Prove It

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"Y/N I do love you. Don't ever say I don't. If I didn't love you then I wouldn't be standing here right now trying to explain to you what is going on. If I didn't love you wouldn't you think i would have broken up with you. I can be a lot of things but I am damn sure not a cheater." he said. I just stood there. Staring at the only man that could break and heal my heart. Was he telling the truth? Does he actually still love me? Did he ever love me?

"I understand why you would do it. I am not the prettiest or funniest girl. Peter I understand why you would cheat but I expected you to be higher then that." I said crossing my arms looking down. I heard him walking up to me but I didn't look up. He grabbed my chin and lifted my face to look him in the eyes. He had a hint of anger in them. Like he was mad at me. I am not the one who cheated.

"Don't you ever talk about yourself like that again." He said maintaining eye contact. For a second I wanted to give in to him. To let him hold me and tell me everything would be fine. But it was gone as quick as it came.

"Its true isn't it? That's why you were talking to that crystal chick cause she can give you so much more then me." I said looking everywhere but his eyes. I heard a low growl like sound come from him and he jerked my face up so I met his clearly pissed eyes.

"I said don't talk about yourself like that. God Y/N you are the most beautiful and smart women I have ever met. You are so easy going and amazing to be around. Nobody could ever be as good as you are. When I look at you my world stops spinning and in that moment all i see is you. When I hear your name I can't help the cheesy smile that spreads across my face. When you make that cute little thinking face you have my heart melts. When i look at you all i can see is my future. That's what we are going to have together. Cause I will never leave you. Not for anyone. So don't you ever put yourself down like that and don't you ever think I would ever leave you. I want you. Now and forever. Understand me?" He said softly to me. Can I really believe him? Maybe he is just messing with my emotions only to hurt me more later.

"Prove it." I said to him. He looked taken aback for a second. "Prove to me that you love me still and prove to me that you don't know her." I wide smirk crossed his face and he picked me up while wrapping my legs around him. It was still pouring rain and the fact that i didn't fall shocked me. He looked into my eyes and then they dropped to my lips and back to my eyes. He leaned in the whole way and crashed his lips on to me closing his eyes once they made contact and I did too. I can still feel those fireworks like it was our first kiss. They were exploding everywhere. From my lips down to my toes. As he pulled away he bit my lip and boy did that do something to me. His big smile made its way on to his face.

"Do you feel it too? The fireworks? It's just like our first kiss and I still never get tired of it, because I can never get tired of you." He said still holding me against him and as I looked into those soft brown eyes I realized he really does love me. He wasn't lying to me, but I still need to know who Crystal is.

"I truly don't know who she is. If you want you can have the honor of tracking her down." He says as he hands me his phone. I smile up at him, I truly believe him now. I quickly tracked down the number.

"It says she is in the cafe we were at." Then it hit me. "The blonde asked for you number didn't she."

"Yeah she said I could text her if we got lost. I am now seeing why she wanted it." Peter says while face palming. I start taking off to the cafe.

"Where are you going?" Peter ask as he runs up behind me. I turn around and give him an innocent smile.

"To go have a talk with my friend Crystal." I say as I round the corner and I can see the cafe. Peter runs up behind me he probably wants to see what I am gonna do. I swing the door to the cafe open catching the attention of everyone. The blonde had a smirk on her face until she locked eyes with me. I walk over there with everyone looking. I stopped right in front of her table. She looked up at me with a lot of fear in her eyes. Good.

"Crystal right?" I ask in a sweet tone. She quickly nods her head and I gave her a smile. I grabbed the back of her fake hair and slammed her head on to the table giving her a bloody nose. Her friends jumped back from the table, one of them opened their mouth to say something but after I shot her a quick glare she shut up. The blonde was holding her nose trying to wipe off some of the blood. I bent down to her eye level and looked her dead in the eye.

"I am gonna make this crystal clear ok? If you ever touch, look, think, or even mention my mans name I swear I will personally track you done and I won't think twice before snapping your neck. That man," I say pointing to Peter behind me who has a proud smirk on his face, "is mine. Meaning that any female besides me who even looks at him the wrong way will have hell coming to them. So I suggest you give me your phone so I can delete my mans number and then you never ever think about him again." I stuck my hand out so she can give me her phone. She did, good thing she isn't stupid. I looked through the contacts and found Peter's name and deleted the number, while I was on there I also forwarded her information to F.R.I.D.A.Y so she will be easier to track if there is a next time. I handed back her phone and bent down to whisper in her ear but I knew everyone could here.

"Have a nice day Crystal." and with that I let her head drop and it almost hit the now bloody table again but she caught herself. I grabbed Peter's hand and gave him a long kiss before walking out and heading to meet with everyone else.

"I love you so much Y/N." Peter said squeezing my hand. I flashed him a smile.

"I know and I love you too."

peter parker x starks daughterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें