Peter's great idea

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"I have a amazing idea that will take a lot of convincing." Peter said siiting up and pulling me into his lap.

"What would that be?" I asked him while fixing his hair, but it didn't work. To be honest it looked better when it was messy.

"I am going to take you on a date." He said proudly, as if he just won 1st place in a contest.

"Oh are you?" I asked. He replied with a simple nod of his head.

"You are aware that my father will literally never let me leave this tower ever again." I said.

"We don't need to leave the tower. This place is like a minature town. I am sure I can make a amazing date without even stepping foot out of here." He said.

"Ok. Then when?" I asked and he thought for a second.

"Let's do it tonight." Peter said and I gave him a smile. He was acting so adorable right now.

"Now what about my father?" I asked and you could see his face grow paler. He nervously switched his eyes around the room trying to avoid the question.

"Oh look at that chair I really like that one. What's your favorite chair in here?" Peter asked and i laughed at him.

"You can't avoid this Peter, you will have to face him one way or another. Just get it done with." I said giving him a reassuring smile and he looked me in the eyes and you could tell he was still scared but a little less now.

"Fine." He finally mumbled out, and I smiled up at him.

"Alright. Come on." I said standing up and taking his hand. He gave me a questioning look and I gave him look saying 'are you kidding me?'.

"We are going to talk to my father." I said attempting to move him but he wouldn't budge. He yanked me back down and pulled me into his chest. His breathing was uneven and it felt like he was freaking out.

"No I think I am just going to lay down with my angel and enjoy this before I go on that suicide run." He said and I laughed while sitting up.

"He won't kill you. You will just get a nice talking too." I said and finally pulled him off the bed. He followed me down the stairs while quickly fixing himself up. We finally arrived to the kitchen where everyone was sitting and I cleared my throat to get their attention.

"Dad, Peter needs to speak to you about something important." I said. My dad stepped out from the kitchen and followed us to the living room not even a second later and everyone else followed as well.

"So what is it peter?" My dad asked.

"Umm well Mr. Stark y-you know that I do care deeply for your d-daughter and I would never do anything to hurt her and she is the light of my life.." Peter was saying but I cut him off.

"Stop avoiding it and just ask already." I said and grabbed his hand for reassurance.

"I wanted to know if I could take her on a official date tonight." Peter said looking at the floor. He lifted his head up since my dad wasn't answering him. He looked deep in thought like he was calculating every thing that could go wrong.

"Look peter I know you are a great kid and capable of protecting her but we just got her back and I don't fully feel comfortable with her being out in the city right now." My dad said.

"No dad we would do it in the tower so we would be protected and closer to you guys." I said and his worries seemed to go away.

"Well I suppose it would be ok as long as you don't do anything bad." He said and Peters face lit up.

"For real?!" He asked jumping up with my still attached to his hand.

"Yes." My dad chuckled. He started jumping up and down while hugging me.

"Thank you thank you thank you Mr. Stark!" He said.

"Now would you like my help getting things ready?" My dad asked and peter nodded.

"I'll get you from your room around 8" Peter said then walked off with my dad discussing things.

"Peter How should I dress?" I yelled out. He turned around and gave me a beautiful smile.

"Wear something nice." He shouted back and stepped into the elevator.

"Well crap this might not turn out well." I said to myself.

"Nat do you think you could help me?"

She nodded and we headed up to my room. She went to my closet and was picking through everything I had.

"Go get in the shower while I find you something and decide on a hair choice I might have to call Wanda up." She said.

I headed over to my bathroom and turned on the water, stepping in once it was really hot. I took a long time and washed every part of me with my rainfall body wash. Then I started washing my hair with my watermelon shampoo and conditioner. Once I finished I dried off and wrapped myself in a towel. I brushed my teeth again and used some face wash. Then I walked back to my room and saw a dress laying on my bed and Wanda and Nat looking on Pinterest for hair styles. After a while and I lot of arguing they decided on one. The dress was a black two piece dress with strings wrapping around my waist and a long skirt that had a slit up my thigh. My hair was going to be a little curled and have a cool braid thing with flowers in it.

 My hair was going to be a little curled and have a cool braid thing with flowers in it

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Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


After what felt like forever they finished I only put on a little lip gloss some darker eyeshadow to match the dress and mascara. I looked at the mirror and admired what they did. I looked like a confident young lady that could do anything and still look good doing it. I looked at my clock and saw that I had 10 minute left and started to get really nervous.

"Guys what of this doesn't go good?" I asked while sitting on my bed messing with a pillow.

"It will you and Peter are with each other all the time. It's the same thing you guys always do just now with fancy clothes that's all." Wanda said.

"You have nothing to worry about I'm confident in saying that peter will make this your best first date ever." Nat said.

"Ok. It will be fine you're right there is nothing to worry about." I said.

Then I heard a gentle knock on my door.

peter parker x starks daughterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin