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Y/N Pov

After everybody was asleep Peter came and knocked on my door, we did this a lot so he has a secret knock and I have a secret knock. His is 3 knocks 1 shake of the door knob and 1 knock. 

Mine is 2 door knob shakes and 2 knocks. Pretty simple. I heard Peter's knock at the door and silently let him in, he walked over to my bed and sat down. I turned on the movie and we curled up under my blankets. The movie went on and we had a great time. A few minutes before the movie was over my door opened. Harrison walked in and gasped and turned around. 

"I-I am so sorry I should h-have knocked." He said turning red. Me and Peter looked at each other burst into a fit of laughter. Harrison turned around and gave us a confused look. We shook it off and a weird silence filled the room, it was like everybody's mode changed in a matter of minutes.

"Y/N I am sorry If I knew somebody was in here with you I would have knocked." Harrison said again. I really didn't care I lock my door when I need privacy however Peter didn't seem to happy.

"So if someone wasn't in here with her you would have just barged in?" Peter asked. I grabbed his arm to make him relax. 

"What did you need Harrison?" I asked. 

"I was just wondering where the bathroom is the place Is like a maze." Harrison said with a chuckle. I returned a sweet smile. 

"Down the hall 5th door on your left." I said. Harrison nodded and walked out. Peter got up and shut the door. He walked back over to my bed but didn't look like his normal self. 

"what's wrong Peter?" I asked. 

"I don't like him somethings off." he said. 

"Well what don't you like about him?" I asked sitting up to face Peter.

"I just don't like the way he looks at you or how he just barges into your room, like why didn't he ask somebody else?" Peter said.

"Awww somebody is jealous?" I teased Peter. Even in the dark room I could see him blush. He didn't say anything and a silence fell into the room until Peter broke it. 

"I don't like you being alone while he is here..." Peter stated. I really didn't know how to respond and I for sure wasn't expecting to say what I did. 

"Well then how about you stay with me?" I said looking back at the tv. Peter's head snapped towards me and gave a confused look.

"Y-Your dad would um k-kill me" He stuttered. I laughed a little . 

"Not if we don't get caught... just sneak back into your room before he wakes." I stated. Me and Peter's eyes met I could tell he was scared and didn't know what to do. 

"Or I could just stay in Harrison's room so you don't have to worry about him coming into mine again..." I was saying but Peter cut me off. 

"No NO no not going to happen I will stay here you better not even think about it!" Peter said giving me a father type of glare. I chuckled a little and laid back down. Peter stood up and laid on the floor and I smiled. 

"Peter you can come lay up here it's fine." I said chuckling. Peter stood up and laid down on the bed. I fell asleep very quickly and didn't really dream much. I woke up pretty earlier to the sudden movement in my bed. I rolled over and see Peter laying down still asleep I go to move but I am stopped... Peter's arm was wrapped around my waist and I smiled. I moved again but he just pulled me closer. I giggled and tried one more time to move, Peter grabbed me and pulled me really close to him and whispered...

"Just stay with me please." I loved his morning voice it was so adorable how he was completely unaware of what he was saying in the morning. I look over to my clock and it was 5:35am. My dad wakes up at 6am so I figured I would let Peter sleep a little longer. I rolled over to admire Peter. He looked adorable while he was sleeping. His brown soft curls hung perfectly on his forehead, and his left eyebrow was just a little crazier then his right eyebrow. He was just adorable. 

"How long are you going to stare at him??" I heard. I snapped my head back fully expecting to see my dad with a baseball bat about to kill Peter but boy was I wrong. Standing at my door was Harrison with his arms crossed over his chest. Peter woke up when I jumped and he started freaking out asking a lot of questions while his eyes scanned the room for any danger. But he stopped dead in his track when he saw Harrison at the door. He wrapped his arm back around my waist like he was protecting me. Harrison seemed confused by this.

"So are y'all dating or..." Harrison began and before he could finish Peter cut him off.

"Yes we are dating and I don't like that you are in my girlfriends room so if you could please leave!" Peter said tightening his grip on my waist. Harrison put his hands up in defense and walked out but winking at me before the door shut. Peter jumped up and Harrison slammed the door and you could hear him running down the hallway. I turned to Peter waiting for a explanation. I really didn't care that he said that because Harrison was giving me a creepy vibe.

"Look I am sorry I said that I said that it just that he gives me a uneasy feeling I will tell him I was lying if you want I just don't trust him!" Peter said pacing back and forth. 

"Look Peter I don't like him either so maybe we should pretend just until he leaves I mean we already act like a couple even though we aren't. I could tell my dad it isn't real so he won't kill you if Harrison tells." I said. Peter nodded in agreement. I gave him a brief hug and he left. I got dressed for the day and prepared to tell my father. Lord help me!

peter parker x starks daughterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن