peter parker x starks daughter

By maysbooksssss

294K 5.1K 7.5K

peter parker had a special life he was your neighborhood Spider-Man who worked with tony stark and the avenge... More

Monday at Midtown High
the new avenger
broken rules
Broken Rules #2
i don't like this
so what now
pool party
"fake dating"
How do you know when your in love?
Coffee Shop
Big announcement
Night Time
1:30 AM
The Escape
Bad Dreams
Peter, I'm scared...
Peter's great idea
The Date
New mission
Future Plans
How could you ?
Prove It
Never in a million years
Night Night Sweetie
Sunshine State
Florida Beaches
Street Race
Car Crash
The First Time
Is this what's best for her?
The party after the party
Morning sickness
Test Time
Why is it always me
Coffee Sale
Are you trying to flirt with me kiddo?
Kitten. Chair. Now.
Kitten we need to talk
Fresh Starts
All Alone
Where is he
Peter's gone
Crazy Theory
I know where Peter is
Peter, Oh my god!
Don't be weird
Only one way to know
Drinking contest with Thor

The princess has arrived

1.4K 19 33
By maysbooksssss


"Y/N THERE YOU ARE!!" Someone shouted in the distance. Aiden and I both turned to the approaching figure. They seemed to be closer and dressed in darker clothes. Aiden quickly stood in front of me and blocked me from the person's vision. I grabbed onto the back of his T-shirt just so he knew I was behind him.

"Excuse me but who are you?" Aiden shouted out to the person. They were finally close enough to make out some features but I could barely see anything due to Aiden's frame towering over this person.

"Peter. Peter Parker. Y/n boyfriend." Peter said taking down his hoodie and I released the T-shirt I was tightly holding. I stepped from behind Aiden to see the two boys glaring at each other. Neither of them were giving off good vibes, so I stepped in between them and pushed them apart some.

"Thank you Aiden for everything and the jacket it was really nice." I said turning to him, however his eyes still didn't leave Peter's. I jumped up and waved in front of his eyes and he looked down at me with soft eyes.

"Anytime love, and you can keep the jacket if you want to it looks better are you anyways." He commented and I heard Peter take a step forward and pushed Aiden back some.

"Really funny anyways if I stop by the shop again I hope to see you working and please tell Leila and Liam I said thanks for the drink."

"Sure thing sweetie. But you need to come by and get your jacket since we kinda got caught up in things and you left it. I'll just see you then." He stated and I nodded.

"Y/n, baby, tomorrow I will pick up your jacket don't worry about it." Peter interrupted.

"No it's okay I would like to see Liam and Leila more often."

"Who?" Peter asked me and I spun around to look at him like he was crazy.

"Ouch can't even remember her favorite old people. Boyfriend of the year everyone." Aiden said sarcastically while slowly clapping. I spun around and grabbed his hand taking a few steps away from Peter.

"Aiden you need to calm down, I'll come get my jacket tomorrow and see you, Liam, and Leila. Please don't start anything Peter has a temper." I rambled.

"Yeah I can tell. He's staring at our hands right now." He whispered to me and I quickly looked to Peter, then to our intertwined hands, then let go of Aiden's hand.

"Goodnight Aiden, I'll see you tomorrow." I said walking away with Peter.

"Goodnight babydoll." He shouted out and Peter's grip got tighter but I kept moving forward with him ignoring Aiden's laugh and my slightly burning cheeks. Peter and I walked in silence for a few minutes with about a foot in between us.

"Who is he?" Peter randomly asked. This walk seemed so much longer with Peter then compared to Aiden.

"Liam is the guy that owns my favorite coffee shop and Leila is his wife. They are like my second parents." I answered shoving my hands into Aiden's hoodie pockets and feeling a small thing that I decided to look at later.

"No Y/n who is that guy. Aiden?" He asked sounding annoyed.

"Why should I tell you? You'll probably just forget him too." I mumbled annoyed. If it was anyone besides Leila and Liam I wouldn't mind as much but I talk about them all the time. I introduced him to them which was a big deal to me.

"Why is that such a big deal to you? Y/n I asked you who is he?" Peter raised his voice slightly at me. Did he really want to start an argument right now?"

"I introduced you to them. I tell you about them all the time. They're like my parents to me Peter and you didn't care enough to remember them. That's ridiculous Peter." I shouted to him.

"Y/N WHO THE HELL IS HE?" Peter stopped and shouted at me.

"HE'S MY FRIEND PETER." I shouted back at him.

"Are you sleeping with him? Is that what's happening? You going around the town or something?" He said looking down at the ground with a scowl on his face and I gasped causing him to look up at me. I had tears brimming my eyes.

"Is that what you think of me Peter?" I asked and my voice cracked in the middle. He looked like he regretted what he just said and took a step towards me while I took one away.

"Y/n no I-" He begun but I started shaking my head and walked backwards away from him. He tried following and calling out to me but I sprinted away from him heading to the cafe again, considering he probably won't know or remember where it is. As I was walking it began to pour on me and I reached into Aiden's pocket to feel the thing in it again, I pulled it out and looked at it puzzled. It was a folded piece of paper and I begun to unfold it realizing it was his number.

Call me cutie - aiden was written on it with his number written in sloppy handwriting. I laughed a little and sat under the covering the coffee shop provided. I quickly retrieved my phone and typed in the numbers calling him as quick as I could.

"Who is this?" A unfamiliar voice answered. I was stunned a little by the rudeness in the voice. I didn't think to much of it. Maybe it was his dad or brother and they were just upset I was calling this late.

"I'm sorry um A-aiden gave me this n-number and I need to t-talk to him." I hiccuped out kicking the stones by me.

"What's your name?"  He asked with the same bitter tone.

"I-it's Y/n." I said and the line with silent. About a minute later I heard some shuffling and a sharp knock.

"Boss she's on the phone." The man from earlier said and I was confused for a second. Maybe they transferred me or something?

"Hello babydoll." Aiden's voice came through the phone.

"H-hi Aiden" I said with another hiccup breaking up my sentence. I heard him shift then a door get slammed shut.

"What's wrong  love? You sound like you're crying. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where are you?"

"I'm in front of the shop. M-me and Peter got into a f-fight." I managed to  get out.

"Did he hit you? So help my god if he put his hands on you Y/n I'll personally beat him into a pulp. What did he say or do to you, tell me?" He rushed out.

"Can you just come talk to me it would be easier? I don't really want to be home right now or on the streets alone and wet." I asked him. I could hear the jingle of keys and doors being opened and closed.

"Of course. How about you just stay at my place tonight I have some company over you can meet them?" He asked and I heard a car unlock, wow that was fast.

"Sure I just don't wanna be home so anything is fine."

"Okay angel. I will be there in five minutes do you want me to stay on the phone or no?" He questioned me while I heard his tires squealing.

"I'll let you go so you can drive safely. Please. Plus I need a few minutes to myself." I said and agreed before ending the call with me. I sat down on the steps leading into the shop and brought my knees to my chest. It feels wrong to be going to Aiden after he was the cause of my fight but he was the first person to come to mind. Plus I know he would sit there and hear me out. But Peter's words still cut deep. Did he really think so little of me? That I would cheat on him the first chance I got? I've seen the way he looks at other girls, and I never say anything but god help me that I talk to one male and all the sudden I am throwing myself at him. It's like he doesn't trust me. Part of me wants to go to him and fix things and explain to him I am not what he thinks or says. But another stronger part of me says I don't need to explain myself at all, he wouldn't let me without getting an attitude and he accused me of things I would never do without a second of hesitation. That part tells me this is the smarter plan. Ignore Peter, let him rethink everything he's said, let him come crawling to me not the other way around. I did nothing wrong in this situation so I shouldn't be saying sorry. My thoughts were cut off with the honk of a horn, it wasn't til now that I realized I had tears streaming down my face and it was only raining harder. Aiden's tall figure made it's way to me and crouched down to my position and gripped my chin while raising it. He took one look at the tears running down my face and his mood flickered between two different people almost. At times his eyes swirled with anger but they also had the softest look in them when he caught my eyes with his.

"Let's get going sweetie I have some people that are dying to meet you." He said and walked me to the passenger side of his black car. He opened the door for me and once I was in he buckled me in and closed the door. Once he was on the car he turned up the A/C.

"I had it on the heater so you can warm up quicker. Do you want to talk about it now or not?" He asked me and I nodded my head yes and began to tell him the whole story. About five to ten minutes later he was silent beside me.

"Did you hear me or do I need to repeat the whole thing? Because I really don't want to ."I finished my speech with that and looked over at him. Aiden was gripping that steering wheel as tight as he could and his knuckles were white. Even tho his eyes were zoned in on the road I could tell his mind was somewhere else.

"Aiden are you okay?" I asked hesitantly.

"Am I okay? Love are you okay?"

"I'm not sure yet and I really don't wanna think about this all now that I have just recited it all. How much longer til we are at your house?" I asked him resting my head against the window.

"We are here." He said pulling into the driveway of a huge house. He got and quickly made his way around to my side and opened the door for me.

"Now before we introduce you to everyone how about we get you cleaned up a little. I got the maid to get you a fresh set of clothes and a shower is waiting for you." He said guiding me into the huge house. He quickly showed me where the bathroom was and I took a quick and much needed shower. The warm water helped clear my mind and made my body feel better. As I got out of the shower I saw a pile of fresh clothes on the toilet seat with a note on it.

"I had the maid quickly wash and dry your underwear but the clothes are mine. Hope these will do." - aiden

I smiled at the note and quickly got dressed, while searching for a brush to calm my crazy hair. Once I felt presentable I walked downstairs and followed the sound of voices and laughter. It lead me to a giant living room where at least 4 guys and Aiden all sat.

"Finally the princess has arrived."

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