you're doing so well" Frank helped Gee move, he moved his head for him. "Oh god baby, you're gonna have to stop or I'll cum"

Gee giggled pulling off of Frank with a grin "You did so well, I'm so proud of you" Frank lay Gee back down on the bed. He grabbed the lube squirting it on his fingers. "So good for me baby..fuck you look so fucking hot like this" He pushed one finger in watching Gee gasp softly from the feeling. He pumped it in and out at a slow pace for a bit before adding the second.

This didn't hurt Gee, he was used to two fingers. "Gee baby..Imma add a third okay" He nodded softly, his eyes never leaving Franks hand. The third one stung, it was a bigger stretch. Gerard winced in a bit of pain. Frank noticing right away. He wanted to distract him so it didn't hurt.

That's what he did, he bent over slightly and licked Gee's nipple, the new sensation catching him by surprise, Frank did again before he sucked gently on it. He was moving his fingers at the same time. He bit down softly hearing Gerard gasp, his hips starting to push back against his fingers. "P-Please Frankie" He moaned his hand running up his spin into his hair.

Frank groaned, he sat up and rolled the condom on, squirting an extra bit of lube. "W-Will it hurt?" Gee whimpered. "Slightly but I promise it will feel good, trust me." Gee nodded his head, Frank could see that he was scared so he held one of his hands while he started pushing in slowly.

He was panting by the time he felt Gerard's hips flush with his "Holy shit, fuck baby you feel so good" Gerard whined, there was a pain up his spine and he didn't like it. Frank started to slowly move, he didn't want to hurt Gee.

Eventually the pain left and pleasure started to bubble in Gerard's stomach. "Mmph" Gee moaed out, his hand grabbing a chunk of Franks hair. Frank knew what that meant and he hit the spot again. The boy gasped at the feeling. He was a whimpering, shaking mess under Frank. The feeling was amazing. "That's it baby taking me so well, look at you."

"M-More..please" Gee moaned. Frank was happy to comply. He picked Gerard's legs up and put them over his shoulders the angle was different and it made Gerard cry out in pleasure. "There we go, getting deeper now. Look at you squirming underneath me. So tight around my cock baby fuck"

Gerard couldn't form any words, his body was shaking in pleasure and it was getting too much for him. "Look how well you take me baby, letting me go deeper each time huh? god you feel so good, shit" Frank groaned and dropped his head close to Gerard's ear.

He breathed heavily in his ear, the noises he was making were driving Gee crazy "Frankie..I'm gonna cum" He moaned gripping Franks shoulder tight. "Go on baby, cum for're such a good boy look at you taking me so well. Your so pretty underneath me baby, laid out for me too, god shit" Gerard's back arched of the bed, his toes curling, a soft scream leaving his lips as he came.

Frank grunted deeply in Gerard's ear, the way he clenched around him, he just got tighter and tighter and it knocked Frank right over. He came deep in Gee, int he condom of course. " shit you feel so good" Frank was panting, he pulled out gently taking the condom off and tying it before binning it. Gerard was exhausted but when Frank handed him some water and snacks, wrapping his arms around him.

"You were amazing baby.."


"Oh fuck yeah it is better then I imagined" He groaned and pulled Gee closer. "They way you felt around me, so warm and tight I thought I was gonna die" Gee whimpered softly rolling over onto Franks chest.

"Round two huh? Was I that good?"

"Y-You felt really good Frankie.." Frank smirked and grabbed another condom, he rolled it on quickly and lifted Gee's hips up. Gee wiggled his butt a little while Frank pulled him down slowly. Gerard gasped from the different angle, he wiggled a bit more till he was sat perfectly in Franks lap.

"Don't rush baby..we have all night ahead of us"

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