Given and Denied

By cwwonder

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Gwen Stevens is back and continues in her quest to understand both her own mind and the mysteries of falling... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24
Chapter 25.

Chapter 14

359 14 10
By cwwonder

I stood there staring at him like a complete dumb ass, unable to believe that it was really him.

"Jules, this is Gwen. Gwen Stevens". Alan continued to introduce.

"Ah". He said, nodding his head at the recognition of my name,
"So your Gwen, I've heard quite a lot about you from Alan here".

I took my attention away from Jules for a second to look over at Alan, who then bent his head down almost shyly and smiled.

Jules was now however, extending his hand out to shake mine and looking back towards him, it took me a moment before I took it. I had to admit that I was totally taken aback by the fact that it was actually him standing there in front of me!
I also couldn't speak to him at all.
Talk about being starstruck!
A part from the fact that I had also totally convinced myself that it was a female who Alan had wanted to introduce to me! I really hadn't given a thought that it might have been a man and a very well known one at that!
Not only was Jules a very good actor, he was also especially good looking too and I had to admit I had not quite been expecting that!

I had been made fully aware of some of the films he had been in, but to be brutally honest, they weren't really my cup of tea. Many of them had been quite violent ones, involving gangs and mob rule.
He first found fame in the politically acclaimed film, Gideons Tempest, where he was actually nominated for a BAFTA in his role as Flagel. This was a demanding, powerful role which saw his character take his own life and the events leading up to the planned suicide made uncomfortable viewing for most, me included!
Jules Rybak was pretty adept at these kind of psychological thriller type of films, so much so that he had been touted as being possibly the next James Bond!

But the film that Patricia, Alan and myself were all involved in, would surely now see him taking on a completely different role.
Jules was to play Alan's son Gabriel Saunders, whom Alan's character, Jonathan tries to get Christina (me) to fall in love with.
The idea behind this was so that he would not be tempted in his pursuit of her if she became romantically involved with his very own son.
Of course, this did not work out as planned.
Jonathan tries his utmost to distance himself from her, but had failed to take Christina's feelings into consideration as she still wanted and needed his love. Things come to a head when Christina and Gabriel announce that they had secretly married in a private ceremony.
It ends up being pretty messy when Gabriel inadvertently finds his new bride in bed with his own father and to say the least,
It doesn't end well.

So meeting Jules like this and knowing that I would be required to play some pretty intense scenes, including sexual ones with him, made me feel just a little bit shy and really quite nervous.
Alan was a good host though and suggested that we all be seated and guided me with an extended hand to sit down between Jules and Patricia. I was a bit hesitant at first, for I would much rather have been sat next to Alan, but I suppose he thought that any animosity between myself and Patricia would easily be quelled if we were actually sat down next to one another. Also being seated next to Jules Rybak like this was surely a real treat too!
Alan then took the vacant seat next to Jules, strangely a little way off from Patricia. I noticed her eyes were upon him in an instant  and I  half expected her to get up and move closer towards him! But she did not and remained put, although her eyes remained  fully on him.
Alan then ordered some coffee for us all and a selection of sticky buns from the bemused looking waitress who came to take our order.
I was pretty sure that she recognised Jules though, for she couldn't take her eyes off him. But it may also have been because he was so very good looking!

As she walked away from us with our order, Jules leant over towards me.

"So, Alan tells me this is your first actual film role then?". He asked, "And he also said that you've only ever worked in the theatre before".

I shuffled nervously.

"That's right. I have ". I answered him quietly.

Jules sucked in an over elaborated breath.

"Wow, you're very brave!". He said, now leaning back in his chair, "Taking on such a demanding role such as this, in your first ever film".

Jules was now sucking air between his very white teeth and slowly shaking his head at me.

"I mean it's very, um.......". He went on.

"Well, it's not bothering Gwen that much. She's actually doing a great job of it". Alan suddenly interjected.
"Admittedly, we've had a few problems along the way, which was to be expected but we're getting there slowly aren't we sweetheart".

I peered around at him from the other side of Jules and could see that he was smiling. That gave me great comfort and the fact that he had also called me sweetheart!!!!
To be honest, I wasn't really sure quite what to make of this Jules Rybak character. I mean I had only just this minute met him and he looked rather nice, but was he trying to do me down just a little bit because of my inexperience. Did he think that I was not up to such a demanding role, without even seeing me act! Was he in fact already judging me?
I eyed him up suspiciously but then noticed he was now looking at the shortness of my skirt.
Oh heck, why on earth had I decided to wear such a garment. All it had ever succeeded in doing was to make me feel paranoid and uncomfortable. Little wonder Beth had decided to leave it behind in the flat!

The sticky bun that had now been presented in front of me, was so tempting and delicious that I took no time at all in devouring it, crumbs and all. I had even forgotten exactly where I was for a moment as I continued to wipe a wetted finger all over the surface of the prettily decorated, bone China plate, such was my hunger.
It wasn't until I placed the piece of crockery back down onto the table that I noticed that Jules was staring at me again and smiling.

"Good was it?". He asked.

My face flushed with awful embarrassment as I looked at him and then away again.

"Would you care for this one as well?". He then asked, pushing his plate towards me with another equally tempting looking bun on it.
"I'm not really into sweet things.......... Unless they're women...... Of course".

I looked up at him, not sure whether or not  he was flirting with me or being just a tad sarcastic at my apparent gluttony.

"Go on, take it". He insisted, "I'm not even hungry".

I eyed it up. I could not eat two sticky buns, one right after the other, could I?
Then again, I was particularly ravenous and could have surely eaten a plateful of them, if pushed!

Jules was now staring at me as I tentatively picked it up and then took a grateful bite. It was so utterly delicious.
Normally I would have been far too embarrassed to indulge like this, in front of anyone, never mind three extremely well known film actors! But my hunger had got the better of me and at this precise moment, I really didn't care.
That was until I noticed Patricia was looking at me with obvious disgust at my antics.

"What do you think you are doing?". She screamed in horror, just as I was about to take a second bite.

"It's alright. I said she could have it". smiled Jules.

"Well, it's not alright!". Patricia snapped, "What about her figure? What about the film? We can't have her ballooning up all over the place just because of her useless inability to conduct any form of self control!".

I put the bun down. My hunger suddenly abated as I wiped my hands on the cloth napkin.

" Oh, for goodness sake. It's just a bun". Jules laughed, "It's not going to hurt. I'm pretty sure Gwen will find a way of burning off those extra calories later on anyway!".

He gave me a little grin and a wink of his eye, before leaning back into his chair to reveal that Alan was also smiling at me.

"Well mine was absolutely delicious". Alan announced, wiping his fingers on the cloth napkin,  "Aren't you going to eat yours?".
He was now leaning over the table staring at Patricia.

"Good gracious no!". She shrieked, looking suddenly horrified, "I'm extremely careful about what enters my body!".

Alan raised a quizzical eyebrow at her and I noticed too that Jules was trying to stifle a laugh. Obviously the two men were taking her statement rather too literally and it was quite obvious to me that Jules had also heard about Patricia's reputation as being a bit loose with the men as well!
Whether or not she had realised what she'd said and the way in which the two men had interpreted it or not, she decided to ignore them anyway and gave me another one of her cold hard stares.

"Anyway". She then went on, "I make it an absolute priority to look after my body, regardless of what others may try and tempt me with. May I suggest you do the same".

She was now glaring at me so much now, that I decided to push the plate with the offending bun, right across the table well away from me, showing her that I really had no intention in finishing it off.

"Patricia..... Please..... Its only a bit of a treat". Wailed Jules, noticing my actions.

"Well excuse me for looking out for her". Patricia retorted, back at him.
"Gwen should be extremely thankful there's someone like me around to remind her about such things. I mean, now that she's in the film business she should be taking greater care of herself. Cheek bones don't last forever you know, and figures certainly won't if she continues to indulge herself like that!".

I swallowed hard and felt sick inside.
Maybe it was the vast intake of sugar I had so quickly consumed making me feel suddenly ill, but it more likely had to do with the acute bitchiness of the woman sat next to me.
Whichever it was, I now felt as if I really needed to leave.

Just then a very pretty, petite young waitress appeared at our table with a small silver tray ladened with a selection of the finest coffees in 4 cute little cups. She nervously placed the tray onto the table in front of us, staring hard at Jules as she did so.
She then continued to look around quickly as if she was about to do something that she shouldn't, before getting out a little notebook and pen from her apron pocket. She now looked decidedly nervous and I noticed that her hands were trembling and her bottom lip was wobbling.
I actually thought she was just about to cry!

"I'm sorry". She blurted our, her voice a mere whisper, " But you are Jules Rybak aren't you".

I turned quickly round to look at him.
In fact we all did, but I was especially curious to know how he would handle such a situation.
Would he in fact be kind to the poor girl or hostile and tell her to leave him alone! Or would he be all big headed and obnoxious, something that I hated more than anything!
But I needn't have worried, for he now leaned over towards her and said, in the gentlest of voices:

"Would you like me to sign that?".

He was nodding towards the little notebook that she was clutching in her hand and I started to feel quite sorry for her, as she handed it over to him. It must have taken a considerable amount of courage to approach us all like this. Well, not so much me of course, but certainly Alan Rickman and Patricia mae who were both extremely well known and also very famous, perhaps even more than Jules actually was.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you like this". She then apologised, in a shaky voice.

"No matter". Jules smiled as he opened up a page of the notebook , "Who would you like me to sign it for?".

The girl looked a little wide eyed at him, as if he had asked her a really difficult question.

"What's your name?". He asked.

"Oh". She smiled, "It's Georgina, sign it for Georgina please".

We all continued to watch in silence as Jules wrote in the little book with precise precision and I could see him adding three kisses at the end of his name, in big swirly writing. It was quite obvious to me that he had practiced his signature many times before.
He then handed the notebook back to her accompanying it with the biggest smile ever!

"Thank you". She blushed, "Thank you so much".

"My pleasure". Smiled Jules.

She blushed bright red again as she clutched the notebook tightly towards herself.
I smiled at her as she then gave me a sideways glance. My immediate thought now was that she was about to hand the notebook over towards Alan to sign or maybe even to Patricia. I mean, not in a million years would she ever give it to me, so it was a little bit disconcerting that the young waitress was now looking at me quite intensely.
It didn't last for very long though, as her attentions quickly went back towards Jules again, as she now said:

" I really must apologise again for disrupting you, when you're clearly out with your family. I suppose you must get this all the time and I realise it must be so annoying, when all you want to do is to have is a quiet cup of coffee with your mum, dad and your ................sister?".

I had only just that moment taken a sip from the cup of coffee in front of me and for the second time in little more than an hour, I very nearly spat it out all over the place!
Luckily for me, but more especially for the waitress who was stood right opposite, I managed to stop myself from letting loose with another mouthful of liquid all over an unsuspecting victim, but very almost choked myself in the process.

"I'm sorry".  I spluttered, as I covered my mouth with the cloth napkin, trying to stifle my coughs.

"Are you okay?".   Jules asked, looking over at me with a frown.

I nodded my head, but felt far from it, as embarrassment now took over.

"I'll be fine".   I coughed. "Honestly, just give me a minute". 

A glass of water, from the complimentary water jug that was on our table, was now being gently pushed towards me and I glanced up to see that Alan was doing it. I mouthed a word of thank you to him as I took hold of the glass, then sipped at the cooling water with gratitude. The choking sensation immediately surpassed and I began to feel normal again but I was still slightly amused with what the waitress had just said and tried not to think about it in case I began to choke yet again.

"Well then".   The waitress said quietly, "I shall leave you all to it and thank you for being so nice".

I took in a deep and deliberate breath, composure was now beginning to set in as I now put a hand onto the upper part of my chest and tried to concentrate on my breathing.
That was until the waitress, who I thought was taking her time in actually leaving us, made one last departing shot.

"I think you have a really lovely family Jules".

I bit down fully on my bottom lip not daring to make any sort of eye contact with anyone and held my breath for as long as it took for the waitress to walk back over to her counter, before letting out a very strained, muted giggle.

"Oh my God!". I then said, "Oh my God!! She thought........ She actually thought........".

" Peasant". Patricia snarled under her breath, interrupting me
" How on earth could she even think that I was Jules's mother!!".

I then burst out into hysterical laughter.

"I happen to think it's hilarious!". I giggled
"Especially given the fact that she also thought that I was your sister".

I had now turned to look at Jules who then grinned at me.

"I actually believe she was hoping that you were his sister and not his lover". Alan spoke very quietly, whilst looking under his eyes at me.

My stomach twisted as my own eyes immediately met upon his and locked.
Alan was now staring at me, a forefinger resting upon his lips as I now began to feel a nervous sort of excitement suddenly come over me.

"Oh, it's all such a nonsense anyway". Patricia huffed again, " I mean, do we all actually look like a family? Come on now!".

"Well, we must seem pretty convincing which is good news for the film in my opinion. We are supposed to be related in it after all". Jules said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Pish!". Patricia huffed at him, now for about the hundredth time.

She was clearly unhappy about the young waitresses assumption of us all and her indignation was only making me laugh even more.
Now that I had torn my eyes away from Alan's glare, I was becoming more and more fascinated by Patricia being seemingly humiliated about all of this. I really couldn't understand why she was getting so uptight about it.
The girl had made an assumption. It was clearly wrong but it was so amusing all the same. But Patricia wasn't having any of it and was growing angrier by the second.
In my oh so humble opinion, I would have thought that she'd have been proud that the girl thought that Alan Rickman was her husband, even if she clearly didn't know who he was!!
But what seemed to be getting to her more was the fact that she had wrongly been accused of being Jule's mum!

I began to laugh out loud again.
I didn't know whether or not I was somehow nervous of the company I had been forced to be in or if it was the vast amount of sugar content I had consumed in a relatively short space of time, but whatever it was I now started to have a real fit of the giggles.
Patricia continued to glare at me.

"I don't know why you think this is all so very funny!". She snorted at me.

"Well, It clearly isn't bothering her, or indeed anyone else like it's obviously bothering you!". Smiled Jules,
"I mean it's only one stupid dumb waitresses opinion. It doesn't really account for anything much now does it!".

My laughter suddenly abated somewhat by Jules's curt comment. I didn't really like what he had just said about the waitress, but concluded that maybe he was trying to make Patricia feel a little bit better.
It wasn't working though.

"I've a good mind to speak to her manager about all of this!". She snarled,
"That girl had absolutely no right to disturb us like that!".

"Oh come off it". Sighed Jules. "She wasn't doing any harm. At least she recognised me. I happen to think it was really rather sweet of her to come over like that".

"Not to mention brave".   I chipped in.

Patricia gave me a steely, cold hard glare.

"Anyway,".    Jules grinned, "Is the real reason you're a bit miffed about it all is because she didn't ask you to sign her awful little book?".

"Don't be infantile". She snapped back at him. "I'll have you know that I've already signed more autographs in my lifetime than you will ever sign in yours!".

"Ah, ha!". Laughed Jules, "That's it! You're jealous aren't you! You're jealous that she recognised me and not you!".

I put a hand up over my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud again.

" Don't be so absurd" She snarled, as she suddenly got up from her seat.
"I've never been so insulted".

And with that the aged film actress grabbed her long, fur coat from beside her, draped it loosely around her shoulders and turned on her extremely high heels before striding off across the beautify carpeted room and out through the door with Jules continuing to laugh in her wake.
Alan gave him a hard stare.
We all knew she was over reacting but it was Alan who graciously got up from his seat to go after her.

"Wait here". He said, almost gruffly.

The tone of his voice made me in particular feel as if I was being told off for some reason, although I was sure he didn't mean it in that way. I mean what had I done?

"You really should not have laughed at her like that you know". Jules suddenly reminded me.
"You must know how upset she gets".

"Me?". I said, "You were the one laughing the loudest and anyway I wasn't the one saying that I was better known than her!".
I retorted.

"Oh, you are a little Miss Fiesty after all?". He sneered. "You will do well in this industry".

I picked up the cup of coffee in front of me and took a sip from it.
Alan had been right. It did taste good, but I really wished that he hadn't left me alone with Jules like this. I mean, I'd not got the measure of him yet. Sometimes he would seem really nice, then in the blink of an eye he would change and become quite sarcastic and nasty. I didn't know quite what to make of him, if I was being really honest.
I gave him a sideways glance and saw that he was also drinking from his cup. He was a very nice looking man and obviously had charisma in abundance. I was pretty sure also that I would in fact, enjoy working with him, after all he was a real bona-fide movie star, but there was just something about him that I wasn't totally sure of.

"I was thinking.......... Perhaps, maybe we should go out together sometime". He very suddenly blurted out,  as he set down his cup onto the saucer with a loud clink,
"You know get to know each other, one to one so to speak".

My mouth suddenly dropped open as I then blushed and my stomach began twisting out of control.
Was he asking me out? Was Jules Rybak actually asking me out?

"I always find going out for a meal together or something, a very good leveller, you know getting to know the person you happen to be working with".   He went on, with a smile, 
"You then create a bit of a rapport with them. It just makes things so much easier in the long run".

"Um......I.......Well...... I... I..... suppose it would, I mean I could see the benefits".
I answered quietly.

"My thoughts exactly!".   Jules answered in triumph, 
"I mean, isn't that exactly what you and Alan are in fact doing? Just hanging out, getting to know one another in a more relaxed way, rather than just being professional all the time".

I took in a breath.

"I...... Hadn't really thought about it..... To be honest with you".   I said hesitantly.

"Sure it is".   Grinned Jules, "In my experience it's just a normal thing that actors do. You hang out together, you go for dinner, talk about stuff, get ideas. Just like dating someone really. I mean, it goes without saying that if you know someone better, you're acting is going to improve coz you haven't got that stupid barrier stuff going on between you".

He was now casually leaning back in his chair and looking at my legs once again with obvious approval.

Damn! I thought to myself. I so wished that I hadn't chosen to wear this stupid leather mini skirt as I subconsciously now pulled down at it for about the millionth time.
I then frowned at him.
I wasn't entirely sure that what he was saying was in fact true though.
I mean, it could be I suppose, and was this really what Alan was doing?
Was that the reason why he was with me, just to improve my acting!

"So what do you say then? Are you up for it? A little Tate a Tate with Jules then?".  He asked, disrupting my thoughts.

"I..... I'm really not sure.....". I said, biting down nervously onto my bottom lip.

He smiled at me again.

"Well it's your shout. You know, I'm readily available to take out a pretty girl, no hassle, no strings just a nice time". He said.

I looked under my eyes at him.
I just wasn't altogether certain of his motives. I mean, was it true that actors just hang out so that they're more relaxed in each others company. It certainly made sense, but saddened me to think that's what Alan was actually doing with me.

I let out a deep breath.

"I'll...... I'll.... Think about it". I answered slowly.

"Think about what?". A low deep, baritone suddenly spoke right into my ear beside me.

I jumped nervously at the sound of it and was faced with the deep, penetrating eyes of Alan Rickman who had come back and was now standing there right beside me.
I swallowed hard.

" Oh, Gwen and I were just arranging a little date kind of thing, you know a getting to know you little foray sometime". Answered Jules, looking very pleased with himself.

"Ah, were you now". Alan said,  "A date. Now that sounds interesting" he added, as he sat down, this time in Patricia's vacant seat next to me.

I felt embarrassed, as if I'd been caught out about something that I wasn't really interested in doing anyway. I mean, why on earth would I want to go out on a date, or whatever with this Jules guy when I had Alan Rickman sat right next to me!
I only wished that Alan himself could be more forward in this way and just ask me out like that! I would simply jump at the chance!
But when I thought about it, really thought about it.......
He actually already had! On countless occasions!
Okay he might have been a bit more subtle about the way in which he went about it, but I had no reason to think that he hadn't asked me out on a date....... Because he had already done so.
I was the stupid one for standing him up, running out on him and just plain over thinking all the time!

What an idiot I had been!

I took in a laboured breath.
If I was Alan, I would have simply given up by now and just left me to my worries and anxieties. I was just a lost cause and must seem to him as if I was just plain disinterested, when really the opposite was true.
I looked down to see the twisted mess on my lap, which were my  fingers, twirling around one another.
It was about time that I really made more of an effort. I had to show Alan that I really wanted to be much more to him than just someone who needed guidance to be a good enough actress.
I had to show him........... That I wanted him...... More than anything.
So the next opportunity I get, I wasn't going to hold back any longer.
Not at all.

"How was Patricia?".    Jules asked Alan as he interrupted my thoughts with his question.

I blinked hard as I came back into the real world once again and suddenly remembered about the poor, aged actress who had walked out on us, obviously feeling really distressed, just a few minutes ago.
The question by Jules was asked somewhat hesitantly, as if he was somehow scared of the answer.

"Was she alright?".  He went on.

Alan reached across to retrieve his cup from the opposite side of the table and without looking up answered:

"She'll be fine. I've just got Michael, my driver to run her back".

"Run her back?".  Jules suddenly appeared to look quite shocked,
"Back where? To the hotel?".

Alan nodded his head slowly.

"I believe she's on her way there now". He said, taking a sip from his cup.

Jules immediately then got to his feet.

"Then, I'd........ I'd.......Better go then". He said, hurriedly.

"So soon". Alan answered, without looking up, his lips barely touching the edge of his cup as I noticed him smiling.

"Yes, yes. I should go". Jules replied, looking decidedly nervous about something.

I stared at him. This was very strange behavior, I thought to myself. He now didn't seem to be the confident, cocky young guy that he had been just a few moments ago, which was strange really.

"It's been very nice meeting you Gwen". He said, as he moved away, "Alan". He nodded his head towards the film star.

"Gwen, will be in touch about going out on that date with you I am quite sure". Alan began to laugh.

But Jules had already gone out through the door of this quirky little building and had disappeared, so I wasn't really sure whether or not he had even heard him.
If he did or not, I didn't relish the fact that Alan had said that in the first place so I  gave him an extremely cold, hard stare.
Alan looked at me and curved the one side of his lips in a mocking kind of a smile.

"Oh, come off it Gwen, admit it now. You have no more desire to go out on a date with him anymore than I have!". He said.

"How do you know that!". I hissed back at him.

Alan shook his head and let out a large breath.

" I might have wanted to". I carried on with indignation as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Then, there's no harm done then is there!". He answered.

I stared hard at him.
He'd got me and he knew it. So I decided it was best to drop this bit of conversation and move it back to Patricia.

"Are you sure she was alright? Patricia I mean. She did appear to be very upset". I said.

"She'll survive. She always does. She's just a little over sensitive on times". Alan said, thoughtfully. "It's just her way". 

I took my cup up to my lips once again and noticed the full one beside me.

"She didn't even get the chance to finish her coffee".   I mumbled.

"Neither did Jules".   Alan smirked, quirking an eyebrow.

"Yes".   I frowned, holding my cup tightly whilst looking at the half full one that Jules had left.
"Didn't you think it rather odd, how quickly Jules left. I mean, he couldn't get out of here quick enough, could he? ".  

"I suppose not".   Alan answered,  in a none committed way.

It was obvious to me that he either didn't want to talk about Jules and his hurried departure or he wasn't really interested in it. Either way, I knew there was no use in perusing this line of questioning with Alan. If he didn't want to discuss something......... He wouldn't.

"Anyway".     He now said, straightening in his seat.
"Speaking of departures, Michael should be back soon. He'll run you home, if you'd like". 

"Oh, right...... yes........ Yes....... of course".   I said, quietly as I looked down.

It was obvious that my time with Alan Rickman was now presumably over.  I'd well and truly missed any chance I might have had to speak with him privately.  I had missed to talk to him about Silva and her alleged association with Ashcroft Jennings and also, most importantly of all, I had totally missed the opportunity to have a proper date with him.
Now all he wanted to do was to make sure I went safely back to the confines of my flat before I could embarrass him any further!
I gave a saddened inward sigh.
Things really hadn't worked out exactly how I had wanted them to and now I had totally blown any chance I may have had in having Alan all to myself.
I felt extremely sad and deflated and really wished things had turned out very differently.

"Come then, allow me to escort you outside".  Alan said, throwing an arm to the side of him, to allow me to go ahead first.

Sadly and with feet of lead, I made my very slow exit from this quaint little building and was now stood here outside, trying my hardest to think of how I was going to get another actual date with this man without messing it all up again.
I suddenly began to feel an air of desperation, just as if time was quickly running out. Like the sands in an egg timer coming to its conclusion.
I could feel my fingers wrapping around themselves as I grew more and more nervous.
Soon Michael would appear and I'd have to get into that car and be driven the short distance back home to my flat.

Maybe though, I could ask Alan inside, for a coffee perhaps?
Oh God, how ludicrous.
We've only just had one!
The whole point of coming here in the first place, apart from the fact that Alan wanted me to meet Jules Rybak of course, was to sample some real coffee, made with real coffee beans and not some cheap, supermarket own brand rubbish that was currently residing in my kitchen cupboards!
Besides, Marcus would most likely be at the flat anyway and  would be so excruciatingly over excited by Alan's presence that he would just completely take over and I wouldn't get a word in edgeways.
And neither would Alan.
No, bad idea.
I really had to think of something else.
And quickly too!

I stepped back from the building a little way and looked up at it.

"I can't imagine how this manages to stay upright, when it's very obviously tilting at such a deranged angle".  
I said, trying desperately to engage him in some sort of conversation.

Alan turned on his heels to join me in studying it.

"I mean to say, just look at it". I went on, giving Alan a sideways glance.

I could see him now screwing up his face to have a better look without having the sunlight distorting his view.

"It must have very good foundations".  He offered as he now came to stand right beside me.
"We all need them, wouldn't you say?".

I now turned to look at him.

"I suppose so".   I answered quietly.

"If none of us have foundations, how can we ever be expected to stand firm".  He went on.

I bit down hard on my bottom lip.
This is exactly what Jules had actually been talking about to me earlier.
This was about Alan being with me to give me the confidence to be able to act out those more intimate scenes that we had together. This is what he was now going on about. He had been  laying down the foundations for me, so that I will be able to act.
It was all becoming crystal clear to me now!
He no more fancied me than he did Jules bloody Rybak!!

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