Never in a million years

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After that incident we headed back to the hotel and caught up with the team about what they figured out. The people selling the weapons are smart but they have nothing compared to us.

"I am going to need some people to go undercover and the rest will fight when the time comes so nobody will be too exhausted. Y/N you will be going undercover along with Nat and Bruce." My dad said, we were all currently sitting in a office like room going over all our battle strategies.

"If Y/N is going undercover I want to as well. I don't want to leave her alone." Peter said from behind me. I was sitting on him and he was softly playing with my hair giving me many butterflies.

"Peter I need you to fight. Sad to say, but you are one of the strongest people here." Tony said and I could see Thor's shocked face but after a second he nodded in agreement.

"I don't want her out of my sight what if something bad happens?" Peter said now squeezing my hand in his. I looked up and could tell he was serious about this.

"Nat and Bruce will be with her. Trust me she will be fine." Peter looked over between Nat and Bruce who was shoving a piece of toast down his throat.

"Nat, Bruce I am begging you don't let anything happen to her," Peter began then looked into my eyes, "I don't think I could live without her." He paused for a moment and then looked back at Bruce.

"And if a single male looks in her direction or even glances at her let me know and I will swing over there and cut-"

"Ok Peter we get it." Bruce stopped Peter mid sentence and Peter nodded to him. I tried hiding my blush but it wasn't working.

"Aww look our little Y/N is blushing!!!" Thor squealed. Sometimes I wonder if he really is a guy.

"Ok now lets stop talking about that and move on with the plan." Tony said.

"You three will be recruited into their little gang thing and once you guys are in Nat and Y/N will help get Bruce to the room in the back where all their plans and weapon designs are. Try not to draw any attention. If you guys can get in and out without a problem this will go a lot smoother. We will know how to disable the weapons and who to put behind bars. The rest of us will be a block away at a warehouse. Lord forbid if there is a problem we will be over in a matter of seconds. But I am confident that this will work out well." My dad finished saying.

"Will we have secret code names or something cool?" I asked playing with Peter's large hand and fingers.

"Yes we will make you guys fake ID's and profiles so don't worry about that. However Y/N your profile will say you are a lot older then you actually are so I need you to mature a little within 24 hours." He says.

"How am I suppose to do that?" I ask and Thor throws a smirk to me and Peter.

"I can think of one way but little Peter may need to help." Thor said crossing his arms. Peter chuckled and my dad threw a flipping chair at Thor.

"Geez, Stark I was talking about YouTube Peter can help her look up videos on it." Thor said rubbing his head and Tony rolled his eyes like he didn't believe him.

"Any more question," my dad begun. "No. Ok great now Y/N and Peter doors will be unlocked and open tonight don't argue with me everyone can leave now." We all ran out of the room and begun getting ready for tomorrow.

Me and Peter took Thor's advice and searched stuff up on YouTube for help, Nat came in and helped with picking outfits. We are currently at outfit number 6.

"How about this?" I ask stepping out of the closet and doing a twirl for Nat and Peter.

"Wow you look amazing and mature I think this is it." Nat said giving her approval again. Peter started shaking his head.

"Nope. The skirt is to short if you bend over they might see something and you neckline is too low." He said. So far all he has done is shoot down all the outfit options, saying most of them were too revealing and they honestly weren't.

"Peter you have said that for every outfit so far and I am tired of changing. This is the outfit." I confirmed. Nat nodded and walked out to get her stuff ready. Peter went and shut the door and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind as I inspected the outfit in the mirror. It was a low cut sleeveless white shirt tucked into a form fitting mid-thigh black skirt. Peter also looked over my outfit again before nuzzling his head into my neck.

"Just so you know I still don't like how revealing it is. I only agreed cause it makes you happy." He states while spinning me to face him, " and if I find out you speak to another male for any reason besides work I will murder him. Do you understand?" I nodded my head with a smile on my face. Sometimes I love how protective he can be.

"Peter why are you so protective?" I ask walking out in my night clothes, Peter was lying on the bed scrolling through the TV. He looked at me and laughed a little. I sat next to him and told him I was serious.

"I am protective over you for many reasons. You are beautiful and amazing and I know many people want you and I don't want them looking at you like that. You also get lost and hurt easily and that thought alone infuriates me. But the main reason is I don't want you walking away from me. I want to be everything for you and as greedy as it sounds I don't want you falling for another man. If I keep you close then hopefully you won't find anyone else." He finished looking down almost like he was embarrassed. I softly placed my hand on the side of his face and tilted his head up, I slowly placed my lips on him and then after a minute pulled back.

"Peter you don't need to worry about that I am never going to find someone better. You are the best it gets. Whenever I see a male now I automatically compare them to you. I promise I am never going to leave you. But I need to make one request for that to be true." I said and Peter nodded, letting me know to go on. "Don't break my heart Parker." I said and he smiled.

"Never in a million years." He said pulling me closer to him and both of us soon drifted off to sleep.

peter parker x starks daughterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon